07.10.2006, 18:11
So, der neue Teil...
Sry, das hat ein bisschen länger gedauert, bis ich ihn fertig hatte, aber naja...
zuerst noch reFBs:
@Loerlai_Gilmore: thx for the FB. stay tuned...
@Tina: Bitte berichtige mich weiter...sonst lerne ich ja nichts...ich freue mich...Du weiÃt ja, dass ich Cliffhanger sehr gerne mag..*lol* Pretty Woman, huh? Willst du auch von Richard Gere mit einem umbrella gerettet werden??
@Jule: thx again. lese bitt weiter, ich freue mich immer über deine FB!
@Anne: Ja, es heiÃt "Will you just stand still"....das hat dich daran erinnert? cool...
...Danke für dein FB!
Der nächste Teil ist für Jule, weil ich gerade discover (?) habe, dass du am gleichen Tag wie ich Birthday hast. und für Anne, die meine FF nach diesen Teil nicht mehr lesen wird. Und sag nicht, dass er OOC ist, das weià ich...*lol*
I could feel his warm lips on mine. But there was no reaction, he seemed shock frozen. I got away from him. Honestly, I was disappointed. He had been perfectly sweet to me all day, even though I was a total mess. I really was worried and upset about the milk pack thing and my parents but Luke somehow made me feel better. Calmer. Just like Rory used to. I had been thinking he looked at me in a different way. I thought his blue eyes were telling me I like you. But obviously, I had to place that on the Boy, was I wrong list, right above my Flash-Dance-Phase but under my Kim Wilde record.
"Luke", I said and stood up, "I’m sorry. I really am. Obviously, I interpreted your signals false."
I broke off, and with a last look on him, I ran and crashed the door close, while imaging hearing a "Lorelai" behind me.
Outside, I leaned against a wall and sighed.
You’re stupid. Why’d you do something like that? You ruined everything. Luke seemed to be the only person, who...
I stopped thinking. I had screwed up and I knew it. Buried in thoughts, I left the diner, ignoring the curious look on Cesar’s face and wandered aimlessly around the streets of Stars Hollow.
Suddenly, a voice startled me.
"Mommy! Were you going to pick me up?"
Inevitable, I had to smile as I saw my daughter, who was just leaving school. She was wearing her favorite pair of jeans, a T-Shirt, Mia bought her, and – of course – a baseballcap. Backwards.
Immediately, my thoughts reached Luke again, and then I was reminded of my parents. I never told Rory about anything. She never asked about them or Christopher’s parents. And I wasn’t crazy talking about them, either.
Should I tell her something? About the milk pack? About Luke? About her grandparents?
But before I could make up my mind, Rory diverted my thoughts.
"Mommy, can I ask you something?"
Her voice sounded strange somehow. For the first time that day, I really looked at her. Her cheeks were burning. She seemed confused, rather afraid.
I kneed down in front of her and looked her in the eyes. Again, the blue reminded me of Luke.
Focus, Lorelai. Your kid has a problem.
And aloud, I said, "What is it, sweetie?"
"Today, we talked about our parents. You know, about their jobs and what we do with them and stuff", she hesitated, "And I didn’t know, what I should say about... say about..", she broke off.
I sighed and hugged her. Slowly, I replied.
"You didn’t know, what you should say about your dad, huh?"
She nodded. Again, I hugged her.
"It’s just. I don’t know... Daddy did bad things...", her voice cracked.
I hugged her tighter.
"It’s okay, honey. It’s over. Just try to forget about it, okay? After all, we’re here, we have each other."
I heard her sigh, then finally, she let go off me. She seemed better and tried to smile. I looked at her and also gave her a smile.
"So, do you wanna play something? Auntie Sookie bought a game for us. I think it’s called Bop-It or something like that. It’s at the inn. Wanna try it?", I asked her, pretending to be in a lighted mood.
It worked. The clouds on Rory’s face vanished, a smile spread out.
The rest of the day was funny. We played, laughed, ate and laughed a little more. Rory seemed to totally have forgotten about the incident at school and I had tried to repress it, too. It worked out fine until I lay in my bed, darkness around me. I desperately tried to focus on something different. Luke. My mistake. The kiss.
And finally, I fell asleep.
I was exhausted. The day had been hard. Very hard. Rory’s first tooth was coming now and she almost cried the whole day. It was past ten o’clock, as I got her to sleep. Now, I sat on the not so comfy couch in our small apartment and waited. He had promised me, he would be home by six. He was late. Again. I couldn’t remember a day, he came home on time for weeks, months. And everytime he was drunk, smelled of perfume – a woman’s – and was angry. I was afraid, it would happen again. And for sure, at that moment, I heard the front door open, close again and a few moments later, my husband stood in front of me.
"Hi", he simply said.
I answered nothing. I just waited. Waited for an excuse, something... anything. But it never came. He just sat down beside me. And again I could smell it. Alcohol, sweat, perfume. Finally, I asked,
"How was work?"
"The usual", he simply answered, switching on the TV.
I couldn’t believe, he did so. Saying three words to me and then cut me off like that. Astounded, I sat there for five minutes, watching Married... with children, which by the way, I always hated and said nothing. I felt like I had to explode. Deep inside of me, it was rumbling. I plucked up my courage and said, calm and slow,
"So, work was good, huh? And how was the sex?"
First, I thought he didn’t hear me because he just sat there, staring at Al Bundy. But then he pushed the mute-button and turned. I had never seen him like that before. His face was red, angry, almost aggressive.
He stood up.
"How could you? I don’t sleep with other women! D’you hear me? I don’t!", he roared.
I snorted and stood up, too.
"Oh, I’m sorry. Then Justin, the bartender, must be gay because he has a weird taste in perfumes."
I had gone too far.
He stepped closer, almost towering over me. Then he shouted, louder this time,
"How dare you? Talking to me like I’m skunk. I am the only one in this room, who’s working. Without me, you would sleep under a bridge!"
A few moments there was silence – he breathed deep and I was unable to say something – then, slowly, he raised his hand. Instinctly, I ducked.
But he never did, what he intended to do – punch me – because a cry was in the air. It came from Rory’s room. Immediately, I sprang up and ran into her bedroom. I tried to comfort her, and me. After a little while she fell asleep again. I watched her. I, too, had become calmer. Rory did this to me. I stayed there for a few more moments, I would be safe with her. He would never do something to Rory. I knew about that. Another half hour passed, then I heard the front-door open and close again.
He was gone.
"Mommy!", I heard Rory’s voice, "Wake up. It’s just a nightmare. Wake up!"
Slowly, I opened my eyes. The lights in our room were on, my PJs soaked once again and Rory’s face was right above me. I hugged her, sighing relieved.
"Thanks, hon, for waking me. You’re right, it just was a nightmare."
Rory lay down beside me, smiling at me.
"What did you dream about?"
Again, I sighed. It was impossible to tell her about my recurring dream, which was far more than a dream.
Finally, I answered,
"Oh, you know, I just dreamed that Willy Wonka was allergic of chocolate."
Rory looked kinda horrorstruck.
"That would be terrible."
"Yeah, but it was just a dream", I giggled.
"Okay", Rory said sleepy, rolled over and immediately fell to sleep again. Me on the other hand was incapable to do so, but it was okay. I knew, in our room at the Independence Inn Rory and me would be safe.
Sry, das hat ein bisschen länger gedauert, bis ich ihn fertig hatte, aber naja...
zuerst noch reFBs:
@Loerlai_Gilmore: thx for the FB. stay tuned...
@Tina: Bitte berichtige mich weiter...sonst lerne ich ja nichts...ich freue mich...Du weiÃt ja, dass ich Cliffhanger sehr gerne mag..*lol* Pretty Woman, huh? Willst du auch von Richard Gere mit einem umbrella gerettet werden??

@Jule: thx again. lese bitt weiter, ich freue mich immer über deine FB!
@Anne: Ja, es heiÃt "Will you just stand still"....das hat dich daran erinnert? cool...

Der nächste Teil ist für Jule, weil ich gerade discover (?) habe, dass du am gleichen Tag wie ich Birthday hast. und für Anne, die meine FF nach diesen Teil nicht mehr lesen wird. Und sag nicht, dass er OOC ist, das weià ich...*lol*
I could feel his warm lips on mine. But there was no reaction, he seemed shock frozen. I got away from him. Honestly, I was disappointed. He had been perfectly sweet to me all day, even though I was a total mess. I really was worried and upset about the milk pack thing and my parents but Luke somehow made me feel better. Calmer. Just like Rory used to. I had been thinking he looked at me in a different way. I thought his blue eyes were telling me I like you. But obviously, I had to place that on the Boy, was I wrong list, right above my Flash-Dance-Phase but under my Kim Wilde record.
"Luke", I said and stood up, "I’m sorry. I really am. Obviously, I interpreted your signals false."
I broke off, and with a last look on him, I ran and crashed the door close, while imaging hearing a "Lorelai" behind me.
Outside, I leaned against a wall and sighed.
You’re stupid. Why’d you do something like that? You ruined everything. Luke seemed to be the only person, who...
I stopped thinking. I had screwed up and I knew it. Buried in thoughts, I left the diner, ignoring the curious look on Cesar’s face and wandered aimlessly around the streets of Stars Hollow.
Suddenly, a voice startled me.
"Mommy! Were you going to pick me up?"
Inevitable, I had to smile as I saw my daughter, who was just leaving school. She was wearing her favorite pair of jeans, a T-Shirt, Mia bought her, and – of course – a baseballcap. Backwards.
Immediately, my thoughts reached Luke again, and then I was reminded of my parents. I never told Rory about anything. She never asked about them or Christopher’s parents. And I wasn’t crazy talking about them, either.
Should I tell her something? About the milk pack? About Luke? About her grandparents?
But before I could make up my mind, Rory diverted my thoughts.
"Mommy, can I ask you something?"
Her voice sounded strange somehow. For the first time that day, I really looked at her. Her cheeks were burning. She seemed confused, rather afraid.
I kneed down in front of her and looked her in the eyes. Again, the blue reminded me of Luke.
Focus, Lorelai. Your kid has a problem.
And aloud, I said, "What is it, sweetie?"
"Today, we talked about our parents. You know, about their jobs and what we do with them and stuff", she hesitated, "And I didn’t know, what I should say about... say about..", she broke off.
I sighed and hugged her. Slowly, I replied.
"You didn’t know, what you should say about your dad, huh?"
She nodded. Again, I hugged her.
"It’s just. I don’t know... Daddy did bad things...", her voice cracked.
I hugged her tighter.
"It’s okay, honey. It’s over. Just try to forget about it, okay? After all, we’re here, we have each other."
I heard her sigh, then finally, she let go off me. She seemed better and tried to smile. I looked at her and also gave her a smile.
"So, do you wanna play something? Auntie Sookie bought a game for us. I think it’s called Bop-It or something like that. It’s at the inn. Wanna try it?", I asked her, pretending to be in a lighted mood.
It worked. The clouds on Rory’s face vanished, a smile spread out.
The rest of the day was funny. We played, laughed, ate and laughed a little more. Rory seemed to totally have forgotten about the incident at school and I had tried to repress it, too. It worked out fine until I lay in my bed, darkness around me. I desperately tried to focus on something different. Luke. My mistake. The kiss.
And finally, I fell asleep.
I was exhausted. The day had been hard. Very hard. Rory’s first tooth was coming now and she almost cried the whole day. It was past ten o’clock, as I got her to sleep. Now, I sat on the not so comfy couch in our small apartment and waited. He had promised me, he would be home by six. He was late. Again. I couldn’t remember a day, he came home on time for weeks, months. And everytime he was drunk, smelled of perfume – a woman’s – and was angry. I was afraid, it would happen again. And for sure, at that moment, I heard the front door open, close again and a few moments later, my husband stood in front of me.
"Hi", he simply said.
I answered nothing. I just waited. Waited for an excuse, something... anything. But it never came. He just sat down beside me. And again I could smell it. Alcohol, sweat, perfume. Finally, I asked,
"How was work?"
"The usual", he simply answered, switching on the TV.
I couldn’t believe, he did so. Saying three words to me and then cut me off like that. Astounded, I sat there for five minutes, watching Married... with children, which by the way, I always hated and said nothing. I felt like I had to explode. Deep inside of me, it was rumbling. I plucked up my courage and said, calm and slow,
"So, work was good, huh? And how was the sex?"
First, I thought he didn’t hear me because he just sat there, staring at Al Bundy. But then he pushed the mute-button and turned. I had never seen him like that before. His face was red, angry, almost aggressive.
He stood up.
"How could you? I don’t sleep with other women! D’you hear me? I don’t!", he roared.
I snorted and stood up, too.
"Oh, I’m sorry. Then Justin, the bartender, must be gay because he has a weird taste in perfumes."
I had gone too far.
He stepped closer, almost towering over me. Then he shouted, louder this time,
"How dare you? Talking to me like I’m skunk. I am the only one in this room, who’s working. Without me, you would sleep under a bridge!"
A few moments there was silence – he breathed deep and I was unable to say something – then, slowly, he raised his hand. Instinctly, I ducked.
But he never did, what he intended to do – punch me – because a cry was in the air. It came from Rory’s room. Immediately, I sprang up and ran into her bedroom. I tried to comfort her, and me. After a little while she fell asleep again. I watched her. I, too, had become calmer. Rory did this to me. I stayed there for a few more moments, I would be safe with her. He would never do something to Rory. I knew about that. Another half hour passed, then I heard the front-door open and close again.
He was gone.
"Mommy!", I heard Rory’s voice, "Wake up. It’s just a nightmare. Wake up!"
Slowly, I opened my eyes. The lights in our room were on, my PJs soaked once again and Rory’s face was right above me. I hugged her, sighing relieved.
"Thanks, hon, for waking me. You’re right, it just was a nightmare."
Rory lay down beside me, smiling at me.
"What did you dream about?"
Again, I sighed. It was impossible to tell her about my recurring dream, which was far more than a dream.
Finally, I answered,
"Oh, you know, I just dreamed that Willy Wonka was allergic of chocolate."
Rory looked kinda horrorstruck.
"That would be terrible."
"Yeah, but it was just a dream", I giggled.
"Okay", Rory said sleepy, rolled over and immediately fell to sleep again. Me on the other hand was incapable to do so, but it was okay. I knew, in our room at the Independence Inn Rory and me would be safe.