You had me from 'Hello'

ich gebe jetzt reFBs, weiss nicht, was ich sonst machen soll....Wink

@Tina: Du könntest recht haben, mit den witzen. ich hoffe, der nächste teil gefällt mir auch wieder...*lol* ja, du bist richtig, ich bin ein fanatischer fan *gg* aber im moment, könnte ich dir gar nichts zu lesen geben, weil ich nichts habe...

@Anne: Ja, der teil war für dich...Du hast Recht, the parents were OOC, aber das musste ich so machen, sonst hätten sie Lore nicht weggeschickt, das war das problem...Immer willst du Dean haben.....aber der zieht doch erst 10 Jahre später nach SH....*lol*

love, Ced


Zitat:@jule:thx, bist du dir da so sicher, dass Emily und Richard sie suchen???:biggrin:
ok, da war dann mein nächster gedanke sofort Chris!!! und ich hatte ja anscheinend recht...

ich liebe den teil.
der flashback war klasse.
Richard schlägt chris...yaaaaaaay...das passt zwar nich an die stelle, aber da es nur chris is, juckt es mich nich Big Grin
schon krass, dass sie sie aus dem Haus geschmissen haben...

Hoffentlich, hoffentlich, hoffentlich findet Chris die beiden nich... gooott bitte!!!!
und wenn er aufkreuzen sollte, dann Soll Luke ihn bitte zu matsche schlagen

Sorry, aber ich hab mir gerad die season 7 premiere reingezogen und meine laune is daher nich die beste...und kopfweh hab ich davon auch bekommen -.-

aber wirklich seeeeeeeeehr toller teil!



Edward: "You're the most important thing to me now. The most important thing to me ever."


So, jetzt schimpft Anne gleich wieder, weil ich so unregelmäßig schreibe, aber mir ist jetzt langweilig gewesen, deshalb habe ich geschrieben....

noch reFB für Jule:
ich kann dich verstehen, dass man nach dieser episode kopfschmerzen bekommt....ich hasse alle...danke dir für das FB, und sei dir nie sicher, wer sie muss nicht Chris sein....

der nächste Teil ist für alle, die ein JJ-Herz haben(alleine schon wegen 7.01..)..(tja, Anne...nicht diesmal für dich...Wink )

part VII:

Three days had passed since her last visit. With every day, I got more nervous and more curious. But also worried. Why was she on the run? She seemed very cheerfully, anytime I’ve seen her. Nothing did link to anything dark in her past.
But it wasn’t only the fact, that she was missing. She had something about her. Every time I saw her, she made me amazed. Every time , when I thought about her, my stomach made a jolt. At the same time, Kirk popped into my head. Yeah, like you have a life! I desperately wanted to be with that woman, not quite sure why, she just did magic to me. I never ever felt like that before.

I was sitting in my apartment, eating dinner, as it knocked.
"Come on in, it’s open!", I said, wondering, who it could be.
It turned out, it was Cesar.
"Hey Luke, could you maybe come down for a moment? Someone’s gotta talk to you. It looked urgent.", he said, looking sorry, because he disturbed me.
"Who is it?", I asked curious, nobody ever wanted to talk to me so urgent, it couldn’t wait for another minute. I’ve always been kind of a loner.
"It’s not Taylor, is it? I can’t stand him right now", I added concerned.
"No, no, it’s not him. It’s a lady. Dark brown hair, killer blue eyes....", Cesar started, but I interrupted him.
I already knew, who he was talking about. Lorelai...
"Ah, okay. You know what, Cesar? Just send her upstairs, will you?"
Cesar nodded and disappeared out of sight.

What the hell could she want from me? Did she notice, I knew her name?

Again, a knock diverted my thoughts. The door opened. And there she stood. She wore that old, baggy winter-coat again. She looked a little weary, but it didn’t affect her beauty.
"Hi, Luke", she said, "I’m sorry, to interrupt you like this."
"Ah, it’s okay. No problem", I replied.
No it wasn’t a problem at all...
"So, that’s your apartment?", she asked, "Not like I pictured it... Not that I have pictured it at all...".
She broke off and blushed a little. I decided to skip that. So I just asked her:
"What can I do for you?", I hesitated, then I added, "Lorelai?"
First, she just looked at me, then she closed the door behind her and pointed at a chair.
"Can I?"
"Yeah, of course."
She sat down. Her hands were shaking. Obviously, she was nervous. But so was I. What would she tell me? Snippets, everything or nothing at all?

"Luke, I don’t really know, how I should start. Because it’s so stupid, that even Paris Hilton would scratch her head about it...", she broke off.
For the first time, she directly looked at me. Cesar was right. Her eyes were killer blue...
I tried to focus.
"Concentrate, man", I told myself.
"I’m sure, it’s not stupid. Nothing about you could be stupid... I mean...."
Now, I was the one, who blushed, at least, I felt my cheeks burnin’. But obviously it was her turn now, to skip that fact. She started over.
"Luke, it may sound weird now, I know, but did I tell you my name?"
I looked at her, uncertain, how I should answer. Should I lie to her? Tell her the truth? I decided to do the latter. I just felt, I had to. Unable to lie.
Slowly, I said, "No, you didn’t."
"Did anybody else tell you? Sookie, Mia, Michel?", she asked, somehow hopefully.
Again, I racked my brains, whether I should tell her the truth or lie to her. In the end, my curiosity won. I really wanted to know about her past and if I would cheat on her right now, I maybe would never know.
So, slowly, I shook my head. "No."

She looked at me. She had become pale. Her eyes somehow became brighter, the blue more shimmering. Finally, she found her words again.
"Okay. I know, I’m totally pulling a George Bush here, but why do you know my name?"
I was speechless. I didn’t know what to do. Everything was on probation there. I was incapable to say something, explain it.
We just sat there in silence. I could hear my watch ticking. Pin-drop-silence. She stared at me. I stared at her. Then, finally, I realized, I had to say something, do something.

"Lorelai...", I began and broke off.
I stood up. I walked to my fridge, opened it and took a milk pack. The milk pack. Like in slow-motion, I turned around again and handed her the carton.
Confused, she looked at me. Slowly, she reached out her hand and took it. For a second, our hands touched.
Her yawn dropped, as she looked at the tetrapack, at that picture. At her picture. Suddenly, she had a strange impression on her face. I had never seen something like that before. Her eyes were fixed on the photo.


Zitat: der nächste Teil ist für alle, die ein JJ-Herz haben(alleine schon wegen 7.01..).
erinner mich nicht an 7.01!!! :heul: :heul:
aber danke für die widmung :knuddel:

also wieder einmal ein ganz toller teil.

Die das-fand-ich-gut-Liste:

Zitat:I desperately wanted to be with that woman, not quite sure why, she just did magic to me. I never ever felt like that before.
schön, dass er es so früh merkt!

Zitat:"No, no, it’s not him. It’s a lady. Dark brown hair, killer blue eyes....",
Tolle Beschreibung^^!

Zitat:"Okay. I know, I’m totally pulling a George Bush here, but why do you know my name?"
ich denke zwar, dass sie vor 15 jahren noch net aufm Bush-Hasser-Trip war, aber das fand ich genial Hahaha

da hätten wir auch wieder deinen Gilmore-Witz-Stil...

nunja, muss jetzt essen, meine ma beschwert sich...

HDL, :knuddel:

I'm feeling lonely but what can you do?
It's only when its dark I'm thinking of you.


Super, echt klasse...

Zitat:[SIZE=4]Her eyes were killer blue...


Wow, das nenne ich treffend beschieben ;-)

Zitat:[SIZE=4]"Okay. I know, I’m totally pulling a George Bush here, but why do you know my name?"
Das ist Lorelai wie sie leibt und lebt!!!

Ich würde ja noch viel mehr Zitieren und loben, aber ich kann mich nicht entscheiden, welche Teile ich herauspicken soll... es sind alle Gut... nein sogar besser als Gut!!![/SIZE]

nur ganz kurz FB von mir, denn ich pack gerad meinen krempel zusammen, denn in knapp zwei stunden geht mein zug zu Isi (Halliwell Paige) yaaaay löl

war aber nen sehr schöner teil...
war klasse geschrieben.
die ganzen gefühle und gedanken...
bin jetzt ja mal echt gespannt, WER sie sucht und ob sie Luke von ihrer vergangenheit erzählt.



Edward: "You're the most important thing to me now. The most important thing to me ever."

Cedric schrieb:okay,
der nächste Teil ist für alle, die ein JJ-Herz haben(alleine schon wegen 7.01..)..(tja, Anne...nicht diesmal für dich...Wink )

Gemein! :heul:
Aber naja...bin stolz auf mein BB-Dasein Wub
Show Content
Wie sie Luke abserviert hat!


Zitat: I desperately wanted to be with that woman, not quite sure why, she just did magic to me. I never ever felt like that before.

Ahhh....die Stelle war irgendwie total schön! Richtig Wub, auch wenns JJ is!

"Luke, I don’t really know, how I should start. Because it’s so stupid, that even Paris Hilton would scratch her head about it...", she broke off.

Yeah, mal wieder ein typischer Lore Satz. Das liebe ich :lach:

Wow, will jetzt unbedingt wissen wies weiter geht!

Aber fand die "Beziehung" zwischen Lorelai und Luke etwas zu intensiv. Die beiden kennen sich doch kaum! (oder hab ich was verpasst)

Sorry, für das kurze FB, aber mus sjetzt noch nen Fragebogen erstellen und auf "Leute-Jagd" gehen :lach: Big Grin

bye bye Anne :knuddel:

Do you know the feeling of making someone happy?
How does it feel?
Relieving, good, great, fantastic, wonderful, more than wonderful. Alright.


awww, ich hab deine ff erst gerade jetzt entdeckt und finde sie fantastisch. ich hab bis jetzt noch keine englische ff gelesen weil ich dachte dass ich net alles verstehen würde, aber bei deiner hab ich keine probleme =) ich finde du triffst die charakteren extrem gut, gefällt mir echt. nur ein kleiner kritikpunkt hätte ich noch. und zwar spielt die geschichte ja ein paar jahre in der vergangenheit und manchmal sind die vergleiche mit paris hilton oder bush oder so halt ned zeitgemäss mit der zeit deiner story... aber ansonsten hab ich keine mängel =) werd aufjedenfall weiterlesen!


You'll always be mine. Always. And never

So, jetzt gibt es einmal reFBs, will mich von den schrecklichen Spoiler ablenken...

@Tina: Danke...sie könnte ja den Bush sen. nicht mögen, aber nein, du hast schon recht, auch Paris Hilton ist nicht zeit richtig, aber ich habe versucht mir die zwei dümmsten menschen der welt vorzustellen^^...
@Loerlai_Gilmore: thx, toll das du dabei bist...stay tuned..
@jule: lass dich überraschen...
@anne:thx..naja, zu intensiv...das kann gar nicht zu intensiv sein, es geht ja um Lore und Luke. *gg*
@adshira:toll, das du dabei bist, ich hoffe das bleibt auch so..Wink .

Ein neuer Teil kommt wahrscheinlich morgen..
bye for now


Sorry, das hat ein bisschen länger gedauert, ich hatte gestern ein großes Mathe Problem, das ich erst sorted out musste....

reFBs are already given, so here's the next part. It's for all JJs and Anne (*lol*)..

part VIII:

I just couldn’t believe, what I saw. A large Missing stood out over my photo. I recognized it immediately. This photo was taken by a professional, my mom hired, back in the day. I was wearing my cotillion dress. It already was a little too small for me, but I hadn’t told my parents yet, about my pregnancy. I looked strange on that pic. Honestly, I was surprised, that Luke identified me. I didn’t look like me.
Are my parents looking for me? Why now?
Those questions popped into my head. Then, something different caught my eye.

Also missing her daughter, Lorelai Leigh Gilmore (Hayden)....

It couldn’t be my parents then, they didn’t know Rory’s name or even her gender, her existence. I never told them. I just couldn’t, it would have been too hard.
Another solution came to my mind.
I highly doubted it. He had other possibilities to search for us. Plus, that (Hayden) confused me. He knew, that I insisted to call her Gilmore. Not Hayden. It was that sense of pride and stubbornness, that I passed on to my daughter, that made me do that. I also didn’t take his name as we married. It just didn’t sound right, feel right. Lorelai Hayden... awful.
So it couldn’t be Christopher either, and my parents returned to my mind. But it didn’t make sense. They hated me... us. I would never forget the look on their faces, as I looked back, walking out of the house, out of her lives. And, again, they couldn’t know Rory’s name, unless...

"Should I call your parents, Lore?", Christopher asked me.
The two of us were standing in front of a window in the hospital. We watched about 20 babies, but of course, we draw our attention to a specific one. Our little girl, Lorelai...
Christopher wasn’t happy at all, that I named her after me. He wanted to call her Georgia or Amy, but in the end, he gave up. But he was not in such a good mood, as he should have been as a fresh-baked father. Consequently, his question didn’t surprise me really, but nevertheless, I couldn’t understand, why he was thinking, I would tell them.
"Christopher, don’t start that again. Weren’t you in the room with me, as they pulled a Menendez? They don’t want to see me, or rather us, again. They made it crystal clear. So I don’t want them to know. Please accept that, okay?"
"Lore, listen. I won’t accept it. You’re being stubborn, They wanna know
that", he tried to convince me.
"No, we won’t tell them."
I realized, I shouted now, because several people around us, stared at me. But I didn’t care, I had to sort that out.
"We talked about that, Christopher. Discussion over, period."
Christopher just nodded. Then he turned.
"I’m gonna get myself a cup of coffee. Want one, too?"
"Yeah, thanks."
He walked away and I turned to watch my beautiful daughter. As I saw her, I completely forgot about the fight with Christopher. She was just too sweet. I just was really happy.

I bet, he told them. I should’ve known it.
I was lost. Why after all this time, would they search for me? I had a strange feeling in my gut. It took me a few moments to identify, what it was. I was sad. I don’t know why, but I suddenly realized, I missed them. I mean, they never knew, what was going on with me and my life but nevertheless, they were my parents.
But it was them, who kicked me out, it wasn’t my desire.

A teardrop appeared on the milk pack. I hadn’t been aware, that I was crying. It somehow brought me back to the present. Step by step, I remembered where I was. In Luke’s apartment. I looked up. He was still standing by the fridge. He looked at me, worried. I tried to smile, but I think, it didn’t work out very well. Tears kept on streaming down my face.
Luke made a step forward, searching in his pockets. Finally, he found, what he was looking for. He handed me a handkerchief and sat down right next to me. He looked at me, then he said,
"Are you okay? Can I do something for you?"
I didn’t answer, I just couldn’t. A thought occurred to me.
Did he already call the number? Or the police?
I tried to clear my throat and to wipe away my tears, then I said,
"Luke... Luke, I’m sorry, but have you already...", I broke off.
I didn’t know, how I would react, when he’d say Yes.
But as I looked at him, I saw, that he hadn’t. It seemed like he was looking right through me. Reading my thoughts, my feelings. But it was ridiculous. I didn’t even know this man. At this moment, Luke diverted my thoughts, by answering my unfinished question.
"No, I haven’t called this number. I just... I just wanted to talk to you first."
I deeply breathed out. Relieved.
"Thanks", I just managed to say.
A few moments silence, then Luke approached nearer to me and asked me, almost whispering,
"Lorelai, I know, it’s none of my business, but may I ask you, who’s searching for you?"
Again, I looked at him.
Is he trustworthy? Would he call them?
I figured, if he wanted to do that, he would already have done it by now. So I slowly answered,
"I don’t know for sure, but I think, it’s my parents."


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