Ja, das mit dem cabbage patching klingt logisch!
Gibt es nicht nochmal so einen Spruch mit plastic bubble? Ich glaube irgendwas mit "be careful, like plastic bubble careful" oder sowas? Könnt ihr euch daran erinnern oder bilde ich mir das ein?
Hab's gefunden, es war in 2.13 und ihr habt es drin. Perfekt
Das war dann alles in 1.16, oder?
Hier sind noch ein paar aus 1.17:
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RORY: Nothing, I just want to get started. I made a list of all the things we say we’re going to do on the weekend but then when the weekend comes around you say they’re too boring to actually do one a weekend day, so then you say we’ll do them during the week, which of course we never do. So I think that we should get them all out of the way today once and for all. And to make it interesting, we should come up with like a reward system so once we’re done with everything on the list we could go get manicures or we could go to the Swiss place for fondue for dinner or we could stuff our purses full of sour patch kids and milk duds and go see the Stars Hollow elementary school production of ‘Who’s afraid of Virginia Woolfe.’
RORY: I don’t want to wallow.
LORELAI: Try it for one day.
LORELAI: One day, one day of pizza and pajamas. I’ll rent ‘Love Story’ and ‘The Champ’, ’An Affair to Remember’, ‘Ishtar’.
LORELAI: So should we rent ‘Old Yeller’ too or is that just a guy’s crying movie.
RORY: Some people like getting up early.
LORELAI: You lie.
RORY: No they do it voluntarily.
LORELAI: Really?
RORY: Everyday.
LORELAI: Ha! Jumpback!
RORY: Excuse me?
LORELAI: Kevin Bacon, Footloose, reaction to the no dancing in town rule is revealed to him by Chris Penn, brother to Sean, sage to all.
LOUISE: So where is he?
MADELINE: My stepfather? He’s in Japan.
LOUISE: No not your stepfather. Prince Charming?
RORY: He didn’t come.
RORY: His white horse was in the shop.