17.11.2014, 22:51
scuttlebutt - Gerede
das mit der gratuitous profanity verstehe ich noch nicht ganz genua: Meint Ceasar Luke würde das thank you übertrieben freundlich sagen udn das würde dann wiederrum schlecht ankommen?
Zitat: gratuitous profanity:URBANDICTIONARY.com
Profanity for the sake of profanity, in a forced attempt to make a movie, videogame or song sound cooler. It is uneeded.
Bsp: Eminem does not execute gratuitous profanity, but it does seem as though he was trying too hard to sound cool on his first two albums. Now he's established a reputation, he's making really shitty music without as much swearing, so he can show that without all the badmouthing, he really does sux0r my bizalls.
Zitat:Das Improvisationsspiel Mad Libs (aus dem Englischen âad libâ, was wiederum aus dem Lateinischen âad libitumâ â âwie Sie wünschenâ, kommt) ist ein Spiel aus Worten mit einem vorgegebenen Lückentext. Ein Spieler fordert eine Reihe von Wörtern von einem anderen Spieler, um sie in Lücken einer Geschichte einzufügen. Diese Einfügungen haben einen lustigen Effekt, wenn die Geschichte laut vorgelesen wird.wiki.de
Zitat:Silly String (generically known as aerosol string) is a toy of flexible, sometimes brightly colored, plastic string propelled as a stream of liquid from an aerosol can. The solvent in the string quickly evaporates in mid-air, creating a continuous strand. Silly String is often used during weddings, birthday parties, carnivals and other festive occasions, but it has also proven useful militarily to detect tripwires.wiki.de
Zitat:Mad Libs is a phrasal template word game where one player prompts others for a list of words to substitute for blanks in a story, before reading the â often comical or nonsensical â story aloud. The game is frequently played as a party game or as a pastime. The game was invented in the United States, and more than 110 million copies of Mad Libs books have been sold since the series was first published in 1958.[1]wiki
Zitat:Whoppers are malted milk balls covered with a chocolate-flavored coating produced by The Hershey Company.wiki.de
das mit der gratuitous profanity verstehe ich noch nicht ganz genua: Meint Ceasar Luke würde das thank you übertrieben freundlich sagen udn das würde dann wiederrum schlecht ankommen?
_____What if sex was holy and war was obscene_____
-Alicia Keys