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Yada Yada Yada![Bild: 64913968d96881c4c7a10850b7c83885.gif]
May I present...
Header by me
| Title | When it comes to Love it's all a bit Grey
| Author | Katie [Kate Austen]
| Genre | Sob Stuff [Bild: 6bszio6.gif]/ Drama / Comedy / ...
| Language | English [und dieses Mal ohne Ãbersetzung - sorry guys!]
| Description | This is a GA AU FF. What does this mean? This means I keep most of the GA characters and put them in completely new settings. Kapisch? [Mehr dazu gleich]
| Disclaimer | I do not own or know any of these people. If I did, I wouldn't be writing this FF but sitting in a cafe drinking coffee with Patrick Dempsey or buying shoes with Ellen Pompeo. You get the picture.
Character Background Information:
Meredith Grey: famous actress
Cristina Yang: her best friend & a cardiothoracic surgeon
George O'Malley: Mer's roomate #1 & a photographer
Izzie Stevens: Mer's roomate #2, former model and now chef in a 5* hotel
Addison Montgomery: Mer's friend & lawyer
Miranda Bailey: Mer's manager
Derek Shepherd: lead singer of his band [as a start it's "Derek and those other guys" but I will come up with a more appropriate name later :-P Suggestions desired!]
Alex Karev: guitar
Mark Sloan: drummer
Denny Duquette: keyboards
Callie Torres: background singer
Richard Webber [formally known as "The Chief"]: band manager
memo: I don't like Burke anymore so he won't be allowed to take part in my FF.
Sucks right?
The story is set in LA / California / USA.
wann gehts denn los hier?!

love the first post, but where's the story? xD
Ich wollts nicht in den Anfangspost setzen, darum kommt das Update erst jetzt ^^
Itâs January 15th, 2007. Day of the 64th annual Golden Globes. Meredith is nominated for a GG in the category âBest Actress â Motion Picture Dramaâ.
Her friends will accompany her to give her mental support.
Izzie: (knocks at Merâs door) MER? Earth calling Mer!? ⦠HELLO?? (knocks harder) Mer, did you have a seizure or something? Did you choke on your heap of dresses? Cause we really need to go now, as in NOW, the limoâs waiting for (checks her watch) exactly twenty seven minutes which leads us to the fact that the driverâs pissed off and by the way, so am I⦠(sighs and leans against the door when it suddenly opens) Wooo! Youâre ready! (screams) GEORGE, SHEâS READY!
[Bild: 6g1vcx1.jpg]
[Mer's dress]
Meredith: Iâm sorry⦠Do you think this dress is okay because I have another oneâ¦-
Izzie: NO!! (Meredith frowns) I mean⦠(smiles) nooo. You look pretty, this dress is like YAY and I really like your hairstyle so can we go now pleeeease?
Meredith: (chuckles) Okay. But we have to wait for Cristina. She wanted to meet us here at about⦠(frowns) an hour ago. I think I should call her..
Izzie: (whines) But Meeer⦠Iâve never been to the Globes and I wanted to stalk George Clooney on the Red Carpet⦠(points a finger at her) I SWEAR if I miss George Clooney because of these⦠crappy things⦠I seriously, SERIOUSLY need to kill you!
Meredith: (grins) Calm down Iz. Itâs not a big deal. (about to dial Cristinaâs number when the door swings open).
Cristina stumbles in, wearing her scrubs and her hair all messy. In the one hand she carries her evening dress, the other one already starts undressing.
Meredith: (smirks) WOW! You look like crap!
Cristina: Yeah, everyone has problems..
Meredith: Why are you so late? Weâve been waiting for you for almost an hour (Izzie coughs. Meredith glances at her).
Cristina: Emergency heart transplant. But now, Iâm here, Iâm ready. So letâs go and kick these guysâ asses!
Meredith: (chuckles) I guess this dress is not made for ass kicking⦠Itâs quite tight⦠(turns around to look at herself in the mirror) Nope. Definitely no ass kicking for me tonight!
George: (running down the stairs) Youâre done with all the chitchat? Because Iâ¦- (looks at Mer and his mouth flings open. Mer and Izzie are giggling.)
Cristina: (sarcastically) George ⦠Seriously... You need a bib. Youâre drooling all over your suit..
George: (blushes) SHUT UP CRISTINA! (turns around and hurries towards the front door) IâM NOT RIDING IN THE SAME CAR AS HER!
Meredith: (tilts her head and looks at Cristina whoâs trying to arrange her hair) Unless sheâs going like that sheâs not riding with me either.
Cristina: (chuckles) I think heâs gonna cry!
Izzie: (grins) That was just mean, Cristina. You know he has a crush on her since like high school.
Meredith: (pulls a face) George does NOT have a crush on me. We are just friends. As in live together, share a bathroom and occasionally have a drink together friends.
Cristina: (rolls her eyes) Yeah. And Iâm a chicken and Izzieâs gonna have hot.. steamy sex with George Clooney tonight.
Izzie: (eyes wide) Donât say it if you donât mean it!!
Derek: Okay guys, once more!
Derek and the other band members are just doing their rehearsal on stage. They are going to perform on the Golden Globes in a few hours and still have to file out their performance. Derekâs a perfectionist. He would not stop unless everything is faultless.
To his friendâs regret.
Mark: Der, câmon! We went over the whole show a dozen times!
Alex: Yeah⦠I even have blisters on my fingers (examines his hands).
Callie: Stop crying boys! This is a very important gig tonight so keep your panties on and rock the house one more time.
Mark: (mumbles) Oh I would like to throw my sticks at her right nowâ¦
Alex: Iâd like to beat her. But I have blisters on my fingersâ¦
Denny: Anybody wants to play Scrabble?
Derek: SHUT IT! All of you! Callie is right. This is an important gig, for all of us. If you want to disgrace yourselves, fine. But youâre part of a freaking band so could we PLEASE do the last song once again?
brilliant, honey
hehe, also der anfang gefällt mir doch schonmal gut *g*
du hast den charakter der jeweiligen personen echt gut übernommen. also, bei den kerlen kann man es nich genau sagen aber mer, cris, george & iz kamen gut rüber
wie oft werde ich heute noch gut sagen?! ^^
derek ein perfektionist? kann ja sein, aber ich hab mir ihn jetzt eher als rocker vorgestellt. u know? kein drogenabhängiger aber n .. rocker eben. kA. kein headbanger aber .. joar. ich kann es nich beschreiben, verdammt :lach:
allerdings kann ich ihn ja noch gar nich beurteilen. dafür hat er mir in der kurzen szene zu wenig farbe...
[entschuldige katie, aber schau mal auf die uhr. ich krieg nichts vernünftiges mehr zu stande =)]
Woohoo. Comment.
[Bild: 4xo6io7.gif]
Freut mich, dass es dir bisher gefällt. Ich hab mir auch extra dolle Mühe gegeben, nur für dich
[Bild: 4zdg4xt.gif]
Und keine Angst: du wirst Derek noch als Rocker erleben. Ob das jetzt Head Banging, Stage Diving && Co. einschlieÃen wird, kann ich nicht versprechen... aber wir sind ja erst am Anfang. :-)
Ich gehe jetzt auch erstmal off & würde mich freuen, wenn der ein oder andere noch seinen Senf
[oder Ketchup] dazugeben würde.
[Bild: 53pvrxz.gif]
geniale Idee :lach:
Derek als Rocker lol ich hab richtig ein Bild vor augen. wuschel haare (<3), Lederjacke, 3 tage bart..... I love this picture <3
&& ich hoffe, dass die couples in deiner ff in eine andere Richtung gehen als gerade in shonda land.*rolleyes*
ich bin müde und ich geh morgen shoppen, also musst du dich mit dem mini mini fb zufriedengeben lol das nächste mal gibts mehr.
ich liebe es dass du in englisch schreibst by the way <3
JamieA schrieb:Derek als Rocker lol ich hab richtig ein Bild vor augen. wuschel haare (<3), Lederjacke, 3 tage bart..... I love this picture <3
Me too
[Bild: 4l4sljn.gif]
Zitat:&& ich hoffe, dass die couples in deiner ff in eine andere Richtung gehen als gerade in shonda land.*rolleyes*
Ich hab mir noch nicht über alle Gedanken gemacht, aber ich versichere euch, dass ihr niemals nie
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When they arrived at the Beverly Hills Hilton Hotel, a bunch of paparazzi and newsmen were already waiting for them.
A huge bodyguard stepped towards the limo. Even through his dark sunglasses you could imagine his grumpy face. He opened the door for the ladies and George.
As soon as they stepped out off the car on the Red Carpet, the people behind the barrier freaked out and start snapping their cameras.
Izzie: (overwhelmed) Holy mother of all that is freaking mind-blowing!
Cristina: I feel so important right now..
Meredith: (smiles and waves at the photographers) You get used to it sometime. But we should go inside now. We probably have to use our elbows for cleaving through the crowd.
Izzie: (shrugs) I wouldnât mind if I had to use my elbows at George Clooney..
Cristina: I wouldnât mind if I had to use ANY part of my body at George Clooney.
Meredith: (chuckles) You have a thing for George Clooney?
Cristina: You take what you get. But actually I prefer hot.. steamy.. unshaved rocker. You know... like this Derek Shepherd. I heard heâs performing tonight.
Meredith: (sighs) Yeah.. He is so dreamy..
Once they were inside the hotel they were led to their table right in front of the stage. The whole hall was bright and shiny. The seatings consist of comfortable white leather armchairs and dark wooden tables. Each of them was decorated with flowers, white roses to be more precisely. Meredith immediately notices the discreet flowery scent that emanates from them and now hovers in the air.
A silvery candleholder with white candles ensures the required romantic touch. And as the cherry on top each table equipment includes two bottles of iced champagne.
Cristina: (eyes wide when she notices the alcohol) Woohoo! Time to get wasted! (they all sit down)
Meredith: (whiny) Behave Cristina! Please donât make me look foolish until we finished at least the first half of the show!
Cristina: (pouts) Oh Mer.. You are such a party-pooper. Itâs sad.. Really. (frowns) But I can get wasted at the after show party, right?
Meredith: (rolls her eyes) Fine. But I will deny that I know you once you start your boob shaking table dance show!
Cristina: (grins) You cannot deny your person. Itâs in the contract.
Meredith: Iâve never signed that contract!
Cristina: Yes you did. Well⦠you kind of did⦠Remember when you were all whiny and dark and twisty when you caught your super slutty manwhore ex-boyfriend red-handed doing the horizontal mambo with that perfect looking, blonde.. (earns a scathing gaze from Meredith)⦠excuse me⦠really, really⦠mean⦠as ugly as sin⦠crappy whore? Remember that? And do you also remember the hours of vomiting caused by too much tequila and me wiping up your barf? I kind of took that as signing the contract. (she pours herself a drink)
Meredith: (sighs) I guess I owe you a drinking bout.
Cristina: Yup. (takes a sip) But hey, look on the bright side Mer. Itâs a drinking bout for free.
Izzie: (excitedly) Hey, I think the show finally starts!
Backstage. The band was standing in front of their checkroom. Except for Derek.
Callie: (knocks at the door) Derek? Hello? You in there? (eavesdrops)
Denny: Shush, be quiet⦠(peeks through the keyhole) I think heâs crying.
Callie: (worried) Someone needs to get in there! (looks around)
Alex: I went the last time!
Denny: And I went the time before that..
Mark: And I went the time after that..
Callie: (being on edge) I canât believe Iâm surrounded by a bunch of freaking sissy girls!
Denny: Did she just call us âgirlsâ?
Alex: (pouts) Iâm no girl..
Mark: Neither am I.. (grabs his crotch) Nope. Definitely no girl.
Callie: (rolls eyes) You.. out of here.. NOW! (turns back at the door and knocks again) Derek Shepherd, you IMMEDIATELY move your cute butt out off that door or I gonna kick it open by myself! You hear me?? You know.. (leans against the frame) in former times I did cage fights so⦠I would be in there in no time andâ¦- (the door opens and Derek steps out) I know that would scare you!
Derek: (without looking in her eyes) Letâs go. We have a crowd to rock.
Meredith, Cristina, Izzie and George listened to the announcer who just presented the nominees in the category âBest Actress â Motion Picture Dramaâ. When Merâs face appeared on the screen, George, Cristina and Izzie jumped off their seats and started yelling like crazy.
Cristina: (clapping her hands wildly) THATâS MY PERSON! THATâS MY PERSON!
Izzie: (already about to lose her voice) AND MY ROOMMATE!
George: (voice cracks) I MADE OUT WITH HER IN HIGH SCHOOL! (Mer, Izzie and Cristina looked at him completely stunned)
Meredith: We did not!
George: (sheepish) Well⦠In my dreams⦠we soo did.
Izzie: Shut up now! He opens the freaking envelope.. Woah.. this is SO exciting..
Announcer: And the Golden Globe goes to⦠(Cristina had her fingers crossed, Izzie moved nervously back and forth on her seat and George laid his hand on Merâs thigh, his finger nails burrowed in her skin)⦠HELEN MIRREN!
Cristina: (dropped into her chair) This sucks..
Izzie: (offended) Yeah..
Cristina: (eyes light up) We could ambush her in a dark alley and just take the Globe.. Sheâs quite old⦠Unless she gonna beat us with her cane⦠weâll be fine.
Izzie: Sounds like a plan to me!
Meredith: (smiles) Aaaw! I appreciate that you two would attack an old lady who by the way is an amazing actress (Cristina and Izzie roll eyes) ⦠and would probably go to jail for me⦠but seriously. Iâm fine. Itâs just an award. (shrugs) And she deserved it.
Cristina: (frowns) I donât believe you.. But anyway. Maybe you feel like⦠I donât know⦠get wasted now that you got your tiny ass kicked by a grandma!?
Meredith: (grins) Maybe a little wasted.
Cristina: For a start⦠Iâm comfortable with it.
George: (nods his head towards the stage where Derek and the band waved at the audience) Look. Seems as if theyâd rock the room now!
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