Back where I belong

Noch ein toller Teil!
Rory und Finn sind ja richtig gut befreundet. Finn kommt natürlich gleich nach Stars Hollow um Rory zu helfen...
Schön, dass alle sich so freuen sie zu sehen, obwohl sie solange nicht mehr sich bei ihnen gemeldet hatte
Ich bin gespannt, wie es weiter geht.
Lg, Elli

Ich mein, nicht dass Logan sie betrogen und verletzt hat. Sondern, dass du so wunderbar witzig und in leichtem englisch beschreibst, wie gut es ihr wieder zu Hause geht! ich liebe Miss Patty und Babette! Sie sind einfach zwei geniale Charaktere!! Und Finn kommt!!!!!!!!!!! Juchu!!!!!!!!!!! Das war so witzig wie er alle hat grüßen lassen. und dann das: They really hurt me! :lach::lach:
Soooo super!!
Ich hoffe auf einen baldigen nächsten Teil! (du tust meinen Englischkünsten sicher gut!! mein Englischlehrer wäre begeistert... trotzdem schreib ich mein FB auch weiterhin auf deutsch!...Big Grin )

Schönen Abend noch!
LG eve94

Nutze den Tag, sonst tut es ein anderer!Wink

Rory denkt, dass sie nie mehr glücklich wird :confused:
Finn ist ja süss Wink
Finde es super, dass er gleich nach Stars Hollow kommen will um ihr zu helfen.
Miss Patty und Babette sind ja goldig Big Grin
Freu mich schon auf deinen nächsten Teil!

WOW klase teil aber ich kann nicht so gut Englisch deswegen verstehe ich vieles nicht!! Kannst du nicht eine englische und eine Deutsche machen wäre bestimmt mal was anders!!

Aber sonst klasse


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Mein Rory und Logan Video :

Super Teil!! *lob*
Finn ist wirklich total lieb zu rory und wie sagt, er hat sich verändert. Wink
Ach sie ist wieder in Stars hollow :herz: bei ihrer Mom. =)
Finn kommt also auch noch.
ich will mehr!!!!!!!!!!!


Hey das ging ja fix mit dem neuen Teil!
Und dann noch so ein toller xD Es ist so schön, dass Rory wieder heim is Smile War klar das die auch gleich einen Viedeoabend machen <3
Ich freu mich schon auf den nächsten Teil!
Glg, RoGirl

07.08.08- Endlich <3 Meine Gilmore Girls-Sammlung
ist komplett :groove:

ui, schöner teil.
allerdings fand ich persönlich, dass es etwas schnell ging. rory kommt zu lore, erzählt ihr die geschichte, plötzlich sind babette und patty da und finn ruft an und dann zu luke. also ich hätte mir eine andere reaktion erwartet, zum beispiel von luke. ich hoffe du weißt was ich meine ;]
sonst fand ich das telefonat gut :gg:
und ich bin wirklich gespannt wie sich weiter alles entwickelt Smile

Thx! Ich freu mich jedesmal, wenn ich so positive reviews kriege. Smile :p

Und nun weiter mit dem zweiten Chappy:

Starting life like she wanted it to be

When Finn ended the phone call Stephanie tried to get up and asked him what happened. Colin looked at her worried. His wife was seven month pregnant and he didn’t want her to loose their baby. Finn looked at them, a smile spreading across his face. He was happy, that Rory finally left Logan. He never made her happy. No, he preferred to fool around with his secretaries and hurt her. There were too many times when she cried herself to sleep in his arms – and every time it was about Logan. Sometimes it was so bad that he desperately wanted to hurt his very good friend for doing this to her, but he couldn’t. So he just tried to calm her down. But now she was back to where she belonged. She was back to Stars Hollow and - most important – really happy! He started to tell his friends what happened.

Rory was about to go to Luke’s when she heard a car pull up and looked up. A huge smile spread across her face when he got out. Then she ran towards him and jumped into his arms. With this she almost knocked them to the ground, but Finn could keep their balance and hugged her back. It wasn’t really the welcome he had expected but he was glad that she was like this. In the last years she had always been a society wife – not the girl she was now, again.
“I’m so happy you’re here!”
“You already missed me, huh? Well, when it’s like that love we could find a lonely place somewhere and –”
“Don’t end this sentence Finn! Did you tell Colin?”
“Yeah and he said he would help you, after I told them the full story.”
”You didn’t do that?! What about Steph?” She started to panic about her friend.
“She’s fine Ror! She said she wants to visit you when the baby is there.”
They were still being in this happy hug, when Babette came up behind Finn and pinched his butt.
“Ah, Patty was right – still delicious! Nice to see you again Finn. “ He just smiled at the woman’s antics – he had somehow missed this little town and its crazy people.

Only five minutes later they sat down on a table in the diner, where Lorelai was waiting for them. She smiled at them and then eyed Finn.
“Hey Aussie-boy how is it going? I knew you would come here, but not that fast.”
“It’s nice to see you too, Lorelai. And I told Ror that I would be here this afternoon. How have you been?”
“Well let’s see: I married Luke, I live with Luke, Taylor makes everyone go crazy, your blond friend stole my child, Paul Anka discovered his fetish for my dark magenta dress – he steals it away from me every time he can – and so on. I think I’ve been good, except of the part with my stolen daughter.” Finn looked down. He felt a little guilty for not doing anything about it since now. He knew it wasn’t his fault, that Rory didn’t go back before. But then again she just needed someone to tell her it was the right thing to do, what he never did. His thoughts were interrupted by his cell phone.
“Hello?” he asked and ignored the look that Luke shot him.
Damn Finn! Where are you?” It was Logan.
“Well, mate ...” He didn’t really know what to say to his friend.
Colin doesn’t want to help me with the divorce. You should be here and help me convincing him!
“Is Colin there? Put him on the phone, okay?” Finn handed his phone to Rory. She understood and stood up to go outside the diner and talk to Colin.

What do you want from me Finn? I thought we agreed to help Rory dealing with this whole mess.
“Hey Colin. It’s me, Rory.” Her voice was quiet.
Ror? How are you holding up Hon’?” She smiled at the nickname. Finn and Colin had long time ago begun to call her nicknames like love, kitten, Ror, reporter girl or honey. Most of them were actually from Finn. First she tried to get them to stop it, but she got used to it with the time. It showed her how much they really cared about her.
“I’m good. Better than most of the last years actually. How is Steph? Finn said she is fine, but I don’t really trust him with that.”
She was really worried when you disappeared. But now she is fine, she actually can’t wait till the baby is there, so we can visit you.
“Good … So, are you going to help me with the divorce?”
Of course, Ror! I think, even if I didn’t want to Steph would make me. We will speak again later this week, okay? At the moment Huntz looks like he’s going to kill me very soon!
Rory closed the phone and went back into the diner, giving it back to its owner. It was good to know, that she had friends who helped her with the mess created by her soon-to-be-ex-husband. She happily chatted with her mom and Finn, basically catching up about the last five years. This night she fell asleep in Finn’s arms – the first time without crying. He wanted to sleep on the couch, but she had insisted on sharing a bed with him. They had agreed on beginning to search for a job and a home for her tomorrow. She planned on convincing Finn to stay with her – he worked from home so this would be no problem – and she wouldn’t be alone. This was the start for a live like she wanted it to be.


"The truth is rarely pure and never simple."
Oscar Wilde

Colin ist mit Stephanie verheiratet und sie ist schwanger von ihm :confused:
Colin und Finn sind ja in deiner FF total vernünftig Wink
Cool, dass sich alle in Stars Hollow gut mit Finn verstehen.
Ganz Stars Hollow wird begeistert sein, wenn die beiden zusammenkommen Big Grin
Nur weiter so Smile

Ach ich bin so von der FF begeistert.
Als Lorelai erzählt was sie so erlebt hat in den letzten Jahren :lach: das passt wirklich zu ihr. ^^
colin und Finn sind einfach klasse in der FF (ich mochte sie ja scho immer) aber in der FF sind lieber und die Spitznamen, einfach toll.
Colin wird Vater? ui das wird super Big Grin
Vorallem der letzte Absatz hat es mir angetan. =) This was the start for a live like she wanted it to be. einfach großartig.
ich bin gespannt auf mehr - schnell weiter.
lg anja


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