No day is like the other day(sophies)

*angerennt komm* jaja komm ja schon
Erstmal: was hattest du denn da für ne Französischmeise?! *lach* „merci“ „merci beaucoup“ *g*

Der Anfang war wirklich toll, allerdings muss ich sagen, dass ich ihn nicht am besten fand vom Teil. Hat mich einfach zu sehr an eine anderen FF-Autorin erinnert (ich denke, du weißt, wen ich meine (nein, ich denke nicht, ich hoffe mal schwer *hust* xD)) Die Gedanken, die du dir zum Schweigen gemacht hast, find ich aber ausgesprochen gut (Big Grin) ich mag solche kurze, nachdenkliche Textchen immer sehr, denn sie sagen meistens etwas Wahres aus, über das man sich vorher noch nie so richtig Gedanken gemacht hat^^
Vielleicht fand ich den Anfang auch nicht den besten Teil dieses Kapitels, weil ich mich irgendwie unwohl beim Lesen fühlte. Frag mich nicht, was ich damit meine, ich kann es selbst nicht erklären, aber irgendwie.. du könntest dir deine Rosie jetzt einfach so unruhig auf dem Stuhl umherrutschend vorstellen.. so hab ich mich in etwa dabei gefühlt^^ nachher, als die Streitereien jedoch begannen… haach du weißt doch, wie sehr sich solche Dinge liebe *wub* es ist wirklich mehr als süss, wenn sich die beiden so anmeckern *wub* (für andere vielleicht kein passender Wubgrund, aber ich find das wunderbar toll xD)
Weißt du, was mir gerade aufgefallen ist: Du schreist nach Rosie! Dabei weißt du gar nicht, ob ich das überhaupt noch lese. Vor dem Teil, schriebst du, für alle, die sich noch nicht von dir abgewandt haben (oder so ähnlich) aber vielleicht will ich ja gar nicht mehr lesen, gar nicht mehr feedbacken haaa, du bist dir viel zu sicher *trotzig kopfschüttel*

Ich habs ja schon mal geschrieben, aber ich wusste ganz genau, dass dieser Kerl schwul ist… anders hätte es einfach nicht gepasst, ich hab halt auch den sechsten Sinn, ha gib mir noch ein paar Wochen und ich kann auch schon mit kullernden Augen „ich sehe tote Menschen“ sagen. Blau sind sie ja schon mal, Kontaktlinsen nicht nötig, das Leben hat uns halt doch lieb (keine Ahnung was das wieder soll)
Irgendwie nervt er mich aber trotzdem! Ich will, dass sie wieder nach Hause gehen und dort ihr tolles WG-Leben führen (jaja passt jetzt nicht so ganz hier rein xD (ist aber ein schöner Abschluss, denn das ist das, was jetzt kommt (oder kommen wird (also kommt, jetzt^^plimplim))))
Ich weiss, nicht so lange wie auch schon, aber bitte! Trotzdem reichts!
Ps: ich weiss, warum es diesmal nicht so lange ist: keine Zitate! Ich bin nämlich gar nicht fauler oder sonst was, neiiin! ich hab bloss nicht zitiert, weil ich dachte, eine Rosie hat es doch nicht nötig, ihr Fb auf so unglaublich erbärmliche Weise zu verlängern (eigentlich ja schon, aber nein, wir müssen stark sein, die Y-Chromosomen werden bald verschwinden
Pps: Deine Sig ist soooo tollooooo (wollt ich schon lange mal erwähnen^^)

[SIZE=2]Good taste is the enemy of creativity

Nachrichten in diesem Thema
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.09.2006, 22:41
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.09.2006, 22:44
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Falling~star - 25.09.2006, 23:08
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.09.2006, 23:10
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Falling~star - 25.09.2006, 23:28
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.09.2006, 23:31
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Falling~star - 25.09.2006, 23:43
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 26.09.2006, 17:04
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Drea - 27.09.2006, 10:14
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von adshira - 28.09.2006, 16:30
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von graefinlotte - 28.09.2006, 16:47
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Miko86 - 28.09.2006, 19:26
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 28.09.2006, 19:37
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von graefinlotte - 28.09.2006, 20:04
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 28.09.2006, 20:06
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von graefinlotte - 28.09.2006, 20:10
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 28.09.2006, 20:11
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 02.10.2006, 13:02
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 03.10.2006, 13:39
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Falling~star - 03.10.2006, 16:53
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 03.10.2006, 19:11
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von adshira - 05.10.2006, 14:53
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 05.10.2006, 14:55
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von marry-b - 05.10.2006, 15:00
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 05.10.2006, 15:05
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Falling~star - 05.10.2006, 15:13
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 05.10.2006, 15:18
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Miko86 - 05.10.2006, 15:37
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 07.10.2006, 18:46
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 07.10.2006, 19:47
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 08.10.2006, 21:39
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 08.10.2006, 23:07
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Weebo - 08.10.2006, 23:15
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 08.10.2006, 23:16
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Weebo - 08.10.2006, 23:16
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 08.10.2006, 23:19
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Weebo - 08.10.2006, 23:30
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 08.10.2006, 23:32
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Weebo - 08.10.2006, 23:44
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Little-Anni - 09.10.2006, 10:10
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Falling~star - 09.10.2006, 11:49
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 09.10.2006, 15:14
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Miko86 - 10.10.2006, 12:06
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 13.10.2006, 23:37
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Falling~star - 14.10.2006, 12:51
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Weebo - 14.10.2006, 13:06
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Rani1990 - 15.10.2006, 15:21
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 16.10.2006, 11:33
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 16.10.2006, 15:36
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 16.10.2006, 16:05
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 16.10.2006, 22:20
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 17.10.2006, 02:36
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 17.10.2006, 15:43
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 17.10.2006, 15:52
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 17.10.2006, 17:05
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 23.10.2006, 19:12
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 23.10.2006, 21:53
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Little-Anni - 23.10.2006, 22:08
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 23.10.2006, 22:10
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 23.10.2006, 22:13
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 23.10.2006, 22:22
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 23.10.2006, 22:36
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 23.10.2006, 22:40
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 23.10.2006, 22:45
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 23.10.2006, 22:52
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 23.10.2006, 22:55
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 23.10.2006, 23:02
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 23.10.2006, 23:06
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 23.10.2006, 23:40
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Weebo - 24.10.2006, 08:02
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Rani1990 - 24.10.2006, 13:09
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Falling~star - 24.10.2006, 13:32
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 01.11.2006, 11:32
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Weebo - 01.11.2006, 11:35
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Mery1202 - 01.11.2006, 16:58
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 01.11.2006, 22:32
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Mery1202 - 02.11.2006, 12:05
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Weebo - 02.11.2006, 12:44
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Rani1990 - 02.11.2006, 15:02
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 02.11.2006, 15:45
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Falling~star - 02.11.2006, 19:46
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 03.11.2006, 10:06
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 03.11.2006, 17:09
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 03.11.2006, 18:56
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Sarahnie - 03.11.2006, 19:48
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 06.11.2006, 00:19
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 09.11.2006, 15:48
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 09.11.2006, 19:09
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 09.11.2006, 22:31
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 09.11.2006, 22:33
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 09.11.2006, 22:51
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 09.11.2006, 23:11
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 09.11.2006, 23:29
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 09.11.2006, 23:30
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 12.11.2006, 23:04
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 12.11.2006, 23:07
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Little-Anni - 12.11.2006, 23:20
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Mery1202 - 13.11.2006, 13:51
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 13.11.2006, 15:18
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Falling~star - 13.11.2006, 15:21
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Schattenelfe - 13.11.2006, 16:12
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 16.11.2006, 22:20
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 16.11.2006, 23:23
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Swetygirl - 17.11.2006, 12:12
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 17.11.2006, 18:35
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 17.11.2006, 19:16
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 17.11.2006, 19:30
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 17.11.2006, 19:34
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 17.11.2006, 19:39
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 17.11.2006, 19:40
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 22.11.2006, 20:08
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 22.11.2006, 20:39
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 22.11.2006, 20:42
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 22.11.2006, 21:07
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 22.11.2006, 21:08
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 22.11.2006, 21:12
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 22.11.2006, 21:13
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 22.11.2006, 21:21
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 22.11.2006, 21:24
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Schattenelfe - 22.11.2006, 21:37
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 22.11.2006, 21:38
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 22.11.2006, 21:41
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 22.11.2006, 21:43
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 22.11.2006, 21:48
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 22.11.2006, 21:51
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 22.11.2006, 21:53
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 22.11.2006, 21:55
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 22.11.2006, 21:56
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 22.11.2006, 22:00
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 22.11.2006, 22:14
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 22.11.2006, 22:20
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 22.11.2006, 22:21
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Little-Anni - 22.11.2006, 22:31
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Weebo - 23.11.2006, 17:08
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Mery1202 - 23.11.2006, 20:49
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 26.11.2006, 13:32
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 26.11.2006, 15:38
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Little-Anni - 26.11.2006, 15:43
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 26.11.2006, 16:20
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Little-Anni - 26.11.2006, 16:24
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 26.11.2006, 16:30
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 26.11.2006, 18:21
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 26.11.2006, 20:49
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 26.11.2006, 21:15
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 26.11.2006, 21:34
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 26.11.2006, 22:32
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 01.12.2006, 17:59
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 01.12.2006, 18:16
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 01.12.2006, 18:29
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 01.12.2006, 18:33
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 01.12.2006, 18:36
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 01.12.2006, 18:45
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 01.12.2006, 18:47
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 01.12.2006, 18:49
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 03.12.2006, 20:13
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von marry-b - 03.12.2006, 20:28
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Little-Anni - 03.12.2006, 21:56
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 04.12.2006, 04:04
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Mery1202 - 04.12.2006, 11:53
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 05.12.2006, 15:14
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 08.12.2006, 23:30
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 09.12.2006, 00:11
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 09.12.2006, 00:14
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 09.12.2006, 18:54
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 10.12.2006, 00:16
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von jenni1990 - 10.12.2006, 16:54
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 16.12.2006, 01:43
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 16.12.2006, 16:52
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 18.12.2006, 22:07
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 18.12.2006, 22:09
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Mery1202 - 20.12.2006, 11:52
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 20.12.2006, 20:18
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 20.12.2006, 20:19
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Mery1202 - 20.12.2006, 21:17
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 00:10
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 00:18
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 00:21
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 00:25
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 00:26
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 00:27
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 00:29
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 00:32
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 00:33
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 00:35
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 00:37
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 00:40
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 00:46
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 00:48
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 00:51
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 00:52
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 00:54
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 00:55
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 00:59
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 01:00
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 01:02
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 01:04
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 01:05
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 01:05
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 01:09
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 01:11
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 01:13
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 01:15
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 01:16
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 01:16
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 01:19
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 01:20
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 01:24
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 01:24
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 01:26
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 01:28
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 01:30
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 01:31
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 01:32
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 01:34
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 01:35
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 01:38
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 01:41
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 01:43
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 01:45
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 01:46
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 01:47
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 01:53
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 01:56
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 01:58
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 02:01
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 02:03
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 02:04
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 02:08
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 02:11
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 02:12
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 02:13
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 02:15
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 02:16
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 02:17
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 02:21
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 02:22
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 02:26
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 02:28
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 02:31
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 02:32
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 02:36
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 02:37
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 02:38
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 02:39
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 02:40
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 02:42
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 02:43
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 02:43
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 02:44
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 02:45
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 02:46
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 02:46
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 02:48
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 02:49
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 02:50
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 02:51
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 02:52
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 02:54
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 02:56
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 02:56
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 02:57
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 02:59
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 03:00
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 03:01
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 03:02
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 03:03
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 03:05
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 03:06
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 03:06
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 03:07
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 03:09
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 03:12
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 03:15
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 03:16
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 03:18
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 03:21
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 03:23
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 03:25
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 03:25
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 03:27
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 03:29
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 03:32
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 03:35
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 03:36
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 03:38
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 03:40
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 03:42
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 03:43
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 03:46
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 03:47
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 03:51
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 03:51
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 03:52
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 03:53
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 03:54
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 03:55
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 04:01
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 04:03
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 04:05
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 04:06
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 04:08
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 04:09
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 04:09
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 04:11
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 04:12
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 04:13
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 04:14
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 04:17
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 04:19
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 04:21
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 04:22
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 04:23
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 04:25
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 04:27
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 25.12.2006, 04:29
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.12.2006, 04:29
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Miko86 - 25.12.2006, 12:02
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Little-Anni - 29.12.2006, 20:20
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JamieA - 30.12.2006, 00:31
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 30.12.2006, 20:50
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Little-Anni - 30.12.2006, 23:01
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Shaki - 31.12.2006, 00:39
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Mery1202 - 31.12.2006, 15:33
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 02.01.2007, 15:01
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 03.01.2007, 22:57
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 03.01.2007, 23:58
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 04.01.2007, 01:20
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 04.01.2007, 13:56
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 04.01.2007, 17:40
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 09.01.2007, 16:00
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Little-Anni - 09.01.2007, 16:21
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 09.01.2007, 16:41
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Little-Anni - 09.01.2007, 21:44
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Tesa - 12.01.2007, 12:40
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 12.01.2007, 17:50
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Tesa - 12.01.2007, 17:55
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 12.01.2007, 18:04
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 13.01.2007, 19:10
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Tesa - 13.01.2007, 20:30
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Little-Anni - 13.01.2007, 22:21
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Shaki - 14.01.2007, 21:43
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Leniccah - 14.01.2007, 22:24
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Mery1202 - 15.01.2007, 13:29
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 16.01.2007, 15:08
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 16.01.2007, 15:49
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Tesa - 16.01.2007, 18:25
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Mery1202 - 17.01.2007, 11:53
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ace-19 - 20.01.2007, 21:12
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 30.01.2007, 22:11
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 13.02.2007, 22:29
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 14.02.2007, 19:51
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ace-19 - 14.02.2007, 20:04
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 14.02.2007, 20:30
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 15.02.2007, 20:35
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Little-Anni - 15.02.2007, 21:42
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ace-19 - 15.02.2007, 22:05
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 15.02.2007, 22:18
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Leniccah - 15.02.2007, 22:38
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Mery1202 - 15.02.2007, 23:02
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 16.02.2007, 14:54
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von RoganLover - 16.02.2007, 16:45
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Tesa - 16.02.2007, 18:08
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 23.02.2007, 14:51
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Shaki - 24.02.2007, 01:06
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 24.02.2007, 14:16
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 24.02.2007, 19:20
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Leniccah - 24.02.2007, 20:28
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Little-Anni - 24.02.2007, 22:35
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.02.2007, 00:57
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Shaki - 25.02.2007, 20:41
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von stuntwoman - 25.02.2007, 21:20
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ace-19 - 26.02.2007, 18:34
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Tesa - 26.02.2007, 18:50
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 26.02.2007, 23:50
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Falling~star - 27.02.2007, 04:40
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 03.03.2007, 00:09
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 03.03.2007, 11:32
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 03.03.2007, 18:57
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 04.03.2007, 22:27
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Little-Anni - 04.03.2007, 22:37
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 04.03.2007, 22:50
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von stuntwoman - 05.03.2007, 15:17
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 05.03.2007, 16:11
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von RoganLover - 05.03.2007, 17:35
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 05.03.2007, 18:36
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ace-19 - 05.03.2007, 19:51
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Tesa - 05.03.2007, 20:39
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 17.03.2007, 00:08
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 17.03.2007, 19:35
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 27.03.2007, 14:49
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Tesa - 27.03.2007, 15:45
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 27.03.2007, 15:50
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von MinowaySunshine - 27.03.2007, 21:26
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 28.03.2007, 14:45
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Little-Anni - 29.03.2007, 13:48
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 29.03.2007, 14:37
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 29.03.2007, 16:44
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 29.03.2007, 17:24
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 03.04.2007, 16:44
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Mikeline - 03.04.2007, 18:00
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ace-19 - 07.04.2007, 21:45
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 08.04.2007, 13:16
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 10.04.2007, 18:49
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Leniccah - 10.04.2007, 18:53
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 10.04.2007, 19:19
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 12.04.2007, 20:38
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ace-19 - 14.04.2007, 01:59
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 14.04.2007, 02:38
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Little-Anni - 18.04.2007, 08:56
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Mery1202 - 18.04.2007, 09:44
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 18.04.2007, 18:26
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von MinowaySunshine - 18.04.2007, 23:59
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Falling~star - 23.04.2007, 00:52
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Mery1202 - 23.04.2007, 08:34
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von MinowaySunshine - 23.04.2007, 11:42
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 01.05.2007, 16:00
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ace-19 - 01.05.2007, 20:04
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 03.05.2007, 22:00
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von emma123 - 03.05.2007, 22:20
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von MinowaySunshine - 04.05.2007, 00:13
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Little-Anni - 04.05.2007, 09:10
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Tesa - 04.05.2007, 17:02
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ace-19 - 04.05.2007, 21:59
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 05.05.2007, 15:10
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von emma123 - 05.05.2007, 22:21
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Calanthe - 06.05.2007, 16:02
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Mery1202 - 07.05.2007, 11:22
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Wuddel - 08.05.2007, 15:16
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 08.05.2007, 16:23
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 08.05.2007, 18:15
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 09.05.2007, 14:44
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 10.05.2007, 18:19
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Tesa - 10.05.2007, 19:07
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 10.05.2007, 19:18
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Mery1202 - 10.05.2007, 20:52
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von MinowaySunshine - 10.05.2007, 20:53
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 11.05.2007, 14:31
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Tesa - 11.05.2007, 17:51
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 11.05.2007, 18:00
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ace-19 - 11.05.2007, 18:08
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von RoganLover - 11.05.2007, 22:20
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Marry`s Wolke - 12.05.2007, 12:45
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 12.05.2007, 13:12
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von RoganLover - 14.05.2007, 15:24
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von emma123 - 14.05.2007, 17:16
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Wuddel - 16.05.2007, 15:10
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 16.05.2007, 16:31
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ace-19 - 16.05.2007, 17:37
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 16.05.2007, 17:54
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ace-19 - 16.05.2007, 20:33
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 17.05.2007, 20:08
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Mikeline - 17.05.2007, 20:35
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Little-Anni - 17.05.2007, 20:39
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 17.05.2007, 21:06
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Mery1202 - 17.05.2007, 21:59
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von MinowaySunshine - 17.05.2007, 22:27
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 23.05.2007, 20:32
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ace-19 - 23.05.2007, 20:49
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Marry`s Wolke - 23.05.2007, 22:46
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 24.05.2007, 14:49
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 24.05.2007, 19:51
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 24.05.2007, 23:06
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Tesa - 25.05.2007, 22:38
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 27.05.2007, 12:02
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 16.06.2007, 12:31
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von MinowaySunshine - 16.06.2007, 12:35
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Wuddel - 17.06.2007, 17:43
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 19.06.2007, 14:39
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von -Ace- - 19.06.2007, 18:51
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von MinowaySunshine - 19.06.2007, 18:52
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von LuHuntzberger - 19.06.2007, 19:01
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Mery1202 - 19.06.2007, 19:08
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 19.06.2007, 20:15
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Leniccah - 19.06.2007, 20:33
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 20.06.2007, 13:55
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Tesa - 20.06.2007, 20:08
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 22.06.2007, 08:02
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von LuHuntzberger - 02.07.2007, 14:15
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 19.07.2007, 17:31
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Leniccah - 19.07.2007, 19:28
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von LuHuntzberger - 19.07.2007, 19:46
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Mery1202 - 19.07.2007, 20:30
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von -Ace- - 20.07.2007, 09:39
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von MinowaySunshine - 20.07.2007, 23:26
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 21.07.2007, 14:16
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Little-Anni - 21.07.2007, 22:40
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Crash-Girly - 22.07.2007, 07:11
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Wuddel - 25.07.2007, 23:52
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Tesa - 29.07.2007, 20:01
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 27.08.2007, 14:43
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Leniccah - 27.08.2007, 18:29
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ace-19 - 27.08.2007, 18:48
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Little-Anni - 27.08.2007, 19:40
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von LuHuntzberger - 27.08.2007, 20:16
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 28.08.2007, 20:01
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Tesa - 29.08.2007, 21:50
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Mery1202 - 30.08.2007, 21:26
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 01.09.2007, 15:09
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von -Ace- - 01.09.2007, 15:21
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von girli Gilmore - 01.09.2007, 15:25
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 01.09.2007, 15:54
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Shaki - 02.09.2007, 20:23
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 09.09.2007, 20:04
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von LuHuntzberger - 09.09.2007, 20:19
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ace-19 - 09.09.2007, 23:02
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Sindy85 - 09.09.2007, 23:07
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Shaki - 10.09.2007, 18:02
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Tesa - 10.09.2007, 19:26
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Mery1202 - 11.09.2007, 07:57
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 11.09.2007, 20:06
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von MinowaySunshine - 12.09.2007, 14:44
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Little-Anni - 12.09.2007, 19:51
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von LuHuntzberger - 07.10.2007, 23:08
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 08.10.2007, 14:24
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von - 08.10.2007, 18:55
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~sophie~ - 21.01.2008, 19:29
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Niis - 22.01.2008, 21:48
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von LuHuntzberger - 01.03.2008, 18:46
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ace-19 - 02.03.2008, 00:25
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von adoreee-Finn - 19.03.2008, 21:10
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von adoreee-Logan - 19.03.2008, 23:02
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von LuHuntzberger - 13.05.2008, 15:15
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von oktober - 13.05.2008, 18:56
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von -Ace- - 14.05.2008, 10:15
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von adoreee-Logan - 15.05.2008, 14:11
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~sophie~ - 15.05.2008, 16:28
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ace-19 - 24.05.2008, 16:14
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 27.05.2008, 21:33
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von pratschkuh - 27.05.2008, 22:32
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von RL4EVER - 29.05.2008, 00:48
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 02.12.2008, 20:32
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von - 02.12.2008, 21:04
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von melli_0906 - 02.12.2008, 21:14
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ace-19 - 02.12.2008, 21:50
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von RL4EVER - 03.12.2008, 12:29
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 03.12.2008, 14:04
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von christa.g - 03.12.2008, 15:54
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 03.12.2008, 18:42
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ace-19 - 03.12.2008, 20:46
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Tesa - 03.12.2008, 21:59
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von LuHuntzberger - 04.12.2008, 21:47
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 04.12.2008, 23:00
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von LuHuntzberger - 04.12.2008, 23:34
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ace-19 - 05.12.2008, 00:29
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von dweety - 05.12.2008, 02:06
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von christa.g - 05.12.2008, 08:47
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von RL4EVER - 05.12.2008, 13:18
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 05.12.2008, 16:05
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ace-19 - 05.12.2008, 16:45
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von - 07.12.2008, 12:54
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 09.12.2008, 18:55
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Tesa - 09.12.2008, 19:22
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 11.12.2008, 19:24
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Izzie - 11.12.2008, 19:35
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von dweety - 11.12.2008, 20:27
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ace-19 - 11.12.2008, 20:37
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von christa.g - 12.12.2008, 08:57
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Tesa - 12.12.2008, 11:00
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Sindy85 - 14.12.2008, 00:46
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von - 14.12.2008, 14:57
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 15.12.2008, 20:40
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ace-19 - 15.12.2008, 21:49
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von - 16.12.2008, 12:05
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 19.12.2008, 15:49
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Sindy85 - 19.12.2008, 21:52
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 20.12.2008, 20:13
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von oktober - 21.12.2008, 02:19
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von dweety - 21.12.2008, 13:10
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 22.12.2008, 16:09
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Tesa - 22.12.2008, 17:08
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Sindy85 - 23.12.2008, 23:54
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ace-19 - 24.12.2008, 23:04
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 03.01.2009, 15:51
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von - 03.01.2009, 19:59
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 04.01.2009, 16:30
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ace-19 - 04.01.2009, 18:31
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Tesa - 04.01.2009, 19:33
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Sindy85 - 05.01.2009, 22:35
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von christa.g - 07.01.2009, 10:23
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von LizzyBenett - 10.01.2009, 04:41
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von dweety - 11.01.2009, 00:21
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 19.01.2009, 16:53
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von - 19.01.2009, 18:51
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.01.2009, 18:47
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von LuHuntzberger - 25.01.2009, 19:06
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ace-19 - 25.01.2009, 20:24
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Sindy85 - 25.01.2009, 23:11
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von dweety - 26.01.2009, 00:53
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von christa.g - 26.01.2009, 09:11
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von - 26.01.2009, 14:51
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Tesa - 26.01.2009, 20:03
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 27.01.2009, 19:19
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ace-19 - 28.01.2009, 01:04
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 01.02.2009, 17:21
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ace-19 - 01.02.2009, 18:11
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Sindy85 - 01.02.2009, 21:38
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von christa.g - 02.02.2009, 09:58
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von adoreee-Logan - 07.02.2009, 10:58
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Tesa - 09.02.2009, 18:40
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von LuHuntzberger - 16.02.2009, 20:15
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 18.02.2009, 17:25
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von adoreee-Logan - 18.02.2009, 19:38
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von LuHuntzberger - 18.02.2009, 19:43
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Sindy85 - 18.02.2009, 22:58
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Tesa - 23.02.2009, 21:45
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 13.03.2009, 18:59
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von - 15.03.2009, 18:44
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 25.03.2009, 21:47
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Sindy85 - 27.03.2009, 23:41
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ace-19 - 28.03.2009, 19:42
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von adoreee-Logan - 02.04.2009, 13:38
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Tesa - 05.04.2009, 15:39
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von - 05.04.2009, 17:34
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von mybom - 05.04.2009, 22:40
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Coco14 - 02.05.2009, 11:56
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 02.11.2009, 13:24
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von - 03.11.2009, 12:39
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Sindy85 - 09.11.2009, 23:09
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 06.03.2007, 16:49
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 06.03.2007, 19:02
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 06.03.2007, 21:05
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Falling~star - 06.03.2007, 23:56
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Mery1202 - 07.03.2007, 09:53
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 07.03.2007, 15:09
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von MinowaySunshine - 10.03.2007, 00:33
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Leniccah - 11.03.2007, 12:50
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Shaki - 11.03.2007, 19:40
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 11.03.2007, 21:04
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 15.03.2007, 21:43
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Mery1202 - 10.04.2007, 10:46
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 10.04.2007, 14:52
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von Tesa - 10.04.2007, 15:18
No day is like the other day(sophies) - von ace-19 - 18.05.2007, 13:05

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