30.10.2015, 16:05
Linda Denise Blair ist eine US-amerikanische Schauspielerin
sie hat in der exorzist die hauptrolle eines besessenen mädchens gespielt udn in einer szene kotzt sie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QjrBjdb2T8
zamboni: Eine Eisbearbeitungsmaschine ist ein Fahrzeug, welches auf Kunsteisbahnen eingesetzt wird, um das Eis nach dem Eislauf zu glätten.
DIe Hocketts finde ich jetzt nicht, aber ihc nehme an das wird eine andere , konkurrierende tanzgruppe sein?
let's blow this popsicle stand! A very silly way to say "Let's get a move on."
neue häs:
sie hat in der exorzist die hauptrolle eines besessenen mädchens gespielt udn in einer szene kotzt sie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QjrBjdb2T8
Zitat:Spuds MacKenzie was a fictional dog character created for use in extensive advertising campaign marketing Bud Light beer in the late 1980s. The Spuds MacKenzie mascot and campaign were created by Anheuser-Busch marketing executive Mitch Meyers.[1][2] The dog first showed up in a Bud Light Super Bowl XXI ad in 1987.[3] During the height of his popularity, large amounts of Spuds merchandise was available, such as plush toys and t-shirts.
Zitat:Verdammt in alle Ewigkeit ist der Titel eines US-amerikanischen Kriegsfilms aus dem Jahr 1953.das ist eine berühmte szene aus dem film: http://www.gablescinema.com/media/filmas...ity_02.jpg
zamboni: Eine Eisbearbeitungsmaschine ist ein Fahrzeug, welches auf Kunsteisbahnen eingesetzt wird, um das Eis nach dem Eislauf zu glätten.
Zitat:The Rockettes, a New York dance company which are famous for their kickline and eye high kicks
DIe Hocketts finde ich jetzt nicht, aber ihc nehme an das wird eine andere , konkurrierende tanzgruppe sein?
let's blow this popsicle stand! A very silly way to say "Let's get a move on."
neue häs:
Zitat:.J.: And guess how many tickets I got. Four. And who did I think might like to go with me and Liz? President and Mrs. Bush. [Luke laughs] Just kidding. You and Lorelai.
Zitat:LUKE: I... Lorelai and I... broke up.
T.J.: Oh⦠Oh!
LUKE: Gee, T.J., Okay!
T.J.: It's okay, buddy. It's okay. Let it out. There is no shame in experiencing pain.
Zitat:RORY: Asia's so pretty. I love all the lanterns and the poster of Mao. Very nice. And one of Sandra Oh. Oddly, you have a poster of Sandra Oh.
LORELAI: Well, she's a goddess. And those aren't posters. They're billboards. You've lost perspective.
RORY: Ah. I see you Feng Shuied the furniture.
Zitat:LORELAI: Ohâ¦All right, well, first stop is Japan, land of the rising sun, ruled by hello kitty, where we are gonna make our own sushi.
Zitat:RORY: You, me, and raw fish? Is that safe?
LORELAI: Well, I took a lesson, and if you're really nervous, then we can skip the Fugu. After we're stuffed with sushi, we will take an invisible Rikshaw to the rice paddies, I.E. Your room, where we will spend hours Origamiing.
RORY: [Gasps] Paper cranes!
LORELAI: Yeah, and paper bulldozers and paper dump trucks and whatever else your little heart desires. Then, we'll take a bullet train straight back to Tokyo where we'll relax with some tai chi in preparation for the kabuki play I wrote.
Zitat:LORELAI: Hmm, and that will be followed by an educational video, which includes, but is not limited to, "Bridge On The River Kwai,"
RORY: Awâ¦
LORELAI: "The Joy Luck Club," "Karate Kid," "Shanghai Surprise," The Bruce Lee classic "Enter the Dragon," the Tom Selleck classic "Mr. Baseball," and or "Breakfast at Tiffany's."
RORY: "Breakfast at Tiffany's"?
LORELAI: Starring Mickey Rooney in his tour-de-force racist performance as Holly Golightly's Japanese landlord.
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