Her dream (Spoiler für Staffel 7)*complete*

April hat es wirklich geschafft mit Luke zu reden! Wie toll! Ich glaub hätte mich jm so angeschnauzt, hätte ich das Thema wahrscheinlich nie wieder angesprochen!
Und Luke hat zu gehört! Und vielleicht hat er es auch verstanden. Hoffe er gibt ihr noch ne Chance!
Das Telefonat von Lorelai und Emily war super! Ich mag es das sie sich so gut verstehen! Und das Lorelai vergessen hat, das Freitag war. Hmm kann mir das so richtig vorstellen! Jeden Freitag versucht sie das Essen zu vergessen und zu verdrängen, aber wenn sie sich tatsächlich besser mit ihren Eltern versteht, dann vergißt sie es ganz ausversehen!
LG momo

I never thought it could hurt so much!!

karana schrieb: “Dad, I don’t think she wants you because she is getting a divorce. I think she is getting a divorce because she loves you.

I think there is nothing more to add, and I hope Luke will think about what April told him.
Maybe it changes his point of view, now that April explained him the possibility that Lorelai is getting a divorce because she still loves him, and that she isn't only coming back to him because she is sad about her marriage not working out.

karana schrieb:She just realized that her denial wasn’t working and that she still loves you. I mean if I see it from the scientific side it’s really stupid that you refuse because it’s like with magnets. You two are magnets and you are attracting the other, but the whole time something was standing in between. Now it is gone and still while one magnet is coming closer and closer the other is going backwards, so the space will stay just as big so that they won’t come together. That’s stupid and against the elements. You should really think about it again”, April said.

I love April for saying all this to Luke. Smile

I loved this chapter. I agree with Rory and Emily, I think Luke needs time to think it all over. And I hope April's little "speech" will help him.
I feel so sorry for Lorelai. She is so upset and exhausted that she even forgets about Friday night dinner. :heul:

I can't wait for the next chapter. Do not let us wait so long again.


Vielen Dank für eure reviews. Jetzt stellen wir unser bisheriges Lieblingskapitel online und wir hoffen, dass es euch auch gefällt.
Laura und mir ist es dieses Mal gelungen uns gegenseitig mit unseren Ideen zu überraschen... mal sehen was ihr dazu sagt!

Chapter 10 : Ants in my ear

After Luke talked to April time went by fast and the months flew by. Before they knew it, it was May.
He had had to go to court, and even though he got partial custody of April, Anna was allowed to move to New Mexico with his daughter. Luke had April one weekend a month, every other holiday and one month over the summer. He was happy that he had won, but sad that April had moved to New Mexico. Nonetheless he had thrown a party to which all the Stars Hollow citizens were invited, Lorelai included. After the party Luke and Lorelai had talked again and Luke had decided that being friends again would be the best solution for their situation. It was too soon to get back together after everything that had happened.

Slowly things had gone back to normal. To how they were before they had gotten together the first time. Lorelai had started coming to the diner at least once a day for coffee and a meal and often more than once. They went back to their regular banter but there was something extra as well.
They talked about their feelings. Luke talked about how much he missed April now that she had moved. At least Anna allowed April to call him as often as she wanted, but it wasn’t the same. He missed her more than he ever thought possible.

It was a Sunday evening, a weekend at the beginning of May and Luke had just driven April to the airport after one of their weekends together. He drove to the diner in silence but when he stopped in front of the dark building, he figured it was too quiet to be there now. He missed April more than normal after she just left and knew that if he would stay alone right now, all he would do was sit in the dark and drink beer. Something he would regret in the morning. That’s when he decided to drive to Lorelai’s instead. He hadn’t been at her house again, other than to fix her bathroom window two months ago and it had both surprised them back then, how non-awkward it had been.

He parked his car behind hers and got out. He rang the doorbell and waited for a reply. ‘Come in.’ He heard Lorelai yelling from the inside and he tried the doorknob. When the door opened he stepped inside and took off his coat.

“You have to keep the door locked and at least see who’s at the door before you let them in your house”, he lectured her and threw his coat over the wardrobe, before he thought about it.
She looked up as she heard his voice.

“Hey Luke, what are you doing here? Didn’t you just drive April to the airport?” she asked him, but not as surprised as she should have been when he showed up that casually at her house.

“Yeah I did”, he said and sat down next to her on the couch.

“Do you mind if I stay here for a while? The diner seems to quiet without her,” he admitted and stretched his legs.

“Of course I don’t mind. I was having a movie night and you’re more than welcome to join me,” she said and smiled, because he looked so familiar in her house, like he had never been gone in the first place.

“What’s the theme tonight?” he asked and motioned to the TV.

“Classics. I was just about to put in Casablanca,” she told him.

“Fine with me”, he shrugged.

“Good. You want something to drink? I have some beer in the fridge” she asked him.
He nodded.

“I’ll get it,” he said then and stood up.

“You know the way,” she smiled and watched how he walked to the fridge. When she watched him walk around her house she was happy they were friends now. She had missed spending time with him and knew that being friends was better than being nothing at all. She knew how much he missed April and was glad he showed up at her doorstep tonight. If he hadn’t she most likely would’ve gone to his apartment but this was better.

“What are you thinking about?” he asked her when he came back and saw the smile on her face.
She hadn’t noticed that he had sat down next to her again and looked up.

“Nothing really. Just that I’m happy you decided to come here instead of spending the evening alone at your apartment,” she replied honestly.

He nodded. “Me too.”

“So, do I have to explain the rules of movie night or do you still remember?” She tried to lighten the mood.

“I remember. As I recall this is the movie we watched on our first movie night.”

She smiled when she recalled the memory. “I watched the movie, you fell asleep.”

“Not true. I stayed awake during Casablanca, during the next one I fell asleep” he corrected her.

“Hard buddies?” she remembered.

“Right,” he agreed and got comfortable on the couch again.

“Are you comfortable because you know you can’t move during the movie,” she reminded him when he stopped squishing around.

“I know and I’m comfortable,” he handed her one of the beer bottles he was holding. “And you?”

“Comfortable also,” and with that she started the movie.

During the movie Lorelai unconsciously moved towards Luke. Without realizing she ended up leaning against him. He didn’t mind and she was so comfortable, that her had dropped to his shoulder and she fell asleep. When the credits were rolling down the screen she woke up, suddenly realizing which position she was in. She sat up straight on the couch.

“I’m sorry,” she said to Luke, who was still awake and didn’t seem uncomfortable that she had used him as her pillow. A gesture so simple and still so familiar, that it ran chills up her spine.

He smiled. “That’s okay. I fell asleep during our first movie night.”

She smiled now too. “What is it with falling asleep during the movie- nights? And this is a good movie, definitely not one to fall asleep”

“I don’t know,” he raised his shoulders.

She thought for a moment and then said. “I don’t think it was the movie that made me tired. I just felt comfortable in the position I was in and ended up falling asleep.”

He stared directly into her eyes, stunned by her honesty and how huge this little sentence was for him.

“I was comfortable too, with you in… that position,” he admitted quietly and looked at her. He didn’t feel hurt, guilt, regret or anything else that had kept him from giving into his feelings these past months. He looked at her and all he could think of was what an amazing woman she was, how incredibly beautiful she was and how much he loved her. He still did, as much as before and if possible even more.

She looked into his eyes and saw something she hadn’t seen for a long time. Gone were all the bad feelings from the past year, love and adoration the only things in his eyes. Without realizing it they leaned in and before they knew what was happening their lips touched. Both moaned at the contact and the sensations which ran through their bodies, but both leaned in more. Luke pulled her close when he slung one arm around her neck, the other one around her waist while she had knocked the cap off his head and then her hands held his shirt tight, afraid that he would slip away somehow.
When oxygen became a must again they had to break apart and stared at each other, breathing hard.

“God I missed you,” Luke said, still out of breath and cupped her face with his hand, stroked her cheek with his thumb.

“I was here. I was right here waiting for you, all those months,” she replied and smiled at him, placed a kiss on his thumb.

“I’m sorry, for making you wait so long.” he apologized

“Don’t apologize. You needed your time and I respect that. I will wait until you are ready to be with me again. I told you I would wait,” she said.

“I am ready. I love you,” he said and when Lorelai felt her eyes prick with tears she lunged at him and kissed him again.

Teil2 im nächsten post!

Lorelai woke up the following morning feeling more comfortable than she had in a long time. Opening her eyes she realized why that was. She was lying in Luke’s arms. He was still asleep and she watched him for a while and from time to time placed a kiss on his cheek, careful not to wake him.
Then she felt the sudden urge to tell Rory what happened and she untangled herself from Luke. She got out of the bed, making sure Luke wouldn’t wake up. Slipping into her bathrobe she watched Luke sleep again for a little while. Then she left the room and went downstairs. While filling the coffee maker she dialed Rory’s number. She answered after a few rings.

“Mom? What’s wrong? Why are you calling this early?” came the tired voice of her daughter through the phone.

Lorelai looked at the clock and saw it was only 6.30. She grunted as she realized she could have been in bed with Luke at the moment, because it was still so early, but smiled when she thought about him in her bed.

“Mom? Are you there?” Rory brought her back to reality

“Yeah I’m here. I’m sorry if I woke you.”

“Uhuh… what’s wrong?”

Lorelai smiled. “Nothing is wrong. Everything is absolutely right.” She said giddy and nearly giggled into the speaker.

Rory shook her head. She was definitely not awake enough for this. “Mom, I need some more information here.”

“Luke and I are back together. He came here yesterday after he brought April to the airport and we watched Casablanca. I ended up falling asleep in his arms and when I woke up and I stared in his eyes there was a moment. Before I knew it we were kissing each other and he said he is ready now and the rest is history.”

“That’s great mom.” Rory sat up in bed, clearly awake now. “This is what you wanted all along. Are you happy?”

“You bet I am.” She smiled widely and suddenly felt two arms close around her waist and wet lips on her neck. She giggled as she turned her head backwards, staring into Luke’s eyes.

“He’s there isn’t he?” Rory concluded when she heard the giggle and then the long silence which followed.

“Yeah. You want to talk to him?”

“Nah. Just say hello to him for me okay? I’ll call you later. I better get ready for school now that I’m wake. I have tons of stuff to do anyway.”

“Okay. I talk to you later.”

“Bye mom.”

“Bye Rory.”

“And mom?”

“Mmm…?” Lorelai said, because Luke’s lips had found their way to her neck again and she had realized that he was standing barefoot and only in his boxers in her kitchen.

“I’m happy too.”

Lorelai turned off the phone and placed it on the counter. Then she turned in Luke’s arms and gave him an appropriate ‘good morning kiss’, which lasted a while.

“Rory says hello and that she’s happy for us.” Lorelai told Luke after she broke their kiss and hugged him, put her head on his chest.

He nodded and kissed her again. “I’ll call April later today to tell her the news.”

“You think she’ll be happy?” she asked and looked up at him again.

“I know she will be. She gave me this speech about how you and I are like magnets a couple of months ago.”

“What?” Lorelai raised her eyebrows, confused as to what he was talking about.

“Why don’t you sit down, then I’ll make us breakfast and tell you all about it,” he said, gave her another peck and a squeeze and then untangled from her tight grasp to make breakfast.

The days went by quickly after Luke and Lorelai had gotten back together. It was Thursday now and Luke was supposed to come by with dinner and they would go to the town meeting and tell the town about their reconciliation. When the phone rang she expected it to be Luke.

“Hey, what’s keeping you so long?” she asked and smiled, only because she was talking to him.

“Lorelai? It’s me Chris.” The voice she had least expected said and her face fell.

“Oh. Hey, how are you doing?” she asked, because she was at a loss for what to say.

“I’m great. I’m calling to inform you that our divorce is final,” he said and Lorelai let out a breath she wasn’t aware she was holding.

“That’s good news,” she replied.

“Yeah, well, I wouldn’t call it good news, but it is news”, Chris remarked and some bitterness swung in his voice.

“I know. I am sorry, Chris. I didn’t mean to sound so…”

“Cheerful?” he completed.

“Yeah, well… maybe” she said and was a bit ashamed, that the only regret she had was that she had ever gotten married to him, while he was still hung up on the marriage, on her and everything that came with it.

“So how have you been?” he asked then. “You sound happy”.

“I am Chris”, she admitted quietly.

“Good. I am glad to hear that. Can I ask what makes you so happy? Is it just the end of the marriage or something else?” he asked.

“I’m back together with Luke”, she told him after taking a deep breath.

“Oh, okay, that’s explains a lot.” He said.

“I’m sorry, Chris, I didn’t mean to rub it in, but you asked and I’m done lying and pretending”, she said.

“It’s okay, I’m happy for you”, he told her.

“And you? What are you doing?” she asked to keep the awkward small-talk going.

“I am packing our stuff right now, because Gigi and I are moving to Paris”, he informed her.

“Wow, so you’re back together with Sherry?” she asked him and was relieved when she felt not even a pang of jealousy.

“No, we’re not. I just thought that it might be better for Gigi to keep in contact with her mom and I need a change of places as well. Somehow I can’t stay here anymore”, he said and Lorelai knew what he wanted to tell her with this, the connotation that swung with his words was loud and clear.

“I think you’re right. It will be good for her to be near her mother. She’s a nice kid, she deserves to be happy”, she told him, somehow relieved that he started to think about his daughter finally.

“Well Lor’ I have to go and pick up Gigi from her grandmother. Tell Rory I’ll call her before we leave so we can see each other before we leave for Paris.”

“Okay, I will. Take care Chris”

“You, too! Bye”, he said.

“Bye”, she replied and hung up and sighed in relief, that this chapter was finally closed now. When she put the phone down she saw Luke standing in the doorway, next to the desk, watching her.

“Hey”, he said and although she was sure he knew to whom she had just talked to he didn’t seem upset.

“Hey” she replied, slung her arms around his neck and kissed him hello.

“Chris called to tell me that the divorce is final and that he’s moving with Gigi to Paris so she can be with her mother”, she told Luke and waited for his reaction.

“Good. That’s really… good news” he replied and she started to giggle.

That’s what I said”, she laughed and gave him another kiss, just because she could do that again.

“Mmmh, what smells so heavenly?” she asked then.

“My new after-shave?”, he mocked her and hid the bags in his left hand behind his back, while he played with the hem of her shirt with the right one.

“You have a new after-shave? I don’t think so. You still smell like you and I hope that will stay that way, ‘cause I just love your after-shave”, she said and kissed his cheek repeatedly, made her way up to his lips with her own and then kissed him soundly. His right hand moved under her shirt as the kiss quickly escalated, but just as he reached her bra, she snatched the food bags out of his hand and broke the kiss.

“You’re so easy”, she laughed, gave him one more peck and walked into the kitchen slowly, before Luke caught up with her and held her back by her waist.

“You’ll pay later”, he whispered into her ear and his hot breath against her ear caused goose bumps on her skin.

“You’re being playful and cocky, I like that”, she teased him with raised eyebrows when she had found her voice again and together they walked into the kitchen, to eat something.

After a quick dinner Luke and Lorelai walked to the town meeting together. They sat down in the back and listened to Taylor’s weird proposals and waited until Taylor asked the town if anyone had some news they wanted to share with the town. Lorelai raised her hand and stood up, pulling Luke with her.
The room fell silent when the town saw the two walking up onto the stage together.

“Uhm.. we uhm…” Luke started and cleared his throat nervously. Lorelai smiled at that and took his hand in hers, gave it a reassuring squeeze. All eyes were on their joined hands and slowly one after the other inhabitant started to smile.

“My divorce is final and Luke and I are back together”, Lorelai announced with a wide smile.

“We knew it!” both Babette and Miss Patty exclaimed and the rest mumbled things like “Finally”.

Only Taylor didn’t seem too pleased.

“Well, then that brings us back to the same problem we had before: What if the two of them break up again. I mean let’s face it, even the engagement didn’t stop those two from separating again and Lorelai even got married” Taylor pointed out.

“I don’t believe it! Not this again!” Luke said angrily and Lorelai wanted to say something when her cell-phone rang again.

“Oh Lorelai, come on” Luke exclaimed when she showed him the phone and excused herself outside, but then he went back to yelling at Taylor.

“Hello?” she said.

“We have ants” came her mother’s voice through the speaker.

“What?” Lorelai asked confused.

“We have ants” Emily said again.

“Well say hello to them for me and offer them a drink”, Lorelai remarked dryly.

“Oh Lorelai, please! This is not something you should joke about”, Emily lectured her.

“Well, sorry mom, but I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about!” Lorelai laughed.

“I am talking about the fact that we have ants in our kitchen and the storeroom. They are everywhere”, Emily yelled into the phone.

“Geez, mom, the ants aren’t in my ears, you don’t have to scream”, Lorelai shot back and rubbed her ear.

“Well, I m sorry, but I’m going crazy here. I wanted to eat a sandwich and opened the fridge and they were everywhere”, Emily replied.

“And what do you want me to do? Come and scare them away or take them to my fridge? Sorry mom, but I don’t think my fridge will satisfy the needs of your upper-class ants.”

“Lorelai, seriously, is it too much of a hustle not to mock me once I call you?” Emily asked and sighed.

“Sorry. But honestly, why do you call me when you have ants in your fridge?” Lorelai asked her and just then Luke stormed out of the dance-studio. When she saw him she waved at him to get his attention and held her hand out for him to take it, which he did. She just rolled her eyes when he raised his eyebrows questioningly.

“Because I thought you might know this problem from the Inn and could give me some advice on what to do”, Emily explained.

“Ah, sorry, mom, but we never had ants. When we do, I will call you immediately”, she said and leaned back against Luke.

“Ants?” he whispered in her ear and she turned around and looked at him.

“My parents have ants in their kitchen and my mom wants to know what she can do about it” Lorelai explained to him.

“Put baking powder on the traces of them”, Luke shrugged.

“Did you hear that mom? You should put baking powder on their traces”, Lorelai told her mother and once again leaned back into Luke’s arms.

“Who was that?” Emily asked immediately.

“Who was what?” Lorelai played clueless.

“Who said “baking powder”?” Emily made it clear.

“Well… that was Luke”, Lorelai informed her and couldn’t keep herself from smiling when Luke tightened his arms around her.

“Luke? Why is Luke with you?”

“Because we’re back together mom”, Lorelai smiled widely now and Luke placed a soft kiss on her sleeve.

“Oh really. Then we’ll see the two of you tomorrow at dinner. Goodbye Lorelai” Emily said and hung up. Lorelai’s smile froze on her face.

“What?” asked Luke when he saw her expression.

“Dinner, tomorrow, you have to be there”, she informed him.

“Ah Jeez!” he exclaimed and she had to smile again, because that was so typically Luke and it was so good to have him back.


Am besten ich fang von Vorne an!
Wie Luke zu Lorelai geht *smile*! Das ist eben der Platz wo er hin gehört! So selbstverständlich! Schön!!! Die Erinnerung an ihre erste gemeinsame Film-Nacht! Casablanca! *hmmm* Und diesesmal schläft nicht Luke ein sondern Lorelai! Und dann!!! Ein KUSS!!!! Wub Und ein I LOVE YOU!!!Wub Wub
Der Morgen danach!! Klar das Lorelai es erst einmal Rory erzählen muss. Und Luke ist doch aufgewacht. Tja ohne Lorelai ist Schlafen halt nicht gleich Schlafen.
Und das alles wegen April *g*! Na gut ncht alles, aber ihre kleine Rede hat Luke zum Nachdenken gebracht!
Und dann Christopher! Ich hatte schon Angst er würde alles kaputt machen, aber nein! Er zieht nach Paris und wird dort hoffentlich glücklich! Paris ist weit genug weg, o baut er nicht wieder irgendwelchen Mist!
Zitat:You’re being playful and cocky, I like that
I like that too! So süß die Beiden!
Klar das Emily wieder anruft, wenn Luke und Lorelai gerade beschäftigt sind *g*! Wieder eine Rückblende in die Vergangenheit! I loved that!
Aber alles über die Ameisen ist vergessen, wenn Luke und Lorelai zum Essen kommen müssen! Typisch Emily!!
Alles in allem kann ich verstehen warum es euer Lieblingskapitel ist! Ich mag es!!!
Ps: Oh und ich bin die Erste *smile* LG momo

I never thought it could hurt so much!!

Aww Wub
Sie sind wieder zusammenSmile
Und ich hab so das Gefühl,dass es diesmal anhält.
Schön,dass Luke es April gleich sagen will.
Super toll, dass die Scheidung durch ist und Chris nach Paris geht *Far,far away*

Und dann die Ameisen genial...ich hab Emily richtig in meinem Kopf gehört^^
Und Lukes Erwiderung auf die Einladung
karana schrieb:“Ah Jeez!” he exclaimed and she had to smile again, because that was so typically Luke and it was so good to have him back.

Einfach perfekt Wub

Gute Nacht

New chapter!!!! :freu:

Oh my gawsh! You made my dream come true Wub
yeah, the good old movie night has its effects Wink I'm so glad they just took their chance and kissed each other without arguing what it could mean for their future and April and stuff like that. I :herz: that scene where Lorelai woke up next to him, how she watched him sleeping and called Rory immediately to tell her the news *purr*
And Chris, oh well, he's gone! Finally *yeees* Now they're living on two different continents and he shall never return to Stars Hollow! Big Grin
The Town Meeting ....oh, well, shut up, Taylor! They're back together and this time, it's real. No more messing around, they won't screw up again.
I bet Emily's face was hilarious when lorelai told her about Luke being back with her ^^ Smile What a shame we didn't see that! I just hope, he survives Friday night Wink

<---- back in JJ heaven Wub

:herz: Verlobt mit Carö ~ cause we are meant to be :herz:

wie gesagt, einfach toll wie immer!!!!

besser könnte man es gar nicht schreiben!Smile

Finally, Lorelai and Luke are back together Wub. Perfect.

I loved the chapter, it was as well written as the other ones before, so just perfect.
I liked the fact that Luke went to see Lorelai because he didn't want to be alone in his apartment. And the two of them watching "Casablanca", it really reminded me of the fourth season, but the end of the evening was far better than the one in 04x05.
It's great that they are honest when talking to each other. Finally they are talking again, as much as it is necessary in a relationship. Perfect.
The kiss was great and I liked the fact that Lorelai called Rory right after getting up, and that Lorelai told her mother about Luke and her being back together without lying to her. Quite better than hiding it from her.

I was kind of shocked that Chris called, but it wasn't as bad as I expected it to be Wink. Great that Lorelai "felt not even a pang of jealousy".
[SIZE=2]Taylor, well, of course he came up with his what-if-they-break-up-again thing, but I don't think that will happen. Or at least I hope it won't.

What else to say? Just: Perfect. Smile
Can't wait for the next chapter.



Vielen Dank an alle die die Story gelesen haben und reviewt haben. Wir hoffen euch gefällt auch das letzte Chapter.

Laura und Jessi

P.S: Ich habe auch eine neue Story (auf deutsch und auf englisch, gleicher Inhalt, gleiche Story. Das Ding heißt "Through all of these years" und ich würde mich freuen wenn ihr mal rein schaut. Link findet ihr in meiner Sig Wink)


Lorelai started to wake up and tried to turn around in order to fall back asleep, but something stopped her. She slowly opened her eyes and smiled, knowing it was Luke who was holding her. She felt his lips on her neck and heard a soft “Morning.”

She tried to turn around once more and this time he let her. She turned on her left side and faced him. “Morning.” After that she leaned in for a good morning kiss.

“How are you feeling this morning?” he asked her.

“Great. Better than the last few months”, she kissed him again.

“Good” he nodded and she smiled slightly as he moved a few hairs out of her face.

“You’re beautiful, you know”, he told her then and placed a kiss on the tip of her nose.

“You sure? I think I’m fat,” she protested. He shook his head.

“No. You’re beautiful.” He kissed her lips and moved his hands to her stomach. “You’re carrying my kids. You couldn’t be more beautiful” he assured her.

“Just wait until I’m nine months pregnant and you won’t fit in the same bed as me anymore,” she said, only half joking.

“I highly doubt that’ll happen. But if it does, I’ll buy us a bigger bed,” he shrugged.

She slapped his shoulder playfully. “Hey.”

“What? You’re the one who said it,” he replied, but smiled as well.

She smiled widely now as she looked directly into his eyes. “I love you.”

“I love you too Lorelai.” Then he disappeared under the comforter and she felt his lips against her stomach. “I love you, too.”

“You big old sap,” she said with a grin.

“Hey.” His head showed up from under the comforter. “I’m not.”

“Oh come here.” She carefully pulled him towards her so that she could kiss him again. “Did I tell you lately how much I love waking up next to my husband?” she asked and smoothed his hair which was sticking out now.

“Occasionally, yes.”

“Good. I don’t want you to forget.”

“I promise I won’t.” he nodded.

She smiled and closed her eyes. “I’m still tired.”

“Well, you are seven months pregnant with my children.”

“Yeah. So it’s your fault then.” She shot back.

He shook his head, but remained silent, because he knew this discussion would lead nowhere.

“What time are your parents and Rory and Logan coming for dinner?”

“Some time around 6.30. We’re having dinner first and do the gift thing afterwards.”

“Okay. Why don’t you try and get some more sleep, I’m going downstairs to see if April is awake already and make her breakfast.” She only nodded.

“I’ll come down when I wake up. Then maybe I can take April to a movie this afternoon so we won’t be in your way?” Lorelai said and yawned.

“You don’t have to leave the house,” Luke told her, it was important to him, that she knew she wasn’t in the way.

“I know. But they’re playing the great Christmas classic, Little Lord Fauntleroy, in the bookstore at 2 pm. I’d really like to see it. And I’m sure April will love it too. Rory was her age when she saw that movie the first time and we’ve watched it every year since. Until 2 years ago. Anyway, I’d love to take April if that’s okay with you.” Lorelai explained.

“Of course it is. Now go back to sleep.” He kissed her and watched her for a few seconds as she slowly drifted back to sleep.

At 6.30 pm exactly the door bell rang. April went to open it and found Richard and Emily at the other side.

“Hello April.” Emily said as she entered the house. “Are Rory and Logan here yet?”

“They arrived about ten minutes ago,” April told her after checking her watch.

“Good, good. How are you doing?” Emily asked and hung her coat up.

“I’m great. Thanks,” April replied, not a bit shy, because she had met the Gilmore’s on several occasions over the last year.

“We’re glad you’re here for Christmas. We missed you at Thanksgiving,” Emily informed her and took Richards coat.

April smiled. “I’m happy to be here too. Thank you Emily.”

“Hello April.” Richard said “How’s school going?” he wanted to know.

“Very well sir. I have this great science teacher this year. He lets us do all sorts of tests. It’s really great,” April smiled and together they walked into the living room.

“I’m glad to hear you’re doing okay April.” He smiled as he followed them into the living room.

After saying hello to everybody they all went into the kitchen for dinner. Luke prepared a big meal that would make Sookie jealous and was proud of it, which Lorelai saw by the look in his eyes. She resisted the urge to tease him and gave him a kiss instead.

“Luke that was delicious”, Emily complimented and the others nodded in agreement.

“Yeah, he’s such a doll,” Lorelai said.

“I’m not a doll’“, Luke huffed and glared at her.

“Oh baby, come on”, Lorelai said playfully and patted his hand.

“Speaking of babies, didn’t you want to announce something?!” Luke asked her, still with the same stern expression.

“Oh yeah right”, Lorelai said, took his hand, placed her free one on her belly and started to smile brightly.

“Because this is our first Christmas as a family, we though we’d let you know, who else will soon join the family, so you can start buying appropriate presents”.

“Lorelai,” Luke interrupter her, rolled his eyes, but smiled.

“Well, we thought we’d let you in on the secret of what the sex of these two are. And with sex I don’t mean the hypothetical sex they might like to have in twenty years from now or something…” she babbled and Luke groaned and gave her hand a squeeze.

“Okay, long story short: We’ll have a boy and a girl”, Lorelai then informed them and a happy chatter started, but Luke and Lorelai were too focused on staring and smiling at each other, that they didn’t hear it.

After dinner was over and all the dishes were put in the dishwasher, it was time to open gifts. Each person bought one gift for everybody and they were all placed underneath the Christmas tree. Luke and Lorelai sat down on the couch next to each other and as close as possible. Lorelai had tried to sit down on Luke’s lap, but he had stopped her and had hissed “Your parents” in her ear. Emily sat down on the couch as well and Richard sat down in the arm chair. The others sat down on the floor.

“Who wants to go first?” Lorelai asked impatiently and bounced excited on the couch.

“Stop bouncing, I don’t want these two to be born tonight”, Luke lectured her and placed a hand on her shoulder.

“It’s not like they are just going to pop out of me”, Lorelai giggled.

“Ah Geez, I know that, but just stop okay?!” Luke said and the rest laughed.

“Why don’t these two go first?” Rory suggested.

“These two? They don’t even have names yet but they already have presents?!” Luke asked.

“That’s so cool, did you hear that babies?” Lorelai smiled and patted her stomach.

“Luke feel, they’re kicking, they understood me!” she said then and placed his hand on her stomach as well.

“No, what they are feeling is their crazy mother bouncing up and down on the couch”, he said, but kept his hand on her stomach.

“See, now that was a strong kick, I bet he is disagreeing with you”, Lorelai said, leaned back and put her hand on top of Luke’s.

He smiled and kissed her on top of her head. “How do you know that’s the boy?”

She raised her shoulders. “I just do. Now how about those presents?” She looked at Rory impatiently. “Gimme, gimme!”

With a smile Rory stood up and handed one of the presents to her mother. She handed the other one to Luke.

Lorelai ripped the paper off the present while Luke took time to do it. In the end they each held a rattle. “This is great. Thank you.”

“We didn’t know the sex of the babies at the time, so they’re almost the same. I can go back and exchange it for a pink and a blue one if you like.”

“Nah. These are great. Thanks Rory.”

Rory nodded. “So, who wants to go next?”

They all unwrapped their gifts and in the end there was only one package left underneath the Christmas tree.

“Who does that one belong too?” Lorelai looked around.

Luke stood up from the couch to get the present. “It belongs to you.”

“But I already got so many presents.” She was smiling like a kid though.

“There’s one more.” He sat down next to her on the couch again and handed her the present. “This is for you.”

“Thank you.” Lorelai whispered as she unwrapped the gift. She was surprised to find a video tape inside. “This isn’t the tape with, well you know.”

“Lorelai.” Luke sighed as his face became bright red.

She smiled as she kissed his cheek. “I love it when you do that. Tell me, what’s on this tape?”

He looked down as he said. “It’s our wedding video.”

“It is? I thought the tapes were all ruined.”

“So did I. But Kirk wasn’t the only one who filmed at our wedding. I just found out a couple of weeks ago that TJ brought his video camera and filmed parts of the ceremony and the party afterwards. It’s not perfect quality but at least he took the lid of the camera.”

“Can we watch it now?”

“Of course.” He handed the tape to Rory who put it in the VCR. Logan turned on the television and handed the remote to Luke. As soon as he hit the play button Lorelai’s face filled the screen. She was standing at the end of the aisle in her beautiful white wedding dress. Then the screen turned to Luke who was waiting with the groomsmen and the bridesmaids at the other side of the aisle. The biggest smile could be seen on his face as he watched Lorelai walk down the aisle. His eyes were focused on nothing but her.

In the next shot Luke and Lorelai were exchanging vows. Her eyes were filled with tears as she promised her love to Luke and he did the same to her. When the minister pronounced them husband and wife a loud crying could be heard. It was obviously TJ.

They all laughed at this and Luke turned to face Lorelai. Her eyes were filled with tears through her laughter. She smiled at him. “Thank you so much. This is the best present you could have given me. I wish I’d given you a present this perfect.”

“But you already did.” He placed his hand on her stomach and smiled. She gave him a soft kiss and snuggled into his arms, laced her fingers through his on her pregnant stomach, where their babies were sitting safely and then looked around the room.

This really was it. Not pretend, but honest and for real this time. Her dream had come true.

The end
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