Hmmm, also beim Eishockeyspiel und auf der Party fand ich sie eigentlich noch in Ordnung.
Aber das Video, wo sie mit Dean streitet hab ich auch gesehen und da fand ich sie richtig...
Hier mal der Text:
LINDSAY: We're supposed to go out with Erika and David tonight.
DEAN: I can't!
LINDSAY: So why would you say you could?!
DEAN: Lindsay, I told you, if there was a chance for some extra hours --
LINDSAY: Oh, come on!
DEAN: -- that I was gonna take it.
LINDSAY: We never do anything, Dean.
DEAN: We need money! God! You know that, Lindsay!
LINDSAY: You are so incredibly selfish. You never think about me --never.
DEAN: You want a town house? You want a new car? We need money to pay for these things.
LINDSAY: I sit at home all day waiting for you. You never call during the day, like you always promise you will.
DEAN: God, Lindsay!
LINDSAY: I'm bored, Dean. Don't you care about that? I want to go out with my husband. Hello! We're married here!
DEAN: Well, I'll be done in a couple of hours. If you want to--
LINDSAY: I'm going out with Erika and David.
DEAN: Fine. Go. When will you be home?
LINDSAY: When I get home.
DEAN: That's nice, Lindsay. That's real nice.
LINDSAY: Whatever, Dean.
Oh, bisschen lang geworden

, aber da fand ich sie echt nur

Oder als sie Dean verbietet mit Rory zu sprechen:
RORY: She knows we talk, right -- that we're friends?
DEAN: She does now. She doesn't want me talking to you anymore.
Ne, ne, ich finde sie echt unsympatisch.