29.10.2016, 01:25
Golf is a good walk spoiled: das zitat wird mark twain zugesprochen, aber mehreer artikel, u.a. im new yorker, bestätigen das nicht.
Platon war ein antiker griechischer Philosoph. Er war Schüler des Sokrates, dessen Denken und Methode er in vielen seiner Werke schilderte.
Ein zitat hab ich nicht dazu gefunden, nur von sokrates
[“No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.” -Socrates]
Jocelyn Wildenstein (née Périsset;[1] born August 5, 1940) is a New York City socialite[5] known for extensive facial surgeries, her divorce from Alec Wildenstein in 1999. She has had extensive cosmetic surgery to her face[20] over the years, creating a "very unnatural appearance".[21] The surgery was intended to elicit a more catlike look, according to her husband
Antonio Banderas (*1960) ist einer der bekanntesten spanischen Schauspieler der Gegenwart, der auch als Filmregisseur und teilweise als Sänger und Gitarrist arbeitet
Ein Dragee [draˈʒeː], auch Dragée, aus dem Französischen, von lateinisch und griechisch tragemata „Nachtisch“, ist eine mit einem Überzug versehene linsenförmige Tablette oder Süßigkeit.[1] A classic form of dragée and comfit, Jordan almonds, also known as mlabas, sugared almonds, confetti, or koufeta[2] consist of almonds which are sugar panned in various pastel colors.[3]
Jordan almonds are often used as wedding favors, with the "bitter" almonds and the "sweet" sugar symbolizing the bitterness of life and sweetness of love.
Hab noch die gefunden:
Zitat:Golf is a good walk spoiled.https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Mark_Twain
"Twain probably never uttered [these] words," according to R. Kent Rasmussen, editor of The Quotable Mark Twain (1998).
"To play golf is to spoil an otherwise enjoyable walk" is found in H.S. Scrivener, "Memories of Men and Meetings", in Arthur Wallis Myers (ed.) Lawn Tennis at Home and Abroad New York:Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1903, p. 47. Scrivener attributes the aphorism to "my good friends the Allens". Reference from Quote Investigator.
Platon war ein antiker griechischer Philosoph. Er war Schüler des Sokrates, dessen Denken und Methode er in vielen seiner Werke schilderte.
Ein zitat hab ich nicht dazu gefunden, nur von sokrates
[“No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.” -Socrates]
Jocelyn Wildenstein (née Périsset;[1] born August 5, 1940) is a New York City socialite[5] known for extensive facial surgeries, her divorce from Alec Wildenstein in 1999. She has had extensive cosmetic surgery to her face[20] over the years, creating a "very unnatural appearance".[21] The surgery was intended to elicit a more catlike look, according to her husband
Antonio Banderas (*1960) ist einer der bekanntesten spanischen Schauspieler der Gegenwart, der auch als Filmregisseur und teilweise als Sänger und Gitarrist arbeitet
Ein Dragee [draˈʒeː], auch Dragée, aus dem Französischen, von lateinisch und griechisch tragemata „Nachtisch“, ist eine mit einem Überzug versehene linsenförmige Tablette oder Süßigkeit.[1] A classic form of dragée and comfit, Jordan almonds, also known as mlabas, sugared almonds, confetti, or koufeta[2] consist of almonds which are sugar panned in various pastel colors.[3]
Jordan almonds are often used as wedding favors, with the "bitter" almonds and the "sweet" sugar symbolizing the bitterness of life and sweetness of love.
Hab noch die gefunden:
Zitat:JACKSON: Blueberry shortcake.
SOOKIE: There's no such thing.
JACKSON: Hey, the world was flat until someone took a boat trip.
Zitat:RORY: We talked about Fez.
LORELAI: And he thought it was a hat.
Zitat:MRS. SHALES: Jackie wants Samuel Barber, John Cage, and Philip Glass and Jessica wants Shania Twain's "I Feel Like a Woman."
Zitat:BABETTE: Yeah. He must've been meowin' for an hour but Morey was playing some Thelonious on the Steinway and when Morey plays I go into this trance where all I can see is blue and moon and stars --
Zitat:EMILY: I mean, in this age of MTV and 100 television channels who would've imagined that a young girl coul still get a thrill spending a simple afternoon with her grandfather?
_____What if sex was holy and war was obscene_____
-Alicia Keys