hallo mein lieblings-Amerikaner!
Dein Fanatischer Fan ist jetzt wieder gesund und nicht mehr ganz so gestresst und gibt jetzt mal wieder Feedback... nochmal sorry, aber ich hab es einfach nicht früher geschafft!
Chapter 3:
das-fand-Tina-toll-Liste (es ist ja wohl klar, das das eigentlich alles ist

Zitat:An empty room can be so deafening. The silence makes you wanna scream. It drives you crazy.
I chased away the shadows of your name and burned the picture in a frame.
But it couldnât save me.
das fand ich wunderschön...
Zitat:"Merry Christmas, Luke!"
Luke was astonished. In front of him stood a bunch of people, including Rory, Mia, Patty, Babette, Morey, Kirk â even Taylor was there. But the greatest surprise of all was his nephew, Jess. He hadnât seen him since his and Lorelaiâs wedding. But Luke was very proud of him. He always had been thinking that Jess would never achieve anything in life but he had proved him wrong. He was now a well-known author of short stories. Even Luke had read every single one of them.
Now, Jess came to approach to him, gave him a long hug and whispered,
"Iâm sorry... and merry Christmas, uncle Luke."
YAY! JESS! Charakter super getroffen, und schön dass du ihn eingebaut hast
Zitat:Just never lose faith...
seeehr richtig!
Und dann (obwohl ich ja weiÃ, dass es nix bringt) eine kleine beschwerde...
Zitat:Stupefied, Luke watched the van disappearing out of sight and then focused on the piece of paper he was holding in his hands.
Chapter 4:
Wonderful, too

wie immer...
auch hier mal die
[SIZE=2]hier mache ich mir mal nicht die mühe mit einer Liste, weil ich mich nicht entscheiden kann... dieser teil war so voll mit schönen Szenen, dass das viele zitieren zu viel Platz wegnehmen würd
Ich fand beide Briefe wunderschön.du bringst Lukes verzweiflung so gut rüber dass mir jedes mal tränen in den augen stehen, und langsam werde ich echt wütend... ich kann nicht nachvollziehen warum lore gegangen ist! Wieso? Bitte erklär das mal in einem der nächsten Kapitel, ich will es endlich wissen!
Ja... mehr hab ich nicht zu sagen...
Schnell weiter, ich bin soo neugierig!
HDL, :knuddel:
alright, the new chapter...
If there are mistakes, it's not my fault... I'm sick right now, and I was too lazy to read it over....:o
okay, reFBs:
@Jule: thx... ich hoffe dein fenster ist ganz geblieben... du hast mich zu den have yourself a merry little christmas inspired... you wrote it somewhere..
@Maxi: thx... actually, I had read call my name,.... before I wrote this FF, but it's just the beginning that it similiar... lasse dich ueberraschen..
@Momo: well, you love letters? es werden noch viele kommen, die FF heisst ja auch Letters to you
@Tina: thx for your 2 FBs! I just love your FBs!! thx very much...
alright, the next part's for Tina because ...mhm... I don't know...
Chapter 5: Go back to your life
It’s not that I can’t live without you. It’s just that I don’t even want to try. Every night I dream about you, ever since the day you didn’t say goodbye.
Two weeks had passed since Christmas. Jess and Rory had stayed until New Year’s eve but then Rory had to get back to Yale. Jess had driven her down. Luke didn’t know, whether there was something going on between the two of them again. All he knew was that Jess had done a great job in comforting Rory.
Anyway, now Luke was alone again. He still didn’t go back to work. Although the gesture on Christmas morning had been very touching, Luke just couldn’t stand the sad looks on the faces of the townspeople.
Instead, he had begun to run on a daily basis. And like on magical ways his feet carried him back to the woods. The woods, he ran to after her first letter. That forest had something that could comfort him and he had no clue why it made him calm.
Step by step, Luke had become better and better. He still missed her madly but somehow he had the feeling that those letters – his lifeline - showed him that she would maybe come back.
And every day he looked out for an UPS-van or for an FedEx-van, or he was looking out for just something. Maybe for her.
But nothing appeared. Luke waited and waited. But still, nothing.
Today was a day of waiting, too.
Luke sat in the living-room and flipped through the TV-channels. Just like usual nothing was on. He checked the videotapes but Lorelai really just captured crab. The highlight was a movie with Rosie O’Donnell and Andie MacDowell playing two sisters.
Luke sighed, got up and went into Rory’s old room.
Maybe she had some books, Luke would understand. As he entered, a book lying on her bed, caught his eyes. The cover was marine-blue with golden letters. The reason of Luke’s surprise was the name of the author.
Jess Mariano.
He hadn’t told him about a new book. Luke read the title.
The disappearance of ...
Luke sat down and opened it up to the first page. As he read the dedication his stomach made a jolt.
Jess usually thanked his managers or the publishers but this time he had made a more personal note. Luke read it again.
To Rory, without her, I would have never written one single line.
To Luke, without him, I would be still hanging around doing nothing.
To Lorelai, without her, life’s not worth living for. We miss you.
Luke gulped. He couldn’t believe that Jess wrote something like that. Of every person Jess. Luke was deeply touched. He just hadn’t expected that.
He flipped through the pages, again it was a collection of short stories. Sad ones, Luke knew that immediately, guessing from the title. He was curious whether the title was a coincidence or not...
He didn’t know, how long he sat there, staring at the dedication, but then the doorbell diverted his thoughts.
Slowly, Luke stood up and opened the front-door.
In front of him stood a person he had awaited for a long time. It wasn’t her but the man facing him now, was maybe about to bring him something from her.
"Are you Luke Danes? I have something for you."
"Yes, I am. Thank you very much."
The UPS-employee handed him a letter and turned around.
Without even looking at it, Luke knew immediately that it was a letter from Lorelai. Eager like a little child on Christmas, Luke unwrapped his present.
A piece of paper fell into his hands.
Dear Luke,
How are you? I hope you’re okay. Just like I am.
I hope you had a good beginning of the new year. I know, you hate those kinds of things, but still it’s something special, isn’t it?
I mean it’s the beginning of a new year. Of a new phase in life.
What I want to say, Luke, is that you should move on. Get back to your life, you know.
I’m sure you tried it.
I’m sure you did go back to work once. And I’m also sure that you couldn’t stand it there for long, could you? You just couldn’t stand all those pitiful looks on Patty’s or Babette’s faces.
But Luke, they just care for you, you know.
So, I’m begging you, go back to your life.
I guess, you’re sitting Carrie-like at home alone. But promise me, you won’t become a total loner, okay?
It’s my wish for your new year.
Just try to forget about me leaving.
Just live your life.
In love,
Luke read the letter again. He was sure that Lorelai didn’t intend to be rude but this letter was like a knife in the gut.
Forget about her leaving?
He had no clue, how that should be possible. When she was the only thing, he could think about 24/7. She had been the central thing in his life. His everything. And still, four months after her goodbye, she was the most important thing.
How should I go back to my ordinary life?
But Luke had to admit that Lorelai knew him very well. Everything in this letter was true and as Luke came to think about it, he realized it was worth a shot.
He decided to go to work. He stood up, got dressed and fifteen minutes later, he was standing behind the counter of Luke’s.
"Luke! You’re back!", Lane said, "That’s great."
"Thanks, kiddo", he shortly said but didn’t refuse her hug.
And it turned out that Lane wasn’t the only one, who had missed him. All of his customers seemed to be delighted about his reappearance.
As Luke went home that night, he felt relieved. This day of work really had distracted him. It had worked, Lorelai had been right, he was feeling better. He hadn’t thought of her for hours.
But as he entered their house now, the truth, once again, came crashing down on him. The first thing he saw was her letter and again he had that empty feeling inside his heart.
He read the letter again but not without noticing something very important.
Although the letter in general was gloomy, sad and made him kind of furious, there was a little something that encouraged him. She had made a joke...
That Carrie-thing just screamed her name.
Inevitable, Luke had to smile.
"Maybe she’s getting better, wherever she might be", Luke said out loud, went into the living-room and watched the crabbiest movie in his life: Riding the bus with my sister.
just a minute...FB kommt sofort...
OMG Ced... das kapitel war soooooo traurig!!!
Ich bin heute extremst müde und FB faul, daher mach ich das heut mal wie Tina und liste die sachen auf, die mir besonders gefallen haben...
Zitat:Itâs not that I canât live without you. Itâs just that I donât even want to try. Every night I dream about you, ever since the day you didnât say goodbye.
keine Ahung... Das gefiel mir irgendwie... war nen Super anfang für das Kapitel!
Zitat:To Rory, without her, I would have never written one single line.
To Luke, without him, I would be still hanging around doing nothing.
To Lorelai, without her, lifeâs not worth living for. We miss you.
WOW :heul: das war toll..die widmungen sinf toll... Jess is toll
Chab ich das jetzt wirklich gesagt?)
Zitat:Itâs my wish for your new year.
Just try to forget about me leaving.
Just live your life.
Ist Lorelai Wahnsinnig??? How could luke ever forget er? Ich fand den Brief irgendwie creepy... Lorelai klang auf eine art wie lorelai halt klingt...so ihr happy self aber auf der anderen seite war es voll deprimierend, dass sie will, dass er vergisst, dass sie weg ist.
aber trotzdem war er schön...
Es ist gut, dass Luke wieder arbeiten gegangen ist und den kopf mal nen paar stunden Lorelai frei bekommen hat.
ich freu mich schon riesig auf nen neuen Teil...I love this Story ^^
Werd schnell wieder gesund,
Jule :herz:
EDIT: Oh, es tut mir so leid! ich muss geträumt haben dass ich dir FB gegeben hab!
erstmal danke für die widmung.... ich liebe widmungen^^
also, was soll ich sagen... wie immer toller teil...ich fürchte du kannst mit meinen feedbacks nicht wirklich was anfangen, weil ich ja immer nur sage das alles toll ist... aber ich bin nun mal ein fanatischer fan^^
ich bin im groÃen und ganzen der selben meinung wie jule... aber ich hab noch eine sache die mir total gut gefiel:
Zitat:"Maybe she’s getting better, wherever she might be", Luke said out loud, went into the living-room and watched the crabbiest movie in his life: Riding the bus with my sister.
super anspielung!
okay, das wars von mir... sorry, aber ich bin den ganzen tag durch Dortmund gelaufen und jetzt wirklich zu faul...
Thanks for the info @ Meffi
That woman's got some nerve!

Just telling him to forget like it's the easiest thing in the world. Jeez! Well, at least he's working again and getting his mind on something else than thinking about her 24/7.... thta would destroy everyone I guess. I really liked Jess's dedication

Are you trying to convert me to Literati?

Cuz I think I will .....
A thing that's even better than your Cliffhangers (at least in this FF) are your prologues which are really melancholic and emotional ..... you're a little poet, aren't you?
Well, I'm glad that he's happy that she's happy whereever she is now (ok, what a sentence structure^^) and that he noticed the little joke she made even though it wasn't her best

Oh, and the movie ref :lach:
Maxi, who still wants to marry you

Charming_Holly schrieb::herz:
Maxi, who still wants to marry you 
Well, Ich dachte, du bist schon verheiratet.... aber wir koennen ruhig heiraten... das waer toll

hey hey hey, hier wird nich betrogen!!!
DAS GEHT NICH! ich verpetz dich Maxi!
*Insgeheim den Ced für sich selbst haben will...*
Ich glaube du weiÃt aufgrund meiner pm um was es geht.. hier mal Kapitel 1:
Cedric schrieb:Everything is turning around you.
Cedric schrieb:How many there will be in the future, I canât tell
Cedric schrieb:What should I change, my thoughts are just coming back to you.
Cedric schrieb:Sink down to the ground, leaning against your wall.
Cedric schrieb:You were just always here.
Cedric schrieb:Since that day four years ago, we were technically inseparable.
Cedric schrieb:Is loving you my one intention
Cedric schrieb:What were the signs of the times Iâve missed
Cedric schrieb:I need you more than I can mention
Cedric schrieb:Lie down in your bed, which used to be ours.
Cedric schrieb:Hear your door close behind me.
Cedric schrieb:Will this be my life for the rest of it
Cedric schrieb:You are for me
Cedric schrieb:Who ever says that life is fair
Cedric schrieb:Just the notion saying goodbye breaks my heart.
Cedric schrieb:And it keeps on pulling me in
Cedric schrieb:Stand up. Go to your window.
Cedric schrieb: Go through the room
Cedric schrieb:Look at all my surroundings.
Cedric schrieb:there is just you in every thing that stands here.
Ok! Nur ganz kurz! Ist Lorelai durchgeknallt, er soll sie vergessen? Vergessen, ohne dass er überhaupt weiÃ, was los ist? NIEMALS!
Die Widmung war sooooo schön!!! LG momo