Broken (Harry Potter)

Danke Kathilein :herz:

Chapter 6:

Two weeks later Hermione was walking towards the Library to meet Ginny when she saw Malfoy coming out of the Room of Requirement again. What was he doing in there? He certainly was alone but there wasn’t so much to do alone in there. If you wanted to be alone there was a hidden spot by the lake but the Room of Requirement certainly wasn’t the right place. Hermione had tried it once last year but you could hear every step outside and every word that was spoken. You could place a Silencio on the door but then all you would hear was your own breath so that option wasn’t working either. So what was he doing in there?
She decided to think about it later when she was alone and went to the library hoping that Malfoy wouldn’t see her. Luck was on her side today and she arrived in the library unseen.
“Hermione, there you are.” She heard Harry say and looked at him confused.
“Where’s Ginny?” she asked and looked around.
“She couldn’t come. She told me to tell you.” Harry smiled and Hermione nodded. She was okay with Ginny not coming. She knew that it had to be something important.

“Let’s head back to the common room.” Harry said and they left the library.
“Harry? What can you do in the Room of Requirement alone?” Hermione questioned him and bit her lips nervously.
“Not much. There are some things but …” Harry stopped and Hermione saw him blushing slightly.
“Harry. I know what you’re thinking about. But I didn’t mean things like that.”
“Well, then you can’t really do anything. Unless you’re planning something that no one else should see.” Harry said. “Something secret. Like the DA last year. Why are you asking?”
“Well, I saw this one person coming out of there quite a few times now and I was just wondering what this person could be doing in there.” Hermione answered.
“Who?” Harry asked and Hermione sighed. She was hoping that he didn’t ask this question.

“Malfoy” she said quiet because there were a few people in the corridor with them now.
“So then he’s planning something because he’s a death eater. Mystery solved.” Harry said and shrugged but Hermione still didn’t believe that Malfoy was a death eater. And even if he was one what would he be planning? An attack on Hogwarts? Voldemort wouldn’t give such a mission to a 17 year old.

Draco came out of the Room of Requirement and saw Granger walking towards the library. He hoped that she didn’t see him. He was sitting in there for the last two hours and avoided opening this damn thing that was ruining his life. He didn’t want to be a death eater. He didn’t want to be like his father. He wanted to love his wife and his children and not be a cold, heartless person. He wanted to live freely in a world without a crazy halfblood that thought he was better than everyone else. He wanted to admit that he didn’t hate muggleborn witches or halfbloods. He had plans for his future and these didn’t involve following someone. He wanted to open his own business – maybe a hotel chain or a law firm – then he wanted to marry, become a father and enjoy the rest of his life. He had been thinking about asking Dumbledore for his help. He knew about this Order because Voldemort always said that it had to be destroyed but he also knew that Voldemort would know immediately that he went to the headmaster and then he would be death within the next two hours. He couldn’t do that. He didn’t care about life anymore – his life was destroyed the moment he got the dark mark but he didn’t want his mom to be sad. She was already depressed enough because he was a death eater now but if he would be death she would be hearth-broken. And all he wanted was his mom to be happy. That’s why he had to complete his mission. Because then Voldemort wouldn’t kill him and his mother. He would never kill Lucius but Draco and Narcissa were nothing to him. He would probably kill them right after he killed “Potter’s mudblood” as he called Hermione.
Hermione. Granger. He didn’t really know how to call her. He couldn’t just go to her and say “Hey Granger, I decided to tell you by your first name.” She would slap him or hex him. He didn’t know what was worse. Her punch in third year was really hurtful. He even had a broken nose after that.
What would she say if she realized that he was a death eater? He knew that Potter and Weasley would send him to Dumbledore or to Azkaban immediately but what would Granger do? Would she want to hear why he was one before sending him to Dumbledore? Would she be like Dumbledore and talk about it before saying her opinion? He didn’t know. She was a closed book to him and always surprised him with her actions. She didn’t even react anymore when he called her mudblood. Last year it made her terribly angry and now she just didn’t acknowledge it. She was always a surprise.
When he first saw her this year he was surprised. She was really pretty and even he had to admit that. Even Pansy admitted that she was kind of jealous of Granger’s looks. Pansy had said that Granger didn’t have to try to look good – she just did it without trying. He denied it then because he knew that Potter was spying on them but right now he had to admit. Granger was beautiful. Very beautiful

“It’s cold, isn’t it?” Hermione heard Lavender asked her and nodded. She was sitting in the stalls watching the Gryffindor try outs. Ron wanted to be the keeper this year but he had to win against McCormag and that guy was good.
“Yes, it is. What are you doing here anyway?” she looked at Lavender and smiled.

“Oh, I want to watch Ron and wish him luck. Isn’t he cute? I really want to talk to him and if he gets into the team I had a reason to.” Lavender said and looked at Ron who was standing at the pitch looking nervous.
Hermione wanted Ron to become the new keeper. McCormag already had a big ego – even bigger than Malfoy’s – and didn’t need that push, too. He just wanted to flirt with the girls. Ron wanted to become the new keeper so that he had something that was his and his parent’s could be proud of him. He knew that his parents loved him but he wanted to have something, too. Fred and George had their shop, Charlie had the dragons, Bill had his job at Gringott’s and Ginny was just the cute little girl. But now wasn’t the time to think about the Weasley family. She had to do something so that Ron would win. And not because she had feelings for him. She just didn’t like him – that was all. Nothing more.
She realized that the keepers were already in the air and looked at McCormag. He looked back at her, smiled and winked. Oh, great, he was trying to flirt with her. He didn’t have a chance. Not because she didn’t want to have a boyfriend but because he just wasn’t her type. She would flirt back if it would help but with him it would just make him more arrogant.
Suddenly she had an idea. She read about the Confundus charm in the library a few days ago and it had said that it would confuse the person for 20 minutes. That was exactly what she needed. Confuse McCormag so that Ron could catch all the Quaffles and get into the team. She looked around to see if someone was watching her but no one paid attention to her. She put her wand out of her jacked and pointed it at McCormag so that no one could see it. Then she whispered “Confundus” and watched McCormag not catching the Quaffle with satisfaction.
Hermione knew that the game wasn’t over for another 20 minutes yet but until then Ron would have made enough points to win. She was looking at the castle now and wondered where Malfoy was at that moment. She knew that he didn’t hang around with Crabbe and Goyle that often anymore and Blaise Zabini was at the lake snogging some 6th year Slytherin girl. So where was he? In the Room of Requirements again? Or in his dorm? And why did she care so much? It was just Malfoy. She shouldn’t think about him so often. She knew that she had more interest in him than last year while but why? He changed – that was for sure but many people changed. Ginny had changed, too. She was trying to make Harry notice her and it seemed that it worked. So why was she so interested in Malfoy? Deep down in herself she knew why but she didn’t want to admit it. That wasn’t true. It probably all was because of Harry’s speculations about him. There were no other feelings like love or a crush.


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