When it comes to Love it's all a bit Grey [MerDer AU FF]

Naaaah. Wahrscheinlich erst morgen morgen [sprich so gegen mittags/nachmittags], aber dafür wird es dann auch etwas länger Wink .

Und nein - im Urlaub werde ich nichts tun außer nichts tun, kapisch!? Big Grin

"i believe that we can be extraordinary together... rather than ordinary apart."

erst mal muss ich sagen: oh nein, dann muss ich ja so lange auf ein neues kapitel warten, also nach dem, was du heute hoffentlich noch online stellst. :heul:Faint na ja, aber ich werde es schon irgendwie überleben.

so, nun aber zu dem neuen part. der war wieder richtig klasse!!!!! der aufbau der story und die idee, die dahinter steht ist einfach genial.

seitdem ich deine story lese, steigert sich mein vokabular tag um tag. Smile vielen dank dafür. :knuddel:

Sig made by Falling~star
stolzes Mitglied im Rory & Logan Club und in der Life and Death Brigade - Nothing heals me like you do

Good things come to those who wait Big Grin

Danke für dein FB <3 Schön, dass es dir gefällt & du sogar noch was dabei lernst xD


The party was in full swing when Derek entered the room.
The decoration has not been shortened compared to the event hall. Life and soul of the party was definitely the huge undulate bar. On each end an impressive palm tree. The side-carpeting of the bar was wooden, void and lighted and water was pattering from the top so that the whole design was evocative of a miniature waterfall.
The room itself had two different sections. There was a stage at the front where a band of four was just performing different styles of music. The dance floor in front of the stage was almost empty. A dependable indication that most of the people were still sober.
Yet, they were sitting in comfortable-looking, creamy lounge chairs, babbling and tattling and publishing the newest piece of gossip. Every now and then they were disturbed by a photographer whom they gave one of their prettiest Take Your Damn Photo And Hit The Road Already smiles before they again got lost in their conversations. The only person who was officially allowed to bother them was the waiter who had a hard time juggling his tray with champagne around the tables without colliding with anyone or anything or stepping onto one of the ladies’ dresses’ trails. God, these guys deserved some extra wage for that!
The noise level was beyond bearable, at least for Derek. Anyway, he decided to put up with the upcoming headache instead of returning to the checkroom where his colleagues and so-called friends waited like hungry lions, ready to jump at him as soon as he would poke his nose into the room. Derek shuddered at the thought of it. He didn’t want company right now. The couple of hundred people in that room. Didn’t count. They didn’t tell him to go on. They didn’t tell him that the pain would go away sometime. These people didn’t care a fig for him. Well… he hoped they wouldn’t care a fig for him, at least.
His plan was to sneak to one of the tables in the corner and just sat there, accompanied by a bottle of champagne. Sounded good to him.

“How come you’re already that wasted?” Meredith frowned at her friend who hysterically jumped up and down in front of the dance floor.

“Dunno. No time to eat. At the hospital. Plus. This,” she pointed at her glass, “is definitely the best champagne that ever got me wasted.”

“You need to stop the drinking or I feel impelled to throw you over my shoulder and get your ass to your room by myself.”

“You’re too tiny and you have tiny ineffectual fists so I doubt that you were able to do that.” she grinned and took Meredith’s hand. “You should get wasted, Mer. Because you sober. So not funny.”

Cristina dragged Meredith with her to the bar and put her into a bar stool.

“You. Sit!” she ordered. “I’ll find you something spirituous that makes you more relaxed and less bitchy. I’ll be right back!” She grabbed her purse and hurtled off, leaving Meredith sitting in her stool. She looked around. Everyone seemed so cheerful. Holy, she hated cheerful people these times. Which was kind of selfish but she couldn’t help. She hated their excited chitchat. She hated the damn music. And what she hated the most were the people head over heels in love, whispering sweet nothing in each other’s ears and making out publicly. That was just… disgusting.
She had no time to think about it more because Izzie drew nearer, a tipsy George right on her coat-tails.

“Hey Iz.” Meredith forced a smile. “Found George Clooney already?”

“Nope.” She pulled a face. “Guess I have to be satisfied with George George.” she giggled, pointing at George who tried desperately to sit down on one of the bar stools. She leaned closer to Meredith. “He is SO wasted!” she whispered, still giggling.

“I. Am not. Wasted.” George made a last attempt to clamber the stool which apparently was doomed to failure. Resigning, he laid down on the chair on his stomach. He mumbled. “Maybe a touch drunk..”

“George, seriously,” Izzie raised an eyebrow. “I think it’s time for you to go beddybyes or something.” Her expression changed immediately when she obviously noticed something behind Meredith’s back. The next moment, Meredith heard Cristina’s voice, excited and triumphant.

“I’ve found you something that makes you more relaxed and less bitchy.” she said proudly. Meredith turned around, expecting shot glasses of Tequila or at least a cocktail, but what she saw made her almost fall off her chair. Blue eyes. Dark hair, slightly curly. Grinning from ear to ear. Staring at her. AGAIN, for crying out loud! She reluctantly turned her gaze to Cristina who just shrugged. “Only disadvantage: he’s not spirituous.”

"i believe that we can be extraordinary together... rather than ordinary apart."

wieder ein richtig gelungener part! Smile

bei deiner beschreibung am anfang habe ich irgendwie richtig lust auf party bekommen, frag mich nicht wieso. ich meine nicht, dass ich jetzt auf die piste gehen würde, dazu muss ich zu zeitig aufstehen, aber lust habe ich auf jeden fall bekommen. Big Grin

der schluss....wieso hörst du da auf? willst du mich mit absicht quälen? Unsure

Sig made by Falling~star
stolzes Mitglied im Rory & Logan Club und in der Life and Death Brigade - Nothing heals me like you do

Little-Anni schrieb:der schluss....wieso hörst du da auf? willst du mich mit absicht quälen? Unsure

Hrhrhr, ich bin soooo fiiieeeees [Bild: 7a64e82cd5c23547d49dec4bb70ce500.gif]

Ich wollte doch nur, dass ihr euch auf was freuen könnt Big Grin ^^

"i believe that we can be extraordinary together... rather than ordinary apart."

also bei mir hättest du das auch ohne so ein ende geschafft. man könnte fast sagen, dass ich deiner story verfallen bin. Big Grin

Sig made by Falling~star
stolzes Mitglied im Rory & Logan Club und in der Life and Death Brigade - Nothing heals me like you do

Aww, deine ff ist toll <333
Eine richtig tolle Idee ist das:clap:

haha, Derek mit seiner Band, so genial *lach*

UNd warum musstest du jetzt genau da aufhören? :lach: Wie fiiees, seriously XD

Werde deine FF auf alle Fälle weiter verfolgen, finde sie klasse Top

lg, Katie


Hiii Katie Smile
Ich habe gerade deine FF entdeckt und finde sie total klasse.
Derek in einer Band mit Alex, Mark, Denny und Callie? Das kann einfach nur gut sein Big Grin
Vorallem das Denny dabei ist freut mich total.
Ich liiiiebe Denny. More Denny I say!!
Christina und Izzie sind total cool beschrieben vorallem das hat mir gefallen:

Zitat:Cristina: (clapping her hands wildly) THAT’S MY PERSON! THAT’S MY PERSON!
Izzie: (already about to lose her voice) AND MY ROOMMATE!
George: (voice cracks) I MADE OUT WITH HER IN HIGH SCHOOL! (Mer, Izzie and Cristina looked at him completely stunned)


Zitat:“What do you mean?” Meredith tried really hard to act the innocent. Of course she knew what Cristina was speaking about.

Cristina rolled her eyes. “You sitting there all McBrainless, rubbernecking McDreamy like a doped chicken… You remember that?”
Da hast du Christina wirklich toll getroffen und vorallem dieses Wort "rubbernecking" ^^ Ich weiß zwar nicht was es bedeutet aber es hört sich witzig an ^^

Toll finde ich auch das du in Englisch schreibst, ich weiß auch nicht, vielleicht ist das verrückt aber ich finde das sich jede Geschichte auf Englisch gleich noch viel besser anhört. Smile
Ich freue mich auf jeden Fall schon total auf das nächste Chap und bin schon gespannt wie du MerDer zusammen bringen wirst.
Ich hoffe bloß in deiner FF bleiben uns Dinge wie
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Hoffentlich kommt Addison bald vor, ich weiß ja du bist kein
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Ach, ich bin mir sicher du machst es in jedem Fall gut.

Ich schau auf jeden Fall wieder vorbei.
Ganz liebe Grüße Abby :bettSadich liebe diese neuen Smilies ^^)

okay, ich will von dir nich geschlachtet werden und ich weiss, dass dein neuer teil schon in den startlöchern steht.. also, ich machs kurz.

holy crap. was ein cliffhanger. mit sowas fährst du in den urlaub?! seriously?!

mach hinne, wenn ich gleich gegen 6/halb 7 oder so nach hause komme, will ich mal wieder was neues von dir lesen. ^^

[btw, hoffe, du hast in deinem urlaub genug stoff für weitere updates gesammelt. nich, dass es hinterher so abläuft wie mit deiner alten ff Tongue]

Sure he's an asshole... Sure he's dead... Sure I'm just imagining that he's talking. None of that stops the bastard from being absolutely right.

Da bin ich wieder, erholt und voller Ideen Big Grin

Erstmal fettes DANKESCHÖN für eure lieben Comments <3 Hab mich sehr drüber gefreut!

Ich schreib jetzt mal nicht zu jedem einzelnen Punkt etwas, sondern sage allgemein, dass ich mich freue, dass euch die Idee gefällt und dass euch auch das Englisch nicht abschreckt Wink .

Zitat:[btw, hoffe, du hast in deinem urlaub genug stoff für weitere updates gesammelt. nich, dass es hinterher so abläuft wie mit deiner alten ff Tongue]

Musst du da immer noch drauf rumreiten? :heul:

Danke für's Warten + hier kommt das Update!

Meredith still met Cristina with disbelief. She wanted to say something but her head went all cloudy and the words just stuck in her throat. She desperately needed something to drink right now. Cristina was supposed to bring her something to drink. She was her freaking person who wanted to bring her something damn spirituous that would have made her damn wasted! God, how much would it help if she were wasted right now… Instead she was staring at freaking McRockstar who was still smiling at her. Jelly. Her legs. Felt like jelly. She needed to sit down. And she needed a drink. And she seriously needed to kick Cristina’s ass.

Meredith cleared her throat. “Can I talk to you for a sec?” she said, not even waiting for Cristina’s response but pulling her away from Derek, Izzie and George.

“What the hell does this mean?” Meredith folded her arms.


“THAT!” she said, turning around to face Derek who slightly lifted his hand to wave at her, causing Meredith to look the other way quickly.

“Oh, you mean McDreamy who you rubbernecked like a mesmerized rabbit..-“


“Did too!”

“Did not!”

“Did too!”


“Okay, okay.” Cristina said, lifted her hands up in defeat in front of her. “I changed my mind.”

“Huh?” Meredith raised her eyebrows.

“You don’t need to get drunk,” she said, all serious, hands on her hips. “You need to get laid.”

BUMP! Meredith was thunderstruck. Has Cristina, her person, seriously just said… Laid? Her mouth fell open. Get laid. Seriously? Seriously!? Cristina said that as if it was one of the most normal things on earth. Grass is green. People breathe air. Meredith needs to get laid. Hello? Seriously!

“Keep your panties on, Mer.” Cristina smirked at her. “Well, at least some more minutes.”

“ I am not having this conversation with you. Again!” Meredith was about to rush away when Cristina grabbed her arm.

“Mer, listen to me.” Now, there was a different look on Cristina’s face. Something that covered the mischievous grin. Something… concerned. “Don’t take it personal but you. Running around. Dark and twisty. Suck. I am your person. I am allowed to tell you that you kind of sucked the last weeks. I know you loved him and I know he is a bloody McBastard because he cheated on you with that McBitch…” she stopped and gently touched her friend’s shoulder when she realized her tear-filled eyes. Cristina sighed. “Meredith. I’m a cardiothoracic surgeon. I fix hearts. It’s my job to fix hearts. Plus. I’m your person. And I would kick your ass if you won’t go straight to Mr. Smile From Ear To Ear over there because I saw how you rub… looked at him. And by the way, he sat all McAlone at a table when I found him, looking like a sad puppy so maybe you can cheer up each other. With talking I mean.” she added quickly.

Meredith bit her lip. She always did this when she gave some thought to something. Did she really sucked that much? Since the second she’s found her slutty ex boyfriend with this super sluttly supporting actress in her bed. On her favourite sheets. She wanted to vomit all the time she was reminded of it. And she swore she’d practise celibacy. Except for the drinking. Drinking helped. And knitting. She’d even started to make a sweater. Well, actually she tried to make a sweater but Izzie secretly replaced her miserable bundle of wool with one of her self-made ones pretending it was hers. Anyway. No more men. That’s what she’d sworn. And now. Mr. The Hair himself was standing there, smiling at her, wanting to have a conversation with her, wanting to cheer her up. And jelly in her legs. Not very helpful. At all.

"i believe that we can be extraordinary together... rather than ordinary apart."

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