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Hallo :hi: ,
bin noch neu hier und sehr erfreut über diese Seiten, da ich auch ein riesen GG - Fan bin .
Ich habe nur mal einige Zwischenfragen.
Woher habt ihr die Infos über die neuen Folgen?
Ich kenn nur die bis ur 5x10. Wie komm ich an eure Infos?
Ich will nicht mehr warten!!!!
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Alles was wir neu herausfinden posten wir eigentlich immer hier in diesem Forum.
Das widerum haben wir aus anderen Foren ... und die haben ihre Sachen aus dem fernsehen, dem Netz, anderen Quellen (wenn mal jemand auf dem Set ist usw.)

und fröhliches posten ...
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more than proud to be a member of the *Rory and Logan Club*
*Drama Club*
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hier sind noch ein paar Fragen beantwortet worden bezüglich der 13. Folge
Zitat:Originally Posted by Fraz
5x13 Wedding Bell Blues
1) Has Lorelai already informed Luke about seeing Chris on 5.11? Or does Luke find out on the 100th episode? This is still unclear to me. (From AudiRox)
Lorelai sees Christopher enter the reception and she blurts it out real quick. Chris dad died a few weeks ago she went to his place with tequila and she is telling Luke now because she doesnt want Chris to blurt it out during the night and nothing happened she says. She does not tell Luke that she spent all night.
2) What happens with Rory and Logan? What happens when Lorelai finds them? (From Jim)
Lorelai opens the door and they were getting ready to take off shirts and do it. But before Lorelai can say much other than NOW at your grandparents wedding Chris comes in all fatherly and Lorelia pushes him out of the room than Luke goes in and tells Logan put his hands in the air no touching the girl and Lorelai kicks him out of the room. Tells them to go out the back her grandparents want a picture with her and she says you must be Logan and he says nice to meet you and rushes out the door.
3) Does Rory ask Logan or Logan ask Rory to dance? Who initiates the kiss? (From gilmore4ever)
9) Are there any Rory/Chris scenes - and what are they like towards each other? (From Mots15)
Rory and Chris talk about how at 14 Lorelia kisses him first. She asked if boys like that? Chris says what boy doesnt want a Gilmore Girl to kiss them.
12) What is Logan's reaction when Rory says "are you ever going to ask me out?" (From tutor_girl)
She goes out and walks up to Logan and asks him to dance. She asks was he ever going to ask her out and he says a couple times but Rory is SPECIAL and she asks Special as in paste eating special
Then he tells her she is girlfriend material but he is not boyfriend material he sucks at dating and keeping a girl and monogomy etc. They depart to said room Rory suggestion and grabbing a bottle of champaign. In the room she kisses him first. He said its like kissing a guy with her being in a suit and she kisses him a second time. He then kisses her passionately the third time.
4) What is the chemistry like between Emily and Lorelai at the bachelorette party and up to the actual wedding? Do they seem to be on good terms, is Lorelai happy for Emily etc? (From Mots15)
Rory and Lorelai feel bad Emily told Richard the girls were having a party since he was having the boys over for a bachelor party. Emily is drunk lovin Gypsy, Sookie, Miss Patty and Babbette just to see Emily interact with those women its hysterical and they are getting along great at the party.
The day of the wedding the chemistry is the best that has been alot of mother and daughter love the pre getting ready for the wedding.
5) Is Rory in the ending scene picture, or did Lorelai make her completely leave? (From Mots15)
There is no bad conflict between Rory and Lerelai at all in the show.
6) When Lorelai snaps at Christopher is it a "I never want to be with you" type thing, or could there still be a possibility for something else to happen between those two? (From Mots15)
There is no words uttered at all in the show that I saw. Other than Lorelai snapping at Chris to get some coffee because he is completely loaded the entire episode. Its his behavior is just beyond drunk and I would not forgive him for saying the things he says or acting that way at all.
7) How do things end with Luke and Lorelai? (From Mots15)
Luke goes to leave after he hears Chris say that Emily told him that there is still hope for him and Lorelai and Luke darts at that point. Chris grabs Lor arm she tells him to back off and she goes to chase Luke. But her cousin stops her and tells her the parents want a picture. The show ends on the picture being taken.
8) How does the Luke and Chris' fight finish? (From Mots15)
Luke leaves but Luke gets alot of great shots in saying where was Chris when Rory had chicken pox and could only eat mashed potatoes for a week, where was Chris when Rory graduated Chilton. Who took Rory matress in the dorm and out of the dorm and in the dorm for college.
Chris comeback. It doesnt matter because she is mine and Lor daughter.
10) How did you like the episode?! (From Lorelai8Gilmore)
I found it entertaining with all the whitt and interaction it was classic GG.
11) Does Luke and Lorelai Break up at the end of the eppy...? (From JavaAddic1981)
You dont know if they break up at all. Luke leaves but he doesnt say we are thru or anything. So it could just be a cooling off and get some perspective till we talk later.
The ending is that Lor is so pissed when she realizes that Chris and Emily have been talking about her etc. That Emily planted the seed with Chris that they are meant to be together. That during the ending shot and picture Lor leans into Emily and says YOU AND ME, WE'RE DONE! It is so powerful Emily looses her smile and Emily realizes its over with her daughter.
ETA: The reason for the all questions? Well, somehow the earlier info was a bit too vague. Had to ask the RIGHT questions. And gladly enough true GG fans know how to do that! Fraz is awesome!
Lorelai: "okay, different school, but same Rory. You're great at the catch up thing, your the 'catch up girl' not to be confused with "ketchup girl", ´cause that's not you at all."
Mitglied im "Rory und Logan-Club
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Registriert seit: 23.06.2004
hey hat sich rory die haare geschnitten, oder siehts nur so aus? ich finds nicht schöön, aber ja... sieht aus wie diese francy in der 3ten staffel!!
Make love not War!
SVP, Bush, pessimisten,rassisten, aller vous faire foutre!!
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Registriert seit: 12.12.2004
Nein, rory hat sich die haare nur hoch gesteckt. Sieht ein bisschen komisch aus :lach: !!
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Registriert seit: 18.12.2004
ich finde, dass sieht garnicht mal so sschlecht aus ...
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Registriert seit: 18.12.2004
so ist das Bild? 100. Folge ?!?!
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Registriert seit: 11.06.2004
Häh ? ? ? ?
[SIZE=1]LORELAI:I feel like I should run in there and yell at them about something.
LUKE: About what?
LORELAI: I don't know. That's what's stopping me.
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Registriert seit: 19.10.2004
Gibsy schrieb:so ist das Bild? 100. Folge ?!?!
Ahm ´
Wenn du fragst ob das ein Bild zur 100ten Folge ist dann ja.
Es ist aus der Folge Wedding Bell Blues