[6x07] (Twenty-One is the Loneliest Number) / Einundzwanzig

In was für nem "mood" ist denn Rory als sie die treppe runterkommt? Gute oder schlechte laune?

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Ace18 schrieb:In was für nem "mood" ist denn Rory als sie die treppe runterkommt? Gute oder schlechte laune?

Im FF meinen sie schlechte Laune. Scheinbar sind das alle Gilmores an diesem Tag *G*

Die Spoilerfix-Zusammenfassung: der Casting-Seiten

Zitat: [Bild: new.gif] 09/26 - Rory has dinner with her grandparents and Reverend Boatwright. It seems that the Gilmores invited the Reverend so he speaks to Rory about certain things since she will turn 21 in a week. Later in the episode, the Gilmores throw a party for Rory. Lane and Zach are in attendance so are some DAR women. Logan and Lane finally meet. Paris, Doyle, Luke and Lorelai are there too. Will mother and daughter be on speaking terms? Richard is nowhere to be found. The maid of the episode is named Mai Mai. Source: SpoilerFix.com

Ja, ja, blame for double-posts.... ich bump doch nurWink

Zitat: Coming attractions
Guess who's coming to Rory's birthday party on Gilmore Girls? Plus, Julianne Moore and Samuel L. Jackson pair up for Freedomland and Grammy-nominated R&B singer Anthony Hamilton returns with Can't Let Go.
[Bild: clear.gif][Bild: inside-comingatt-albright.jpg][Bild: clear.gif]Albright: Will play herself in the Oct. 25 episode of Gilmore Girls.[Bild: clear.gif]USA TODAY
Madeleine Albright guests on 'Gilmore Girls'

Prime time now has a fictional female president in ABC's Commander in Chief, so why not a real female secretary of State?

Madeleine Albright, who served in the Clinton administration, will play herself in the Oct. 25 episode of WB's Gilmore Girls. She is scheduled to shoot her scene today.

Gilmore Girls executive producer Amy Sherman-Palladino and her writers were describing an upcoming character as "someone like Madeleine Albright," never thinking the former Cabinet secretary would have the time or the interest in doing the show. Surprise! She did.

"Apparently, she even knew of the show," says Sherman-Palladino, who wouldn't reveal details about Albright's guest appearance to avoid spoiling the surprise — other than to say it revolves around Rory's (Alexis Bledel) 21st birthday. "We wanted it to be somebody Rory would idolize," she says.

In a season of big goings-on — mom Lorelai's (Lauren Graham) engagement to Luke (Scott Patterson) and a Lorelai-Rory rift — Sherman-Palladino says it's a bonus to get another big non-Hollywood guest. The series, now in its sixth season, has attracted author Norman Mailer and U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., in previous seasons. Who else would she like to get?

"Christiane Amanpour" of CNN, she says. "I've had her on my list for years."

—Bill Keveney

USA Today, http://www.usatoday.com/life/2005-09-29-...ions_x.htm

Was soll eigentlich "TBD" heißen?!

"people should not be happy all the time, 'cause it can't be christmas everyday"
Lauren Graham

Häschen schrieb:Was soll eigentlich "TBD" heißen?!

War die abkürzung, die auf den Castingseiten stand. Ich tippe "The BirthDay" oder "The Big Day", da es, normalerweise, wenn der Titel noch nicht feststeht "TBA" - To be announced heißt. Kann mich aber auch völlig irrenWink

oki doki

danke :biggrin:

"people should not be happy all the time, 'cause it can't be christmas everyday"
Lauren Graham

Weitere Infos:

REv. Boatwright

Madelaine Albright

Und ein letzter, wobei nicht wirklich feststeht für welche Folge:


Da dieser Spoiler auch mit TBD deklariert ist, kann ich mit meiner Sepc von wegen The Big Day/The Birthday wirklich total falsch liegen, oder aber es ist dieselbe Folge Wink


Promobilderl... wieso legt sich Ma neben Rory auf's Bett? *G*

[Bild: GG607-3166_v.jpg]

wer weiß vllt. reden die beiden auch über "certain things"

das bild an sich find ich cool... hat so was von Oma & Enkelin

some people were concerned about whether the Winchesters survived
and everybody was concerned about whether the car survived [Eric Kripke]

Und was ich noch viel cooler find, Rory liegt in ihrem eigenen Bett, zu Hause :freu:

Never give up on a miracle

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