Hangman #19

F wie Furzkack?

Sei Du selbst die Veränderung, die du auf der Welt sehen möchtest.
- Mahatma Gandhi

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Sad: S, f

What's meant to be will come your way, what's not will fall away.

A wie Also dann?

Sei Du selbst die Veränderung, die du auf der Welt sehen möchtest.
- Mahatma Gandhi

e wie einlangweiligertag?

I'm feeling lonely but what can you do?
It's only when its dark I'm thinking of you.


_ A E _ _ E _ _

Kein: S, F,

What's meant to be will come your way, what's not will fall away.

t wie tina?

I'm feeling lonely but what can you do?
It's only when its dark I'm thinking of you.


_ A E _ _ E _ _

Kein: S, F, T

What's meant to be will come your way, what's not will fall away.

r wie rosenblattpups?

I'm feeling lonely but what can you do?
It's only when its dark I'm thinking of you.


_ A E _ _ E _ _

Kein: S, F, T, R

What's meant to be will come your way, what's not will fall away.

n wie nichtmaleinrosenblattpups?

I'm feeling lonely but what can you do?
It's only when its dark I'm thinking of you.


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