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Hangman #18

_ _ _ _ _ _ n _ e _ _ _ e _ _ e _

This letter isn't avaiable atm: L, I, M


R wie Ruhe?

What's meant to be will come your way, what's not will fall away.

G wie gute Nacht?

A wie available Wink



O wie oh? ..

Sei Du selbst die Veränderung, die du auf der Welt sehen möchtest.
- Mahatma Gandhi

_ o _ _ o r n _ e r _ a e _ _ e r

This letter isn't avaiable atm: L, I, M, G


S wie Sonnenblume?

What's meant to be will come your way, what's not will fall away.

_ o _ _ o r n _ e r _ a e _ _ e r

This letter isn't avaiable atm: L, I, M, G, S,


T wie Trockner



_ o _ _ o r n _ e r _ a e _ _ e r

This letter isn't avaiable atm: L, I, M, G, S, T,

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