Kurzer Ausschnitt aus der Folge (5x17):
Lo: Hey Kirk, how is the ribbon-collection going?
Lu: Why do you get him started?
Kirk: I think we are near the finish-line!
Lo: Who is winning?
Lu: Hey this isn't a contest!
Lo: I just wanna know!
Lu: I don't care who is winning.
Lo: Hey, when you don't care, it's me!
Lu: Of course it's you, you are the one who makes the costumes to the christmas badge (?), you say hello to people, your daughter looks, like she belongs on top of a christmas tree. Everyone knows, that this gives you tons of points. There is no way to compete with that!
Lo: Kirk?
Kirk: You are kicking his ass!!
Lo: YES!!!
Lu: This isn't a contest!
Alles klar?
**We got us a Pippi Virgin**