Okay me again. I'll go from annoying to interesting.
First of all. I. AM. SO. TIRED. OF. KIRK. He is just overdrawn as Paris already is. It's not funny any more. His mumbling-croaking voice and these so not laughable jokes in Season 7 (except himself as outside Diner owner, that was indeed funny) make him dispensable.
Second point: the Rory-Marty-thing. That has taken soooooooooooo long. It's really soapy. Three or four episodes were necessary to drop the "Marty-and-Rory-know-eachother-bomb". And in stead of talking in the restaurant, clarifying why they pretended to not know, if they had an affair, letting Marty being honest about his feelings for Rory, noooooooooo , Lucy's runnin' away and Rory is loosing her "new best" friends besides Psycho-Paris and Dumb-Doyle.
Lord, what were the words for "schmierig-vorhersehbar"? Ah, greesy and predictable...
Item No. 3: Liz is cute with her kid and letting Luke being stuck with Doula, his facial expression was just worth a waggon filled with gold. First of all, I did not get what was the point of getting Liz AND Lane pregnant. But this baby has already initiated some important action paths including Lukes will to fight for April and Chris' urgent desire for a baby with Lorelai.
What leads me just to the FINAL Point: Lorelai and Chris.
when Lorelai and Chris stood in the house in the epsisode's beginng I was really shocked, 'cause for a little tiny moment I thought "Lord, that's it. Shoot yourself!!! Just finish watching this crap, 'cause IT. CAN. NOT. SINK. ANY. LOWER! " Thank god, it was revealed as a joke. And for the first time, I think I think Chris realized Lore's "what with the face"-face! Point for him.
Then there was the moment with Lorelai, Luke, Liz' baby and Chris comin' outta Doosey's. You could pratically grip Chris' jaleousy... and this had to lead tothe scene in bed, when Christopher, not asks, not politely wanna know if it's ok, just suggests/demands : "Let's make a baby!" ?????
I mean could it run any faster? Yeah I know it can, pleeeeeeeeeeze it's the Gilmore Girls, not "Desperate Gilmore Mother and boyfriends"...
Lorelais reaction is understandable on the one hand, but on the other hand I first thought Chris just wants a kid with her to bind her. But afterwards he really wants a kid with Lorelai, a house with her, a life with her and NOT only a ring.
But here is the point. During Emiliys plannigs for the wedding party which is finally degenerating into a once-again-wedding (I so loved Em's subtle procedure :lach

there is this silent fight between Lore and Chris:
to Em "The whole reason why we eloped, is to avoid the wedding thing."
to Lore "No that's not the reason, we eloped. We eloped 'cause, whe love each other and wanted to get married.."
to Chris "You know what I mean."
to Lore "No, I don't!"
to Chris "Chris!"
I guess there is nothing more to say, cause everything's written between the lines...
So last two items: the fight.
when Chris got to his car, I wondered what will be happening 'cause I did not read that spoiler before. I just thought when their looks met they would talk, be a little nasty about what's going wrong like "no kid yet", "ah try keeping yours first" "back at you", but THIS? I totally did not expect... The fight was not spectecular. But the thoughts about it.
Chris was fighting cause he realized he is not really having Lorelai. he was crazyly jaleous 'bout that Lore-Luke-Baby picture and Lorelai's shock about how much Chris wants a child.
Luke's mad about Chris the way he "stole" Lorelai and how he mixed up the April thing. He regrets having waited so long with marrying Lorelai. Waited so long for actually doing some justice thing with April which would be way easier if he was settled in a marriage with Lorelai.
And last but not least: the talk.
Although Lorelai and Rory didn't talk much, there was much Gilmore Girls talk, between Lore and Emily.
Her warning was very necessary. 'Cause it eliminates an upside-down epsiode as 5.13, in which Lore and Chris would be rattled by Emily, so they'd split up. This was very clever by Rosenthal, respect. 'Cause this way, it's totally clear that Emily is along with this marriage, not in the way. And it's in the hands of Lorelai and Christopher to make this arrangment work. No external-influence-excuses, just their own achievments and faults.
So all in all, no super-spectecular action developtment, but praise god, somethings happening!
Some following things....
... isn't Lorelai workin' anymore? Comparing to Season 5 and 1 how often she's been in the Inn's, it seems like she's gotten unemployed. Seeing her makin' inventory, reminded me of that.
... isn't Chris working? I mean I abso-f***ing-lutely do not remember him having a job? Is he just livin' of his inherited money?
... what's with Lane and Zach? R the still living and breathing?
... I loooooooooooooooooved Lore's "Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, whatever" when she phoned with Rory.
Okay so far my modest thoughts.