You had me from 'Hello'

platzhalter! bin grad trotz verbot hier dran, fb morgen-auch für den letzten teil...
hab dich lieb, :knuddel:Tina

also für partXIV fehlte noch die berühmte ListeWink

Zitat: Immediately, I realized that I, once again, could not resist her, so I simply nodded.
For a split of a second, a smile appeared on her face. She gave me short kiss and then bent down, kissed Rory on the cheek, whispered something I couldn’t understand and without another word, just with a thankful and at the same time fearful look, she disappeared out of sight.
Ich weiß nicht genau warum mir diese stelle so gut gefällt, ich glaube es ist weil du die Charakter so toll triffst, obwohl sie in der Serie nie in so einer Situation waren...

Zitat: Finally, I moved, put Rory’s baseball-cap on my head and continued working.
Wub Big Grin

Part XV

okay... ich werde nicht schimpfen... ich ignoriere diesen cliffhanger einfach...

hier die Liste, bevor ich meine Beherrschung verlier:

Zitat:Again, silence, then he said, very slow and calm,
"Maybe you earned it."


Zitat: "So, Lorelai, you wanted to talk? Then talk. Do you need money?", my dad asked
Das passt i-wie nicht zu Richard...ich meine, auch er würde sich freuen seine tochter nach so langer zeit zu sehen... aber irgendwie passt es doch, so schwer verletzt wie er durch die schwangerschaft und den streit mit ihr wurde,...

also, mehr hab ich net zu sagen... außer dass ich mich schon auf den neuen teil freue...

hdl, :knuddel:

I'm feeling lonely but what can you do?
It's only when its dark I'm thinking of you.


so, jetzt gibts FB!
Das andere FB hab ich auch gegeben
Sorry nochmal, dass es so langegedauert hat *schäm*

Diese Angst von Lorelai vor Christopher macht mich verrückt und wie du ihn darstellst Mad

Ich kann mir richtig vorstellen, wie sie mit ihren Eltern dort steht und wie sie sich fühlen muss!

Zitat:"So, Lorelai, you wanted to talk? Then talk. Do you need money?", my dad asked
Irgendwie hat das mich schockiert Eek doch in einer anderen Weise hat es mich auch sehr an Richard erinnert!

Oh gott, bei dem Gespräch von Lor und Chris war so eine Spannung...puh

Zitat:Again, silence, then he said, very slow and calm,
"Maybe you earned it."
Eek OMG, wie kann man sowas sagen?!

Und der Cliffhanger ist ja voll gemein! :o

Bin ja mal gespannt wie es weiter geht!

Ciao Anne

Do you know the feeling of making someone happy?
How does it feel?
Relieving, good, great, fantastic, wonderful, more than wonderful. Alright.


Hab eben diese FF von dir durchgelesen und sie ist echt gut. Es gibt viel zu wenig gute FFs die an dem Punkt ansetzten und wenn es welche gibt, dann werden sie nie zu Ende geschrieben. Also ich hoffe du machst weiter!
Christopher ist blöd! Wie kann er nur so gemein zu ihr sein?
Und ihre Eltern sind in einer FF auch total ... grrr! Was ist nur los mit ihnen und erst schlägt Richard Christopher, aber jetzt arbeitet er mit ihm zusammen? Ticken die noch ganz sauber? - Die spinnen die Römer -
Also mir gefällts und ich werd versuchen deine FF weiter zu verfolgen! momo

I never thought it could hurt so much!!

So, ein neuer Teil.

danke fuer eure FBs!!

The next part's dedicated to my silent reader (you know, who you are!)

part XXI:

Sadly, I wasn’t wrong. He was standing right behind me, his face angry and clenching his fists.
"Nice lies you’re telling here", he said in a scary tone.
I didn’t say anything. I was just too perplex. I continued to stare at him and still couldn’t believe that he was standing there, grinning.
Finally, I found my words and turned around to face my parents.
"You knew about that, didn’t you?"
They just nodded. My mom was unusual pale and her eyes widened.
"And you thought, we would believe this? Christopher would never do such things!", she claimed.
Rage climbed up my body again and for a split of a second, I was speechless.
They were on his side. They abandoned their own child...
"Well, you weren’t so fond of him as he got me pregnant, remember?"
I realized just now that I was screaming. My dad stood up.
"Impossible girl!"
"My Native American name, I believe."
"Ah, come on. I don’t want to hear one of your silly jokes right now. You gave us no reason to believe you. You never called, you never wrote. Christopher did it all. I haven’t seen you for six years, Lorelai!"
Now, I, stood up, too.
"You were the ones, who kicked me out. I didn’t choose to leave!"
Then, my mother was speaking again.
"That was ages ago, Lorelai. Anyway, I just can’t believe those things that you told us about Christopher."
"Well, why d’you think I would have left him then?"
"I don’t know. You often act strange and foolish."
I said nothing. I just couldn’t. It seemed like I was going to lose this battle. But I just couldn’t surrender right now. I had to do it for Rory. They just had to believe me. I couldn’t let Christopher take precedence over me. By that time, I realized, he had been strikingly silent through the whole discussion. I turned around again. He stood at the exactly same point. But the expression on his face had changed. He smiled now, a smile of a winner. The look of him made me even more desperate.
"Mom, Dad! What can I do to make you trust me?"
"Nothing, I guess."
That was Christopher speaking again but I didn’t turn around, instead I hissed,
"I wasn’t talking to you. Mom? Dad?"
I got no answer at all. But suddenly, something popped into my head. I lifted my pullover a little bit to show them something. There were bruises and scratches everywhere.
"I haven’t hit myself, you know."
I realized now, I was about to cry. But still where was not the reaction I’d been hoping for.
"Do you say that this is evidence?"
I just nodded.
"No, it’s not. You could have done anything."
I stared at them. I always knew that they were cold and distant but this coolness just shocked me. Tears were streaming down my face now.
"Oh, very dramatic, Lore."
That was it. As I saw Christopher’s smirking face, I had enough. Without another look on him or my parents, I ran out of the house.
And I ran and ran and ran.
I only stopped, as I was completely out of breath. Now I was standing a little outside of Hartford, in front of a beautiful little house with a garden full of gnomes. While I was looking at that house, I realized that my parents hadn’t been my last chance at all.
She was my last chance...
Single-minded, I walked up the driveway, knocked on the door and waited. Only a few moments later, a tall man with sunglasses opened the door. He was so tall that he had to buckle to fit in. Curious, he looked at me.
"How may I help you?"
"I’m sorry to bother you. But could I maybe make a telephone call to Stars Hollow? It’s urgent."
The man facing me, never got the chance to answer because at that moment, a tiny little woman with blonde curly hair appeared behind him.
"Stars Hollow? We used to live there. Just moved into here. Who do you like to call, dear?", she asked.
"Erm...", I just replied.
"Come on, Babette, don’t be so curious, it’s none of your business."
Although tears were still streaming down my cheeks, I inevitable had to smile, so I answered,
"I really need to call Luke Danes."
"Luke, huh? A woman’s calling Luke. Never thought that day would ever come."
I didn’t know what to reply but the man did it for me,
"Come on in, call him."
"Thank you so much."
I went inside, picked up the phone, dialed the number and waited.
"Hello? Rory Gilmore speaking?"
"Rory, honey. Are you good? Is Luke around? I really need to talk to him."
"Yeah, wait a sec, Mommy."
"Yeah, hello?" Luke’s voice reached my ear.
"Hi Luke, it’s Lorelai."
"Lorelai! Where are you? I mean, are you okay?"
"I’m in Hartford. And I... I need your help. And Rory’s."
"What’s going on?"
I didn’t answer immediately, I took a deep breath and swallowed my tears.
"Christopher called yesterday and threatened to take away Rory, so I thought I should see my parents. But he... he was already there and... and... and...", my voice cracked.
But Luke finished my sentence.
"They didn’t believe you", he said in a very caring and calm voice.
"Yes. Could you come here and meet me?"
"Of course, we’ll be right there. Meet us at the edge of John F. Kennedy Lane, okay?"
"Yes, okay."
I hung up, thanked Babette and her husband and went outside. Thirty minutes later, a green truck came round the corner, stopped in front me and Rory and Luke got out of it.
"Mommy!", my daughter ran towards me, "Mommy, are you okay?"
"Now, you’re here, yes."
Slowly, we went down the street and then we stood in front of my parents’ house.
"Are you really sure that you wanna go in there?", Luke asked me worried.
"I have to", I simply answered.
For the first time now, I looked closely at him. Something was different. Then I realized what it was. He was wearing Rory’s baseballcap. It confused me a little. Rory had never given it to somebody else, not even to me. She must have had a great time with him...
Again, I wiped away my tears and knocked. Only seconds later, the door flung open and my mother stood there.
"How could you just leave like that? We were in the middle of a discussion."
She wanted to complain further but then she saw Rory. Immediately, the expression on her face softened.
"Can we come in?", I asked.
Mom just nodded and went forward into the living-room, where Dad and Christopher were sitting.
"We’ve got visitors."
They looked at us. As Christopher saw Rory, he jumped up.
"Rory! I have missed you!"
But Rory stepped backwards, reached out for Luke’s hand and hid herself behind him. Christopher stopped dead in his tracks.
"What’s wrong, Rory? It’s your daddy", he said.
Rory didn’t move.
"Christopher? Why is Rory hiding from you?"
My dad was speaking now, and he looked very confused. I took a look at my mom, she had a similar expression on her face.
"Rory? Why are you hiding from your dad?", she asked silently and softly.
Rory didn’t answer, instead she looked at me. Her face was full of fear. I was really sorry to drag her into this thing like that but since she was there, I had the feeling that everything could maybe turn out good.
For a short moment, I looked up and Luke’s and my eyes crossed. His eyes were twinkling and I realized that he was my ray of hope...
I focused back on Rory.
"You don’t have to answer, if you don’t want to. But you can reply your grandma", I encouraged her.
Slowly, Rory let go off Luke’s hand, stepped forward and took a deep breath.


jaaaaaa Ced, du has geupdated :knuddel: :freu:
ich fand das kappi toll...also nich vom inhalt...ach du weiß schon wie ich das mein.
ich könnt Emily und Richard so gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!
Ich meien hallo? was denken die von ihrer eigenen tochter?!
vor allem als sie ihnen die verletzungen gezeigt hat Motz
Und chris erst... dieser, dieser... *piep* ich hasse ihn so!
Arme Lorelai.
Aber gute idee Luke und Rory zu holen.
Auch wenn die kleine mir jetzt leid tut. vor allem wie sie sich vor ihrem 'daddy' versteckt hat.
Hoffentlich sagt sie was passiert is.

ah ich freu mich so über das update.

mach schnell weiter

Jule :herz:


Edward: "You're the most important thing to me now. The most important thing to me ever."

Hey Ced!!!

Endlich ein neues Kapitel!!! Und so ein tolles! Ich meine, dass Emily und Richard Christopher mehr geglaubt haben als ihrer eigenen Tochter ist schon ein starkes Stück! Sogar als sie ihnen die Verletzungen gezeigt hat, dachten sie noch sie hätte sich die irgendwie anders zugefügt! Unglaublich!

Aber Babette und Morey fand ich toll und Luke! Er ist so toll zu Lorelai! Rory ist klasse wie immer, ich hoffe sie sagt ihren Großeltern was passiert ist! Ihr werden sie ja wohl glauben!!! Also echt, dass Chris dann allen Ernstes noch denkt er könnte ganz normal mit Rory umgehen! Wo lebt der denn? Hinterm Mond???

Schreib schnell weiter!

LG, Nina


Literari-FF von mir auf "It always ends up like this"

Hey Ced!

I have to be better in english so I give Feedback in english again.
Well first, I'm so sorry I didn't give FB for weeks...
Last three chapters...they were just great. I just hate Christopher so much! He's such an ass...want to take Rory with him...I don't know that's riddicoulos...
And Emily and Richard are so unbelievable!
But now, the last part was nice...It was so cute that Rory hide behind Luke, and now I hope they realize that Lorelai doesn't lie!
Pleeeeeeeeeease, I need a new chapter Big Grin


Habe deine storys schon vermisstSmile

hab nicht so viel zeit wie sonst, meine mama hat diese dumme zeitsperre installiert und ich kann mich nicht ins programm einhacken solange sie noch regelmäßig schaut....

aber wie immer ein großartiger Teil Top

Zitat:Sadly, I wasn’t wrong. He was standing right behind me, his face angry and clenching his fists.
"Nice lies you’re telling here", he said in a scary tone.
I didn’t say anything. I was just too perplex. I continued to stare at him and still couldn’t believe that he was standing there, grinning.
ich habs geahnt... der soll weggehn!!!

Zitat: "And you thought, we would believe this? Christopher would never do such things!", she claimed.
Rage climbed up my body again and for a split of a second, I was speechless.
They were on his side. They abandoned their own child...
das hab ich auch geahnt.... Motz das ist soooooooo fies! Motz

Zitat: I realized just now that I was screaming. My dad stood up.
"Impossible girl!"
"My Native American name, I believe."

absolut Gilmore-like! Ich find es immer wieder toll wie gut du die Charakter triffst!
Zitat: Single-minded, I walked up the driveway, knocked on the door and waited. Only a few moments later, a tall man with sunglasses opened the door. He was so tall that he had to buckle to fit in. Curious, he looked at me.
"How may I help you?"
"I’m sorry to bother you. But could I maybe make a telephone call to Stars Hollow? It’s urgent."
The man facing me, never got the chance to answer because at that moment, a tiny little woman with blonde curly hair appeared behind him.
"Stars Hollow? We used to live there. Just moved into here. Who do you like to call, dear?", she asked.
"Erm...", I just replied.
"Come on, Babette, don’t be so curious, it’s none of your business."

ooooh! babette und morey!! ich hoffe sie bleiben nicht in hartford- was wäre denn stars hollow ohne sie??

Zitat: For the first time now, I looked closely at him. Something was different. Then I realized what it was. He was wearing Rory’s baseballcap. It confused me a little. Rory had never given it to somebody else, not even to me. She must have had a great time with him...

ist das jetzt die erklärung wieso luke immer caps trägt? wenn ja- genialTop

Zitat: "You don’t have to answer, if you don’t want to. But you can reply your grandma", I encouraged her.
Slowly, Rory let go off Luke’s hand, stepped forward and took a deep breath.
na ich hoffe mal sie sagt das richtige... und dass em und rich ihr glauben...
immer diese CLIFFHANGER Motz Motz

nunja... ich warte darauf dass es aufgelöst wird! und zwar schneller als das letzte mal Big GrinRolleyes

HDL, :knuddel:
dein fanatischer Fan

I'm feeling lonely but what can you do?
It's only when its dark I'm thinking of you.


Okay, da es bei dem letzten Teil kein reFB von mir gegeben hat, fang ich sofort an dieses mal...

Dankeschoen!!! Naja, es ist ja nicht so, das du Chris vorher mochtest...:lach:
Uebrigens, ist dein proposal noch up to date?

Danke!! Ja, Chris ist ein a****. Ich verspreche dir, das der naechste Teil nicht so lange braucht.

Nice to have you back!! You'll see, next chapter is coming soon!

Armes Kind. Bloede zeitsperre... Gut, dass meine Mom so etwas nicht macht Wink
Das mit den Native-American name, ist Gilmore-like, weil es ein Zitat ist... ich hab es gestohlen... :lach:
Warum Luke caps traegt? Es war eher fuer Rory gedacht...
Morey und Babette kommen noch einmal vor, keine Sorge und ueber den Cliffhanger brauchst du dich nicht beschweren, look at you own FF!



Dankeschoen!!! Naja, es ist ja nicht so, das du Chris vorher mochtest...:lach:
Uebrigens, ist dein proposal noch up to date?
auch wieder wahr XD
my marriage proposal? If you mean that then of course, I would marry you immediately Wink :herz: :lach:


Edward: "You're the most important thing to me now. The most important thing to me ever."

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