Back where I belong

Also ... ich hatte ja mal angekündigt, dass ich meine englische FF übersetzen und dann hier ins Forum stellen werde. Allerdings komme ich einfach nicht zum übersezen und da dachte ich mir, ich könnte sie ja trotzdem mal hier einstellen.

Titel: Back where I belong
Autor : das wär dann wohl ich
Genre : hmm ... bis jetzt zum großteil vermutlich romance - gespickt mit Stars Hollow
Pairing : PDLD (Punch drunk love duo)9, also Finn/Rory
Raiting : kann meiner Meinung nach jeder lesen
Disclaimer : Mir gehören werder die Gilmore Girls, noch Stars Hollow oder sonst irgendwas außer der Idee. Ich werd damit auch kein Geld verdienen.
Sonstige Bemerkungen/Spoilerwarnung: Spoiler sind keine drin, da die Serie ja zu Ende ist. Ansonsten wäre nur noch zu erwähnen, dass die FF eben auf englisch geschrieben ist.

So, und nun auf zur Story ...

[Bild: 2jkwcv.jpg]

Back where I belong


As he opened the door to his apartment he was greeted by quietness. It was unusual. Normally his wife would come out of the kitchen and greet him smiling. She would have cooked something and they would have had dinner together.
This time it was completely quiet in their whole home.
“Ace? I’m home honey, where are you?” He looked into the kitchen and the bedroom, but there was no sight of her. Getting worried he looked in his office, the last room. There, on his desk, were two things:
One was a picture, cut in two halves; the other was a letter, written by his wife. He took it and began to read:

You said you loved me, you said that I make you happy.
But you cheated on me and hurt me over and over again.
By the time you read this, I will be back to where I belong.
I’m not going to take it anymore!

For a moment he stood completely still, even forgot how to breathe. She left him? Then he finally looked at the two halves of the picture, lying on his desk. It was their wedding picture …


Slowly she drove through the streets of her hometown. It seemed as nothing had changed in the five years she hadn’t been here. It was all the same, the gazebo, Luke’s, the houses, the people she had known her whole life. Miss Patty looked at her and then pointed at her car, saying something to Babette. She pulled up in front of her house. No, it wasn’t hers anymore. Her mom lived here with her husband Luke, she went away with Logan!
She got out of the car and slowly walked to the door. She knocked and waited, nervous what would happen now. Lorelai opened the door, looking into the house and obviously speaking with her best friend Sookie. As she looked at Rory, she went quiet.
“Rory?” was the only thing she said.
“Hey mom …”
“What are you doing here?”
“I’m back home …”


So, das ist erstmal recht kurz, ich weiß, aber es sind ja schon 17 Chapter der FF fertig, also werde ich schnell weiter posten können, wenn sich jemand dafür interessiert.

Ich hoffe, ich bekomme ein paar Kommis, auch wenn es auf englisch ist.

LG, Susu Smile


"The truth is rarely pure and never simple."
Oscar Wilde

Ich hab mir extrem schwer getan deine FF zu lesen (bin nicht all zu gut in Englisch) Aber das was ich verstanden hab ist gut,... nächster Teil büdde (vl auch mal was auf deutsch) =) LG

Liebe kann alles überwinden, das ist wahre Liebe!

hi du!
Also mir gefällt es wirklich gut. einfach klasse.
mein englsich rostet seit ich diese dumme Lehrerin habe, aber gott sei danke hatte ich in den ersten 4 jahren so eine tolle professorin, dass ich alles einfach verstehen konnte.
Mich stört es gar nich auf Englsich zu lesen. Big Grin ich freue mich eher.
Pairing : PDLD (Punch drunk love duo)9, also Finn/Rory - da musst ich erst mal lachen und ich freue mich schon drauf. =)
Zitat:You said you loved me, you said that I make you happy.
But you cheated on me and hurt me over and over again.

By the time you read this, I will be back to where I belong.
I’m not going to take it anymore!
hat logan sie betrogen oder was ist passiert? es ist echt dramatisch. *hehe* und dann noch das zerissene Hochzeitsfoto. - schnief. aber wir werden sicher noch mehr erfahren, was passiert ist oder?
Sie war so lange nicht mehr in Stars hOllow? omg. warum das? *gg* “I’m back home …” das trifft es. ^^
wirklich guter Anfang - ich will mehr - bitte *lieb schau*


Interessanter Anfang!Smile Bin schon gespannt wies weiter geht! Mehr kann ich glaub ich nach dem ersten Teil noch nicht sagen!
Ich finds super das die FF auf englisch ist! So komm ich dazu mein Englisch vielleicht ein bisschen warm zu halten. (Über die Sommerferien wirds sonst eh wieder einrosten...Rolleyes)

Schönen Sonntag noch!
LG eve94

Nutze den Tag, sonst tut es ein anderer!Wink

Der Anfang ist echt super. Macht neugierig auf mehr Wink
Obwohl es auf Englisch ist, habe ich alles verstanden Smile

ai, gefällt mir sehr.
eine weitere ff auf english <3 wunderbar.
dein stil ist gut, nur war der prolog recht kurz. aber da du ja selbst angemerkt hast, dass er kurz war, hoffe ich auf weitere längere chapter.
ich bleib auf jeden fall dabei. allein weil es PDLD ist <3
an lit kommt es nicht ran, aber grade weil PDLD nicht sooo häufig ist find ich es toll :]
mach weiter so.
alles liebe contigo Heart

Aww, mal was neues.
Du hast einen schönen Schreibstil und verwendest einfaches Englisch *daumenhoch*
Etwas kurz, aber das weißt du jah Big Grin
Ansonsten gibts noch nicht viel zu sagen...
-> Luke & Lorelai haben geheiratet :groove:
-> Rory verlässt Logan :groove:

btw: freu mich schon auf das Pairing, hört sich schon lustig an

She's the emerald queen of desaster.

Hui <3 wow, super Stil, klasse Idee und ein interessantes Pairing was will man noch mehr? Ach ja Englisch xD
Hat mir super gut gefallen und ich freu mich schon auf den nächsten Teil!
Bis denne, RoGirl

07.08.08- Endlich <3 Meine Gilmore Girls-Sammlung
ist komplett :groove:

Super Teil!
Eine neue "Herausforderung" mal eine Ff auf englisch zu lesen, aber bei diesem Pairing wird es sich ja lohnenWink
Ich freu mich auch schon auf den nächsten Teil.
Lg, Elli

Hey! Smile
Danke für die lieben Reviews.
Freu mich, dass ihr interessiert seit. Und wo ich schon hier bin, schieb ich gleich mal Chapter 1 nach.

Home again

„What about Logan? “ It seemed as if Lorelai didn’t trust Rory’s words. It was really unbelievable to see her daughter standing in front of her door now, after five years of no contact.
“I left him, mom!” Now a smile spread across Lorelai’s face and she hugged her daughter crying: “You’re back! You’re back! I’m so happy! What happened?”
“That’s a long story. But I think I made my final decision last Friday …”


“We all are waiting for you. Logan’s really excited. He thinks you are finally pregnant, kitten.” Finn looked at her. He knew she wasn’t pregnant.
“How could I be, Finn?” She hugged him. He had become her best friend in the past five years. He was also the only person knowing that she was on birth control. She really wanted a baby, but Logan wasn’t the right father. They stayed close for a moment, Finn’s arms around Rory. Then she began to mumble something into his chest.
“I know you don’t want to, but to say something to me, you should let go of me, love.” She smiled and then looked up at him, her face serious again.
“I think I don’t love him anymore.”
“You don’t love him? Ror, he is your husband!”
“Who has cheated on me and hurt me almost all the time we were together.”
“I know, but if you leave him you’ll leave me too. I don’t want to loose you!”
“You won’t loose me Finn. You will always be in my life, you’re my best friend. But I haven’t spoken to my mom ore anyone from Stars Hollow for five years. They were my family and I just left them behind. I need to fix things with them and I don’t want to be with Logan anymore. I want to be Rory Gilmore and not Lorelai Leigh Gilmore-Huntzberger.”
He hugged her again and then locked eyes with her.
“Your eyes …” he murmured.
“What’s with them Finn?”
“They sparkle again. You lost this sparkle quite a long time ago …” She smiled up at him. He smiled back and then said: “Alrighty let’s go outside!”

End Flashback

“… That was the moment I decided I had to come back.”
“I’m glad you did this. I missed you terribly! But Finn? That was the Australian, right? He has become your best friend?”
“Yes, mom. He got older and more mature through these years. He isn’t just a player or a alcoholic anymore. He is really nice and –” She was interrupted by Miss Patty and Babette. The two women came into the house and hugged her immediately.
“Rory, my dear, you are back! It’s nice to see you after all these years!”
“Does Luke already know? He will be so happy! Lane will flip when she finds out –” Again there was an interruption. This time it was Rory’s cell phone. They all could her “Land down under” play. Rory smiled as she flipped the cell open.
“Hey Finny!”
“I hate you, kitten!”
“What?! Why?”
“Logan just told me you left! I understand, that you haven’t said goodbye to him. But you could say it to me! How am I supposed to be your best friend, when you don’t tell me if you leave?”
“Hey! Calm down, I’m okay! I’m sorry I didn’t say goodbye, really. I just had to do it. And you are my best friend! And I haven’t left. I thought you could help me with finding a new place to stay and a job. And please tell Colin, I will call him during the week before you leave. And calm Steph down, she’s pregnant and shouldn’t worry. Will you come here?”
She heard him laugh.
“I will be there tomorrow afternoon. And I’ll tell Colin. I’m sure he’ll help you with this thing. Please say hello to Lorelai and Luke from me. Bye, love!”
“Wait! You forgot –”
“Right! And say hello to these crazy women named Babette and Miss Patty! I will never forget that! They really hurt me!”
“Sure! Bye, love you!”

As she looked up after the call she was greeted by three pairs of curious eyes. She smiled.
“He asked me to say hello to you three. And he said, he’ll never forget you two!” She pointed at Babette and Miss Patty.
“Who was it darling? Finn was the hot Australian friend of yours, right?”
“That’s the one. He’ll come here tomorrow afternoon to help me. And I’m sure he will be happy to see you!”
“Let’s go to Luke!” Lorelai suggested and Rory agreed smiling. She really had missed this place.

As they walked into the diner Luke nearly dropped the coffeepot he was holding.
“Hey Luke!” She smiled at him and sat down on a table as if she never had been away.
“She’s back, Luke! We need to celebrate!”
“Okay, everything you two want. I’m not going to complain. I’m happy you’re back Rory!”

The rest of the day went like this. Lane flipped like Miss Patty said and as Rory fell asleep in her old bed this night, after the movie night she had with her mother, she thought that she hadn’t been so happy in what seemed like forever…

Würd mich über weiteres Fb und auch gerne noch über weitere Leser freuen.


"The truth is rarely pure and never simple."
Oscar Wilde

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