English Chatcorner II

Zitat:Do you read an english book at the moment? I'm still reading The Green Mile, it's not very easy but I think I will finish it in a week or so^^
I'm still on 'Abhorsen', the third installment of Garth Nix' Abhorsen trilogy (Sabriel, Lirael & Abhorsen). His style needs some getting used to but it's quite good. I also started 'Living Dead in Dallas' by Charlaine Harris but I put it on hiatus until I'm finished with the other one.

Zitat: What are you going to do this week?
School, homework, more school, yearbook meeting, more school and oh! more school.

Wenn mich jeder mögen würde, dann wäre ich Käsekuchen!

Sounds like a lot of fun. Wink



Vevila schrieb:School, homework, more school, yearbook meeting, more school and oh! more school.
I've got the same problem. Only without the yearbook meeting! Wink

My friends Wink

How are you doing?

Last night I've been sleeping for only 2 hours. I stood up at 7:00 a.m., but I'm not tired right now^^ although I feel a bit exhausted and stressed.

You know what I want right now? A masseur. Don't care how he looks, the only thing I assume is that he is talented. Big Grin



Zitat:but I'm not tired right now
I totally understand that. Sometimes it's not easy for me to sleep in after a short night like that (although I've slept about 3,5 hours last night). I'm in bed and I know I have to sleep because I didn't sleep much last night but the sleep won't come.

Danke an Jo & XY ungelöst - die weltbesten Künstlerinnen
Ideenlos und stolz darauf!


You know you should sleep and you feel exhausted, but nevertheless it's impossible to fall asleep.

That's what I call my notorious short of sleep. After a while I think anything is funny and I start laughing. Actually it's because I'm desperate that I can't sleep so I have to do something very useless (laughing without a reason) and after a (long) while I get bored and the boring feeling leads to sleep. Hopefully...^^



I'm so happy. But it's so stupid^^ I'll tell you the story:

Tomorrow I have two free lessons after a course in Audiovision after it 2 free hours and after them a course in history of communication. So in this two hours my friend and me decided to go by bus^^ but with no "real" destination.

We just want to find out where they head to, line 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8. Line 7 has been taken last week^^ nice ride around salzburg and we listened to :looking back over my shoulder and springsteen (I made her listen to it^^) and that made me extremely happy, and now I'm looking forward to doing that again Big Grin

It was so much fun! I think tomorrow we take line 5.



Is there anybody out there? XD

I have to work tomorrow, yes, that would be a sunday. It's for three hours and I hate myself for saying yes, but I can't say no, cause' it's fun when I'm working and I need the money. I really hope that it will be fun.

What are you doing at the moment?



Have i ever mentioned that i hate my English teacher? No? Then I will now... God, she's... she's... ridicolus... That's it... She's ridicolus...Imagine... we had a dictation yesterday. And I am in 10th form... God, it's... unbelievable... >.<

Hey there, by the way ^^


A dictation? Back to the roots Wink

I feel bad for my English teacher (Mrs. St.). She isn't really an English teacher, she just kind of has to do the job, because my school is a bit weird. I don't really know what her real subject is (that she is trained for). She is the emergency solution to the question 'Who should to the job'. So, it's pretty difficult for her to actually do everything that is asked from her.

Her English isn't very well and that's why a lot of the students make fun of her... I don't like injustice. It's not her fault that my school can't afford a proper English teacher. She does it the best she can and people shouldn't be disrespectful to her. But sadly they don't get it.

Does anybody know the project eTwinning? I don't really know it, but Mrs. St. tried to explain it and it sounds interesting. It's a partnership between schools. F.i. our school is a Berufskolleg and if you are signed up in that programm you can communicate with foreign Berufskollegen to exchange the subjects of your education or the standards and so forth. Has anybody heard of it?


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