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Assoziationskette #16

Farben - malen

I need Money for a Unicorn.

Malen - Kunst

Life is to express, not to impress.

Kunst - Fantasie

I need Money for a Unicorn.

Fantasie - Träume


träume - schäume

"An actors job is the business of telling the truth in an imaginary situation."
- Tom Hiddleston

Schäume - Badewanne

Life is to express, not to impress.

Unterbewusstsein - Psychologie

I need Money for a Unicorn.

Psychologie - Schule


(meensch. so was passiert, wenn alle zeitgleich gute ideen haben)

Life is to express, not to impress.

ich hab meins mal geändert ^^

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