Wrong Turn (JJ)

Titel: Wrong Turn
Autor : Cedric
Genre : Romance
Pairing : Java Junkies
Raiting : PG-13
Disclaimer : die Charaktere gehoeren alle nicht mir sondern Amy Sherman-Palladino. ich schreibe diese Story nur zum reinen Vergnuegen und verdiene kein Geld damit.
Sonstige Bemerkungen/Spoilerwarnung: Keine

Wrong Turn

Chapter One: Something to believe in

For the 100th time this day, he rummaged in his wallet. He couldn’t find it. He just couldn’t find it. Not that it was very valuable but it meant something to him. He wasn’t quite sure what it was. But if it was really gone, he would terribly miss it. He tried to remember when he last saw it. No memory showed up in his mind. He always had taken it for granted, so he probably didn’t realize it was gone for a long time. He could have lost it anywhere, in his apartment, at Doose’s, at Rachel’s and his place. This thought made his stomach turn. What if she had found it? What if she had recognized the handwriting? Would she read something into it?

He sighed. It was the last thing he wanted to happen. He was happy. For the first time since his mom had died, he actually felt happy. He had been living with Rachel for almost three years now and nothing major had ever complicated their relationship. He sometimes wondered how he deserved that. He had never done anything outstanding in his whole life. Yet, he was feeling like one of the happiest people in the world. Rachel finally had settled down and it was just because of him. She had a –what he thought- was a boring job as a photo artist in Stars Hollow. But she seemed perfectly at ease. She didn’t look like she was missing something at all. All she wanted was him and he felt pretty sure that all he needed was her, too.

He got up from the chair he was sitting on and went outside. He would never find that little piece of paper that he had kept in his wallet for 9 years now. It made him a little melancholy without knowing why. He was good friends with the woman who once gave it to him. She, too, was happily married to a man who was kind and decent. Max had turned out to be the best husband she could have hoped for. He was integrated in Stars Hollow completely. And that fact spoke for itself. He was beloved around there. And he even had to admit that he kind of liked Max, too. There were a few tensions at the beginning. He still couldn’t think of a reason why.
He shook his head. He hadn’t thought of that in a very long time. They technically led different lives. She only came by once in a while, when her caffeine-addiction became too strong, but it was not as often as in previous times. Once again, he sighed and set off to meet Rachel in their apartment.


“Hey, Lorelai! Do we have any kind of a toolbox around here?”
“Toolbox? Yeah, sure. Bert has to be somewhere in the cupboard, I think.”
Max turned around. “Bert?” he asked.
“Yeah. Have I never mentioned him to you? Oh, he will not be pleased to hear that. I think I have to write him a letter to apologize.”

Max just shook his head. Sometimes he still wondered how crazy a person could get. Lorelai found always new ways to reach new heights. Whenever he thought, This was it, it can’t get any worse, Lorelai topped it.

He searched the cupboard and finally, under a pair of Goofy-socks and the Bop-It he found the toolbox or rather Bert. He was a little bit dusty due to the long time he hadn’t been used. He opened it up to find a screwdriver to fix the kitchen cupboard, which was broken for quite a time now. But Max knew, he wasn’t really handy, so he had pushed and pushed it. But now he really had to do it. He dug around, when an emblem stroke his eye.
Property of Luke Danes. To be RETURNED, Lorelai! it read.

A strange feeling spread out in his stomach. He couldn’t really explain why. Luke had never challenged him in any way. In fact, he had barely seen this guy in the last years. But still, it made Max very uncomfortable every time he thought of him. Max had sensed a vibe between Luke and Lorelai once. But it was only this once and a very long time ago. It was even before he had proposed to her. He shook his head, sighed, picked up the screwdriver and began to bolt up the kitchen cupboard. Soon enough, Bert was out of his mind.


I loved it! Heart

Ach, so cool! Eine neue FF von dir!
Dein Schreibstil ist toll. Und die Idee ist auch ganz neu. So eine Konstellation habe ich auch noch nie gelesen!

The best thing: It's JAVAJUNKIE!
just because of this fact I could kiss you from the top of your head down to your toes. Big Grin


Sometime I take a carton of eggs out of the fridge an look at it and think
that maybe one day I'll crack an egg and a little baby chicken will fall out and I'll wash him of and rais him indoors and then...
I'll have a friend.

I just read the letters JJ in the title of you FF and thought I could read it.
It´s a really good first Chapter. I like your Idea of both being in a healthy relationship and I´m curious about what´s going to happen next to get to a real JJ-Story.
Many questions in my mind are open so far. Why did you choose Rachel & Max? Who is going to be the one ending one of the relationships? How is it possible, that Luke lost this important piece of Paper? And so on.
I´m going to continue reading your FF. Your style of writing pleases me and your idea is terrific.
I should really work on my vocabulary, I sound like a rookie.
Whatever. There is much sighing in you FF so far. Are the boys not as happy as they think, or is it something else?

... ...
Everything changes...

...sometimes I hate it! ...

Oh my god....a new FF from you...you made my day today...and that's no joke

And of course JJ...how could be anyelse?
I love your writing style...you know that
But are you serious? Max& Lorelai and Rachel&Luke? Hopefully you will change this...soon I hope

I'm looking forward for the next chapter

Perfect love is rare indeed - for to be a lover will require that you continually have the subtlety of the very wise, the sensitivity of the artist, the acceptance of the saint. [Leo Buscaglia]

oh cool, such a nice fanfiction=)was great to read it and I hope there will be a next part soon^^
and it's cool to read a ff in english here, something new=)

"Ich lebe in zwei Welten.Die eine ist die Welt der Bücher, eine beglückende Welt, aber meine zweite ist dieser jedoch weit überlegen.Sie wird von Personen bevölkert die umso wirklicher sind.Menschen aus Fleisch und Blut, voller Liebe und Wärme.
Sie sind mir Inspiration für Alles."

naja so richtig neu ist das nicht. es gab schon einige englischsprachige hier.

mir gefällt dein anfang sehr gut, obwohl sie mit anderen partner liiert sind. ich bin zwar JJ mit leib und seele, aber zum einen bin ich mir sehr sicher, dass die beiden noch zueinander finden werden und zum anderen habe ich nichts gegen rachel und max einzuwenden.
ich find es schön wie du so nebensächliche dinge wie zum beispiel bert einbringst. allgemein hab ich das gefühl mal wieder ein kapitel gelesen zu haben, in dem die charas getroffen und ich an die serie erinnert wurde/n. ich hoffe nur er findet sein portemonaie wieder und bin gespannt wie es weiter geht.

"An actors job is the business of telling the truth in an imaginary situation."
- Tom Hiddleston

Okay, sorry, hat ein bisschen lange gedauert, aber hier ist der neue Teil... Danke fuer eure FBs... beim naechsten mal gibt es dann auch Re-FBs WinkWink Ich hoffe ihr lest weiter...

Chapter Two: So damn clever

Exhausted, Lorelai finally reached her home. The day at the Independence Inn had been very long. Michel had been driving her crazy, obsessing over a couple who were supposed to steal bathrobes every time they came there. Just like usually, he had exaggerated like hell and no bathrobes were missing at the end of the day. Lorelai didn’t know whether she should think it was funny or not.
As she opened the door, she almost ran into her husband, who was on his way out.
“Where are you going?” Lorelai asked.
“We’re out of coffee, honey. I can’t let you go to waste without it.”
Lorelai smiled, she really was lucky to deserve such an husband as Max.
“But where are you going? Everything’s already closed by now.”
“I guess I’ll go to Luke’s. I know you love his stuff, don’t you?”
With these words he was out the door and soon out of sight.

Meanwhile, Luke’s was nearly deserted. Only Taylor, who was in an exceptionally good mood, which bothered Luke slightly, and Rachel were there. She was sitting at the counter reading a magazine. She had been quiet all evening long, but nothing seemed to be seriously wrong. Maybe she was just tired… The suddenly opening door diverted Luke’s thoughts. A rare guest was entering his diner. It was Max Medina. He smiled, greeted both him and Rachel, who suddenly looked alert. Luke couldn’t think of a reason why but maybe he just had imagined it because Rachel already was reading her magazine again. But he still had the strange feeling that she was listening very closely to them. Again, Max interrupted his train of thought.
“Luke, could you do me a favor? We’re out of coffee and I won’t let my wife divorce me just due to a caffeine-frenzy.”
Luke let out a laugh.
“Yeah, sure. I never want to see her like at the time I first met her. She was driving me insane, following me around, asking who knows what. Her eyes were literally popping out. I told her to sit down, to wait her turn. But you know her, she won’t shut up until I tell her my birthday, she took a newspaper, tore out the horoscope page and wrote down under Scorpio: Give that annoying woman coffee and she’ll go away.”
Luke stopped talking and edited the last part of the story and concealed the fact that he had held on to this horoscope, for who knows what reasons.
Max smiled. He could imagine how crazy this woman must have looked to Luke. But at the same time he wondered, if he ever had heard Luke talk so enthusiastic about anything or anyone. He noticed Rachel beside him stiffen. Had she noticed it, too or was he just being paranoid? It had been months since he had been a little jealous of Luke just because he had to use his toolbox. But Max also knew that they were just friends, that they were never more than that and he was sure, Rachel also knew that. He imperceptibly shook his head, paid Luke for the coffee and left the diner, but with a slightly uneasy feeling.
Inside, Luke continued to clean up the diner, then said to Taylor:
“Hey, man, we’re closing up.”
“Yeah, actually, Luke, I wanted to ask you a favor.”
Luke groaned, he should have known that Taylor was up to something.
“What, Taylor? I won’t participate in any stupid town even. I’m sick of it.”
“No, no. Actually it’s for the kids. You know their play for school. Romeo and Juliet. We need someone to build the houses and stuff… and you’re very handy. Come on, Luke, it’s for the kids.”
Luke looked at Rachel who seemed to be slightly amused. She just winked at him and nodded.
“Okay,” Luke groaned, “I’ll do it. But not for you, Taylor, not for you. Just for the kids.”
“Works fine with me. Okay, then I’m gonna ask a few more people to help. I already have Miss Patty for the choreography and Lorelai for the costumes. Thank you, Luke!”
With those words, Taylor left the diner, leaving Luke unhappily behind.


Ah, toll!

Ich finde die Idee super! Toll, wie du alles beschreibst.
Bin immer noch unsicher, wie du die beiden zusammen bringen willst.
Aber ich freu mich sicherlich einmal auf die Schulaufführung.


Sometime I take a carton of eggs out of the fridge an look at it and think
that maybe one day I'll crack an egg and a little baby chicken will fall out and I'll wash him of and rais him indoors and then...
I'll have a friend.

super teil=)

was ich übrigens sehr mag ist, dass du immer kleine teile aus der serie mit einbeziehst, die immer so lustig waren und du stellst sie auch wieder so gut dar=)

Lorelai didn’t know whether she should think it was funny or not.
of course it wasBig Grin

“Yeah, actually, Luke, I wanted to ask you a favor.”
Luke groaned, he should have known that Taylor was up to something.
das war ja klarWink

war wieder ein sehr toller teil und es macht spaß deine ff zu lesen=)

viele liebe grüße

p.s. I'm looking forward for a new chapter soonWink

"Ich lebe in zwei Welten.Die eine ist die Welt der Bücher, eine beglückende Welt, aber meine zweite ist dieser jedoch weit überlegen.Sie wird von Personen bevölkert die umso wirklicher sind.Menschen aus Fleisch und Blut, voller Liebe und Wärme.
Sie sind mir Inspiration für Alles."

Hey hey
Now its my turn. I like this chapter
Taylor was just like in the series
And then Luke and how he is talking about the horoscope...so sweeeeet
Hopefully there are soon together. I'm really curious how you want to do that

Looking forward to the next chapter

Love Anne

Perfect love is rare indeed - for to be a lover will require that you continually have the subtlety of the very wise, the sensitivity of the artist, the acceptance of the saint. [Leo Buscaglia]

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