Beiträge: 461
Themen: 10
Registriert seit: 14.08.2006
funny....ein eigener Fanclub...das wäre schon toll...*lol*
Tina, du bist doch immer mein erster fanatischer Fan...und ich deiner....
ja, und The CW, wollte mir einfach nicht mehr als 2 Mio $ per folge geben....*lol*
Beiträge: 17.046
Themen: 7
Registriert seit: 05.11.2004
dann ist ja gut :knuddel:
was sind das auch für idioten ...

Wie gehts denn Dan?
I'm feeling lonely but what can you do?
It's only when its dark I'm thinking of you.
Beiträge: 461
Themen: 10
Registriert seit: 14.08.2006
mhm, Dan.......ich habe mich von ihm getrennt, ich wollte nicht mehr gay(?) sein....*lol*
viel zu blöd heute....
Beiträge: 17.046
Themen: 7
Registriert seit: 05.11.2004
ich sitze übrigens extra für dich ab meinem neuen teil... gestern im bett ist mir noch was tolles eingefallen, aber wie das leben so spielt- habs vergessen
I'm feeling lonely but what can you do?
It's only when its dark I'm thinking of you.
Beiträge: 461
Themen: 10
Registriert seit: 14.08.2006
Meffi schrieb:ich sitze übrigens extra für dich ab meinem neuen teil... gestern im bett ist mir noch was tolles eingefallen, aber wie das leben so spielt- habs vergessen 
das ist aber nett...
so geht es mir auch oft...das ist sehr blöd....
Beiträge: 17.046
Themen: 7
Registriert seit: 05.11.2004
ich hatte sogar mal ne idee wie ich meine alte FF retten kann!! aber die ist dann auch wiede futsch gewesen...
nunja, wir wollen ja net hier alles zuspammen
I'm feeling lonely but what can you do?
It's only when its dark I'm thinking of you.
Beiträge: 461
Themen: 10
Registriert seit: 14.08.2006
ein neuer Teil muss noch ein bisschen warten.
Ich habe im Moment ein viel stress mit schule (habe ich schon erwähnt, dass ich Maths hasse? bah...)
Irgendwie stecke ich auch ein bisschen fest...ich bemühe mich aber, an weekend etwas neues zu posten.
dann gibt es jetzt mal reFBs:
@Tina: Scott Patterson mit einem Regenschirm,der Julia Roberts retten? da ist mir Lauren lieber....*lol* thx für FB....und es werden sicher wieder cliffhanger kommen *rofl*
@Jule: Thx for FB!! und für das nachschlagen...
@Anne:thx auch dir. ich habe everwood noch nie gesehen, also keine Ahnung wegen diesen Mädchen....aber denke einfach nicht daran....married...with children *lol* ich wollte da meine eigene meinung einbringen (wie unser deutschteach immer sagt.)
@Pagliacci: Danke!! Ich hoffe du lest weiter!! toller username by the way!!
@Loerlai_Gilmore:thx. für deine tolle Lob!!
achja, Tina, was heiÃt futsch??
:knuddel: an alle
love, Ced
Beiträge: 17.046
Themen: 7
Registriert seit: 05.11.2004
futsch= weg, verschwunden, ugs.
Zitat:@Tina: Scott Patterson mit einem Regenschirm,der Julia Roberts retten? da ist mir Lauren lieber....*lol* thx für FB....und es werden sicher wieder cliffhanger kommen *rofl*
du hattest gefragt, ob ICH non Richard Gere gerettet werden will...
und da will ich lieber Scott

Julia Roberts kriegt ihn natürlich nicht
I'm feeling lonely but what can you do?
It's only when its dark I'm thinking of you.
Beiträge: 461
Themen: 10
Registriert seit: 14.08.2006
hi guys!!
so, endlich ist der neue teil fertig, allerdings ist es nur ein übergangsteil....ich hoffe er gefällt euch trotzden...
@Tina: du hast recht, ich habe dich gut, mir wäre da natürlich Julia Roberts lieber, als Scott, aber das ist ja klar...*lol*
okay, der nächste teil ist für Tina, einfach nur so...
und für die LA Dodgers, weil sie leider aus den Play-offs ausgeschieden sind:heul: ...
Part XI:
"Luke, what’s up? You look horrible", Sookie said, sitting in my diner.
And indeed, I was not myself for a week now, since Lorelai had kissed and left me. I still could hit myself for not kissing her back, for not running after her, for just doing nothing.
"Gee. Thanks, Sookie", I answered.
"I’m sorry, I just meant you... you look concerned... or ill", Sookie said, looking anxious at me.
"Yeah... whatever... What can I get you?", I said, trying to avoid a personal topic about me.
"Uhm, a cup of coffee for starters, I’ll wait up with dinner for Lorelai and Rory."
I looked up.
Did I get her right? She’s coming?
My stomach made a cheerful jolt. But at the same time, I was afraid.
Will she say something? But I was right, I did the best thing. She has things to sort out. About her parents, her daughter, her complete past. It wouldn’t have been right, it was bad timing.
It was too soon to do something like this, I knew that, but somehow I just couldn’t help, but to feel guilty.
I served Sookie the coffee and only five minutes later, Lorelai and Rory were entering my diner. Lorelai looked just as good as ever. Today, her hair was more shiny and curly, than I saw it before. She wore tight jeans, which were really working for her and a Hello-Kitty T-Shirt. As I looked at her daughter, I immediately saw the similarities between both of them. She, too, was wearing a pair of jeans, a Felix-The-Cat T-Shirt – and a baseballcap. Backwards. Colored dark blue. Somehow it looked familiar to me.
They sat down at Sookie’s table and immediately began to chat. Sookie looked a little confused, just like she was doing hard work. But then, I remembered, she did so. These two ladies were talking too much and much too fast...
I approached to them.
"Hi there!", I greeted them, a little over the top, I realized, "How are you?"
Lorelai looked up at me, then she answered,
"I’m fine, thanks for asking."
I watched her closely. She didn’t look as weary as the week before, when we were sitting in my apartment, but still...
"Can I have a burger and chili fries, Mom?"
Rory’s voice almost made me jump and Lorelai, too, seemed startled.
"Yes, sure. You don’t have to ask... Uhm, I’ll have the same, Luke, and a coffee."
"Yeah, me, too", Sookie chimed in.
"Alright, it’s coming right up."
I turned and left, but not without a last look on Lorelai, searching for her eyes.
Please come.
I went behind the counter to hand Cesar the orders.
"Hey, Luke!", a voice behind me said, "I’m sorry. But do you have blueberry muffins?"
"Uhm, yeah, I think so...", I started, but she leaned forward and whispered, so only I could hear her,
"Luke, I just wanted to say, I’m sorry, and I wanna thank you. You’ve been a great help."
She was about to turn around but I reached for her arm and caught her elbow.
"Wait!", I hesitated, then," No, I am sorry... and I wanna help you... with anything. I will be around, you know. I’ll always be here. If you... if you want me to."
A broad smile appeared on her face.
"Thanks, maybe I’ll take you up on that."
With those words, she went back to her table.
The rest of the day just was usual going. After I closed the diner around 11 o’clock, I went upstairs to my apartment, just in time to catch a phone call.
"Hello?", I asked.
"Luke? Hi, it’s me. Lorelai."
I held my breath, I hadn’t expected that. I didn’t know, she had my number, but then I realized that even Stars Hollow had a telephone directory. Slowly, I replied,
"Oh, hi... Erm, what can I do for you?"
"Could I maybe come over? I wanna talk to you, it’ s urgent."
Her voice was beggy, and even if it hadn’t been, I would have been incapable to resist her, so I answered,
"Yeah, of course. Just come over."
I hung up. Confused, I sat down. I was wondering, what on earth she could want from me.
After about ten minutes, I heard her knocking, I opened the door and let her in. She sat down and immediately began to talk.
"Luke, I know I’m getting weirder everyday, that even Marilyn Manson couldn’t compete with me, but you said before that you would help me... with anything?"
She looked at me and again I felt unable to say No. The look on her face made me jittering. After a little while, I nodded.
"Well, do you still have that milk pack? Because, I don’t know, I just... I just really wanna know for sure, it’s my parents, who search for me."
I stood up and walked to my fridge, took the tetrapack and handed it to her.
"And what’s my job in this whole thing?", I asked after about five minutes with Lorelai once again staring at her photo. She looked up and finally said,
"Let me tell you about my parents. They’d never been there for me. Never cared about me much. I already told you that. It always had benn very cold in that house."
She broke off and watched me closely.
"You’re serious?", I asked, "But they’re your parents..."
"Mhm...", she interrupted me, "I don’t know, why I want to find out, whether it is them... I don’t get it myself... Let me paint you a picture about my mother, for instance. In the sixteen years I lived there, there must have been 1000 maids and none of them could stick it out. I mean, these were women from countries that have dictatorships and civil wars and death squads and all of that they survived, but five minutes working for Emily Gilmore and people are begging for Castro AND Stalin. That’s how my mom is."
I just looked at her and said nothing. I didn’t know what I should say or do. Obviously, she had been very rich, I mean, they had maids. Then, another thought occurred to me and I could kick myself for not noticing it earlier. She said sixteen years, but what then, was about the rest of her life? I opened my mouth and immediately closed it again, because Lorelai spoke again.
"See, I kinda was relieved, too, as I could left them, but sometimes I think I shouldn’t have... considering what happened afterwards but I don’t wanna talk about that now...", she broke off.
I sighed disappointed but then I collected myself and said,
"That’s okay. Don’t worry. So... what can I do for you?"
She looked me in the eyes. And again, there was a sinking sensation in my stomach. A Phil Collins song occurred to me, You with the said eyes, don’t be discouraged...
I tried to focus again and at this moment, Lorelai began to speak again.
"I know this is a heavy load for somebody, who doesn’t know me, but I couldn’t think of another person to do it. I think you are a caring person and a Arnie strong-like... I would really appreciate it...", she broke off again and looked at me closely
"Luke, could you... could you...", she stuttered.
I tried to smile a little to encourage her, then I said softly,
"Could I do what?"
She breathed deeply, obviously fighting to pluck up her courage, then she whispered,
"Could you maybe call the number at the back of that", she pointed at the milk pack, "To help me with my parents?"
Beiträge: 1.052
Themen: 10
Registriert seit: 02.04.2006
sooo ich bin jetzt seit 28 stunden durchgehend wach, also erwarte bitte kein vernünftiges FB von mir.
Ich kann nur sagen, dass mir der Teil wirklich SEHR SEHR gut gefallen hat!
und achja:
Zitat:A Phil Collins song occurred to me, You with the said eyes, donât be discouraged...
yaaaaaaaaaaay einer meiner liebsten lieblingssongs!!!
you with the sad eyes, don't be discouraged oh i realize, it's hard to take courage. In a world full of people you can lose sight of it
And the darkness inside you makes you feel so small.
But I see your true colors shining through. I see your true colors, and that's why I love you. So don't be afraid to let them show-
Your true colors, true colors. Beautiful, like a rainbow
awww ich könnte dir den ganzen Songtext hier auswendig aufschreiben, so sehr liebe ich den song
für mehr worte bin ich zu müde ^^
ganz liebe grüÃe :knuddel:
Edward: "You're the most important thing to me now. The most important thing to me ever."
♥ Bella&Edward ♥