If I could turn back the hands of time [complete]

zu aller-aller-erst:
du liebst mein Fb? das finde ich schön :freu:

Wow. Du bist wahnsinnig gut darin, Sachen in die Länge zu ziehen, damit lässt du uns alle wirklich zittern. Mit jedem Teil werde ich aufgeregter bzw nervöser und denke mir „Der nächste Teil kommt eh bald und da gibt’s dann endlich eine kleine Auflösung“ und was dann? Der nächste Teil ist da und ich lese und wieder keine Auflösung. Aber ich denke dass das eher positiv ist. Ich finde es gut denn das baut die Spannung so auf, dass sie jetzt schon ziemlich groß ist. Sehr groß sogar und darum bin ich auch gerade gar nicht in der Lage dir richtig schönes Fb zu geben …
denn in meinem Kopf schwirrt nur der Gedanke „Wann kommt der nächste Teil“ herum. Naja, da muss ich wohl noch warten.

Aber der Teil war auch zu schön. Zuerst die schöne Literati-Szene und dann auch noch der Rory/Luke Teil. Und das alles am Vormittag ..
Bei Jess und Rory find ich einfach toll das sie reden können. Sie können über alles reden, einfach alles.
Aber am schönsten war der R/L Teil. Das war so süß. Luke war total überrascht und überwältigt. Das Luke sie zum Altar führen soll, ich glaube das damit ein kleiner Traum von Luke wahr wird, denn Luke liebt Rory ja und wie auch schon erwähnt war Luke ein größerer Teil von ihrem Leben als Christopher. Und die Umarmungsszene ist Auch toll, dass hat mich sofort wieder an die Szene in GG erinnert wo Luke Rory ja auch schon umarmt … Luke ist doch ein Softie Wink
und natürlich der letzte Satz. hihi. der war ja ein krönender Abschluss.

hmm. du hast zwar schon einen Fan und das ist auch gut so nur ich wollte noch mal sagen das ich deine FF’s auch liebe und ich bin so einer Art „unoffizieller“ Fan, okay^^

Bald ist es also soweit … wir erfahren eine Kleinigkeit. Egal ob schlecht oder gut, es ist was und ich werde dieses Fb jetzt posten und denke, dass das nächste Mal wenn ich dir ein Fb gebe, weiß ich schon mehr. mal schaun ob das auch so ist =)

lg Sandra

ps: okay, das nächste Feedback wird wieder länger… Unsure

well some say life will beat you down

Nachrichten in diesem Thema
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Mrs Czuchry - 09.01.2006, 20:43
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If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 26.02.2006, 20:31
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If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von *Coffee* - 05.03.2006, 23:39
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If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Mrs. Logan - 06.03.2006, 15:05
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von **lil** - 07.03.2006, 08:40
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If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von zirrussternchen - 07.03.2006, 16:36
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von **jeanee** - 07.03.2006, 20:13
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Seraph_9 - 11.03.2006, 13:22
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Mrs Huntzberger - 12.03.2006, 13:14
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von zirrussternchen - 12.03.2006, 19:11
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Mrs Czuchry - 12.03.2006, 22:54
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von zirrussternchen - 12.03.2006, 23:12
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Chery - 12.03.2006, 23:54
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von *Coffee* - 13.03.2006, 00:41
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von **lil** - 13.03.2006, 09:59
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If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Seraph_9 - 13.03.2006, 17:23
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If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von herzchen - 14.03.2006, 21:38
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Mrs Czuchry - 14.03.2006, 22:53
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If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von herzchen - 14.03.2006, 23:25
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If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von **lil** - 15.03.2006, 08:41
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von zirrussternchen - 15.03.2006, 13:54
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von ajnevs04 - 15.03.2006, 15:05
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If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von **jeanee** - 16.03.2006, 23:35
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Seraph_9 - 17.03.2006, 20:41
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If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Seraph_9 - 19.03.2006, 16:57
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Mrs Czuchry - 19.03.2006, 17:08
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Seraph_9 - 19.03.2006, 17:12
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von ~Irina~ - 19.03.2006, 17:14
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Seraph_9 - 19.03.2006, 17:15
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von ~Irina~ - 19.03.2006, 17:21
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von zirrussternchen - 19.03.2006, 18:29
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Mrs Czuchry - 19.03.2006, 18:32
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von herzchen - 19.03.2006, 18:40
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von zirrussternchen - 19.03.2006, 19:15
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von cappuccinobaby - 19.03.2006, 19:38
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If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von ~Irina~ - 19.03.2006, 20:40
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Logan.girl - 19.03.2006, 21:04
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von rottie - 19.03.2006, 21:11
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Chery - 19.03.2006, 21:18
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von **jeanee** - 19.03.2006, 21:24
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von *chrissy* - 19.03.2006, 21:44
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von *Coffee* - 20.03.2006, 00:40
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von **lil** - 20.03.2006, 08:43
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von ajnevs04 - 21.03.2006, 09:56
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Seraph_9 - 25.03.2006, 12:06
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von cappuccinobaby - 25.03.2006, 12:18
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Seraph_9 - 25.03.2006, 12:23
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Mrs Czuchry - 25.03.2006, 23:10
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von cappuccinobaby - 25.03.2006, 23:23
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von *chrissy* - 25.03.2006, 23:31
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von ~Irina~ - 25.03.2006, 23:46
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Chery - 26.03.2006, 01:53
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 26.03.2006, 04:17
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von zirrussternchen - 26.03.2006, 11:01
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von sushi - 26.03.2006, 13:53
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Miko86 - 26.03.2006, 17:58
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von herzchen - 26.03.2006, 18:23
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von **jeanee** - 26.03.2006, 20:14
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Mrs Czuchry - 26.03.2006, 20:37
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von *chrissy* - 26.03.2006, 21:12
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Chery - 26.03.2006, 21:44
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von **jeanee** - 26.03.2006, 21:51
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von *Coffee* - 27.03.2006, 00:13
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von herzchen - 27.03.2006, 00:26
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Mrs Huntzberger - 27.03.2006, 00:29
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von ajnevs04 - 27.03.2006, 14:24
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von zirrussternchen - 27.03.2006, 19:18
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von amylynnlee - 27.03.2006, 19:50
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Seraph_9 - 28.03.2006, 19:48
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Mrs Czuchry - 29.03.2006, 14:41
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von **lil** - 29.03.2006, 14:49
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von *chrissy* - 29.03.2006, 15:00
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von cappuccinobaby - 29.03.2006, 15:01
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Mrs Huntzberger - 29.03.2006, 16:39
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Mrs Czuchry - 29.03.2006, 16:42
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von rottie - 29.03.2006, 16:45
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von herzchen - 29.03.2006, 17:01
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von amylynnlee - 29.03.2006, 17:43
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von zirrussternchen - 29.03.2006, 19:18
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Logan.girl - 29.03.2006, 20:51
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Chery - 29.03.2006, 22:21
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von ajnevs04 - 30.03.2006, 09:19
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von *Coffee* - 30.03.2006, 12:04
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von ~Irina~ - 30.03.2006, 16:03
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von sushi - 30.03.2006, 16:10
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Jassa - 31.03.2006, 22:54
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Mrs Czuchry - 01.04.2006, 13:13
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von herzchen - 01.04.2006, 13:22
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von ~Irina~ - 01.04.2006, 13:50
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Chery - 01.04.2006, 15:05
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von *chrissy* - 01.04.2006, 15:22
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Seraph_9 - 01.04.2006, 16:33
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von *Coffee* - 02.04.2006, 11:16
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von zirrussternchen - 02.04.2006, 12:17
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von **jeanee** - 02.04.2006, 21:39
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Miko86 - 03.04.2006, 03:39
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von ajnevs04 - 03.04.2006, 14:32
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Seraph_9 - 04.04.2006, 14:42
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Mrs Czuchry - 04.04.2006, 14:55
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Seraph_9 - 04.04.2006, 14:57
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von **jeanee** - 04.04.2006, 17:50
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Mrs Huntzberger - 04.04.2006, 18:04
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Mrs Czuchry - 04.04.2006, 23:22
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Chery - 04.04.2006, 23:38
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Mrs Huntzberger - 04.04.2006, 23:51
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von herzchen - 05.04.2006, 00:28
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von **lil** - 05.04.2006, 10:31
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von zirrussternchen - 05.04.2006, 13:08
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von ajnevs04 - 05.04.2006, 14:40
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von cappuccinobaby - 05.04.2006, 19:23
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von sushi - 05.04.2006, 20:38
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von **jeanee** - 06.04.2006, 17:20
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 06.04.2006, 21:22
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Seraph_9 - 07.04.2006, 15:31
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von *Coffee* - 09.04.2006, 02:54
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Seraph_9 - 09.04.2006, 15:34
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Noir-Girl - 10.04.2006, 17:10
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von zirrussternchen - 11.04.2006, 11:41
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Mrs Czuchry - 11.04.2006, 12:43
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Mrs Czuchry - 11.04.2006, 14:24
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von herzchen - 11.04.2006, 14:45
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Chery - 11.04.2006, 15:06
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von ajnevs04 - 11.04.2006, 15:12
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von cappuccinobaby - 11.04.2006, 17:02
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Noir-Girl - 11.04.2006, 19:00
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von zirrussternchen - 11.04.2006, 19:02
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von ^hanna^ - 11.04.2006, 20:44
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von **jeanee** - 11.04.2006, 21:55
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von *Coffee* - 12.04.2006, 05:43
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von **lil** - 12.04.2006, 10:53
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Jassa - 12.04.2006, 15:10
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Mrs Czuchry - 14.04.2006, 12:57
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Noir-Girl - 14.04.2006, 13:51
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von *Coffee* - 14.04.2006, 14:57
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von **jeanee** - 14.04.2006, 15:16
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von herzchen - 14.04.2006, 15:47
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von ajnevs04 - 14.04.2006, 20:15
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Chery - 14.04.2006, 21:57
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von cappuccinobaby - 15.04.2006, 03:16
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Falling~star - 15.04.2006, 17:31
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von sushi - 16.04.2006, 22:18
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Mrs Czuchry - 17.04.2006, 01:35
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von herzchen - 17.04.2006, 10:58
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von ~Loorie~ - 17.04.2006, 12:52
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von cappuccinobaby - 17.04.2006, 14:04
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Pebbles - 17.04.2006, 15:11
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von **jeanee** - 17.04.2006, 16:48
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Noir-Girl - 17.04.2006, 17:42
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Falling~star - 17.04.2006, 19:04
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Chery - 17.04.2006, 20:59
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Mrs Huntzberger - 18.04.2006, 12:27
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von zirrussternchen - 18.04.2006, 13:41
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von ajnevs04 - 18.04.2006, 20:45
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Mrs Czuchry - 19.04.2006, 21:41
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von zirrussternchen - 19.04.2006, 21:57
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von *angie* - 19.04.2006, 22:02
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von friends of love - 19.04.2006, 22:36
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Mrs Czuchry - 19.04.2006, 23:15
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Falling~star - 20.04.2006, 02:54
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Mrs Huntzberger - 20.04.2006, 13:24
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Chery - 20.04.2006, 17:23
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Noir-Girl - 20.04.2006, 18:30
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Mrs Czuchry - 20.04.2006, 19:28
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Mrs Czuchry - 20.04.2006, 21:33
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Mrs Huntzberger - 20.04.2006, 21:39
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von ajnevs04 - 21.04.2006, 00:20
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von DaneSahanya - 21.04.2006, 00:47
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von sushi - 21.04.2006, 11:18
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Steffi_super_fa - 21.04.2006, 19:51
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Noir-Girl - 21.04.2006, 20:35
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von ~Loorie~ - 21.04.2006, 21:15
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von zirrussternchen - 21.04.2006, 22:38
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Chery - 22.04.2006, 01:23
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von cappuccinobaby - 23.04.2006, 00:45
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Seraph_9 - 23.04.2006, 13:55
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Seraph_9 - 23.04.2006, 15:24
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von **jeanee** - 23.04.2006, 21:18
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Steffi_super_fa - 24.04.2006, 19:26
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Mrs Huntzberger - 26.04.2006, 10:41
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Mrs Czuchry - 26.04.2006, 12:47
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Mrs Huntzberger - 26.04.2006, 13:03
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Seraph_9 - 26.04.2006, 14:25
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Mrs Huntzberger - 26.04.2006, 18:23
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Mrs Czuchry - 26.04.2006, 22:35
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Chery - 26.04.2006, 22:57
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von ajnevs04 - 26.04.2006, 23:23
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 26.04.2006, 23:50
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Mrs Huntzberger - 27.04.2006, 12:08
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Mrs Czuchry - 27.04.2006, 12:45
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Noir-Girl - 27.04.2006, 19:55
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von **jeanee** - 27.04.2006, 21:27
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Pebbles - 27.04.2006, 21:38
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von ~Loorie~ - 27.04.2006, 21:57
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Mrs Czuchry - 27.04.2006, 22:02
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von herzchen - 28.04.2006, 10:44
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Mrs Czuchry - 29.04.2006, 15:33
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Chery - 29.04.2006, 16:44
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von zirrussternchen - 29.04.2006, 17:05
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von cappuccinobaby - 29.04.2006, 17:32
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Steffi_super_fa - 29.04.2006, 20:14
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von ~Loorie~ - 29.04.2006, 21:34
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von ajnevs04 - 29.04.2006, 22:35
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von ajnevs04 - 29.04.2006, 22:43
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 30.04.2006, 00:08
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Mrs Huntzberger - 01.05.2006, 17:52
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von **jeanee** - 01.05.2006, 21:01
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Noir-Girl - 02.05.2006, 16:05
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Jassa - 02.05.2006, 21:02
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von sushi - 02.05.2006, 21:33
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Seraph_9 - 03.05.2006, 15:04
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Mrs Czuchry - 04.05.2006, 22:21
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Mrs Huntzberger - 04.05.2006, 23:05
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Chery - 04.05.2006, 23:26
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von rottie - 05.05.2006, 00:03
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von ajnevs04 - 05.05.2006, 08:29
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von sushi - 05.05.2006, 13:47
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Noir-Girl - 05.05.2006, 14:35
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Maxsa - 05.05.2006, 17:05
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von cappuccinobaby - 05.05.2006, 18:19
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von **jeanee** - 05.05.2006, 20:41
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von *chrissy* - 07.05.2006, 14:52
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von zirrussternchen - 07.05.2006, 18:36
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Seraph_9 - 07.05.2006, 18:49
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Fritzi753 - 07.05.2006, 20:02
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von ~Irina~ - 08.05.2006, 12:33
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Pebbles - 08.05.2006, 14:47
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Mrs Czuchry - 14.05.2006, 22:15
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Mrs Huntzberger - 14.05.2006, 23:24
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Chery - 15.05.2006, 00:50
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von sushi - 15.05.2006, 07:21
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von rottie - 15.05.2006, 09:42
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von ajnevs04 - 16.05.2006, 12:39
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von zirrussternchen - 16.05.2006, 19:12
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von **jeanee** - 16.05.2006, 19:24
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Mrs Huntzberger - 17.05.2006, 12:59
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Mrs Czuchry - 17.05.2006, 13:26
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von *chrissy* - 17.05.2006, 13:41
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Steffi_super_fa - 17.05.2006, 14:14
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Seraph_9 - 17.05.2006, 18:32
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Pebbles - 20.05.2006, 13:49
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Noir-Girl - 20.05.2006, 14:36
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Mrs Czuchry - 20.05.2006, 17:34
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von ajnevs04 - 20.05.2006, 20:13
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Chery - 21.05.2006, 00:15
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von rottie - 21.05.2006, 10:34
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von sushi - 21.05.2006, 13:25
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von zirrussternchen - 21.05.2006, 21:20
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von amylynnlee - 22.05.2006, 14:39
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Mrs Huntzberger - 22.05.2006, 16:53
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Mrs Czuchry - 22.05.2006, 19:24
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Noir-Girl - 22.05.2006, 20:00
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Mrs Huntzberger - 23.05.2006, 02:31
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von jeany_loverin - 23.05.2006, 18:15
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von **jeanee** - 25.05.2006, 13:33
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Mrs Czuchry - 25.05.2006, 16:52
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von **jeanee** - 25.05.2006, 17:10
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von zirrussternchen - 25.05.2006, 17:21
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Mrs Czuchry - 25.05.2006, 17:26
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von zirrussternchen - 25.05.2006, 17:32
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Noir-Girl - 25.05.2006, 17:35
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 25.05.2006, 17:46
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Su - 25.05.2006, 18:39
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Mrs Czuchry - 25.05.2006, 19:03
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Chery - 25.05.2006, 20:17
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von ajnevs04 - 25.05.2006, 22:28
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Kimberly-alexis - 26.05.2006, 17:32
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Mrs Huntzberger - 26.05.2006, 18:06
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Seraph_9 - 27.05.2006, 10:27
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Pebbles - 27.05.2006, 14:22
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von cappuccinobaby - 27.05.2006, 16:37
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von sushi - 27.05.2006, 17:12
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von herzchen - 28.05.2006, 00:54
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Mrs Czuchry - 28.05.2006, 22:22
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von marry-b - 07.06.2006, 19:10
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Knatter - 27.03.2007, 04:13
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von love me again - 22.12.2013, 20:52
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von **jeanee** - 09.01.2006, 20:49
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von herzchen - 09.01.2006, 20:54
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von *janinegilmore* - 09.01.2006, 20:55
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von zirrussternchen - 09.01.2006, 20:58
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von hippiekiwi - 09.01.2006, 21:12
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Su - 09.01.2006, 21:33
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von lore - 09.01.2006, 22:21
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von *chrissy* - 09.01.2006, 22:56
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von rottie - 09.01.2006, 23:10
If I could turn back the hands of time [complete] - von Chery - 09.01.2006, 23:22

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