01.10.2008, 19:36
sweetGilmore13 schrieb:ich liebe die szene in der Jess Luke in den See wirft
und die szene an der Tankstelle mit Rory und Jess, wo sie sich zum ersten mal "erlaubt" küssen
Oh ja, diese beiden Szenen liebe ich auch!! ^^
Aus derselben Folge liebe auch das Gespräch zwischen Luke und Jess:
Jess:Romeo and Juliet had warring families and they still managed to do a little damage you know?!
Luke: Well, as soon as I catch you in a pair of tights, I'll get worried.
Eine meiner Lieblingsfolgen ist aber die, in der Rory 21 wird. Emily und Richard kommen ihr und Logan "auf die Schliche" und auf Rory's Party kommt es dann zu diesem tollen Gesrpäch:
LOGAN: Well, there they are, the two most lovely ladies in the room.
EMILY [glares]: Hello, Logan. [To Rory] I have to check on your cake. [She leaves.]
LOGAN: Huh. Is it me, or could the penguins march through here?
RORY: She's probably mad because she found out we're having sex.
LOGAN: She what?
RORY [shrugs]: She found out we're having sex.
LOGAN: How the hell'd she find that out?
RORY [sweetly]: I told her minister.
LOGAN: But - but, why would you do that?
RORY: Because he was going on and on about my virtue being a gift, and now you have it, so I'm going to have to buy the next guy a sweater! I just wanted him to stop.
LOGAN: And all this without a drink in my hand.
RORY: Come on, let's get you a Rory.
LOGAN: Ah. Dealing with this family is stressful.