Hi Guys!!
Alrighty, hier kommt der neue Teil. I hope you gonna like it!
zuerst noch reFBs:
@anne: thx. Ein Zeitsprung..naja, ich weià ja nicht....du willst ja nur Dean haben.....*lol*
@jule: thx auch dir....ich habe ja auch nicht gerade viel FB bei dir gegeben, also ausgleichende gerechtigkeit...
@tina: thx, meinen fanatischen fan....naja mit Liz...weiÃt du, ob sie überhaupt existiert? *lol* nein, im ernst, du hast schon recht, aber lass den Luke doch einmal verwirrt sein...
@liony:thx auch dir...ja, english ist meine muttersprache, ich würde sterben, wenn ich Deutsch schreiben müsste...
@Fanny: danke...freut mich, dass du mich verstehst..*lol*
okay, der neue Teil:
part III:
"This could be the chance, I searched for six years. Maybe I can give Rory a brighter future", I thought, while we were running down the street of that beautiful little town, called Stars Hollow.
"Don’t go so fast, Mommy!", my daughter complained.
She really had troubles to follow me, but somehow I couldn’t stop running. I had to get that job, it would be a lifesaver. My first step into independence could be the ‘Independence Inn’.
"Funny coincidence", I thought.
Finally, Rory and me arrived at the hotel. It looked fantastic to me. It was huge, a three-floor-house with marine-blue painted walls and red windows. The front door caught my eye, it was the only thing, which was white in that whole area.
"Mommy, it’s beautiful", Rory stated.
"Yeah, you’re definitely right, hon", I said and with my hands I ran through her shiny brown hair.
She looked good. Me, on the contrary, I looked horrible. I hadn’t showered since I..... Anyway, I tried to tighten my hair, which turned out to be impossible, I breathed deep and finally entered together with Rory the lobby.
At the reception stood a colored man. I thought, he looked annoyed, but maybe I’ve just imagined that. I stepped closer.
"Uhm....hi", I said, but the guy interrupted me kinda rudely.
"How can I help you?", he asked. He didn’t even bother to look up.
"Unfriendly fellow", I thought, but nevertheless, keeping the faith.
"Erm, I am here for a job. I’ve read that you were searching for maids? I’m Lorelai Gilmore."
The man looked up. His tiny and thin smile vanished from his lips, as he looked from my head to my toes.
"I don’t think, you’re appropriate for that", he said with a disgusted look on his face.
"But you’re short of maids!", I put forward, "You have to give me a chance!"
Again, the man with the funny French accent looked at me, just shook his head and said annoyed,
"I’m sorry, we can’t help you."
"But......", I again began desperately, but at that moment a woman, who just came in back, interrupted me.
"Michel? We ALWAYS can help. And what can I do for you, dear?", she said, turning to face me.
I guess she was about 40 years old, had short blond hair and was about my height. She looked sympathetic.
"I’m here....I’m here for the maids-job", I just stuttered.
"Ah, very good. No, fantastic. We’re in desperate need of some. You know, we’re opening on Saturday and I thought we’ll never find that missing piece to our puzzle. Anyway, I’m Mia Roberts, the owner of this charming inn here", she reached out for my hand, "And you are?"
Breathing hard, I took her hand and said,
"I’m Lorelai Gilmore and this", I turned to Rory, "Is my daughter Rory, well, Lorelai technically, but never mind, I just freaked out on demarol."
I shut up. I really shouldn’t have said that, but as I looked at Mrs. Roberts, she just smiled and her friendly eyes were smirking.
"You’re funny. You will totally fit in here", she said, "Come on, follow me, you two, we’ll talk about the conditions of the contract and I guess you need a room, too?"
"Yeah, that ... that would be great", I just managed to say.
I couldn’t believe my luck. This woman didn’t even know us. But nevertheless, she pulled a Mother Theresa there and cared about us. I couldn’t stop smiling, while I was following her up the stairs into her office.
After only five minutes, everything was settled. I would work six days a week for good money, Rory and me would have a room to stay without paying for it and – the best of all – Mia, who insisted that we should call her this way, made arrangements that Rory could start school immediately.
I knew she would be behind, but my daughter was smart, very smart indeed, she already could read. I was positive that she would catch up. She always had been a strong little girl...
Mia stood up and again shook my hand.
"I’m happy, you’re here. You should go to your room now and shower. You know, make yourself comfortable. Afterwards, please come down to the lobby. I want you to meet Sookie, our chef. She can show you this wonderful little town here. And she surely will point you out, where you can find the best coffee in town", she said, still smiling.
"Oh, I already know, where that is...and I’ve also seen that weird guy, Luke...", I quickly said, glad that I already knew something.
"Ah, wonderful. And once you get to know him better, he’s a very charming person", she added.
"Sure, if you say so...", I said.
Honestly, I doubted that, but I didn’t want to contradict her.
Again, I took Rory by the hand and we went to our new home. Immediately, I stepped into the bathroom and showered. I never felt something more relaxing and wonderful than this shower in my whole life.