Back where I belong

Wiedermal ein toller Teil! (Ich versteh immer noch alles! Cooool!!!Big Grin)

Steph und Colin sind zusammen, Steph is schwanger, Finn ist bei Rory. Finn und Colin wollen Rory helfen (die beiden sind wirklich erstaunlich vernünftig!Wink) und Babette begrüßt Finn!
Also einfach ein TOLLES Kapitel!!!

Freu mich schon auf mehr!!!!!!!!!!!!

Schönen Abend noch!
LG eve94

Nutze den Tag, sonst tut es ein anderer!Wink

uh ein ganz ganz schöner teil <3
gefällt mir sehr.
auch die sache mit colin und steph :] und überhaupt finn, sehr vernünftig die beiden ^^
mach weiter so. <3

Toller Teil! Steph und Colin werden Eltern? Big Grin Da darf man ja gespannt sein xD
Klasse, dass Colin und Finn zu Rory stehen!
Ich freue mich schon auf die Fortsetzung <3
Bis denne, RoGirl

07.08.08- Endlich <3 Meine Gilmore Girls-Sammlung
ist komplett :groove:

Hey ihr Süßen!

Ich bin grad so drauf, also geb ich mal Re-FB:

@ katalin - Jap, Steph war bei GG zwar nur eine Episode dabei, aber die beiden sind irgendwie ein gern genutztes Nebenpairing. Und das Baby wird garantiert süß! Stars Hollows Begeisterung hab ich im 18. Chappy, an dem ich gard schreib schon drin Wink

@ JUHUI - Danke, bin immer offen für Komplimente Wink Und Finn und Colin sind nunmal einfach sie, die mussten in meine FF rein - mal abgesehen davon, dass ich PDLD-Fanatiker bin

@ eve94 - Freut mich, dass du keine Verständnisprobs hast Smile Das mit Babette musste einfach rein, in der Serie hat Rory bei Sookies Hochzeit ja gemeint, wenn Patty und Babette trinken, müssten sie Dean verstecken. Ich will net wissen, was sie dann zu Finn gesagt haben/hätten. *g*

@ contigo - Auch bei dir, freut mich - bin immer offen für so ein Lob Wink

@ RoGirl - Um mal was voraus zu nehmen, Colin bekommt einen kleinen Sohn ... Colin musste zu Rory stehen, Finn ja sowieso. Ich mag die beiden einfach zu sehr, als dass ich sie auseinander reißen würde Wink

Und natürlich sind Finn und Colin bei mir auch mal erwachsen geworden, also auch vernünftiger. Ist vielleicht ein bissel schwer vorzustellen wie, aber sie haben es geschafft. Wink *g*

So, und nun zu Chapter Nummer 3:

I can't and won't go to Australia

The next morning she woke up from the delicious smell of the coffee coming from the kitchen. Slowly she moved out of Finn’s arms and entered the kitchen. Lorelai sat at the table enjoying her coffee. She smiled at her daughter when she poured herself a cup and sat down across from where her mother sat. They quietly chatted until Finn came out of Rory’s room and lazily smiled at them. His hair was a mess and he looked half asleep. “Coffee” was the only word coming from him as he sat down with them and put his head on the table. As she saw her mother’s questioning glance, Rory just smiled and got him a cup.
“He may not be the alcoholic he used to be anymore, but he still isn’t used to be up before at least one p.m.” she explained.
“Can’t function” was his mumbled answer. He slowly lifted his head as Rory sat the cup in front of him and looked in two bemused faces of the two Gilmore girls. Again he just mumbled something, this time it wasn’t understandable. Rory smiled at him and then began to talk with her mother again. But Lorelai’s attention was focussed on the Aussie, whose head was on the table yet again.
“Maybe we should take him to a doctor?” she asked finally and a little bit worried, because Finn hadn’t even bothered to move in the last ten minutes. Rory just laughed.
“It’s okay mom, that’s normal. But if you want I can wake him up for you.” When she saw, that her mother still looked a little worried she leaned over and whispered something into his ear. He instantly shot up, a smile spreading across his face.
“Really?” She just broke into laughter.
“No, mom just thought you are ill and was worried about you. I had to wake you up and that was how I knew for sure, that you would wake up.” Lorelai looked from Finn to Rory and back to him.
“What did you tell him?” she asked confused.
“She promised!” Finn pouted a little.
“I didn’t! I told you the first time I’m not going!” she still laughed.
“Yes you did!”
“No I didn’t! I just asked if you were ready to go!”
“Could someone please fill me in?” Lorelai had a frown on her face.
“A few months ago Finn wanted to go to Australia with me. I told him I wouldn’t but he keeps bothering me with it. I just asked him, if he was ready to go to Sydney.”
“That’s mean! Now I will just go alone, right now!”
“No you won’t!”
“Yes I will!”
“Alright children, stop it! And now my lovely daughter: You can go to Australia with an extremely hot guy and you don’t run to the plane? I’m ashamed of you! You should totally go! Oh, and learn to surf when you’re there!”
“Mom! I have to get divorced and find a job at the moment! I can’t and I won’t go to Australia right now!”
“Oh come on, daughter of mine. I mean Australia with a hot Aussie, how can you not go?”
“I can take you, Lorelai!” Finn jumped in. Both Gilmore girls looked at him surprised. Rory however was a little bit angry at herself, that she brought it up again. She should have known where it would end. They’ve had this conversation a few times now and still she hadn’t agreed to it. Now her mother wanted her to go, too. Well, at least Finn was awake now.
“No one’s going to Australia, Finn. I have an apartment to find and a marriage to divorce, vacation can come after that. And now I’m hungry, let’s go to Luke’s!” With that she stood up and waited until the other two followed.

The rest of the day Finn and Rory searched for an apartment big enough for the two of them – Finn had agreed to stay with her, for a while at least – and near to Stars Hollow, so Rory could visit her mom often and make up the last years. During this day Miss Patty came over and invited them to her show for the evening, an invitation the happily accepted. Colin called, like he promised the day before, and told them about how Stephanie had to keep Logan away from him after he talked to her. Logan, obviously upset, left short after that muttering something about Rory stealing his friends away from him. After that Rory felt a little bad. He was right, she somehow stole his friends. Colin and Stephanie were loyal to her and promised to help her and Finn had been there for her the whole time. Yeah, she stole his friends, but she didn’t mean to. They didn’t have to do this, when they wanted to stay with Logan. She told Finn this, but he just hugged her gently and said, that they knew exactly what they wanted to do and that was helping her. After that they just continued to search.

“Are you ready, kitten?” Finn knocked on the door to her bedroom, where she got ready for the evening at Miss Patty’s. She looked at herself one last time. She wore a denim skirt, brown knee high boots and a fitting brown shirt. She then got out of her room smiled at him and linked his arm with hers. This
was going to be a great night!


Ach ja, wenn einer von euch möchte, kann ich ihn bei jedem neuen Teil per PN benachrichtigen. Einfach Bescheid geben Smile


"The truth is rarely pure and never simple."
Oscar Wilde

Nein, schon gut. Ich habe das Thema abonniert, da werde ich automatisch informiert.
Patty macht mal wieder eine Veranstaltung Smile
Finn wollte das Rory mit ihm nach Australien geht, aber sie wollte nicht :confused:
Stell bitte schnell weiter online Wink
Wie viele Kapitel hat deine FF eigentlich?

ja Komplimente kann man nie genug hören. ^^
ich kann mich gerne wiederholen Big Grin klasse FF und mein Englisch trainiert es auch.
finn will, dass Rory nach Australien geht??? wenn sie nicht will - ich komme gerne mit. ^^ Wie Lorelai sagt. ^^ with an extremely hot guy =)
so und jetzt bin ich mal gespannt wie der abend verläuft. *gg*
ich will mehr. ^^ *sucht gefahr* haha
lg anja


Hey! Super Teil!
Ich hab Deine FF auch schon abonniert! xD
Also ich würd auch mit nach Australien gehen Wink Und Lorelai hast Du einfach göttlich getroffen xD "extremely hot guy " Big Grin
Ich bin schon ganz gespannt wie der Abend endet^^
Lg, RoGirl

07.08.08- Endlich <3 Meine Gilmore Girls-Sammlung
ist komplett :groove:

wow toller teil.
lore + rory + finn = :laugh:³²³
finn.. einfach.. wie immer.. finn halt lol
beschreibst sehr gut.
am ende gings mir i-wie zu schnell, aber war ganz gut, mal was anderes
alles liebe Heart contigo

Wieder ein toller Teil!!

Das is doch mal ne Methode jemanden wach zu kriegen! muss ich mir merken!!Big Grin
Aba dass Finn echt geglaubt hat, Rory geht mit ihm nach Australien... Naja, wer weiß was da noch draus wird! (Ok. Du weißt es hoffentlich, und wir hoffentlich bald...Wink)

Und Miss Patty verantaltet eine Show!!!!!!! Juchu!! das klingt schon so richtig nach Chaos und typischem Stars Hollow!!!

So, mehr fällt mir gerade nicht ein! Bin heut voll unkreativ, den ganze Tag schon! Aba das wird schon wieder! (Hoffentlich!:pfeifSmile

Also, toller Teil. und bring uns bald den Nächsten!!!!

Schönen Tag noch!
LG eve94

Nutze den Tag, sonst tut es ein anderer!Wink

So meine Lieben, da bin ich wieder!


@katalin - Tja, sie knickt schon noch ein - glaub mir Wink Bis jetzt sind es 17 und ich arbeite momentan am 18.Chapter

@JUHUI - Sorry, der Platz wurde schon von mir besetzt Big Grin Anyway, freu dich auf Kirks Vorstellung ...

@RoGirl - Danke, Lorelai ist für mich irgendwie immer am schwierigsten zu schreiben, weil sie so überhaupt nicht wie ich ist.

@contigo - Freut mich, dass es dir gefällt. Finn ist eben einfach ein toller Chara Wink

@eve94 - Ich weiß es ... Aber verraten werd ich es nicht *diabolisches Lachen* Nein war nur Spaß, es kommt in ein paar Teilen rein. Ja, Patty's Veranstaltungen mussten einfach rein - die hab ich in der Serie echt gemocht.

So und nun Chapter nummer 5:

You played Ewan McGregor for me

As they entered the dance studio they saw Lorelai waving. Next to her there were two free seats and Luke sat on her other side.
“So … what is this going to be?” Finn asked when they were seated.
“It’s going to be a great show. I think Kirk and Patty herself have prepared something. Kirk is just hilarious, when he dances. Have you ever seen him?” Finn laughed.
“No I haven’t. But when is Kirk not hilarious?”
“Right you are! Rory, you raised him well. He knows the important things and he loves coffee and movies!”
“Well, this is what happens to you, when you are near a Gilmore Girl for too long. When I met her, I never drank coffee, now I can’t function without it.” He made a sad face, as if it was something bad. Lorelai and Rory laughed and Luke just shook his head. He would never understand how they could drink it. Then they focussed their attention on Miss Patty, who just began to announce the first act. The light was dimmed now.
After about two minutes Finn felt Rory lean against his shoulder and he couldn’t help but let his thoughts travel from the show to the girl next to him. They had been very close to each other for the last four years, but he still remembered the day when their friendship started. It was the day she found out about Logan and his cheating on her.


When he entered his favourite bar, he saw her sitting in a corner. That wasn’t something unusual, because they met here once a week and she loved to just sit back and watch the people. But unusual was the large glass of Long Island Ice Tea sitting in front of her. She didn’t drink. He went to the table and sat down next to her.
“Hey kitten, what a pleasure to see you here!” He happily greeted. She then looked up and he saw the tears glitter in her big blue eyes. She tried to smile at him, but she failed. His heart broke a little as he saw her like that.
“Rory, love, what’s up?” When he said this the tears started falling. He helplessly hugged her and let her sob into his chest. Finn didn’t really know how to deal with a crying woman. He never learned it. In his whole life he had been the one to break a girl’s heart, not the guy in whose arms she would cry.
“It will be okay, love. Whatever it is, it will be okay” he murmured into her ear, he didn’t know what else he could do. After a few minutes she managed to control herself and sat up again. She didn’t make eye contact with him.
“I’m sorry, I just broke down. But it’s okay, you can go, you don’t have to deal with the crying wife of your friend anymore. I’ll just go now.” She wanted to get up but he got a hold of her wrist and pulled her down again.
“It’s okay kitten. I’m your friend and that’s what friends are for, right? And now, tell me what’s up, okay?” She nodded and began to tell him about how she found out about Logan’s affair with his secretary …

End Flashback

From that day on they grew closer and closer, till the point when they would share everything – well not everything. He had never shared one fact with her– the fact that he had been in love with her, even before they grew closer. He couldn’t tell her that. There was a large possibility, that she would go away from him, if she ever found out about the way he felt.
Finn snapped out of his thoughts when the first notes of ‘Like a virgin’ from Madonna filled the room. Then Kirk came on the stage and began to dance. Next to him Rory tried to stifle her giggle by burying her head in his shoulder.
“Patty told us, that he wanted to do something modern. But ‘Like a virgin’? Even I didn’t do that and I have done really embarrassing things!” he whispered, smirking.
“Well, you re-enacted the ‘Passion of the Christ’, played John Travolta in all roles possible and you set up the whole ‘Moulin Rouge’ for me at my bachelor party and played Ewan McGregor for me, if I remember right. By the way, what did you do at my party then?” But she didn’t get a reply. So they watched in more or less silence Kirk’s version of the song.

After Kirk, and with that the show, ended they went to the Gilmore house, still laughing about it.
“Kirk has really outdone himself tonight!” Lorelai held her sides.
“Yeah, he totally has. I never thought he could do something that embarrassing!” Even Luke chimed in.
“Yeah, but I’ve heard something interesting. What was the whole thing about Ewan McGregor about?” Lorelai asked. She had heard bits of the conversation between Rory and Finn.
“Well, the night before my wedding Finn had the big urge to set up something unforgettable for me. So he took me and the girls to his apartment, which had been the Moulin Rouge. He then started to re-enact the movie with me as Nicole Kidman and him as Ewan. He even got Robert and a few other boys to play the other figures. We played the complete movie that night, it was really cool.”
Lorelai just smiled and said ‘Good night’. As Rory spoke about that particular night there had been a glimmer in her eyes she didn’t expect to see on her daughter again. It was the glimmer that had been in her eyes, when the relationship with Dean had started. She didn’t know what it meant, but she knew, that her daughter was happy with Finn being in her life.

Freu mich auf eure Meinungen, ich liebe Moulin Rouge einfach - es musste rein.

GLG, Susu Smile


"The truth is rarely pure and never simple."
Oscar Wilde

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