When it comes to Love it's all a bit Grey [MerDer AU FF]

Die Charaktere triffst du meiner Meinung nach nicht und klitzekleines bisschen, du triffst sie total toll!! Besonders Christina, aber auch Izzie


Katieeeeeeeeeee![Bild: a010.gif]
Hah, ich hab's geschafft alle teile nachzulesen! I'm still ardent! Die alternate universe idee ist total supi und das Mer eine Schauspielerin ist und Der Rockstar. Klasse! Und das mit dem Autogramm war sooo toll. Meine erste englische FF übrigends. War vorher zu faul eine anzufangen^^ Hier hat die neugier gesiegt Smile
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Du machst es soo spannend, ob die beiden sich kriegen...Und addiiiiii kommt auch drin vor *freu*
Bin schon gespannt aufs nächste Kapitel Smile

Tolle FF!
[Bild: h020.gif]

KatieSmock schrieb:Die Charaktere triffst du meiner Meinung nach nicht und klitzekleines bisschen, du triffst sie total toll!! Besonders Christina, aber auch Izzie


Gunniiiiii [Bild: 0e63c8965a2cb5a845965ce4d10b64de.gif] !!

Scheen, dass du dir die Mühe gemacht und alles nachgelesen hast <3

Zitat:Meine erste englische FF übrigends. War vorher zu faul eine anzufangen^^ Hier hat die neugier gesiegt Smile

I'm proud. I'm like a proud mama. [Bild: 5071ec83d2f1add7595a992e825f2300.gif]

Und wegen dem fantastiggerischem FB gibt's jetzt das nächste Update Big Grin .

I hope you'll like it.

Meredith’s dress

Meredith, Izzie, Addison and Cristina finally arrived at the Santa Monica Civic Auditorium at 8:00. George had wanted to accompany them as well but he had received a last-minute assignment from his agency so he would join them later in the evening.
Somehow they managed to rush over the Red Carpet in record time and once inside the building they were given an enthusiastic reception by a small… chubby… almost bald-headed man, probably in his late fifties.

“Aah, Ms Grey, what a pleasure, what a pleasure!” he squeaked in an unnatural high voice, and reached for her hand. “Allow me to introduce myself… Stu Davis… organizer of the concert… Mr Shepherd asked me to show you your seats personally… Very bounteous donator, Mr Shepherd…” He did something that almost looked like a bow and did a welcoming gesture. “If you’d like to follow me, Ms Grey, and your friends, of course, of course…” He started to scurry towards the hall and at last stopped at a table right in front of the stage. “I hope we will be able to give you full satisfaction, Ms Grey.”

“I’m sure you will.” Meredith gave him an adorable smile. “Thank you very much, Mr Davis.”

His ears turned scarlet which looked pretty comical together with his half-bald head. “Please, call me Stu. Just Stu.”

“Alright, Stu. Thanks anyway.” They shook hands and Stu again did that almost bowing thing.

“You are welcome, Ms Grey.” he squeaked. “Enjoy the evening, ladies.” Saying this, he joyfully scampered away.

Song playing “Move Along” by The All American Rejects

Go ahead as you waste your days with thinking
When you fall everyone sins
Another day and you've had your fill of sinking
With the life held in your
Hands are shaking cold
These hands are meant to hold

They sat down at the table… listening to the various speeches and performances on the stage in front of them. Meredith slightly swayed her head to the music. She really enjoyed her time and as it seemed… so did the others. Izzie and Addison were singing along the lyrics, at the top of their lungs, while Cristina drummed her fingers to the rhythm on the table.

Speak to me, when all you got to keep is strong
Move along, move along like I know you do
And even when your hope is gone
Move along, move along just to make it through
Move along
Move along

She has not felt that light-hearted for a very long time. Not since Gary… Well, she actually couldn’t remember that she had felt that way in the last weeks of their relationship, either. She had already been pretty worn out before she’d realized he’d cheated on her…

So a day when you've lost yourself completely
Could be a night when your life ends
Such a heart that will lead you to deceiving
All the pain held in your
Hands are shaking cold
Your hands are mine to hold

Cheated. Meredith waited for the familiar feeling of nausea to take possession of her… waited for her eyes to fill with tears… waited for the salty taste when the tears would reach her lips… but nothing happened. A smile flashed over her face…

Speak to me, when all you got to keep is strong
Move along, move along like I know you do
And even when your hope is gone
Move along, move along just to make it through
Move along
(Go on, go on, go on, go on)

When everything is wrong we move along
(Go on, go on, go on, go on)
When everything is wrong, we move along
Along, along, along

She would move along. She felt it was right. It would still take her a while to recover completely… but she would move along… step by step… She would do baby steps… but she would move along at last.

When all you got to keep is strong
Move along, move along like I know you do
And even when your hope is gone
Move along, move along just to make it through

She caught herself peering around for Derek. He was probably still backstage. She consulted her watch… 8:53… it couldn’t take long anymore. She imagined him standing somewhere behind the stage… excited… adrenaline shooting through his veins… waiting for the moderator to announce them.
Meredith ignored the strengthening bump bump, bump bump, bump bump of her heart and took a sip of her champagne…

Baby steps, she thought.

Move along
(Go on, go on, go on, go on)
Right back what is wrong
We move along

When the last sound of the song faded away, amid the applause of the crowd, the band bowed their thanks and eventually withdrew behind the curtain. The moderator, a quite young, blond man in a brown suit, stepped on the stage, turning towards the audience.

“Ladies and Gentlemen… well… especially the ladies I might say… sorry but there will be no time for recovering… please welcome our next guests for tonight…” By saying that, he vanished and let the band enter the stage.

"i believe that we can be extraordinary together... rather than ordinary apart."

Aww, wieder ein schöner Teil! <333

Aber bevor es zum fb kommt, muss ich vorher noch was sagen: Ich liebe deinen Schreibstil! Einerseits schreibst du witzig, andererseits wieder emotional/einfühlsam und mal wieder traurig, es passt einfach Big Grin
Also your english is really perfect <3

So, dann noch zum fb über den neuen Teil:
WunderWunderschönes Kleid <3 ich stell mir Mer grad da drinnen vor, mit gelockten Haaren (kA wieso *g*) und mit ihrem Lächeln <3 cuuuute, seriously!

Stu ist süß, aww! Wie seine Ohren rot wurden, das konnte ich mir wirklich gut vorstellen (wer wird nicht rot, wenn er Mer/Ellen gegenübersteht, und die auch noch "Danke" zu einem sagt :lachSmile.

Besonders Mer's Gefühle hast du toll rübergebracht. Endlich kommt sie über das fiese A****gesicht hinweg (ich hoffe, ich hab das auch richtig verstanden) :koch:

freu mich schon, wenn Derek auf der Bühne steht (und natürlich auch der Rest von Derek and those other gyes - ich liebe diesen Namen :lachSmile *hrhr*
Aber bitte biiiitte lass Addi brav bleiben und nicht böse sein, Derek gehört ja schon Meredith!

Aber, alles in Allem wieder ein toller Teil, schreib weiter! Big Grin

lg, Katie


so bevor ich meine überstandenen klausuren feiere, werde ich noch mal schnell fb geben. denn es könnte gut möglich sein, dass ich es sonst vor morgen abend nicht mehr schaffe.

also das dress....der absolute wahnsinn!!! ich weiß, eigentlich kein fb zur ff, aber das musste ich mal sagen. perfekt ausgesucht.

tja und der auch der rest war super!!!!

tut mir leid, dass es so ein 0-8-15 fb ist diesmal. beim nächsten mal versuche ich es dann wieder besser zu machen.

Sig made by Falling~star
stolzes Mitglied im Rory & Logan Club und in der Life and Death Brigade - Nothing heals me like you do

Toller Teil [Bild: a020.gif]
Erstmal finde ich es gut, dass du Bilder einsetzt, damit man sich das ganze noch besser vorstellen kann. Und das Kleid ist wirklich schön.
Mer ist endlich über Gary hinweg. Wurde ja auch mal zeit, so einer hat so lange nachtrauer gar nicht verdient.

Jetzt ist Platz für Derek:freuu:

Das Chapterhighlight war aber Stu!
Zitat:“Aah, Ms Grey, what a pleasure, what a pleasure!” he squeaked
Das kann ich mir so richtig gut vorstellen.
Freu mich schon auf das nächste Chap


sorry again for my lack of feedback in the past days.. :knuddel:

du weisst, meine strg-tasten gehen nich mehr, also hab ich mir nur mal n paar sachen rausgesucht, die mir aufgefallen sind.. vllt auch n bisschen durcheinander, aber nun ja..

Zitat:Morning, Sleeping Beauty.” said Mark, grinning from ear to ear
awww <3
ich kann mir mark und derek richtig gut vorstellen.. wie du sie so darstellst, so will ich die in zukunft auch in der serie haben.. Wink
Show Content

Zitat:Holy! Mir fallen teilweise deutsche Begriffe nicht ein und ich ertappe mich immer wieder selber dabei, dass ich auf Englisch denke.
so gehts mir oft auch so. auch wenn ich englische wörter übersetzen soll.. meist kann ich das gar nich, da mir kein passendes deutsches wort für einfällt :lach:
aber dein englisch is echt gigantisch. ich würd dich auch gern mal reden hören.. holy mother Wink
leute bezeichnen mich ja schon als englisch-pro, was bist du dann?! :lach: klar, du bist schon im lk, ich komme in die 11 aber trotzdem.. ich will auch so gut englisch sprechen/schreiben können wie du ^^

Zitat:“Well, this is me being supportive.” she replied impatiently. “You suck when you have a crush on someone.”
eigtl sollte man da doch besser drauf sein xD

Zitat:“Uhumm! I have a crush on him!” she said proudly.
wie süüüss.. mich würd mal interessieren, wie alt das mädchen war.. wie stellst du sie dir vor, katie?

Zitat:She looked back over her shoulder. “Getting my autograph, silly head!” she yelled back.

“Wait,” Cristina frowned, “no yelling? No crying? Nothing of the things you usually do when you’re… pissed off?”

Meredith shrugged. “Nope.” She stepped onto the moving stairs. “Plus, who says I’m pissed off?”
:lach: :lach:

wie schon gesagt, du hast ne tolle schrift.

Zitat:“Maybe you should just go naked then.” Izzie giggled. “I bet your horny rock star would be okay with that.”
ohh i bet he would :pfeif:

vor allem wie fertig derek is, hammer. in irgendeinem chap hiess es doch, er hätte ein grosses ego und ihm würde es doch am popo vorbeigehen, wenn er mal n korb kriegen würde, oder? [oder träum ich?]
eigtl könnte es ihm auch. da verbringt er gerade mal ein paar stunden mit meredith und schon is er so fertig, macht sich n kopf darum usw.. meredith, his big love <3 ^^

Zitat:Maybe she would boast herself in front of her friends about stepping on Derek Shepherd’s left foot. But maybe it was accidental and she was embarrassed about stepping on Derek Shepherd’s left foot.
ich liebe deinen schreibstil. manchmal setzt du zu viele punkte für meinen geschmack - "she was. freaky. holy. crap.". kA :lach: irgendwie sowas. is ein beispiel aus meinen fingenr gesogen aber ich hoffe, du weisst, was ich mein Wink
aber allgemein find ich deinen schreibstil total klasse =)


Sure he's an asshole... Sure he's dead... Sure I'm just imagining that he's talking. None of that stops the bastard from being absolutely right.

Erstmal... ich kann mich gar nicht genug für euer FB bedanken <33

Sorry, dass das Re-FB heute so kurz und unpersönlich ausfällt, aber mir gehts momentan nicht so gut, hab mir wohl irgendeinen Magenvirus eingefangen... Sad .

Aber ich wollte heute auf jeden Fall noch updaten [ich wollts eigentlich gestern schon :o ]

Nächstes Mal gibts dann hoffentlich wieder mehr von mir Wink Aber nun...

... enjoy!

Derek’s blazer

He noticed her as soon as he walked onto the stage. She was sitting right in front of him. For a moment he forgot to breathe… mesmerized by her beauty… The dress looked spectacular on her. Her hair was pinned up in the back… some soft curly strands dangled around her gorgeous face…

She met his stare and got lost in a sea of blue… her body grow tense… the feeling of his eyes digging into hers sent chills up and down her spine… she took a deep breath… and then another… and another… forcing her trembling body to slow down.
The music began to play…

Song Derek is singing “You and Me” by Lifehouse

What day is it? And in what month?
This clock never seemed so alive
I can't keep up and I can't back down
I've been losing so much time

Cause it's you and me and all of the people with nothing to do
Nothing to lose
And it's you and me and all of the people
And I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off of you

Meredith watched the way he played the guitar… his long, masculine fingers brushed tenderly over the chords… like a feather… charming sounds out of them that dug their ways into her ears… her soul… her heart…

All of the things that I want to say just aren't coming out right
I'm tripping on words
You've got my head spinning
I don't know where to go from here

Cause it's you and me and all of the people with nothing to do
Nothing to prove
And it's you and me and all of the people
And I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off of you

Derek was in the song with all his heart and soul… he has performed it a couple of times before… but now… he knew he performed it for one special person…

There's something about you now
I can't quite figure out
Everything she does is beautiful
Everything she does is right

Cause it's you and me and all of the people with nothing to do
Nothing to lose
And it's you and me and all of the people
And I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off of you
and me and all of the people with nothing to do
Nothing to prove
And it's you and me and all of the people
And I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off of you

While he was singing, he gave her a brief smile… yet it expressed everything he felt at the moment… though none of them could call it by name… not yet… they would… sometime… soonish…

What day is it?
And in what month?
This clock never seemed so alive

A hurricane of applause filled the entire room but for Meredith it was just a sound as from far away.
She had not realized that she was crying until the tears met her lips… she softly touched them with her fingertips… it wasn’t pain or her broken heart… it had nothing to do with Gary… it was just the fact that she was completely… overwhelmed… with emotions… and didn’t know how to handle them.
She turned her face away to hide her emotions from her friends… but too late.

“Uhm, Mer? You’re crying.” And again, the words came from Cristina’s lips as if crying was the most natural thing one could do in a moment like this. When you are tired, you sleep. When you are hungry, you eat. When you get a song performed by a sexy rock star with damn fine hair, you cry. It’s as simple as that.

“Yeah, I noticed that, thank you.” Meredith sobbed uncontrollably. Izzie offered her a handkerchief, exchanging clueless glances with Addison and Cristina.

“Mer, seriously… this may not be your taste of music but c’mon, the song wasn’t that horrible, was it?” said Izzie and patted her back encouragingly, but it just made things worse.

“Noo… it’s just…” Sob. “He’s so…” Sob. “And I’m just…” Sob. “I’m taking baby steps…” she hiccoughed and rubbed her puffy, tear-stained eyes.

“Baby steps? Please, you wear size 8 shoes, Mer.” replied Cristina in her usual sarcasm, yet smirking at Meredith who now gave her the evil eye.

“You are a bad person… a fake person… I think I should fire you!”

Meredith pouted during the rest of the concert, eagerly avoiding eye contact with Cristina.
It was not the fact that she had had an emotional outburst that upset her… it was more the fact that she had had an emotional outburst in front of her friends that upset her… The plan was to pretend everything was fine. Fine, fine, fine. Meredith fine, but fine. She had felt the change before. She had felt that everything was about to get fine again. And now, she had exposed too much too soon. She had been emotionally slutty. Which sucked. She hated to be an open book for the people around her.

When the last act for the night had thanked the audience for their applause, the moderator re-entered the stage with a huge… goofy smile.

“Well, the official part of the concert is left behind now so I guess it’s time for a little surprise.” His smile turned even more stupid at the second and obviously he really looked forward to announce whatever ‘little surprise’ was waiting for them. “We’d organized a little auction… a special one though…” he said with a wink and then raised his voice. “Gentlemen, would you please enter the stage?”

P.S: Achso, was ich schon vor ein paar Tagen sagen wollte... sollte jemand an einem Song, der in der FF vorkommt, interessiert sein... kurze PN an mich Big Grin

"i believe that we can be extraordinary together... rather than ordinary apart."

:freuu:ein neuer part!!!!!!

bevor ich mit dem eigentlich FB angfange.....
ich liebe you and me einfach total! das ist so ein klasse song.

so, nun zum FB:

Zitat:She had not realized that she was crying until the tears met her lips… she softly touched them with her fingertips… it wasn’t pain or her broken heart… it had nothing to do with Gary… it was just the fact that she was completely… overwhelmed… with emotions… and didn’t know how to handle them.
oh, ich könnte direkt anfangen zu weinen. :heul:das hast du so unglaubich schön geschrieben. da kann man direkt mitfühlen.

Zitat:And again, the words came from Cristina’s lips as if crying was the most natural thing one could do in a moment like this. When you are tired, you sleep. When you are hungry, you eat. When you get a song performed by a sexy rock star with damn fine hair, you cry. It’s as simple as that.
auch richtig, richtig schön geschrieben. du hast wirklich talent!!!!!!!!

schreib ganz schnell weiter.

deine ally

Sig made by Falling~star
stolzes Mitglied im Rory & Logan Club und in der Life and Death Brigade - Nothing heals me like you do

Ein neuer Teil!:freuu:

Und was für einer! Aww..Derek hat "You and me" nur für Mer gesungen. Übrigends, tolle Songauswahl, alles passt!
Ansonsten, wieder sehr schön geschrieben und ich bin echt gespannt, wie das alles weitergeht.


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