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Registriert seit: 30.10.2006
melitta schrieb:XD well like the situation is now I'd say the chance to get swine flu in Texas is as big as getting it in Germany. But okay Texas is next to Mexico and there are most of the swine flu cases.
Mh, I think the chances are a bit higher than in Germany. I thougt in America are acutally more swine-flu cases than in Mexico?
Bah, I wish I could go to the US this summer. But it won't work. I have some relatives in Hartford who write every year a letter to us, but my parents are...I don't know...too lazy to write back? Or they forgot how to write english.

So I think I have to write a letter and ask if I can come over someday.
My friend is in Minneapolis at the moment. Little jealous about that. ^^
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Registriert seit: 02.12.2005
melitta schrieb:XD well like the situation is now I'd say the chance to get swine flu in Texas is as big as getting it in Germany. But okay Texas is next to Mexico and there are most of the swine flu cases.
But I'm sure you won't get it =)
And take pictures (from everything^^) XD
Oh, I'm also flying with an Air France plane so I could crash. But I think that I won't crash and I won't get the swine-flu.
Okay, I will take pictures from everything and you can see them all on my Twitter page... or here. I don't know yet. ^^
Floyd schrieb:Ditto!
I'm also gonna fly into the states this summer. At first I really didn't want to because of the swine-flu but now I said yes but I'm still kinda scared.
I guess I just have to not think about it.
You're going, too? Where to? And when? Maybe we'll meet xD. I really want to go to New York. I hope that my aunt will fly there with me. I just have to ask nicely and be a charming cute girl and then it will work ^^.
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Registriert seit: 09.08.2004
We're going to San Francisco. Well, we wanna stay there for one week and then drive the way up to Seattle. I think our flight goes on August 22nd.
When exactly are you going? And how long are you gonna stay? And where exactly in Texas will you be?
Yeah, I guess New York's really great. I would love to go there sometime, especially in winter. My cousin once went there for christmas shopping.
So I'll definitely keep my fingers crossed for you!
Everything. Everyone. Everywhere. Ends.
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Registriert seit: 17.02.2006
I´m so extremely jealous at this moment, you wouldn´t believe it...
I have wanderlust

And I don´t fear swine flu...would go anywhere...
Be careful what you wish f☻r.
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Registriert seit: 02.12.2005
Floyd schrieb:We're going to San Francisco. Well, we wanna stay there for one week and then drive the way up to Seattle. I think our flight goes on August 22nd.
When exactly are you going? And how long are you gonna stay? And where exactly in Texas will you be?
Yeah, I guess New York's really great. I would love to go there sometime, especially in winter. My cousin once went there for christmas shopping.
So I'll definitely keep my fingers crossed for you!
My flight goes on August 2nd and I'll be staying with my aunt near Houston for a month.
Wow, San Francisco... I want to go there sometimes, too. I think that a USA round trip for me would be great - all the big and great citys like New York, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Houston, Miami, Hollywood (well, that isn't a city ^^).
I don't like winter but I think shopping in New York is great in every season. I really do hope that my aunt will go there with me. Keep your fingers crossed for me ^^
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Registriert seit: 02.12.2005
Okay, I'm here in Texas since Monday and I like it. It's very hot (42 degrees today) but as soon as you come into a shop it feels like winter because the air conditioner is on. I haven't seen much but we went to Wal*Mart and other shops and I've bought 2 skirts, a bag, 2 shirts for my sister, 6 books (in a cheap store) and a hat for my grandpa. We also went to Red Lobster but I didn't really like the food there. I love sea food but it tasted strange.
My cousin is a little bit strance and she doesn't really talk with me but she also wants to go the movies to see Harry Potter with me. I also want to see "The time travellers wife". The TV Channels are great

I have watched Gossip Girl and 90210 and its waaay better in english.
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Registriert seit: 10.05.2004
@curlie_angel.. don't buy too much, because there is some kind of restriction for the import of clothes and things you buy in the US
awwww... The Time Traveler's Wife. Now I'm jealous because I have to wait until September, 14th (at least I think so). I love the book and can't wait for the movie.
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Registriert seit: 02.12.2005
It's about 400 Dollars but my aunt says that if you wash the clothes 1 time they aren't new anymore and then you can buy more xD. I also want to buy an IPod because they only cost about 100 Euros here but... let's see. I'm here for another 3 weeks and almost have no money anymore. I should be ... slower xD
I wanted to read the book first but right now I think that I will see the movie first because I'm here and my cousin wants to go the movies with me.
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Registriert seit: 10.05.2004
You really should watch the movie in the US since the german dubbing is horrible (I've seen the trailer and I'm now desperatly looking for cinema which shows it in english..)
ewww.. iPod.. I only heard bad things about them. my sister has one and she already had to send it back 3 times cause something was wrong..
they are stylish but I think they're too expensive.. I love the mp3player "Creative" produces.
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Registriert seit: 02.12.2005
Okay, I will watch it in English. And maybe in German when I'm back.
I have a normal mp3-player right now but the problem is, that you can only load the battery when the mp3-player is at the pc and I really hate that. And the battery only lasts about 2 days. -.-