14.07.2004, 20:05
das war eine total coole folge..am geilsten war definitiv max seine nachricht auf dem AB...
und wie lorelai der direktor fertiggemacht hat...
Zitat:MAX: Hi this is a message for Rory. It’s Max Medina calling. I just wanted to say that I talked to Headmaster Charleston or ‘il duce’ as he’s more affectionately know at the Gilmore household, and he’s agreed to let you do some extra credit work to help make up for the missed test today. Now I’m not sure what the extra credit work is yet, but it probably will be time consuming and extremely painful. It will however get you back up to where you rightfully belong Rory, don’t lose heart. Make this work. And if you’re mother is listening, Lorelai it was a pleasure encountering you. I hope it happens again. Anyways, see you in class. Bye.
und wie lorelai der direktor fertiggemacht hat...