You had me from 'Hello'

mhm.....kein FB?:heul: :heul:
dann will ich auch nicht einen neuen teil posten....

aber danke natürlich an Anne & Tina.
Achja Tina, da musst du dich noch ein bisschen warten, um antworten auf deine fragen zu bekommen...

EDIT (autom. Beitragsverschmelzung):
Hey, okay. I'll post it.
I hope I'll have more FBs next time.
sorry,I'm totally crabby today....

so the next part is for Anne und Tina, my only readers right now....thx:knuddel:

part IV:

"Your parents?", I asked a little confused.
It was the least I ‘d expected. She looked at me directly. I mean, right into my eyes. My stomach made a sinking sensation. I tried to focus on her problem.
This is important, man.
"Yeah, I think it’s them. But I really wonder why...", she stopped and again tried to wipe away her tears. It was a lost battle. I gave her another handkerchief and on this occasion, I moved closer to her.
"Why d’you wonder about that? Don’t you expect your parents to search for you?", I asked her carefully. She seemed very fragile at that moment.
"I don’t know, after all this time... It’s been over six year now, you know. And I don’t think, they were a Michelle Pfeiffer in The Deep End of the Ocean... Actually, they kicked me out", her voice cracked.
Tears kept on streaming down her face. I didn’t know, what to do to comfort her.
For a few minutes, we remained in silence. I decided not to say anything, she would talk further, if she wanted to. So I just sat there, looking at her and giving her handkerchiefs.
Finally, she got hold onto herself.
"I’m sorry. I’m stupid, you don’t want to hear anything of that. You don’t even know me."
She was about to stand up, but I quickly took one of her hands.
"Don’t", I said "If you need somebody to talk to... I’m here."
I stopped. Can I say this?
Finally, I added, "And I wanna know you."
Again, she looked right into my eyes. She smiled and somehow her eyes twinkled. For a split of a second, her blue eyes had become brighter. But as fast as it came, it disappeared and I was sure, I just had imagined it.
"Why did they kick you out?", I quietly and slowly asked.
"Because I was pregnant. I mean, I was 16 and pregnant, of course, they would be angry...", she broke off, crying
I handed her my last handkerchief.
She took it, sneezed and then continued.
"I don’t know. I never missed them. I just never needed them. And I’m very confused right now, honestly, I don’t know, why I’m cryin’. I just never talked about it before...with anybody."
She sobbed more than ever.
I desperately tried to comfort her.
"Shh", I whispered, "It’s okay."
I didn’t know what to do. I was just sitting there, not knowing what I should do with me or with her.
Finally, I plucked up my courage.
I hugged her. First, she seemed to want to get away from me. But then, she carefully and slowly returned my hug. It really felt good... it felt right.
Step by step, I felt her breath becoming slower.
I don’t know, how long we had been sitting there, hugging each other and just listened to the silence.
Finally, she broke away from me.
"I don’t know, what’s going on with me right now. I mean, I’m sitting here, talking to a total stranger about my parents, of whom I didn’t even think about over the last six years. And this fuss is just about a stupid milk pack."
I was lost. I didn’t know what to say. But what I knew, was that it wasn’t just about the milk pack. It was much more.
"Hey", I calmly said, "It’s more than a milk pack, we’re talking about. Far more. It’s about your life. Your daughter... and about your parents. I don’t know them but they do obviously miss you. Otherwise, they wouldn’t search for you."
Again, she looked at me. I couldn’t figure out, what kind of impression was on her face. I’d never seen something like that before. It was like anger, fear, blankness and hope all in one.
Then she said, "Can I tell you something?" And without waiting for an answer, she continued,
"They never cared about me. It always was just about their reputation. I just didn’t fit in there. I tell you, they looked more relieved like Holyfield, when he discovered, that just his earlobe was missing, as I left them that day. I really tried to repress this fact, but today, all my memories are coming over me like an avalanche."
Now, she completely burst into tears. I searched for another handkerchief but then I remembered, I had none left. So I again sat there helplessly. And again I embraced her. Gently, I ran my hand over her hair. It just looked fantastic. I didn’t know, why I was thinking about that at that specific moment, because I would have been better off thinking about her dilemma. But nevertheless, I couldn’t help but notice it.
For the third time that day, we remained in total silence, only interrupted by Lorelai’s sobs from time to time. I felt my shirt getting wet. Her tears were dropping down her face onto it. I let go off her to look at her. Though she was crying, she didn’t lose her beauty. She, too, looked at me. Again, right into my eyes.
We were too close... I could see every single tear rolling down Lorelai’s face. Slowly, I lifted my hand and tried to wipe away her tears. Away from her cheeks. Away from her nose. From her lips.
All of a sudden, she leaned forward and kissed me. I could feel her warm lips on mine.

greets, Cedric


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You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 18.09.2006, 20:28
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 18.09.2006, 21:12
You had me from 'Hello' - von Liongirly*84 - 18.09.2006, 21:44
You had me from 'Hello' - von jeany_loverin - 18.09.2006, 21:49
You had me from 'Hello' - von Check - 19.09.2006, 15:58
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 20.09.2006, 20:08
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 21.09.2006, 19:11
You had me from 'Hello' - von Check - 21.09.2006, 19:15
You had me from 'Hello' - von jeany_loverin - 21.09.2006, 19:28
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 21.09.2006, 20:08
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You had me from 'Hello' - von Check - 22.09.2006, 21:48
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You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 23.09.2006, 10:24
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You had me from 'Hello' - von Check - 23.09.2006, 11:26
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You had me from 'Hello' - von Check - 23.09.2006, 13:07
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You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 23.09.2006, 13:56
You had me from 'Hello' - von Fanny - 23.09.2006, 14:29
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 23.09.2006, 15:52
You had me from 'Hello' - von Fanny - 23.09.2006, 15:58
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You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 24.09.2006, 12:34
You had me from 'Hello' - von Check - 24.09.2006, 13:50
You had me from 'Hello' - von Liongirly*84 - 24.09.2006, 14:59
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 24.09.2006, 15:02
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You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 24.09.2006, 15:19
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You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 24.09.2006, 15:54
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 24.09.2006, 16:02
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 25.09.2006, 17:28
You had me from 'Hello' - von Liongirly*84 - 25.09.2006, 17:35
You had me from 'Hello' - von jeany_loverin - 25.09.2006, 18:33
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 25.09.2006, 20:32
You had me from 'Hello' - von Check - 26.09.2006, 16:00
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 27.09.2006, 17:32
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 27.09.2006, 17:39
You had me from 'Hello' - von Check - 27.09.2006, 17:55
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 27.09.2006, 18:16
You had me from 'Hello' - von jeany_loverin - 27.09.2006, 18:23
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 28.09.2006, 19:38
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You had me from 'Hello' - von Loerlai_Gilmore - 28.09.2006, 20:01
You had me from 'Hello' - von jeany_loverin - 29.09.2006, 13:31
You had me from 'Hello' - von Check - 29.09.2006, 15:04
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You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 29.09.2006, 16:10
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 01.10.2006, 15:30
You had me from 'Hello' - von Check - 01.10.2006, 15:35
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 01.10.2006, 16:39
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 03.10.2006, 14:23
You had me from 'Hello' - von Loerlai_Gilmore - 03.10.2006, 21:29
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 03.10.2006, 22:48
You had me from 'Hello' - von jeany_loverin - 03.10.2006, 23:08
You had me from 'Hello' - von Check - 04.10.2006, 16:28
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You had me from 'Hello' - von Check - 07.10.2006, 19:47
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 07.10.2006, 20:35
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You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 07.10.2006, 20:46
You had me from 'Hello' - von Check - 07.10.2006, 20:55
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 07.10.2006, 20:57
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You had me from 'Hello' - von Check - 07.10.2006, 23:32
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You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 08.10.2006, 14:07
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 08.10.2006, 15:09
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 08.10.2006, 15:10
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 08.10.2006, 15:13
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 08.10.2006, 15:14
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 08.10.2006, 15:17
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 12.10.2006, 19:15
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 14.10.2006, 11:31
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 15.10.2006, 16:04
You had me from 'Hello' - von jeany_loverin - 15.10.2006, 16:57
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 15.10.2006, 17:22
You had me from 'Hello' - von Loerlai_Gilmore - 15.10.2006, 19:17
You had me from 'Hello' - von Pagliacci - 15.10.2006, 19:22
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 15.10.2006, 19:31
You had me from 'Hello' - von Check - 15.10.2006, 19:31
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 15.10.2006, 19:34
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 15.10.2006, 22:45
You had me from 'Hello' - von Charming_Holly - 16.10.2006, 10:19
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 16.10.2006, 15:53
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 16.10.2006, 17:38
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 16.10.2006, 21:10
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 18.10.2006, 19:35
You had me from 'Hello' - von Check - 18.10.2006, 19:37
You had me from 'Hello' - von jeany_loverin - 18.10.2006, 19:54
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 18.10.2006, 20:14
You had me from 'Hello' - von Check - 18.10.2006, 20:16
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 18.10.2006, 20:20
You had me from 'Hello' - von Check - 18.10.2006, 20:25
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 18.10.2006, 20:29
You had me from 'Hello' - von Check - 18.10.2006, 20:39
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 18.10.2006, 21:25
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 22.10.2006, 13:58
You had me from 'Hello' - von Charming_Holly - 23.10.2006, 14:39
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 23.10.2006, 15:00
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 23.10.2006, 15:50
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 23.10.2006, 16:02
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 23.10.2006, 16:22
You had me from 'Hello' - von Charming_Holly - 23.10.2006, 16:34
You had me from 'Hello' - von Check - 23.10.2006, 18:43
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 23.10.2006, 20:59
You had me from 'Hello' - von phoe-nixe - 24.10.2006, 12:03
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 24.10.2006, 18:26
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 24.10.2006, 18:32
You had me from 'Hello' - von phoe-nixe - 24.10.2006, 20:12
You had me from 'Hello' - von Charming_Holly - 24.10.2006, 22:11
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 25.10.2006, 15:55
You had me from 'Hello' - von phoe-nixe - 25.10.2006, 17:51
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 26.10.2006, 19:30
You had me from 'Hello' - von jeany_loverin - 26.10.2006, 19:50
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 26.10.2006, 19:50
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 26.10.2006, 20:23
You had me from 'Hello' - von Check - 26.10.2006, 20:51
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 26.10.2006, 21:40
You had me from 'Hello' - von phoe-nixe - 26.10.2006, 22:00
You had me from 'Hello' - von Charming_Holly - 27.10.2006, 11:54
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 28.10.2006, 14:19
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 28.10.2006, 14:33
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 28.10.2006, 14:58
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 29.10.2006, 19:07
You had me from 'Hello' - von jeany_loverin - 29.10.2006, 19:35
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 29.10.2006, 20:28
You had me from 'Hello' - von Check - 31.10.2006, 13:54
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 31.10.2006, 15:20
You had me from 'Hello' - von jeany_loverin - 31.10.2006, 15:36
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 31.10.2006, 15:44
You had me from 'Hello' - von Check - 31.10.2006, 16:29
You had me from 'Hello' - von Charming_Holly - 31.10.2006, 17:55
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 31.10.2006, 18:02
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 03.11.2006, 20:45
You had me from 'Hello' - von Check - 03.11.2006, 20:48
You had me from 'Hello' - von jeany_loverin - 03.11.2006, 21:32
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 03.11.2006, 23:41
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 04.11.2006, 18:28
You had me from 'Hello' - von jeany_loverin - 04.11.2006, 18:46
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 04.11.2006, 18:49
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 04.11.2006, 19:02
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 04.11.2006, 19:07
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 04.11.2006, 19:25
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 04.11.2006, 19:29
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 04.11.2006, 19:31
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 04.11.2006, 19:35
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 04.11.2006, 19:37
You had me from 'Hello' - von Charming_Holly - 06.11.2006, 13:31
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 06.11.2006, 14:54
You had me from 'Hello' - von jeany_loverin - 06.11.2006, 16:23
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 06.11.2006, 16:46
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 06.11.2006, 20:15
You had me from 'Hello' - von jeany_loverin - 06.11.2006, 20:28
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 06.11.2006, 20:36
You had me from 'Hello' - von jeany_loverin - 06.11.2006, 20:41
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 06.11.2006, 20:43
You had me from 'Hello' - von jeany_loverin - 06.11.2006, 20:45
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 06.11.2006, 20:48
You had me from 'Hello' - von jeany_loverin - 06.11.2006, 20:50
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 06.11.2006, 21:52
You had me from 'Hello' - von phoe-nixe - 06.11.2006, 22:24
You had me from 'Hello' - von Charming_Holly - 07.11.2006, 11:06
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 08.11.2006, 19:19
You had me from 'Hello' - von Check - 08.11.2006, 20:14
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 09.11.2006, 15:53
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 09.11.2006, 19:38
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 09.11.2006, 20:54
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 10.11.2006, 18:44
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 12.11.2006, 20:26
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 13.11.2006, 20:17
You had me from 'Hello' - von jeany_loverin - 13.11.2006, 20:42
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 13.11.2006, 21:59
You had me from 'Hello' - von Loerlai_Gilmore - 13.11.2006, 22:46
You had me from 'Hello' - von phoe-nixe - 13.11.2006, 23:55
You had me from 'Hello' - von Palaveri - 14.11.2006, 15:26
You had me from 'Hello' - von Check - 14.11.2006, 17:49
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 14.11.2006, 20:25
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 14.11.2006, 20:51
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 14.11.2006, 21:10
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 14.11.2006, 21:38
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 15.11.2006, 20:07
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 15.11.2006, 20:49
You had me from 'Hello' - von Charming_Holly - 16.11.2006, 19:27
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 17.11.2006, 20:03
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 18.11.2006, 00:37
You had me from 'Hello' - von jeany_loverin - 20.11.2006, 20:47
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 03.12.2006, 18:44
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 03.12.2006, 20:05
You had me from 'Hello' - von jeany_loverin - 03.12.2006, 20:05
You had me from 'Hello' - von Charming_Holly - 04.12.2006, 15:42
You had me from 'Hello' - von Check - 05.12.2006, 20:17
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 11.12.2006, 21:41
You had me from 'Hello' - von jeany_loverin - 11.12.2006, 21:48
You had me from 'Hello' - von Charming_Holly - 11.12.2006, 22:17
You had me from 'Hello' - von phoe-nixe - 11.12.2006, 22:41
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 11.12.2006, 23:04
You had me from 'Hello' - von Check - 13.12.2006, 17:28
You had me from 'Hello' - von momo3069 - 14.12.2006, 14:40
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 08.01.2007, 21:42
You had me from 'Hello' - von jeany_loverin - 08.01.2007, 22:05
You had me from 'Hello' - von phoe-nixe - 09.01.2007, 12:31
You had me from 'Hello' - von Palaveri - 09.01.2007, 15:12
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 09.01.2007, 16:27
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 09.01.2007, 18:17
You had me from 'Hello' - von jeany_loverin - 09.01.2007, 18:38
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 09.01.2007, 18:45
You had me from 'Hello' - von jeany_loverin - 09.01.2007, 19:03
You had me from 'Hello' - von Palaveri - 09.01.2007, 20:18
You had me from 'Hello' - von Loerlai_Gilmore - 09.01.2007, 22:21
You had me from 'Hello' - von Palaveri - 10.01.2007, 15:28
You had me from 'Hello' - von Charming_Holly - 10.01.2007, 18:26
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 10.01.2007, 19:50
You had me from 'Hello' - von momo3069 - 10.01.2007, 21:08
You had me from 'Hello' - von Loerlai_Gilmore - 10.01.2007, 22:14
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 14.02.2007, 21:39
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 14.02.2007, 21:49
You had me from 'Hello' - von jeany_loverin - 14.02.2007, 21:54
You had me from 'Hello' - von phoe-nixe - 14.02.2007, 21:55
You had me from 'Hello' - von momo3069 - 15.02.2007, 12:02
You had me from 'Hello' - von Charming_Holly - 15.02.2007, 14:13

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