You had me from 'Hello'


das warten hat eine ending.... allerdings ist der Teil eine zu uebergang... aber naja, entscheidet selbst ob er euch gefaellt..

@Jule: deine dusche ist anscheinend wirklich gefaehrlich...*lol* kauf dir besser eine neue...Big Grin

Lobt mich uebrigens, ich habe keine Cliffhanger gemacht....

okay, here's
part XIV:

For the fourth night in a row, I couldn’t sleep. I cursed myself for not having a TV in my bedroom. Something about disturbing the REM-sleep. But right now, I really needed something to distract myself. I hadn’t seen her since our visit at her parents’ house. I could understand her. I never imagined that a mother could be so cold towards her own child.
I had been thinking about something to comfort her, to make her fell better for days now. But the shiny idea just didn’t show up.
So, now I was sitting in my bed, thinking, as I suddenly heard a quiet knock on my apartment door. Confused, I stood up and curiously opened the door. It turned out it were Lorelai and her daughter Rory. I was surprised, I mean, it was one o’clock in the morning and a girl like Rory really should be in bed by now. And indeed, she actually wore a sleeping-suit with Hello-Kitty motives and to my surprise a baseball-cap. Inevitable, a smile hushed trough my face.
Lorelai, on the other hand, looked rather frightened.
"Luke, can I ask you a favor?"
"Yeah, sure. Come on in", I answered but Lorelai just shook her head.
"No, thanks. I don’t have the time... But would you... would you take Rory? I can’t leave her at the inn. It would be too dangerous. I don’t know where else to bring her. You’re the only one, I trust enough... Here she’s safe. Please, say you take her? Please?"
Her face was just a beg. An uneasy feeling rose inside of me. I’ve never been good with children and why was the inn not safe? What was the threat? Or who?
"Lorelai... I don’t know... what’s up? Where do you go to?"
Again, she just looked at me and contemptuously shook her head.
"Just say you will take her?"
Immediately, I realized that I, once again, could not resist her, so I simply nodded.
For a split of a second, a smile appeared on her face. She gave me short kiss and then bent down, kissed Rory on the cheek, whispered something I couldn’t understand and without another word, just with a thankful and at the same time fearful look, she disappeared out of sight.
I remained standing there, staring at the space, where she just stood. Then, I felt a pick on my arm. I looked down at Rory. She looked tired and confused. I realized, I had to get her to bed, so I said,
"Come on, let’s go to bed. It’s late."
"Okay", she simply said and followed me into my apartment.
After I got her to sleep, I stayed awake to watch her and to have time to think. I really was worried where Lorelai went to. What in the world could be so wrong that she had to leave Rory behind? I mean, she didn’t leave her husband because of her, so this time something had to be seriously wrong. And I had the feeling, that that Christopher guy was involved in this.
On the other hand, I was afraid of Rory. Not of her personally, of course, just that I had to watch over her. I’m not a great kid person. I always had my problems with them, what to do with them.
But as I watched Rory sleeping now, she somehow made me calm.
She really was the spitting image of her mother and I decided to do the best I could to look after her. Finally, I went to sleep.

"Luke? Wake up!"
I opened my eyes and stretched. My couch wasn’t the best place to sleep on. I realized that fact too late, my neck was hurting. Slowly, I sat up and Rory took seat beside me.
"What’s up, Rory? What’s wrong?", I asked a little sleepy.
"Nothing’s wrong. I just want to know what’s on the agenda today", she answered cheerfully.
I looked closely at her. Obviously, she wasn’t aware of the threat, Lorelai had been talking about. Thoughtfully, I asked her,
"Rory, do you know, where your mom is?"
"No, not exactly. She just said that she needed vacations and that she couldn’t take me because of school."
I jumped up.
"School, ah jeez... what’s the time. I totally forgot to turn on the alarm."
Slowly, Rory, too, got up and smiled,
"Don’t worry, Luke. It’s only eight o’clock. I still have an hour."
I breathed relieved.
"Oh, okay. Well then, I’ll go down to the diner and help Cesar. Go to the bathroom and do whatever you kids do. Then, go downstairs and I’ll make you breakfast. What do you eat normally?"
"I usually just grab a pop-tart."
"Okay", I said and went downstairs but not without making the plan to make her decent, more healthy breakfast.
Half an hour later, Rory appeared in the diner and seated herself on the counter.
"You have the same cap as I do", she stated.
I looked at her. She was right. I never wore another baseball-cap than that dark blue one, since I was seven. My mother gave it to me on my seventh birthday. Three months later she was dead...
But now, Rory snitched it off my head, adjusted it to her size and put it on her head, while handing hers to me. Undecided, I held her cap in my hands.
"Come on, wear it. Just for a day, okay?"
She had the same look on her face like Lorelai the night before. And again, I had the strong feeling that I just couldn’t resist to say,
"Yes, okay."
"Great!", Rory cheered, stood up, then continued, "I have to go now. I’ll see you after school. Bye, Luke!"
With those words, she left my diner.
Amazed, I stood there, watching her disappear. She really had the genes of her mother. Those Gilmore girls really had the ability to drive you crazy...
Finally, I moved, put Rory’s baseball-cap on my head and continued working.
Seven hours later, I went upstairs with a apple-pie for Rory. She was sitting in front of the TV, watching some show. I handed her the cake and sat down beside her.
"What about homework, Rory?", I asked.
"Already finished. They’re easy. You can control them, if you want."
"Yeah, later. So what you’re watching? I love Lucy? Are you fifty years old? Only old women watch that..."
Rory looked up to me, sighed and finally replied,
"Yeah, well, sometimes I feel like fifty."
Confused, I looked at her.
Is she serious?
But then, I saw her smiling and I realized that she had the same weird humor as her mother. Relieved, I leaned backwards and enjoyed Lucille Ball driving her husband crazy.


Nachrichten in diesem Thema
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 18.09.2006, 20:28
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 18.09.2006, 21:12
You had me from 'Hello' - von Liongirly*84 - 18.09.2006, 21:44
You had me from 'Hello' - von jeany_loverin - 18.09.2006, 21:49
You had me from 'Hello' - von Check - 19.09.2006, 15:58
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 20.09.2006, 20:08
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 21.09.2006, 19:11
You had me from 'Hello' - von Check - 21.09.2006, 19:15
You had me from 'Hello' - von jeany_loverin - 21.09.2006, 19:28
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 21.09.2006, 20:08
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You had me from 'Hello' - von jeany_loverin - 22.09.2006, 19:56
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You had me from 'Hello' - von Check - 22.09.2006, 21:48
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You had me from 'Hello' - von Check - 23.09.2006, 11:26
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You had me from 'Hello' - von Check - 23.09.2006, 13:07
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You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 23.09.2006, 13:56
You had me from 'Hello' - von Fanny - 23.09.2006, 14:29
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 23.09.2006, 15:52
You had me from 'Hello' - von Fanny - 23.09.2006, 15:58
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You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 24.09.2006, 12:34
You had me from 'Hello' - von Check - 24.09.2006, 13:50
You had me from 'Hello' - von Liongirly*84 - 24.09.2006, 14:59
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 24.09.2006, 15:02
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You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 24.09.2006, 15:54
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 24.09.2006, 16:02
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 25.09.2006, 17:28
You had me from 'Hello' - von Liongirly*84 - 25.09.2006, 17:35
You had me from 'Hello' - von jeany_loverin - 25.09.2006, 18:33
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 25.09.2006, 20:32
You had me from 'Hello' - von Check - 26.09.2006, 16:00
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 27.09.2006, 17:32
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 27.09.2006, 17:39
You had me from 'Hello' - von Check - 27.09.2006, 17:55
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 27.09.2006, 18:16
You had me from 'Hello' - von jeany_loverin - 27.09.2006, 18:23
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 28.09.2006, 19:38
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 28.09.2006, 19:43
You had me from 'Hello' - von Loerlai_Gilmore - 28.09.2006, 20:01
You had me from 'Hello' - von jeany_loverin - 29.09.2006, 13:31
You had me from 'Hello' - von Check - 29.09.2006, 15:04
You had me from 'Hello' - von adshira - 29.09.2006, 15:58
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 29.09.2006, 16:10
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 01.10.2006, 15:30
You had me from 'Hello' - von Check - 01.10.2006, 15:35
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 01.10.2006, 16:39
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 03.10.2006, 14:23
You had me from 'Hello' - von Loerlai_Gilmore - 03.10.2006, 21:29
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 03.10.2006, 22:48
You had me from 'Hello' - von jeany_loverin - 03.10.2006, 23:08
You had me from 'Hello' - von Check - 04.10.2006, 16:28
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You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 07.10.2006, 19:31
You had me from 'Hello' - von jeany_loverin - 07.10.2006, 19:38
You had me from 'Hello' - von Check - 07.10.2006, 19:47
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You had me from 'Hello' - von Check - 07.10.2006, 20:55
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 07.10.2006, 20:57
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You had me from 'Hello' - von Loerlai_Gilmore - 07.10.2006, 21:26
You had me from 'Hello' - von Check - 07.10.2006, 23:32
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 07.10.2006, 23:44
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 08.10.2006, 14:07
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 08.10.2006, 15:09
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 08.10.2006, 15:10
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 08.10.2006, 15:13
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 08.10.2006, 15:14
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 08.10.2006, 15:17
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 12.10.2006, 19:15
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 14.10.2006, 11:31
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 15.10.2006, 16:04
You had me from 'Hello' - von jeany_loverin - 15.10.2006, 16:57
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 15.10.2006, 17:22
You had me from 'Hello' - von Loerlai_Gilmore - 15.10.2006, 19:17
You had me from 'Hello' - von Pagliacci - 15.10.2006, 19:22
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 15.10.2006, 19:31
You had me from 'Hello' - von Check - 15.10.2006, 19:31
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 15.10.2006, 19:34
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 15.10.2006, 22:45
You had me from 'Hello' - von Charming_Holly - 16.10.2006, 10:19
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 16.10.2006, 15:53
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 16.10.2006, 17:38
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 16.10.2006, 21:10
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 18.10.2006, 19:35
You had me from 'Hello' - von Check - 18.10.2006, 19:37
You had me from 'Hello' - von jeany_loverin - 18.10.2006, 19:54
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 18.10.2006, 20:14
You had me from 'Hello' - von Check - 18.10.2006, 20:16
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 18.10.2006, 20:20
You had me from 'Hello' - von Check - 18.10.2006, 20:25
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 18.10.2006, 20:29
You had me from 'Hello' - von Check - 18.10.2006, 20:39
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 18.10.2006, 21:25
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 22.10.2006, 13:58
You had me from 'Hello' - von Charming_Holly - 23.10.2006, 14:39
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 23.10.2006, 15:00
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 23.10.2006, 15:50
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 23.10.2006, 16:02
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 23.10.2006, 16:22
You had me from 'Hello' - von Charming_Holly - 23.10.2006, 16:34
You had me from 'Hello' - von Check - 23.10.2006, 18:43
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 23.10.2006, 20:59
You had me from 'Hello' - von phoe-nixe - 24.10.2006, 12:03
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 24.10.2006, 18:26
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 24.10.2006, 18:32
You had me from 'Hello' - von phoe-nixe - 24.10.2006, 20:12
You had me from 'Hello' - von Charming_Holly - 24.10.2006, 22:11
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 25.10.2006, 15:55
You had me from 'Hello' - von phoe-nixe - 25.10.2006, 17:51
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 26.10.2006, 19:30
You had me from 'Hello' - von jeany_loverin - 26.10.2006, 19:50
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 26.10.2006, 19:50
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 26.10.2006, 20:23
You had me from 'Hello' - von Check - 26.10.2006, 20:51
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 26.10.2006, 21:40
You had me from 'Hello' - von phoe-nixe - 26.10.2006, 22:00
You had me from 'Hello' - von Charming_Holly - 27.10.2006, 11:54
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 28.10.2006, 14:19
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 28.10.2006, 14:33
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 28.10.2006, 14:58
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 29.10.2006, 19:07
You had me from 'Hello' - von jeany_loverin - 29.10.2006, 19:35
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 29.10.2006, 20:28
You had me from 'Hello' - von Check - 31.10.2006, 13:54
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 31.10.2006, 15:20
You had me from 'Hello' - von jeany_loverin - 31.10.2006, 15:36
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 31.10.2006, 15:44
You had me from 'Hello' - von Check - 31.10.2006, 16:29
You had me from 'Hello' - von Charming_Holly - 31.10.2006, 17:55
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 31.10.2006, 18:02
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 03.11.2006, 20:45
You had me from 'Hello' - von Check - 03.11.2006, 20:48
You had me from 'Hello' - von jeany_loverin - 03.11.2006, 21:32
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 03.11.2006, 23:41
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 04.11.2006, 18:28
You had me from 'Hello' - von jeany_loverin - 04.11.2006, 18:46
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 04.11.2006, 18:49
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 04.11.2006, 19:02
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 04.11.2006, 19:07
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 04.11.2006, 19:25
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 04.11.2006, 19:29
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 04.11.2006, 19:31
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 04.11.2006, 19:35
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 04.11.2006, 19:37
You had me from 'Hello' - von Charming_Holly - 06.11.2006, 13:31
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 06.11.2006, 14:54
You had me from 'Hello' - von jeany_loverin - 06.11.2006, 16:23
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 06.11.2006, 16:46
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 06.11.2006, 20:15
You had me from 'Hello' - von jeany_loverin - 06.11.2006, 20:28
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 06.11.2006, 20:36
You had me from 'Hello' - von jeany_loverin - 06.11.2006, 20:41
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 06.11.2006, 20:43
You had me from 'Hello' - von jeany_loverin - 06.11.2006, 20:45
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 06.11.2006, 20:48
You had me from 'Hello' - von jeany_loverin - 06.11.2006, 20:50
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 06.11.2006, 21:52
You had me from 'Hello' - von phoe-nixe - 06.11.2006, 22:24
You had me from 'Hello' - von Charming_Holly - 07.11.2006, 11:06
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 08.11.2006, 19:19
You had me from 'Hello' - von Check - 08.11.2006, 20:14
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 09.11.2006, 15:53
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 09.11.2006, 19:38
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 09.11.2006, 20:54
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 10.11.2006, 18:44
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 12.11.2006, 20:26
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 13.11.2006, 20:17
You had me from 'Hello' - von jeany_loverin - 13.11.2006, 20:42
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 13.11.2006, 21:59
You had me from 'Hello' - von Loerlai_Gilmore - 13.11.2006, 22:46
You had me from 'Hello' - von phoe-nixe - 13.11.2006, 23:55
You had me from 'Hello' - von Palaveri - 14.11.2006, 15:26
You had me from 'Hello' - von Check - 14.11.2006, 17:49
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 14.11.2006, 20:25
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 14.11.2006, 20:51
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 14.11.2006, 21:10
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 14.11.2006, 21:38
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 15.11.2006, 20:07
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 15.11.2006, 20:49
You had me from 'Hello' - von Charming_Holly - 16.11.2006, 19:27
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 17.11.2006, 20:03
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 18.11.2006, 00:37
You had me from 'Hello' - von jeany_loverin - 20.11.2006, 20:47
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 03.12.2006, 18:44
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 03.12.2006, 20:05
You had me from 'Hello' - von jeany_loverin - 03.12.2006, 20:05
You had me from 'Hello' - von Charming_Holly - 04.12.2006, 15:42
You had me from 'Hello' - von Check - 05.12.2006, 20:17
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 11.12.2006, 21:41
You had me from 'Hello' - von jeany_loverin - 11.12.2006, 21:48
You had me from 'Hello' - von Charming_Holly - 11.12.2006, 22:17
You had me from 'Hello' - von phoe-nixe - 11.12.2006, 22:41
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 11.12.2006, 23:04
You had me from 'Hello' - von Check - 13.12.2006, 17:28
You had me from 'Hello' - von momo3069 - 14.12.2006, 14:40
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 08.01.2007, 21:42
You had me from 'Hello' - von jeany_loverin - 08.01.2007, 22:05
You had me from 'Hello' - von phoe-nixe - 09.01.2007, 12:31
You had me from 'Hello' - von Palaveri - 09.01.2007, 15:12
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 09.01.2007, 16:27
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 09.01.2007, 18:17
You had me from 'Hello' - von jeany_loverin - 09.01.2007, 18:38
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 09.01.2007, 18:45
You had me from 'Hello' - von jeany_loverin - 09.01.2007, 19:03
You had me from 'Hello' - von Palaveri - 09.01.2007, 20:18
You had me from 'Hello' - von Loerlai_Gilmore - 09.01.2007, 22:21
You had me from 'Hello' - von Palaveri - 10.01.2007, 15:28
You had me from 'Hello' - von Charming_Holly - 10.01.2007, 18:26
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 10.01.2007, 19:50
You had me from 'Hello' - von momo3069 - 10.01.2007, 21:08
You had me from 'Hello' - von Loerlai_Gilmore - 10.01.2007, 22:14
You had me from 'Hello' - von Cedric - 14.02.2007, 21:39
You had me from 'Hello' - von Meffi - 14.02.2007, 21:49
You had me from 'Hello' - von jeany_loverin - 14.02.2007, 21:54
You had me from 'Hello' - von phoe-nixe - 14.02.2007, 21:55
You had me from 'Hello' - von momo3069 - 15.02.2007, 12:02
You had me from 'Hello' - von Charming_Holly - 15.02.2007, 14:13

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