You had me from 'Hello'

I looked it up = das wesentliche


da lag ich doch gar net schlechtBig Grin die ganzen englischen büchr und FFs ham sich doch bezahlt gemacht...

I'm feeling lonely but what can you do?
It's only when its dark I'm thinking of you.


Auch wenn es nicht viel FB gegeben hat, hier kommt der neue Teil.
@Tina: danke für die ö,ä und ü....mhm, keine cliffhanger...das wird schwierig, but a little missing piece to the puzzle bekommst du im folgenden...
@Anne: danke für FB...ja, Rory ist doch immer süß...*lol*
@liony: ich hoffe es hat sich alles geklärt...wenn nicht, frage ruhig...

part V:

"Cesar! Where, for heaven’s sake, did you put the milk again? I have to make pancakes", I shouted through the whole diner.
I really was angry. Cesar always had a talent to put the wrong things in the wrong place.
"I don’t know, Luke. They have to be at the top drawer. Aren’t they?", Cesar answered, walking into the storeroom and he indeed seemed to be confused.
"No, they’re not here", I just replied annoyed.
Now we had to search the whole room to find the milk. That sucked. After five minutes, still no sight of it. I looked at Cesar. He was searching through the bills, finally, he triumphant held a paper into the air.
"Yikes, it’s not my fault! You didn’t order some!", he cried out.
"What? Show me this", I said and snitched it out of his hands.
Unfortunately, he was right. Milk wasn’t listed. I didn’t know, how that could have happened, it never did. But what I knew was, that I now had to go across the street to Doose’s groceries to buy milk. And there, it was quite expensive. But I had no choice.
"Sorry, Cesar", I said, "My fault, I’ll go to Doose’s. See ya later."

With those words, I left the diner and went to the supermarket. To my disappointment, the first thing I saw there, was Taylor.
"Luke, a high visitor! How can I help you?", Taylor asked in a ringing tone.
"Hi Taylor. I need milk, lots of it. I forgot to order it. How many packs do you have?"
"Not so many, to be honest. Are 20 liters okay for you? That’s all I can do for you."
Taylor really seemed sorry.
"Yeah, it has to be. I’ll take them", I answered, paid him and went out of the market.
Back at the diner, I stored some of the packs and I immediately began to make that pancake.
That’s when, something caught my eye. It was one of those cartons, which had pictures of missing persons on it. Closely, I looked at the photograph. Somehow, the person on it, looked familiar. It was a young woman, around 20, and she looked a lot like that woman, about whom I couldn’t get my head around. I wasn’t 100% sure, it was her – obviously the picture was an old one – but it could be possible.
Underneath it was written:

Missing: Lorelai Victoria Gilmore.
Date of Birth: 23.07.1968

and in smaller writing:

Also missing: Her daughter, Lorelai Leigh Gilmore (Hayden), date of birth: 18. 10.1984

I breathed relieved. So it couldn’t be her. Her daughter’s name was Rory.
"No need to worry, buddy", I told myself and got back to work. But somehow it was still bugging me.
Two hours later, Sookie St. James entered my business – and together with her – my mystery-woman. Because the place was really packed, they just sat down at the counter, right in front of me. I looked closer at her. She looked much better. Her hair was fresh and she smelled good, also. For the first time, I saw her smiling. She was wearing a maidens-uniform.
"Hi", I said, "So, I see, you got that job, huh?"
She looked at me and her smile grew wider.
"Yeah, actually, I did. Thanks for showing me that flyer", she said, "Even though you didn’t do it intentionally", she added.
"Yeah, well, you’re welcome", I grinned, and turned to her companion, "So, Sookie, how was the grand opening? Any complaints?", I asked her politely, though I wasn’t really interested in it.
"It was great, thanks for asking", she replied, "Could I have a cheese burger and a coffee, please?"
"Sure", I said and turned again. A thought occurred to my mind...
"And, Lorelai, what can I get you?", I asked innocently.
"Erm, I’ll just have coffee and a chocolate muffin", she answered.
Obviously, her name was really Lorelai. If it was not, she would have been startled, but on the other hand, she didn’t ask me, where I got her name from.
"Maybe she didn’t hear it. Try again", I thought.
I really needed to sort that out, not quite sure, why.
I took a muffin and the coffee. I first poured it into Sookie’s cup.
"Sookie..", I slowly said, then I poured another one, "And this is for you, Lorelai...."
Again, no reaction. The two of them just thanked me and chatted about something.
After half an hour, they paid and left me behind, confused.
"So it really is her", I thought, fetched the milk pack and again looked at that picture. Why was she missing? Who did arrange that photo? Where did she come from? Why did she run, or didn’t she? I mean, she did look filthy a few days before, like she had been on the run, but now? She had been here for almost two weeks now. And what about her daughter? Was I wrong? Didn’t she call her Rory? Or is it just a nickname for Lorelai? If it was, a weird one.
These questions racked my mind the rest of the day.
Should I do something? Should I call the number on the tetrapack?
I decided against it. I didn’t really know, why. But I wanted to ask her about that, before I would do something.
"She will come back, I guess. She really seemed coffee addicted", I tried to convince myself.


Faint , ich bin jetzt mal als aller erstes schockiert *g*, Lorelai wird vermisst, Rory wird vermisst *omg*, das hört sich ja sehr schlimm an. Das mit Cesar war lustig. ^^ . Schreib schnell weiter, LionyWink

guckt doch mal vorbei:
würd mich freuenTop .

[SIZE=2]I always need coffee [/SIZE]
Sturm der Liebe (die seite is auch cool Wink )

emily und richard suchen sie also...
sehr interessant...
als ich das (Hayden) hinter Rorys namen gelesen hab, musst ich erstmal würgen...
bäääh wiederlicher name!!!

meine englisch klausur heute war zwar supi einfach und ich war in 20 minuten fertig, aber irgendwie bin ich heut nich so auf dem englisch tripp...also sorry für das kurze review



Edward: "You're the most important thing to me now. The most important thing to me ever."

Ced schrieb:Hi!!
@Tina: danke für die ö,ä und ü....mhm, keine cliffhanger...das wird schwierig, but a little missing piece to the puzzle bekommst du im folgenden...

wenn du die cliffhanger net mehr vermeiden kannst, werd ich wieder dein "betareader"

Zitat: "Yikes, it’s not my fault! You didn’t order some!", she cried out.

öhm...she? Edit,please!

Zitat:"Luke, a high visitor! How can I help you?", Taylor asked in a ringing tone.

wieder mal triffst du alle charas perfekt. diesmal gefiel mir besonders Taylor.

Zitat:Also missing: Her daughter, Lorelai Leigh Gilmore (Hayden), date of birth: 18. 10.1984
hayden?... na was sein muss, muss sein...

"She will come back, I guess. She really seemed coffee addicted", I tried to convince myself.

Jaja, das ist wohl wahr...

also, ich muss jetzt essen, sorry fürs kurze FB...
dein Fanatischer Fan :knuddel:

I'm feeling lonely but what can you do?
It's only when its dark I'm thinking of you.


Hey Cedric,

ich find es irgendwie anstrengend, wenn du so unregelmäßig, aller 2-3 Tage postest, weil ich dann Angst hab nen Teil zu verpassen!
Außerdem hätten wir dann länger was von der FF, wenn du nur 1mal in der Woche posten würdest.
Naja....egal, musste selber wissen!



Zitat: With those words, I left the diner and went to the supermarket. To my disappointment, the first thing I saw there, was Taylor.
"Luke, a high visitor! How can I help you?", Taylor asked in a ringing tone.
Awww...genau das Liebe ich!
Das ist so eine typische Luke-Taylor Sache!
Einfach genial^^

Dann kam einfach ne toller Überleitung mit dem "Missing"

Mal ne Frage (peinlich): Stimmen die Geburtstdaten?

Zitat:Lorelai Leigh Gilmore (Hayden)

Das gefällt mir! Wink

Man, das mit dem "Missing" war echt der Hamer!

Ist echt total spannend und möchte sofort den nächsten Teil! Top

Also der Teil hat mir sehr gut gefallen, bin echt sehr gespannt!

Bye bye und viel Spaß :knuddel: Anne

Do you know the feeling of making someone happy?
How does it feel?
Relieving, good, great, fantastic, wonderful, more than wonderful. Alright.


So, Guys...der nächste Teil. Ich muss im vornherein sagen, dass er mir irgendwie nicht gefällt, aber ich weiß nicht wie ich anders schreibe soll...

zuerst reFBs:

@liony: thx.
@jule:thx, bist du dir da so sicher, dass Emily und Richard sie suchen???Big Grin
@tina: thx again..betareader....mal sehen...das muss ich mir sehr genau überlegen...Big Grin Big Grin
@anne: keine sorge, du versäumst nichts! Ich poste die FF immer dann, wenn ich gerade einen neuen Teil fertig bin....Die Geburtsdatums stimmen nicht, habe einfach irgendwelche genommen...Rory's könnte zumindest ungefär stimmen, denke ich. Aber keine Ahnung...

der nächste teil ist für Anne und meine kleine schwester, die das hier auch liest...

part VI:

"Hey, what I wanted to ask you, Lorelai, how many times have you been to Luke’s since you’re here?", Sookie asked me, while we were heading towards the Independence Inn.
"Today was the third time. Why would you ask such a thing?", I replied confused.
"Well, Luke knew your name. He never remembers any names. It took him one and a half year, to not call me Roxie", she giggled.
"He called me Lorelai? I didn’t even realize. Yah, well, this time, he obviously memorized it. Lorelai’s not an ordinary name. Maybe that’s why it stick", I said.
"You must have left quite an impression there...", Sookie went on.

But I didn’t listen anymore. The world around me, swished away. All had become foggy. I felt like I had a stroke. Luke knew your name.... Sookie’s voice echoed in my head. I was sure, I hadn’t told him my name. Nor did Sookie or anybody else. I don’t know anybody here. Obviously he had to know something. But how could he? As far as I knew, he had been living in this town forever. He couldn’t have been in contact with my ex-husband...husband. It was impossible. Or wasn’t it? But how else could he know?
I don’t remember, how I got into my room, what I said to Sookie or how I got into bed. My thoughts were twisting like a blizzard in my head. They reached another target. Right back were it all started from...

"Mom, Dad? We have to tell you something."
I was nervous, uncertain, how they would react. Badly, supposedly.
I glanced at my boyfriend. He looked like I felt. Pale, small, vulnerable.
I breathed deep. Opened my mouth and closed it again. Five times, I started over. Then, finally I said:
"Mom, Dad? I’m... I’m.... I’m pregnant."
Silence. Five minutes? An hour? I couldn’t tell. They didn’t even move. Then, finally. My father approached to us. He had a furious and disgusted look on his face. He looked at Christopher.
"You dirty little bastard! How could you?", he shouted.
Then he hit him, right into his face. Christopher stumbled. My dad punched him again. He fell, blood was dropping down his nose. He was incapable to defense himself.
"Stop it, stop it!", I blurred.
I tried to help Christopher, but it turned out to be impossible. My dad was much stronger than me. I turned around. My mother stood on the very same space as before. She hadn’t moved.
"Do something, Mom. Please!", I begged her tearfully, "He’s gonna kill him!"
She kept on standing there. Then finally, after what seemed like hours to me, she opened her mouth.
"Richard, stop it."
She said those words very calmly, but nevertheless, my father immediately stopped to punch my boyfriend.
Again, I turned towards my mom.
"Thanks. Listen, I’m so sor...", I began, but I immediately broke off, as I saw the look on my mom’s face.
"I don’t want to hear anything, Lorelai. Just go upstairs, pack your things and get out of here. I’ll never wanna see you again. Both of you."
I stared at her. I couldn’t believe, what I’ve just heard. I knew they would take it badly. But like this?
"Mom, Dad, please...", I began again.
But again, I was interrupted.
"Out!", my father roared.
I never had seen him like this. His face was like a mask. Angry, furious and disappointed. It shook me hard. I turned, ran upstairs, packed some clothes and my David Bowie record, and went down again. Christopher was waiting there for me. He gently took my hand and together, we went out of that house, which had been my home for sixteen years.
For once, I glimpsed back over my shoulder. My parents were standing in the foyer. Stiff, furious but, at the same time, calm, almost relieved.
It was the last time, I saw them.

"Mommy, huhu? D’you hear me?"
Rory’s voice and face brought me back to reality.
"Sorry, hon, what did you say?", I focused.
"Could you come downstairs? Please? I want you to meet my new friend!"
"You’ve found a friend, Rory? That’s fantastic. I told ya, you would."
Enthusiastically, I got up and went downstairs. In the dining-room sat a little Korean girl, with black hair and glasses.
"Mom, this is Lane Kim. She’s in my class", Rory introduced me to her.
"Hi Lane, nice to meet you."
I was relieved, that Rory had made some contacts. Though she was very smart, she always had been kind of shy. But now she met Lane. It definitely was a good sign. She was adjusting.
The rest of the day flew by. We played board-games together with Lane, who indeed was very charming. I helped Rory with her homework and I got her to bed by eight o’clock.

Again, I watched her sleeping. And again she had the ability to make me calm. The shock of Luke knowing my name still was there, but somehow, it was fading. I don’t know why, I just somehow felt better. My parents again occurred to me. I hadn’t thought of them for years. I didn’t know of what to think first.
After hours of pining myself, I finally fell asleep.


Endlich! Ein Teil ihrer Verganenheit!!
Das Flashback war super!

Richard schlägt Chris Hahaha... sorry, ich denk mal das passt hier net...
*räusper* Der aaaaarme Chris!!!

Also das ist mal ne gute Idee... lorelai also nicht von zuhause weggelaufen sondern rausgeflogen.
Dann sucht sie wahrscheinlich ihr
Hoffentlich findet er sie nicht!

Ich glaube ich weiß warum er dir nicht so gut gefällt:
Sonst baust du immer einige Gilmorelike-witze ein, aber in diesem Teil fehlen sie, weil auch keine Gespräche vorhanden sind,wo sie reinpassen würden.
Dadurch ist dein (super-)stil auch net mehr so ausgeprägt.
Aber das macht nix. Er ist nicht wie die anderen, das heißt nicht, dass er schlechter ist.
Mir gefällt er genauso gut wie alle andern: mega gut!

Ach ja...
Zitat: @tina: thx again..betareader....mal sehen...das muss ich mir sehr genau überlegen...:biggrin: :biggrin:
Wessen fanatischer Fan bist du? *bettelndschau*

Na wenigstens hast keinen Cliffhanger drin, dann ist es nicht ganz so schlimm...

Zitat:und meine kleine schwester, die das hier auch liest...
Ob mein großer bruder sowas machen würd?
aber er kann sowieso net so toll schreiben wie du...

nunjaa... das wars von mir...
HDL, Tina :knuddel:

I'm feeling lonely but what can you do?
It's only when its dark I'm thinking of you.


Cedric schrieb:@anne: keine sorge, du versäumst nichts!

Das will ich doch hoffen Wink

Zitat:der nächste teil ist für Anne und meine kleine schwester, die das hier auch liest...

Ahhh, danke :knuddel: Falls du überhaupt mich meinst, es gibt ja viele Annes hier!


Zitat: "Well, Luke knew your name. He never remembers any names. It took him one and a half year, to not call me Roxie", she giggled.

:lach: Ich musste so lachen!
Das ist so typisch Sookie! :lach:

Zitat:He couldn’t have been in contact with my ex-husband...husband.

Ced, sag doch nicht sowas! Mad
Ach haben die Beiden doch geheiratet?
Weil in der Serie, wollte Lore ihn ja nicht heiarten (warum auch immer Rolleyes )

Und dann kam endlich ein Flashi, sehr schön, endlich haben wir mal mehr erfahren!

Zitat:He looked at Christopher.
"You dirty little bastard! How could you?", he shouted.

O mann, das war das erste Mal, dass du OOC warst!
Das war total unpassend!
Ich weiß, Richard kann sehr "böse" werden, wenn er zornig ist, aber sowas hätte er nie gesagt und erst recht nicht zu Chris!
Und das ganze geht jetzt noch weiter:
Then he hit him, right into his face.
Christopher stumbled. My dad punched him again. He fell, blood was dropping down his nose. He was incapable to defense himself.

Ja, wie gesagt, das find ich echt ziemlich OOC.

Zitat:"I don’t want to hear anything, Lorelai. Just go upstairs, pack your things and get out of here. I’ll never wanna see you again. Both of you."

Wow, ganz schön hart. Kann mir richtig vorstellen, wie sie sich fühlt!
Zitat: "Could you come downstairs? Please? I want you to meet my new friend!"

Zuerst dachte ich Dean und wollte schon Jubelschreie und Luftsrünge machen, aber dann hast du mich enttäuscht: :p

Zitat: Enthusiastically, I got up and went downstairs. In the dining-room sat a little Korean girl, with black hair and glasses.
"Mom, this is Lane Kim. She’s in my class", Rory introduced me to her.
"Hi Lane, nice to meet you."

Aber Lane ist doch auch toll Wink

Also wow, der Teil mit dem Flashi, das solltest du übrigens öfter machen, war einfach nur toll!

Großes Lob Top

Bai Bai Anne

Do you know the feeling of making someone happy?
How does it feel?
Relieving, good, great, fantastic, wonderful, more than wonderful. Alright.


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