English Chatcorner II

I love English books, too! Wenn I was in America, I was at the library like every week.Big Grin And since I'm back here, I still love reading English books!
I agree with Charming_Holly, I also think that German books are boring, now. And most of my favorite authors are British or American anyway, so why would I read translations?

Where were you for your high school year? I did an au pair year in California and I am missing the US a lot!! (Can't wait for January when I'm fiiiinally going back!!Smile )

"Everyone wants this. Everyone wants to be us..."
- The Devil Wears Prada

I see, Kaya, we're gonna be friends ^^ Big Grin Got the same opinion.

Actually, I went to two different states. At first, I was in Louisiana but because of the hurricanes and this dreadful family, I switched and ended up being in New Mexico. Honestly, I don't miss the USA at all. On contrary, I still kinda regret the decision of doing a high school year because it was certainly not the best year of my life! Mad

:herz: Verlobt mit Carö ~ cause we are meant to be :herz:

hi everybody,
reading your posts is so wounderful. it`s my first post here and i hope my english is understandable.
i love the girls since the first season was on tv in germany.
right now i am in poland to do some practical expirience i need for my studies.
first i wanted to go to ireland, but no chance at all.
because being not at home i can`t watch the every week films of the new season :heul:
but my boyfriend got orders to record them and when i`m back for the weekend in two weeks i will watch them.
and i long for all seasons on dvd. but it will be christmas soon and my birthday will also be in november, so maybe....
can anybody tell me, if you can buy the original english version somewhere in germany?
thnx for reading Smile

I don't know wether you can buy the original version in germany or not, but I think you can order them at amazon (I'm not quiet sure but you can try).

I really like reading english books. I like Jodi Picoult and Cecilia Ahearn very much. I'm reading "the Pact" and "If you could see me now" at the moment...

signatur by XxPruexX; Avatar by Muffin79
[Bild: fashion1wo6.jpg]

thanx calista,
i prefer german books but i read english books as well.
at the time i am reading "the pillars of the world" by ken follet. i read the german version years ago and now i tried to read the original. it`s not that difficult. I thought i won`t understand anything. but what a surprise, i did.
I also read frank mcourts books "`tis" and "teacher man". now i only need "angelas ashes" which i have only in german.
has some read one of gilmore girls books?

I've read all for of them. Own them actually Wink Unfortunately, there are only four of them. I wonder why :confused: But they're really easy to read, a nice start. Couldn't be easier ^^ I had to bridle myself today from buying 3 books at the store. It was really hard ....

:herz: Verlobt mit Carö ~ cause we are meant to be :herz:

hey guys

what´s going on?

i´m thinking about going to the states for a year...but it´s no sure thing....although i really want to go

have somebody been there for a year?


Far too many people arelooking for the right person instead of trying to be the right person

Well, I haven't been (although I really, really want to).
But a good friend of mine is leaving in january and I'm super-envious!
And she's not even as crazy about the USA as I am, not at all!
Okay, I know I should be happy for her...
She doesn't know where she's going yet, but if I would spend a year
(or half a year, as she does) in the US I'd wanna be in San Francisco (cliché, I know) oder maybe in Conneticut (Stars Hollow ;-) ) or
something. Where would you wanna go?
We also have an american exchange student in our class (she's
from Minneapolis) and she's visiting me tomorrow to teach me
how to make Chocolate Chip Cookies!
I'm really looking forward to it!

Okay, I'm done. If anyone notices a mistake in what I wrote,
please let me know!!!!

Once you go Sawyer, you can never go Jack!!!

i´d so like to visit san frncisco again. i can tell you it is the most amzing city i´ve ever been too and i could even imagine living there. New York ws kinda overwhelming but the flair just didn´t fascinate me like SF did. In addition i want to say, that i definetely would prefer a living in a democratical state ;o)

sig made by gilmoregirl1994[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]

I was in the USA for a year as an au pair, near San FranciscoWub and I loved it! What would you like to do their? Language school, au pair, work & travel?

"Everyone wants this. Everyone wants to be us..."
- The Devil Wears Prada

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