Back where I belong

Hey meine Süßen!
Hab mich ja nun schon länger nicht mehr gemeldet, hab auch noch keinen neuen Chappy fertig, aber für euch hab ich noch ein paar da.

Nu erstmal zum Re-FB:

RoGirl - Erstmal vielen Dank fürs Fb. Ach, Rory wird schon zurecht kommen und wenn nicht hat sie ja immernoch Finn - auch wenn ich noch ein paar leicht fiese Sachen im Petto hätte :pfeif: - mal sehen ob die rein kommen.

Hasn11 - Ja, so ging es mir anfangs auch. Fand Finn und Colin zwar immer toll, aber dann hab ich PDLD für mich entdeckt ... Smile Danke auch für dein Fb.

eve94 - Kannst ja deinen Lehrer fragen, ob englisch FF lesen auch zählt *g*. Freut mich, dass es dir gefällt. Du hast Recht, das Meer ist echt toll. Wohn leider auch ziemlich weit entfernt ...

JUHUI - Ja ja, das bald immer ... Ich hab sogar schon nen Namen für das Kleine Wink Freut mich, dass dir der Teil gut gefällt. Und ich hoffe, du hast bald wieder mehr Zeit zu lesen.

So, nun on with the show ...

Party Girl

The next day Lorelai waited to catch Finn alone. She had to hear his side of it all. When she finally caught him alone he had just finished a meeting with the owners of the hotel.
“Finn? Can I talk to you for a second?” she asked.
“Sure, what’s the matter?”
“Rory told me … you know what she asked from you. And I don’t know what to think about it, or the two of you together. I thought hearing your side might help with it.”
“You’re not afraid that I might break her heart, are you?” When she looked down his smile faded and he turned serious.
“Lorelai, I’m not gonna break Rory’s heart. I love her, I really really do.”
“I know. I just … always associate you with Logan …”
“Well I’m not Logan.”
“Again, I know. I’m sorry.” Lorelai turned around, thinking the conversation was over, when Finn hesitantly called her name.
“Lorelai? Is … is she really sure about it?” he asked. The older woman saw the uncertainty in his eyes. She smiled warmly at him.
“She said she was. Even if I said she isn’t ready, I don’t think it would change her decision.”

“Since when did you become party girl?” Lorelai asked her daughter that evening. After dinner she and Luke had been dragged into a club by Rory and Finn. From what she remembered it wasn’t really her daughter’s scene, but obviously she enjoyed herself. Luke grumbled something about the music being too loud.
“Just with Finn, Colin and Steph.” Rory explained. Then she looked over her shoulder and watched her boyfriend, who had been ordering their drinks.
“Well, I don’t think Luke’s too happy with the location.” Lorelai grinned and looked at her husband. He looked out of place with his baseball cap and the flannel shirt he had refused to change. Rory now turned towards her boyfriend and looked up at him.
“I want to dance!” she decided. Before Finn could answer Lorelai jumped in once again.
“Babe, we’ll get going. It’s your scene, Luke and I are a little bit too old for this. But don’t worry we’ll entertain ourselves!” She winked at her daughter. Rory nodded and then dragged Finn towards the dance floor. Lorelai and Luke watched them for a moment. Rory turned around and smiled up at Finn, her arms sneaking around his neck. He leaned down and kissed her before smiling as well.
“Let’s go” Luke whispered in her ear. Lorelai smiled at him and then took his hand and led him out of the club.

Outside they both sighed relieved.
“So, what are we gonna do now?”
“How about we go down to the beach for a bit?” Lorelai nodded happily. A few moments they were silent.
“So, you talked to Finn today, didn’t you?” Luke finally asked.
“Yes. And I think even if he would never admit it, he wants that baby just as much as she wants it.”
“What baby? Is she pregnant?” Luke asked surprised.
“No, she just wants to get pregnant. She told him that and he said she should talk to me before making a final decision.”
“You think she isn’t ready yet” Luke stated. She didn’t answer, but he could see in her eyes that he was right. He drew her a little closer.
“Lorelai, she’s twenty-eight. You can’t expect from her that she doesn’t think about things like that. And I think, if someone’s gonna be there for her and be the right one for her then it’s Finn. I told you already, he really loves her.”
“To be correct he’s one step short of actually worshipping her and kissing the ground to her feet.” Luke waited for her to realize it.
“Damn, you’re right. He is the right one for her, isn’t he? The Mr. Darcy to her Lizzy Bennet.”
“I wouldn’t describe them as a Pride and Prejudice couple, but yes.” Lorelai sighed.
“I guess that’s true.”

They were drunk. That was the only way to describe their state as they stumbled into their room, kissing each other hungrily. Not one word was uttered as they stumbled over to the bed. She was trying to unbutton his shirt while he slipped her out of hers and lowered her to the bed. His hands were running down her sides while he kissed his way down her neck. She sighed in pleasure and suddenly his mind was working again. What the f*** are you doing Morgan? She just told you two days ago that she wasn’t ready for this! The fact that she asked him to impregnate her didn’t come to his mind as he suddenly detangled himself from her and started apologizing.
Rory on the other hand couldn’t concentrate on his words. All she could concentrate on was the fact that a moment ago his body had been pressed to hers, his lips eagerly exploring the newly revealed parts of her body and now suddenly he wasn’t doing it anymore. She opened her eyes annoyed and focussed on what he was saying. She was surprised to hear that he was in fact apologizing. Her next question caught him off-guard and stopped his words.
“Why did you stop?” she asked quietly, blue diamonds looking up at him - her eyes were darker then usual.
“Because you are not ready for this” he answered, but his explanation sounded weak to himself.
“I didn’t want you to stop.”
“But you said –”
“Shh … Finn, in the course of the last fifteen minutes did you ever hear me utter a word that sounded like stop?” When he shook his head she continued, “I love you, more than I ever imagined I would and you have to trust me when I say I really want this to happen and I want it to happen now.” He looked into her eyes and then flickered to her lips.
“I love you, too” he said only a second before his lips crashed to hers.

So, das wars erstmal wieder von mir. Sry für die langen Pausen zwischen den Updates, aber ich hab wg Schule in letzter Zeit ziemlich viel zu tun ...
Freu mich auf eure Meinungen!
Susu Smile


"The truth is rarely pure and never simple."
Oscar Wilde

Nachrichten in diesem Thema
Back where I belong - von Purzelbaer - 15.06.2008, 20:06
Back where I belong - von DASEWIGEESI - 15.06.2008, 20:13
Back where I belong - von JUHUI - 15.06.2008, 20:20
Back where I belong - von eve94 - 15.06.2008, 20:22
Back where I belong - von katalin - 15.06.2008, 20:27
Back where I belong - von contigo - 15.06.2008, 20:39
Back where I belong - von Kiwi-Power - 16.06.2008, 01:03
Back where I belong - von RoGirl - 16.06.2008, 17:45
Back where I belong - von Schnubkelchen - 16.06.2008, 19:18
Back where I belong - von Purzelbaer - 16.06.2008, 19:35
Back where I belong - von Schnubkelchen - 16.06.2008, 19:46
Back where I belong - von eve94 - 16.06.2008, 20:18
Back where I belong - von katalin - 17.06.2008, 13:10
Back where I belong - von RL4EVER - 17.06.2008, 14:23
Back where I belong - von JUHUI - 17.06.2008, 14:55
Back where I belong - von RoGirl - 17.06.2008, 21:47
Back where I belong - von contigo - 18.06.2008, 18:45
Back where I belong - von Purzelbaer - 19.06.2008, 19:26
Back where I belong - von katalin - 19.06.2008, 19:56
Back where I belong - von JUHUI - 19.06.2008, 20:03
Back where I belong - von eve94 - 19.06.2008, 21:43
Back where I belong - von contigo - 20.06.2008, 14:23
Back where I belong - von RoGirl - 20.06.2008, 16:35
Back where I belong - von Purzelbaer - 22.06.2008, 18:16
Back where I belong - von katalin - 22.06.2008, 18:26
Back where I belong - von JUHUI - 22.06.2008, 18:54
Back where I belong - von RoGirl - 22.06.2008, 19:16
Back where I belong - von contigo - 23.06.2008, 16:27
Back where I belong - von eve94 - 24.06.2008, 16:28
Back where I belong - von Purzelbaer - 27.06.2008, 15:00
Back where I belong - von contigo - 27.06.2008, 15:38
Back where I belong - von katalin - 27.06.2008, 18:31
Back where I belong - von Kiwi-Power - 27.06.2008, 22:51
Back where I belong - von eve94 - 28.06.2008, 13:54
Back where I belong - von katalin - 28.06.2008, 21:37
Back where I belong - von JUHUI - 28.06.2008, 21:53
Back where I belong - von contigo - 28.06.2008, 22:18
Back where I belong - von eve94 - 29.06.2008, 13:22
Back where I belong - von Purzelbaer - 29.06.2008, 18:59
Back where I belong - von katalin - 29.06.2008, 20:21
Back where I belong - von eve94 - 29.06.2008, 20:50
Back where I belong - von JUHUI - 30.06.2008, 18:18
Back where I belong - von RoGirl - 01.07.2008, 21:05
Back where I belong - von contigo - 03.07.2008, 15:05
Back where I belong - von pratschkuh - 03.07.2008, 22:06
Back where I belong - von Purzelbaer - 04.07.2008, 19:18
Back where I belong - von contigo - 05.07.2008, 10:51
Back where I belong - von eve94 - 07.07.2008, 15:14
Back where I belong - von RoGirl - 07.07.2008, 23:30
Back where I belong - von Purzelbaer - 11.07.2008, 15:08
Back where I belong - von RL4EVER - 11.07.2008, 15:16
Back where I belong - von eve94 - 11.07.2008, 15:58
Back where I belong - von contigo - 11.07.2008, 16:30
Back where I belong - von JUHUI - 11.07.2008, 20:30
Back where I belong - von pratschkuh - 11.07.2008, 21:21
Back where I belong - von Purzelbaer - 16.07.2008, 13:43
Back where I belong - von contigo - 16.07.2008, 13:57
Back where I belong - von RoGirl - 16.07.2008, 16:57
Back where I belong - von JUHUI - 22.07.2008, 15:41
Back where I belong - von Purzelbaer - 22.07.2008, 16:23
Back where I belong - von eve94 - 22.07.2008, 20:39
Back where I belong - von RoGirl - 22.07.2008, 20:41
Back where I belong - von contigo - 22.07.2008, 21:41
Back where I belong - von JUHUI - 22.07.2008, 21:41
Back where I belong - von Purzelbaer - 27.07.2008, 20:16
Back where I belong - von contigo - 28.07.2008, 22:23
Back where I belong - von Kiwi-Power - 28.07.2008, 22:27
Back where I belong - von eve94 - 01.08.2008, 23:09
Back where I belong - von Purzelbaer - 02.08.2008, 11:26
Back where I belong - von eve94 - 02.08.2008, 12:34
Back where I belong - von RoGirl - 04.08.2008, 11:39
Back where I belong - von JUHUI - 10.08.2008, 08:46
Back where I belong - von contigo - 10.08.2008, 20:07
Back where I belong - von Purzelbaer - 11.08.2008, 20:52
Back where I belong - von prinzessin23 - 11.08.2008, 21:17
Back where I belong - von Kiwi-Power - 11.08.2008, 23:04
Back where I belong - von JUHUI - 17.08.2008, 20:57
Back where I belong - von eve94 - 18.08.2008, 23:43
Back where I belong - von Purzelbaer - 20.08.2008, 23:43
Back where I belong - von eve94 - 21.08.2008, 18:33
Back where I belong - von JUHUI - 24.08.2008, 10:38
Back where I belong - von Purzelbaer - 28.08.2008, 20:38
Back where I belong - von eve94 - 28.08.2008, 22:46
Back where I belong - von RoGirl - 29.08.2008, 16:58
Back where I belong - von JUHUI - 31.08.2008, 13:44
Back where I belong - von Purzelbaer - 09.09.2008, 19:14
Back where I belong - von RoGirl - 12.09.2008, 16:55
Back where I belong - von Purzelbaer - 13.09.2008, 11:11
Back where I belong - von RoGirl - 13.09.2008, 23:01
Back where I belong - von eve94 - 14.09.2008, 18:12
Back where I belong - von Purzelbaer - 17.09.2008, 18:44
Back where I belong - von eve94 - 17.09.2008, 20:40
Back where I belong - von Purzelbaer - 03.10.2008, 12:47
Back where I belong - von RoGirl - 05.10.2008, 21:14
Back where I belong - von Hasn11 - 05.10.2008, 23:41
Back where I belong - von eve94 - 06.10.2008, 19:59
Back where I belong - von JUHUI - 07.10.2008, 12:35
Back where I belong - von Purzelbaer - 26.10.2008, 17:28
Back where I belong - von Purzelbaer - 29.10.2008, 21:01
Back where I belong - von Hasn11 - 29.10.2008, 21:41
Back where I belong - von eve94 - 29.10.2008, 23:18
Back where I belong - von RoGirl - 30.10.2008, 20:41
Back where I belong - von DASEWIGEESI - 01.11.2008, 23:26
Back where I belong - von dweety - 13.12.2008, 23:41
Back where I belong - von Purzelbaer - 16.12.2008, 19:15
Back where I belong - von dweety - 16.12.2008, 19:21
Back where I belong - von JUHUI - 28.06.2008, 19:51
Back where I belong - von pratschkuh - 28.06.2008, 20:31
Back where I belong - von Purzelbaer - 28.06.2008, 21:18
Back where I belong - von JUHUI - 05.07.2008, 22:11

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