Hey ihr SüÃen!
Ich bin grad so drauf, also geb ich mal Re-FB:
@ katalin - Jap, Steph war bei GG zwar nur eine Episode dabei, aber die beiden sind irgendwie ein gern genutztes Nebenpairing. Und das Baby wird garantiert süÃ! Stars Hollows Begeisterung hab ich im 18. Chappy, an dem ich gard schreib schon drin
@ JUHUI - Danke, bin immer offen für Komplimente

Und Finn und Colin sind nunmal einfach sie, die mussten in meine FF rein - mal abgesehen davon, dass ich PDLD-Fanatiker bin
@ eve94 - Freut mich, dass du keine Verständnisprobs hast

Das mit Babette musste einfach rein, in der Serie hat Rory bei Sookies Hochzeit ja gemeint, wenn Patty und Babette trinken, müssten sie Dean verstecken. Ich will net wissen, was sie dann zu Finn gesagt haben/hätten. *g*
@ contigo - Auch bei dir, freut mich - bin immer offen für so ein Lob
@ RoGirl - Um mal was voraus zu nehmen, Colin bekommt einen kleinen Sohn ... Colin musste zu Rory stehen, Finn ja sowieso. Ich mag die beiden einfach zu sehr, als dass ich sie auseinander reiÃen würde
Und natürlich sind Finn und Colin bei mir auch mal erwachsen geworden, also auch vernünftiger. Ist vielleicht ein bissel schwer vorzustellen wie, aber sie haben es geschafft.

So, und nun zu Chapter Nummer 3:
I can't and won't go to Australia
The next morning she woke up from the delicious smell of the coffee coming from the kitchen. Slowly she moved out of Finn’s arms and entered the kitchen. Lorelai sat at the table enjoying her coffee. She smiled at her daughter when she poured herself a cup and sat down across from where her mother sat. They quietly chatted until Finn came out of Rory’s room and lazily smiled at them. His hair was a mess and he looked half asleep. “Coffee” was the only word coming from him as he sat down with them and put his head on the table. As she saw her mother’s questioning glance, Rory just smiled and got him a cup.
“He may not be the alcoholic he used to be anymore, but he still isn’t used to be up before at least one p.m.” she explained.
“Can’t function” was his mumbled answer. He slowly lifted his head as Rory sat the cup in front of him and looked in two bemused faces of the two Gilmore girls. Again he just mumbled something, this time it wasn’t understandable. Rory smiled at him and then began to talk with her mother again. But Lorelai’s attention was focussed on the Aussie, whose head was on the table yet again.
“Maybe we should take him to a doctor?” she asked finally and a little bit worried, because Finn hadn’t even bothered to move in the last ten minutes. Rory just laughed.
“It’s okay mom, that’s normal. But if you want I can wake him up for you.” When she saw, that her mother still looked a little worried she leaned over and whispered something into his ear. He instantly shot up, a smile spreading across his face.
“Really?” She just broke into laughter.
“No, mom just thought you are ill and was worried about you. I had to wake you up and that was how I knew for sure, that you would wake up.” Lorelai looked from Finn to Rory and back to him.
“What did you tell him?” she asked confused.
“She promised!” Finn pouted a little.
“I didn’t! I told you the first time I’m not going!” she still laughed.
“Yes you did!”
“No I didn’t! I just asked if you were ready to go!”
“Could someone please fill me in?” Lorelai had a frown on her face.
“A few months ago Finn wanted to go to Australia with me. I told him I wouldn’t but he keeps bothering me with it. I just asked him, if he was ready to go to Sydney.”
“That’s mean! Now I will just go alone, right now!”
“No you won’t!”
“Yes I will!”
“Alright children, stop it! And now my lovely daughter: You can go to Australia with an extremely hot guy and you don’t run to the plane? I’m ashamed of you! You should totally go! Oh, and learn to surf when you’re there!”
“Mom! I have to get divorced and find a job at the moment! I can’t and I won’t go to Australia right now!”
“Oh come on, daughter of mine. I mean Australia with a hot Aussie, how can you not go?”
“I can take you, Lorelai!” Finn jumped in. Both Gilmore girls looked at him surprised. Rory however was a little bit angry at herself, that she brought it up again. She should have known where it would end. They’ve had this conversation a few times now and still she hadn’t agreed to it. Now her mother wanted her to go, too. Well, at least Finn was awake now.
“No one’s going to Australia, Finn. I have an apartment to find and a marriage to divorce, vacation can come after that. And now I’m hungry, let’s go to Luke’s!” With that she stood up and waited until the other two followed.
The rest of the day Finn and Rory searched for an apartment big enough for the two of them – Finn had agreed to stay with her, for a while at least – and near to Stars Hollow, so Rory could visit her mom often and make up the last years. During this day Miss Patty came over and invited them to her show for the evening, an invitation the happily accepted. Colin called, like he promised the day before, and told them about how Stephanie had to keep Logan away from him after he talked to her. Logan, obviously upset, left short after that muttering something about Rory stealing his friends away from him. After that Rory felt a little bad. He was right, she somehow stole his friends. Colin and Stephanie were loyal to her and promised to help her and Finn had been there for her the whole time. Yeah, she stole his friends, but she didn’t mean to. They didn’t have to do this, when they wanted to stay with Logan. She told Finn this, but he just hugged her gently and said, that they knew exactly what they wanted to do and that was helping her. After that they just continued to search.
“Are you ready, kitten?” Finn knocked on the door to her bedroom, where she got ready for the evening at Miss Patty’s. She looked at herself one last time. She wore a denim skirt, brown knee high boots and a fitting brown shirt. She then got out of her room smiled at him and linked his arm with hers. This
was going to be a great night!
Ach ja, wenn einer von euch möchte, kann ich ihn bei jedem neuen Teil per PN benachrichtigen. Einfach Bescheid geben
"The truth is rarely pure and never simple."
Oscar Wilde