[6x20] - Super Cool Party People/ Letzte Rettung

Zitat:Episode 6.20 - Super Cool Party People


Scene 1 -


Scene 2 - Day 1 - Hospital Hallway/Nurses station - RORY enters, anxious, and approaches the desk where Nurse 1 is on the phone. Rory starts to ask where Logan is, but the nurse indicates that she'll have to wai. Rory sees another nurse and begins to ask again where Logan, but Nurse 2 says it isn't her floor. Rory asks loudly if there is anyone here that can help her find Logan Huntzberger!? Nurse 3 looks up from her paperwork and tells her he was just transfered out of ICU, room 113. Rory asks how he is, the nurse asks if she's family, and Rory says she's his girlfriend. The nurse says all she can tell her is that he's in serious-but-stable condition and not conscious. Rory wants to know if it's more serious or more stable, but the nurse says she can only release information to family members. Rory says they've been together a long time, it's not a casual thing, but the nurse just says sorry. A frustrated Rory rounds the corner and spots COLIN and FINN. They are their usual selves, not what Rory is in the mood for. She asks them if Logan is ok. Finn says he's not dead, Colin remarks that he's in destructible. "Dives headfirst off the cliffs od Caldera. Instantly spins out of control" "Gets totally disoriented, barely gets his chute open." ...

Scene 3 - Day 1 - Hospital Room - Rory enters and finds LOGAN in bed and unconcscious. He's bandaged, bruised and has in IV. Rory is shaken by the sight. DOCTOR JOYCE enters to check Logan's vitals. Rory introduces herself and asks how he's doing. Rory tries to get information from the doctor but they say they can't get into the specifics or tell her anything, hospital policy. The doctor exits and Rory sits down by Logan.

Scene 4 - Day 1 - EXT. Luke's Diner - The diner is in the background as GRANT the troubadour serenades passing townspeople.

Scene 5 - Day 1 - Luke's Diner - The diner is bustling. MISS PATTY is there. LUKE approaches CAESAR with several bananas. They discuss bananas in the fridge and Caesar says that when he was running the place people really loved cold bananas.


*Extra dialogue - Hospital Hallway - Nurse 3 answers the phone, we only hear her side of the conversation as she's cut off and becomes upset. The nurse calls for Dr. Joyce saying she better take it and it's about Logan Huntzberger. The doctor gives in to the caller and tells them what is going on with Logan. He was bleeding internally and the oxygen levels in his blood were dangerously high... he was also running a fever of a hundred and four so we put him on high doses of intravenous antibiotics... A partially-collapsed lung, six broken ribs, a broken ankle, torn cartilage in both knees and a severe concussion...but should make a full recovery. The doctor hangs up, relieved to be rid of the call.


Scene 12 - Rory is on the phone with Lorelai telling her about Logan's injuries. Lorelai asks if his family is there. Rory says Colin and Finn were there earlier, but none of Logan's family is. Lorelai asks how Rory got all of the information since she's not family. Rory: "Paris" Lorelai: "God Love her". Rory says she's sorry she didn't call sooner and got her messages. Lorelai says she's just glad to hear from her and asks if there's anything she can do, if she needs some mad libs, silly string, malt balls, etc. Rory says she's good and she sent Colin and Finn to get some stuff for her from New Haven. Nurse 1 approaches Rory and tells her that Logan is awake. Rory gets up and tells Lorelai that he's awake...

Scene 13 -

Scene 14 - Day 2 - Luke's Diner - ...Luke asks if anyone is too warm and gets no response. Laura asks if she can go to the bathroom. Luke says she doesn't have to ask permission and she says it's in the restricted area and she could lose a finger. Luke says he didn't mean to include the bathroom in the restricted area and asks if anyone else needs to go. Almost all of the girls raise their hands. Luke tells them to line up and use the bathroom one at a time. LAURA heads off to the bathroom and the other girls line up. Luke says he'll be right back and goes to the storage room.

Scene 15 - Day 2 - Dragonfly Inn - Same Time - The phone rings and Lorelai answers...

Scene 16 -

Scene 17 -

Scene 18 - Lorelai says they met once, very briefly when April was filling the shakers. April says she remembers her and she was dressed in black and had very blue eyes. She says Lorelai's eyes aren't as blue tofay, but it's probably a light thing. Lorelai takes a tiara out of her back pocket, puts it on April's head and takes her hand. Lorelai tells everyone to line up behind them. April says they've already gone to the bathroom. Lorelai says this is going to be even better. The girls line up and grab hands, Lorelai tells Luke to pull up the rear. Luke asks what this is. Lorelai tells everyone to follow her and not let go of either hand their holding. Marcia says they're not allowed to go outside. Sue: "or in the kitchen", Laura: "or anywhere else". Luke says they are now and they have new rules. Aprils asks Lorelai if they should bring their stuff, Lorelai says to leave it and they'll be back. Lorelai leads the girls out of the diner with a nervous Luke in the back. He tells everyone to try and walk at the same pace and look out for traffic and people. Lorelai throws out a "Luke!" and Luke says sorry as they are out the door.

Scene 19 - Day 2 - Stars Hollow - Ten Minutes Later - Lorelai leads the group up the sidewalk. The girls are already having a lot more fun, getting attention from the locals, and Luke is still a bundle of nerves. Sue asks where they're going. April has no idea. Lorelai tells the girls to Serpentine. Luke asks if it's wise to serpentine. Lorelai shouts out "no!" April and the firls laugh at this as Lorelai leads them into Stars Hollow Beauty Supply.

Scene 20 - Day 2 - Stars Hollow Beauty Supply - continuous - Lorelai leads the girls into the store where they are greeted by employees LESLIE and ALLISON. They hand each girl a basket. Lorelai tells the girls to fill up their baskets, pick whatever they want because they're all getting makeovers. The girls giggle and squeal with excitement as Lorelai tells them not to hold back.

Scene 21 -

Scene 22 -

Scene 23 - "Did what?" Lorelai asks. Luke says they did it, the party, it's a smash. Lorelai says part one is a smash and that they've barely begun. There's still the dance contest, lip-synching..and tells Luke to bring down the screen he uses for slides. Kirk is bringing over the projector from the theater. She says part two awaits. Lorelai turns around to find 9 of the girls lined up in front of her waiting for heart tattoos. SHe tells them to be thinking of colors.

Scene 24 -

Scene 25 - Luke says April doesn't have to open up all of the presents right now, she could save some for tomorrow, extend the experience. Laura says "Bad idea, Hagrid" and April says she doesn't want to extend the experience and opens the gift. Luke asks Lorelai if that's his gift, she says it said it was from Luke. April opens it and instead of the "horrid kitty cat toiletry kit" it's a big book. April exclaims that she was going to get it (The New Way Things Work), and opens the book to find a gift certificate to The Discovery Store. April says thanks. Luke is confused and glances at Lorelai, who is smiling. Suddenly April is in front of him and giving him a hug, his first from her, and he hugs her back. April says she loves it and thanks him again. Luke turns to Lorelai and says Thank you.

Scene 26 - ?
Quelle: FF, Gen
Timeline of Sides Released Mar 13th

Nachrichten in diesem Thema
[6x20] - Super Cool Party People/ Letzte Rettung - von Sandri - 14.03.2006, 10:53
[6x20] - Super Cool Party People/ Letzte Rettung - von Sandri - 14.03.2006, 10:53
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[6x20] - Super Cool Party People/ Letzte Rettung - von Sandri - 14.03.2006, 11:24
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[6x20] - Super Cool Party People/ Letzte Rettung - von Sandri - 14.03.2006, 16:08
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[6x20] - Super Cool Party People/ Letzte Rettung - von Sandri - 14.03.2006, 19:36
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[6x20] - Super Cool Party People/ Letzte Rettung - von ChrissiTine - 23.03.2006, 20:51
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[6x20] - Super Cool Party People/ Letzte Rettung - von Sandri - 03.04.2006, 22:02
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[6x20] - Super Cool Party People/ Letzte Rettung - von BussiBärchen - 06.04.2006, 21:48
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[6x20] - Super Cool Party People/ Letzte Rettung - von Sandri - 12.04.2006, 19:02
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[6x20] - Super Cool Party People/ Letzte Rettung - von Samantha - 25.01.2007, 13:24
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[6x20] - Super Cool Party People/ Letzte Rettung - von Irina-J - 28.01.2007, 22:01
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