Back where I belong

Hey ihr Süßen!

Bin grad in ner echten Schreibkrise, würde euch aber erheblich spoilern wenn ich euch um Hilfe bitten würde. Na ja, ihr bekommt trotzdem nen neuen Teil. Aber erstmal mein Re-FB:

@conitgo - Ja ja, die versteckten Liebeszeichen ... Hatte in irgendeinem Laden nen Anhänger in Form eines Kängurus gesehen und daran hab ich ein bissel weiter gesponnen ... Was heraus kam habt ihr ja gelesen. Freut mich, dass dir der Teil gefallen hat.

@JUHUI - Bald ist relativ ... Na ja, doch es kommt bald. Finn ist bestimmt ein toller Tänzer, man hat ihn zwar nur einmal die John Travolta Nummer machen sehen, aber ich denke er ist auch im Allgemeinen ein toller Tänzer. Das hat nach Sieg geschrien! Big Grin

@eve94 - Kängurus gibt es ja, aber ne Kaffeetasse hab ich auch noch nicht gesehen, wäre aber mal interessant zu finden. Rory ist doch schon immer blind für solche Dinge gewesen ... Na ja, sie wirds erfahren. Danke und freut mich, dass es dir gefallen hat.

@RoGirl - Danke, soll ich dich festhalten? *g* Solange du noch sitzt, hier ist der nächste Teil.

So, und nun zum neuen Chapter. Vorher gesagt, Logan ist ein Mistkerl.

And then the ugly part began

One week later they drove back to Boston to get Rory divorced. Colin waited for them in front of the building. He didn’t look like he got a lot of sleep since they last saw each other. Before they went into the room Finn hugged Rory one last time.
“I’m scared Finn. I don’t think he’s gonna be nice, I really hate this!” She said.
“I know, love, I know. But you will go in there now, you will get over with it and I’m gonna wait here. Then we will go to Colin and Stephanie’s and will have dinner with them. And don’t let anything he says affect you, okay? Logan can be a real jerk sometimes. Now go!”
She sighed, but went in with Colin. The divorce itself wasn’t that bad. Both, Rory and Logan, didn’t have to speak much. After it Colin told her to go out, he would come soon after. Logan went out with her … and then the ugly part began.

“You’re happy now? You’re free of me!” it wasn’t a mean comment, but it started everything.
“Stop it Logan, you know why I did it.” Rory wasn’t in the mood to argue with her ex-husband.
“Oh come on, Rory! You left, without even trying to make it work! ‘You’re not going to take it anymore’? What’s that for a statement?”
“It’s true Logan! I didn’t want to sit around anymore while you were cheating on me!”
“We could have made it work! God, it is society! Did you really expect me to sit around and just be there for you? “
“But I’m not a society wife, Logan! I threw everything away for you! Don’t you think I can expect at least faithfulness from you?!” By this time Finn stood behind her.
“Don’t you think I could expect a baby from you? I found the pills Rory! Obviously you forgot them when you ran away! So you couldn’t get pregnant, huh!?”
“I didn’t want to be pregnant from you! You aren’t the right father for my child! Ever thought of that?” Finn was still silent, but he was ready to jump in if the fight became ugly for his best friend.
“That’s a lame excuse, Rory! I was your husband! Of course your husband is the right father for your child! And if you expected me to be faithful, why didn’t you do the same?!”
“What?! I didn’t cheat on you, Logan!” Rory just wanted to start crying. She wasn’t one for ugly confrontations.
“Oh yeah? So you want to tell me, that you didn’t hook up with one of my best friends?!”
“No! I would never do that!”
“Well, then tell me why Finn ran after you? Why did you get an apartment together?”
“Because he helped me, that’s why!”
“Just admit it, Rory! You little bitch waited for the first opportunity to get my friends away from me! But just because you’re shagging Finn doesn’t mean you rule the world!”
“Shut it, mate!” Finn finally jumped in. He said it calm, but the warning in the comment was noticeable.
“Oh, so the lover says something too!” Logan laughed humourless.
“We didn’t sleep with each other, Logan!” Rory was desperate by now and she could feel Finn saw red after the last comments.
“I don’t believe you! I should have seen it; you’re just another one of those little whores, who think they’re special. But guess what – you’re not!”
Finn didn’t want to be a bystander anymore. He couldn’t control his anger any longer, how could his friend dare to say something like that to Rory?! Just as he was about to loose his temper Colin jumped in. He stood between them and looked at the Australian.
“Don’t!” was all he said.
“He called Rory a whore!” Finn protested angrily.
“Calm down, Finn! Ror, honey, could please get him out of here and into the car? A fight is the last thing that we need now. I’m gonna deal with Logan.”
Rory nodded and guided him out, while Colin talked to Logan. When they finally sat in the car, Rory looked up at her best friend.
“Are you okay?” Finn had his eyes closed and his head leaned back. When he heard her voice he opened them and smiled weakly at her.
“I’m fine kitten. How about you?”
“I’m okay, Finn. But you have to promise me something. The next time you meet Logan, you are going to be calm and won’t start a fight, okay?”
“I can’t promise that, Rory. He said things I just can’t accept!”
“I know, but I can deal with it. I know everything he said is not true. Sure, I wanted to cry in there, but I can control myself. And you need to do that, too. Please! Everything is going to be okay, I promise. And if it makes you feel better I’m going to Australia with you.” Finn smiled at her.
“Okay, then we’re going to Australia!”

Freu mich auf eure Meinungen!
Liebe Grüße Susu Smile


"The truth is rarely pure and never simple."
Oscar Wilde

Nachrichten in diesem Thema
Back where I belong - von Purzelbaer - 15.06.2008, 20:06
Back where I belong - von DASEWIGEESI - 15.06.2008, 20:13
Back where I belong - von JUHUI - 15.06.2008, 20:20
Back where I belong - von eve94 - 15.06.2008, 20:22
Back where I belong - von katalin - 15.06.2008, 20:27
Back where I belong - von contigo - 15.06.2008, 20:39
Back where I belong - von Kiwi-Power - 16.06.2008, 01:03
Back where I belong - von RoGirl - 16.06.2008, 17:45
Back where I belong - von Schnubkelchen - 16.06.2008, 19:18
Back where I belong - von Purzelbaer - 16.06.2008, 19:35
Back where I belong - von Schnubkelchen - 16.06.2008, 19:46
Back where I belong - von eve94 - 16.06.2008, 20:18
Back where I belong - von katalin - 17.06.2008, 13:10
Back where I belong - von RL4EVER - 17.06.2008, 14:23
Back where I belong - von JUHUI - 17.06.2008, 14:55
Back where I belong - von RoGirl - 17.06.2008, 21:47
Back where I belong - von contigo - 18.06.2008, 18:45
Back where I belong - von Purzelbaer - 19.06.2008, 19:26
Back where I belong - von katalin - 19.06.2008, 19:56
Back where I belong - von JUHUI - 19.06.2008, 20:03
Back where I belong - von eve94 - 19.06.2008, 21:43
Back where I belong - von contigo - 20.06.2008, 14:23
Back where I belong - von RoGirl - 20.06.2008, 16:35
Back where I belong - von Purzelbaer - 22.06.2008, 18:16
Back where I belong - von katalin - 22.06.2008, 18:26
Back where I belong - von JUHUI - 22.06.2008, 18:54
Back where I belong - von RoGirl - 22.06.2008, 19:16
Back where I belong - von contigo - 23.06.2008, 16:27
Back where I belong - von eve94 - 24.06.2008, 16:28
Back where I belong - von Purzelbaer - 27.06.2008, 15:00
Back where I belong - von contigo - 27.06.2008, 15:38
Back where I belong - von katalin - 27.06.2008, 18:31
Back where I belong - von Kiwi-Power - 27.06.2008, 22:51
Back where I belong - von eve94 - 28.06.2008, 13:54
Back where I belong - von katalin - 28.06.2008, 21:37
Back where I belong - von JUHUI - 28.06.2008, 21:53
Back where I belong - von contigo - 28.06.2008, 22:18
Back where I belong - von eve94 - 29.06.2008, 13:22
Back where I belong - von Purzelbaer - 29.06.2008, 18:59
Back where I belong - von katalin - 29.06.2008, 20:21
Back where I belong - von eve94 - 29.06.2008, 20:50
Back where I belong - von JUHUI - 30.06.2008, 18:18
Back where I belong - von RoGirl - 01.07.2008, 21:05
Back where I belong - von contigo - 03.07.2008, 15:05
Back where I belong - von pratschkuh - 03.07.2008, 22:06
Back where I belong - von Purzelbaer - 04.07.2008, 19:18
Back where I belong - von contigo - 05.07.2008, 10:51
Back where I belong - von eve94 - 07.07.2008, 15:14
Back where I belong - von RoGirl - 07.07.2008, 23:30
Back where I belong - von Purzelbaer - 11.07.2008, 15:08
Back where I belong - von RL4EVER - 11.07.2008, 15:16
Back where I belong - von eve94 - 11.07.2008, 15:58
Back where I belong - von contigo - 11.07.2008, 16:30
Back where I belong - von JUHUI - 11.07.2008, 20:30
Back where I belong - von pratschkuh - 11.07.2008, 21:21
Back where I belong - von Purzelbaer - 16.07.2008, 13:43
Back where I belong - von contigo - 16.07.2008, 13:57
Back where I belong - von RoGirl - 16.07.2008, 16:57
Back where I belong - von JUHUI - 22.07.2008, 15:41
Back where I belong - von Purzelbaer - 22.07.2008, 16:23
Back where I belong - von eve94 - 22.07.2008, 20:39
Back where I belong - von RoGirl - 22.07.2008, 20:41
Back where I belong - von contigo - 22.07.2008, 21:41
Back where I belong - von JUHUI - 22.07.2008, 21:41
Back where I belong - von Purzelbaer - 27.07.2008, 20:16
Back where I belong - von contigo - 28.07.2008, 22:23
Back where I belong - von Kiwi-Power - 28.07.2008, 22:27
Back where I belong - von eve94 - 01.08.2008, 23:09
Back where I belong - von Purzelbaer - 02.08.2008, 11:26
Back where I belong - von eve94 - 02.08.2008, 12:34
Back where I belong - von RoGirl - 04.08.2008, 11:39
Back where I belong - von JUHUI - 10.08.2008, 08:46
Back where I belong - von contigo - 10.08.2008, 20:07
Back where I belong - von Purzelbaer - 11.08.2008, 20:52
Back where I belong - von prinzessin23 - 11.08.2008, 21:17
Back where I belong - von Kiwi-Power - 11.08.2008, 23:04
Back where I belong - von JUHUI - 17.08.2008, 20:57
Back where I belong - von eve94 - 18.08.2008, 23:43
Back where I belong - von Purzelbaer - 20.08.2008, 23:43
Back where I belong - von eve94 - 21.08.2008, 18:33
Back where I belong - von JUHUI - 24.08.2008, 10:38
Back where I belong - von Purzelbaer - 28.08.2008, 20:38
Back where I belong - von eve94 - 28.08.2008, 22:46
Back where I belong - von RoGirl - 29.08.2008, 16:58
Back where I belong - von JUHUI - 31.08.2008, 13:44
Back where I belong - von Purzelbaer - 09.09.2008, 19:14
Back where I belong - von RoGirl - 12.09.2008, 16:55
Back where I belong - von Purzelbaer - 13.09.2008, 11:11
Back where I belong - von RoGirl - 13.09.2008, 23:01
Back where I belong - von eve94 - 14.09.2008, 18:12
Back where I belong - von Purzelbaer - 17.09.2008, 18:44
Back where I belong - von eve94 - 17.09.2008, 20:40
Back where I belong - von Purzelbaer - 03.10.2008, 12:47
Back where I belong - von RoGirl - 05.10.2008, 21:14
Back where I belong - von Hasn11 - 05.10.2008, 23:41
Back where I belong - von eve94 - 06.10.2008, 19:59
Back where I belong - von JUHUI - 07.10.2008, 12:35
Back where I belong - von Purzelbaer - 26.10.2008, 17:28
Back where I belong - von Purzelbaer - 29.10.2008, 21:01
Back where I belong - von Hasn11 - 29.10.2008, 21:41
Back where I belong - von eve94 - 29.10.2008, 23:18
Back where I belong - von RoGirl - 30.10.2008, 20:41
Back where I belong - von DASEWIGEESI - 01.11.2008, 23:26
Back where I belong - von dweety - 13.12.2008, 23:41
Back where I belong - von Purzelbaer - 16.12.2008, 19:15
Back where I belong - von dweety - 16.12.2008, 19:21
Back where I belong - von JUHUI - 28.06.2008, 19:51
Back where I belong - von pratschkuh - 28.06.2008, 20:31
Back where I belong - von Purzelbaer - 28.06.2008, 21:18
Back where I belong - von JUHUI - 05.07.2008, 22:11

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