12.06.2012, 20:15
Zitat:Bunheads is an American television drama series created by Amy Sherman-Palladino and starring Sutton Foster. The show premiered on ABC Family on June 11, 2012. Bunheads is the tale of a Las Vegas showgirl who impulsively marries a man, moves to his sleepy coastal town, and takes an uneasy role at her new mother-in-lawâs dance school
Zitat:Robert Lloyd of The Los Angeles Times thinks "ABC Family's 'Bunheads' a cute summer treat. Amy Sherman-Palladino strikes again with that 'Gilmore Girls' charm in 'Bunheads,' with Tony-winning Sutton Foster as a former showgirl mentoring budding ballerinas." Variety (magazine)'s Geoff Berkshire says "Sherman-Palladino's snappy banter and slightly melancholic characters only enrich the texture of a series perfectly pitched between comedy and drama."Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bunheads
Ich hab mir vorhin den Pilot angesehen, denn klar, ich war gespannt ob eine neue Serie von Amy Sherman-Palladino den Gilmore Girls Charme wiederbeleben kann. Und ich muss sagen:
Hat es sich jemand auch angesehen/plant es zu sehen/hatte noch nie davon gehört und würde es jetzt sehen oder interessiert das überhaupt nicht?