Back where I belong

so sorry, dass ich jetzt komm mit dem FB, aber wow.
ist dir wirklcih gut gelungen der Teil *lob aussprech*
Das Gespräch zwischen den beiden Girls war richtig schön und sie sagen sich das, was sie denken.
Ja, Rory verletzt den guten alten Finn nicht.
Sonnenuntergänge sind für Paare *heeh* hoffe, sei gehören auch mal dazu, aber Finn lässt sich ja überreden.
sie haben sich geküsst *freu* blöd, dass Rory ihn dann wegstößt, aber das war schon mla der erste Schritt. ^^
freu mich schon auf mehr.
kissi anja


Sooo, sehr spät aber doch! Ich war wieder mal ne woche nicht da und bin somit erst jetzt zum Lesen gekommen.

Sie haben sich geküsst, zwar nicht ganz so wie ich mir das vielleicht ausgemalt hätte, aber immerhin!!

Wie trish versucht vorsichtig mit Rory zu reden, und die natürlich wiedermal überhaupt nicht verstehen will was Sache ist...

Das mit dem Sonnenuntergang muss echt hart für Finn gewesen sein... Ich bin unglücklich verliebt und würde mit dem Kerl einen Sonnenuntergang am Strand sicher auch nicht überstehen ohne dass was passieren würde...
Jetzt hoff ich nur, dass Rory nicht allzusehr überreagiert!!! BITTE!!!!!

Schönen Abend noch!
LG eve94

Nutze den Tag, sonst tut es ein anderer!Wink

So, die letzte Ferienwoch neigt sich langsam dem Ende zu. Morgen fahre ich zur Hochzeit ... na ja, ich wollt euch mal wieder was zu lesen geben. Smile

@ prinzessin23 - Schön, dass du dich hier auch mal meldest - und freut mich, dass dir meine FF gefällt.

@ Kiwi-Power - Na ob das mit dem abrupt beenden gut oder schlecht ist, dass muss jeder selber wissen Wink Danke für dein FB!

@ Anja - Macht nix ... Ja ja, der erste Schritt in Richtung große Liebe. Dauert nicht mehr lang! Danke auch dir!

@ eve94 - Du arme! Hoffentlich gehts für dich gut aus. Für Finn tuts das schließlich garantiert. Danke auch für dein FB!

So, on with the story:

Do you regret kissing him?

Sadly the happiness didn’t last long, because she pulled away abruptly and held her fingers to her lips on shock.
“You … You kissed me!”

Before he could even think of an answer or an explanation she grabbed her purse and did what Gilmore Girls could do best – she ran.
“Rory!” she heard him get up and quickly follow her, which only made her run faster.
“Rory, for heavens sake, stop!” she didn’t listen. He chased her down two streets, until he lost her between the crowds of people. He searched for her for full two hours, but didn’t even find a peek of her. Through all the time panic started to build up inside of him. He had lived here most of his live, but she had never been here before. She surely would get lost and couldn’t find her way back – or worse, someone could find her, which might end terrible for her. Finally he gave up and hailed a cab, hoping that, against his former worries, she was back at the hotel by now.

He truly started to panic when he got to their room and everything was quiet and untouched, no sign of her anywhere. Sighing he sat down on the bed, tried to calm down a little bit, got his phone and called the only person he knew, who would stay rational in his situation.
“Hey sis, I really need your help!”

At the same time, but in a different corner of Sydney, Rory sat down on a bench and tried her best to think about what had happened. She didn’t have much success though, so she just picked up her phone and dialled her mother’s number. She was sure Lorelai could help her.
“Whoever you are, I’m gonna kill you! It’s seven thirty on a Sunday!”
“You wouldn’t kill your only daughter, would you?” she tried her best to seem happy.
“What’s up babe?” Of course Lorelai knew instantly that something was wrong.
“I … I met Finn’s sister today and in when Finn and Rosie took a nap she kept saying those things about Finn seeing me as more than a friend. And then I wanted to see the sunset, so Finn and I went to the beach and Finn kissed me and I ran and now I’m sitting on a bench somewhere and I don’t really know where I am or what I should do.” After this Lorelai was silent for a few minutes.
“You kissed Finn?” she finally asked.
“He kissed me – and I kissed him back”
“And then you ran?”
“Yeah and now I don’t know what I should do or how I feel and-”
“Okay, calm down, honey. We’ll figure it out” Lorelai cut her off, now fully awake.
“Okay, so he kissed you and you kissed him back. How did that feel?”
“How should it feel? It felt pretty good and it was sweet and all, but –”
“Good, then you ran – why?” Lore cut her off once again.
“Because I realized what we were doing and I didn’t know how to deal with it or with him – so I ran.”
“So you’re confused. Do you regret kissing him?” She heard her daughter smile.
“I have yet to regret anything in my life that concerns Finn.” Her voice had a somewhat dreamy tone. Again there was silence while Lorelai thought about the details her daughter gave her.
“Honey? I think there’s something more between you and Finn, than you want to admit.” A few days ago Rory would have laughed at that, but thinking about this day’s events she wasn’t so sure.
“I don’t know anymore. I’m just so confused! Just tell me, what I should do!”
“You should call Finn and talk to him about it. And in the end you two might even give something new a chance?” Rory sighed.
“Okay, thanks mom! Talk to you later, I love you!”
“Love you too, hon. Now go get him!”

Trish watched her brother pacing around the room, staring at the phone in his hand and wishing it to ring.
“Finn, you need to calm down!”
“I can’t calm down! I don’t know where she is and what might be done to her and I’m just such an idiot for kissing her!” He didn’t get an answer from his sister, because in this moment the phone finally started ringing.

“Rory?” he sounded exhausted and helpless, but most of all panicked.
“Yeah it’s me. Listen, I’m sorry I ran and obviously you worried about me – I’m sorry about that too. Could you come and pick me up, I think we have something to talk about.
“Good, are you okay? Where are you?”
“I’m fine and I’m at …”

He listened to her directions, nodded at his sister’s unspoken question and finally calmed down. She was okay, so he could finally stop worrying.

So, im nächsten Chappy kommt es endlich!
Lg, Susu Smile


"The truth is rarely pure and never simple."
Oscar Wilde

danke Lorelai!!!! Das war ja mal nötig!!! Jetzt ist rory zumindest schon mal einen schritt weiter. Was so klärende Mutter-Tochter gespräche nicht alles bewirken können!!

Das bei diesen Gilmores nach einer überraschenden Situation immer dieser Fluchtgedanke einsetzen muss!! schlimm!!

Und wie Finn ihr dann hinterher rennt! Süß!!

Na zum Glück meldet Rory sich dann doch nocht bei ihm! der wäre ja ausgezuckt vor Sorge!!

jetzt will ich aber unbedingt wissen was bei diesem Gespräch raus kommt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bis bald!
LG eve94

Nutze den Tag, sonst tut es ein anderer!Wink

Hi Susu.
Der Teil war toll, auch wenn Rory gleich nach dem Kuss weggerannt ist, obwohl ich das auch verstehen kann, ich meine sie dachte echt, dass sie beide nur Freunde sind/waren.
War eine gute Entscheidung Lorelai anzurufen!
Zitat:Whoever you are, I’m gonna kill you! It’s seven thirty on a Sunday!”
:lach: ja das ist unsere Lorelai. *hehe*
Lorelai hat das echt gut hinbekommen, mit Rory. *top*
Auch Finns Schwester!
Jetzt kommt dann das Gespräch *freu* *freu* *freu*
bin schon gespannt wie es weitergeht.
kiss anja


Hallo meine Süßen!
Hab gerade den 21. Chapter hochgeladen und da dachte ich, ich pack hier auch gleich den nächsten rauf.

@ eve94 - Das mit dem Gespräch erfährst du ja jetzt! Danke für dein Fb!

@ Anja - Na dann, hoffe ich, dass dir gefällt wie ich weiter gemacht hab Smile Danke auch an dich!

So und nun zum nächsten Chappy:

The simplest yet most complicated way

The cab drive back to the hotel was silent. Neither of them knew how to start this conversation; it was new territory for them.
Back in the hotel room, Rory sat down and looked up at Finn, who read the note his sister left them.
“So …” Rory started. Finn looked up from the note.
“Yeah?” He sounded somewhat nervous.
“Could you please sit down? We really need to talk about this.” He sat down next to her. “Okay, you kissed me.”
“I did, but –” he was interrupted by her.
“You kissed me and I kissed you back.”
“I know you did.”
“After that I ran. I’m sorry for that!”
“Why did you run?”
“I think it was kind of a reflex. Nearly every time a boy kissed me for the first time, I ran. When Dean kissed me, when Tristan kissed me, when Jess kissed me and now you. Come to think of it, Logan was the only one, from whom I’ve never run away.”
“When you put it like that it sounds like a good thing, that you ran.” He chuckled.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, with two of the three boys you ran from you were involved after it.”
“Oh?” she hadn’t thought of that. After that they were silent for a few minutes, as Rory thought about it and Finn waited impatiently for her to speak again.
“I guess you’re right” she finally said.
“Okay, now that we covered the facts, could you please tell me what we’re gonna do?”
“Only, if you answer me a question.”
“Go ahead, love.”
“What do you feel for me?”
“I …” he tried, but didn’t really know, what to say. The full truth was surely a little to much at the moment – or wasn’t it?
“You what?” she felt nervous. God, why did it make her nervous to see him hesitate? Was this good or bad? Only a few hours earlier they wouldn’t even have thought about that!
“I don’t think you really want to know.”
“I do too! Tell me, please.”
“But it would make everything so complicated. Everything was going so fine just now and I so don’t want to screw things up. Let’s just pretend nothing ever happened.” Rory looked at him. His eyes were full of fear. But why was he so afraid? She sighed.
“I don’t think we can do that, Finn. It happened and that I ran doesn’t automatically mean that I wish it never happened. I don’t regret anything – well at least nothing about you.”
“You don’t regret it?” he sounded surprised.
“No, I don’t. Now could you please answer my question?”
“It’s pretty simple, but then again it’s not. Let’s just say, you are the only one for whom I’ve ever hated one of my friends.”
“That’s not what I asked. I wanted to know, what your feelings are. If you ever tell me, I would feel much better about mine.”
“I just don’t want to scare you, kitten.”
“Finn …” she slowly lost her temper. Why couldn’t he just say it?
He on the other side debated about whether or not he should tell her the truth. He finally just settled for the simplest yet most complicated way to put it.
“I love you.”
“No I didn’t mean you should tell me, what you alw- Wait, you meant that!” She looked at him, taken aback.
“Yes, Ror. I mean, that I’m in love with you … Now could you please start breathing again?” He looked worried. Rory realized that she had been holding her breath. She slowly let it out again and smiled shyly at him.
“I don’t really know what to say now. I’m sorry.” To her surprise he smiled understanding.
“Don’t be. I spent at least three years denying it. I don’t give you three years to think, but I know you need time to process. It’s okay.”
“But I don’t want you to think, that I don’t feel that way!”
“Well, do you?”
“I … maybe … but …” after one breath she settled for an answer, “Yes, I think I do.”
Now his smile turned from understanding to unbelievably happy and he pulled her into his arms.
“You sure?”
“I am.” She smiled, too.
“Are you going to run again, if I kiss you now?” After she shook her head he pulled her into a long kiss, which left both of their heads spinning. And it felt really good – for both of them.

Freu mich auf eure Meinungen!
Lg, Susu Smile


"The truth is rarely pure and never simple."
Oscar Wilde

Na was soll ich da noch sagen?

Ich bin glücklich, glücklich, glücklich!!!!!!!!!!!! Das war sooooooooooooooooooo schön!!!!!!!!!!

So toll geschrieben, wie Finn sich herumgedrückt hat, wie Rory ihn fast (in Ermangelung eines besseren Wortes...) "gedrängt" hat ihr zu sagen was er fühlt, wie Finn es dann immer wieder versucht hat, aber es plötzlich nicht geschafft hat...
(Ach ich kenn die Situation nur zu gut!! Man malt sich die Szene wenn man dem anderen sagt dass man in ihn/sie verliebt ist perfekt auf 3000 verschiedene Arten aus, und dann kann man es plötzlich nicht in Worte fassen und bekommt Panik.... Tja, dass sind vertraute Situationen...Big Grin) Aber Finn hat es dann geschafft, und er hat es mit den einfachsten, schönsten Worten gesagt, in denen man es ausdrücken kann: einfach I love you..
Ach, da schmilzt mein Romantik liebendes Herz dahin...

Und dann erkennt Rory auch noch, dass sie auch so empfindet... ist das schön!!!!
Und sie küssen sich wieder...
Mir gehts gut, hab ich das schon erwähnt...?Big Grin


Bis zum nächsten Kapitel... Also hoffentlich bis bald!Wink

Schönen Abend noch!
LG eve94

Nutze den Tag, sonst tut es ein anderer!Wink

Ich bin grad voll am dahinschmelzen ich weiß gar nicht wie ich da ein vernünftiges FB hinkriegen soll xD Aber ich versuch es Big Grin
Der Teil war einfach nur <3 zuckersüß Smile
Einfach der Hammer!
Und wie Finn es solange herausgezögert hat und dann doch so kurz und perfekt gesagt hat Smile ui <3
Und Rory ist nicht weggelaufen! *Daumen hoch* Big Grin
Ich freu mich schon auf den nächsten Teil Wink
Bis dann!
Ganz liebe und sehr glückliche Grüße

07.08.08- Endlich <3 Meine Gilmore Girls-Sammlung
ist komplett :groove:

Hallo Susu *wink*
ahhhhh das ist ja ein wundeschöner Teil :herz:
mir hat es wikrlich gut gefallen, das gespräch war jaaaa richtig toll, auch wenn am Anfang es holprig, aber na ja ist ja verständlich. ^^
Zitat:“I think it was kind of a reflex. Nearly every time a boy kissed me for the first time, I ran. When Dean kissed me, when Tristan kissed me, when Jess kissed me and now you. Come to think of it, Logan was the only one, from whom I’ve never run away.”
“When you put it like that it sounds like a good thing, that you ran.” He chuckled.
wenn man das wie Finn sieht, ist da ja wirklcih ein gutes Zeichen, dass sie weggelaufen ist xD xD finde ich gut ;D
Zitat:“What do you feel for me?”
als wüssten wir das ncoh nicht Tongue
Zitat:“I love you.”
© © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © so lieb
Zitat:“I … maybe … but …” after one breath she settled for an answer, “Yes, I think I do.”
ahhhhhh ist das süß! ja sie lieben sich *freu*

Zitat:“Are you going to run again, if I kiss you now?” After she shook her head he pulled her into a long kiss, which left both of their heads spinning. And it felt really good – for both of them.
der perfekte Abschluss für ein großartiges Kapitel!!!!!

freu mcih schon auf viel mehr von dir.
bussi anja


Hallo meine Süßen!
Ich arbeite gerade an einem neuen Teil, werde ihn wahrscheinlich am WE fertig stellen, wollte euch aber trotzdem schonmal ein neues Chappy liefern.

@ eve94 - Dake fürs FB! Freut mich, dass du es so toll fandest. Es hat mir zu der Zeit so viel Spaß gemacht, den Chapter zu schreiben!

@ RoGirl - Auch dir ein Dankeschön! Es war eben wirklich der einfachste Weg, es auszudrücken. Aber ich persönlich denke, besser geht es gar nicht.

@ Anja - Danke ebenfalls an dich. Ja ja, nach einem Fb bei musste ich das Wegrennen einfach nochmal richtig erklären, was ich ja damit getan habe. Und nu ja, Rory war ja bis jetzt blind dafür. Wir haben es natürlich schon lange gewusst. Es freut mich, dass es dir so gut gefallen hat!

Hier Chapter Nr. 17

Didn't your father just squeal?!

Two days later Rory awoke well rested and with a smile on her lips. She turned over to look at Finn, who was sound asleep next to her. With a slightly evil grin she noted, that it was past ten thirty. Time to wake him up, though he wouldn’t be very pleased with the time. She crawled out from under the covers and began to bounce up and down on the bed.
“Come on, sleepyhead, wake up!” the first response that she got, was a groan. When she wouldn’t stop he rolled over, eyes still closed, grabbed her wrists and pulled her down, so that she lay half on top of him.
“Stop it, love” he mumbled.
“No good morning?” she pouted and even though he couldn’t see it, he smiled. He knew all too well how she looked, when she did that.
“You just woke me up from a very nice dream and I don’t think it’s time for me to get up yet, or open my eyes for that matter. So how should I say good morning?”
“Think of something you can do with closed eyes” she suggested. He grinned and then captured her lips with his own.
“Mornin’ kitten” he mumbled after they parted again.
“Hey” she mumbled back.
They lay still for a moment, until Rory couldn’t take it anymore and started sitting up again, which was nearly impossible as Finn’s arms were still tightly around her.
“Could you move, so I can stand up?”
“But I need food, I want to call room service!”
“So do it from here.”
“But I can’t reach the phone” she whined. She really needed her coffee, and her pancakes.
“Fine” he sighed and let go. After she had fulfilled her duty she climbed back into the bed and tried to wake him up once again.
“Finny? Please wake up now, or open your eyes, ‘cause I know you’re awake.” Finally giving up he opened his eyes and sat up.
“There, I’m awake. Are you happy now?”
“Very. Now you can kiss me good morning.”
“And I thought, I already did that” he grinned.
“Twice is better.”
“I can’t argue with that, now can I?” As she shook her head, he claimed her lips once more.

After Rory got out of the bed and went to the bathroom to shower Finn lay back down. He was more than happy. Actually being with Rory felt perfect. But that was not the point right now. Now he could go back to sleep for at least an hour! Happily he closed his eyes again.

That evening they stood outside the Morgan mansion. Since Rory was pretty nervous Finn tried to calm her down. He gave her a short, sweet kiss and an assuring smile and laid his arm around her waist.
“Come on, kitten. It won’t be different from all the other times – only that my mother will talk about her future grandchildren.” With that he pressed the doorbell.
Instead of a maid, like Rory was used to from her grandparents, they saw Andrew and Carolyn standing behind the door with smiles on their faces. Upon seeing them enter, especially the way Rory snuggled closer to her boyfriend, both parents began to squeal out of joy. Rory looked up in shock, only to be met by the grin on Finn’s face.
“I told you, no difference” he said.
“But … didn’t your father just squeal?!”
“That he did, love.” Finn’s grin only grew upon seeing her face.
“I probably will never get used to your father” Rory mumbled and then looked up and greeted the rest of the Morgan family, Trish and Rosie and Trish’s husband, smiling. Afterwards the pair was pulled in a bone breaking hug by both Andrew and Carolyn at the same time.
“I knew it! I knew it! I told you he’d tell her someday!” Andrew was nearly jumping out of joy.
“Mom, Dad, I know you’re happy, but you still shouldn’t hug your only son and his girlfriend to death!” Finn pressed. Both let go of them and guided them to the dining room.

The talk during dinner was mostly Carolyn gushing about how adorable her son’s kids would look like and Andrew planning where to celebrate his son’s wedding. Surprisingly Rory didn’t feel uncomfortable with talking about it. She was listening to Andrew’s plans with a smile and tried to imagine what this wedding would be like. This time her mother and Luke would be there and she could invite the whole town – no one would blame her in this family. Only when she saw Finn’s knowing smile it occurred to her that she was imagining her wedding two days after she actually got together with him. She blushed a little but he only took her hand in his and continued to listen to his parents.

Freu mich auf eure Meinungen!
Susu :knuddel:


"The truth is rarely pure and never simple."
Oscar Wilde

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