11.05.2005, 18:14
MissLilli schrieb:Habt ihr schon gehört dass Scott vielleicht aus der Serie aussteigt? hab ich grad vorher im FF gelesen *hilfe*
Ich les es gerade. Was soll denn das?Ich kann es mir aber eigentlich nicht vorstellen ,die im FF sagen ja auch ,dass sie das schon vorher mal gehört haben.Dann weiss ich allerdings nicht ,warum sie dann jetzt extra für Luke noch eine Storyline gemacht haben,wenn SP so wieso aussteigt.Und warum sollte er auch gerade jetzt ausstiegen wenn er doch jetzt in den Vordergrund gerückt wird und mehr Szenen hat.Deshalb kann ich mir es einfach nicht vorstellen. GG ohne SP geht nicht! Aber Ausiello schreib ja was darüber in seinem nächsten artikel! Dann wissen wir mehr, bis dahin daumen drücken
so das wollte ich nochmal schnell zeigen.
FanForum schrieb:Which brings me to my next point...
I'm sure that ASP and Co. would had to have known that he would be leaving and would have written these past few episodes very differently...especially the finale. Since they have gotten back together, L/L have had a very different chemistry about them as we have all noted. They are more of a team and seem to be more comfortable than ever.
It might not be that he's completely leaving. He might just be taking some time off to do a movie or something like that. ASP knows how popular L/L are and if she found out or was aware that SP was leaving, I think we would have seen a different set of storylines and emotions for him and for the both of them. Perhaps they wouldn't have been able to get back together or we would have seen them drifting apart or awkward.
I guess my point is that if he wasn't coming back next season...I'm sure the finale of this season would include him leaving. And...since we know that the exact opposite of that is happening, I really don't see how he could just not be there.
[SIZE=1]LORELAI:I feel like I should run in there and yell at them about something.
LUKE: About what?
LORELAI: I don't know. That's what's stopping me.
LUKE: About what?
LORELAI: I don't know. That's what's stopping me.