The big fight (NC-17 / FSK 18)

you've had... other coffee? *raises eyebrow*

ich hab die schnauze voll, ich geh schaukeln...

not really....nothing good so nothing constant.

hm, me either...
ture meetings of the minds huh Big Grin

ich hab die schnauze voll, ich geh schaukeln...

apparently *smirk*

what a fortune that I wrote this review that you didn´t understand....

you wrote a review I didn't understand? *scratches her head*

aaaah yeah right... but we didn't have any coffee back then... Big Grin

ich hab die schnauze voll, ich geh schaukeln...

nope but I gace you ginsbergs howl....which you lost...

So then one day we started the rpg at the junkz *cringe*

then moved over to the LL´s and then started with ICQ....

gah, the junkz

what was out first post again? *tries to remember* ah yeah:

Avalon schrieb:Like it , Love it , need my everyday coffee fix!

Call me an angel headed hipster looking for his next angry FF fix!

(adapted from Ginsbergs Howl)

Don´t keep me waiting or I´ll migh ...

Big Grin

I so didn't get this the first time I read it and I thought.... :doof:??

ich hab die schnauze voll, ich geh schaukeln...

I asked other ...said you were confused *chuckle*

I love the poem....

yeah, it's really beautiful Wink

thanks for giving me the link (even though I lost it the first time Unsure *embarrassing*)

ich hab die schnauze voll, ich geh schaukeln...

only the first time??? *smirk*

You tend to loose things....

Did I tell you that I saved our messenger posts??

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