Back where I belong


coool! schon wieder ein neuer Teil! Noch dazu so ein schöner!! Du förderst meine Abhängigkeit! DANKE!!!!Big Grin

Die Idee mit den Liedern ist echt toll! Ich hab auch für ein paar Freunde spezielle Klingeltöne. (Aber das bringt mir nur selten was, weil ich mein Handy meistens auf Lautlos hab! Sonst kann man im Unterricht nämlich schlecht sms schreibn...Wink)

Und ich bin schon seeeehr gespannt, wie es wird, wenn die Zwei zusammen in die Wohnung ziehen...!!

So, dass is zwar ziemlich, ziemlich wenig FB, aber ich muss dringend was zum Anziehen suchen. Warum müssen wir an so einem verdammt heißen Tag ganz in schwarz singen??? Das ist ja quasi Mord!!!
Also, falls ich mich nach den zwei nächsten Teilen nicht mehr melde bin ich zerronnen!Wink

Schönes Wochenende!
LG eve94

Nutze den Tag, sonst tut es ein anderer!Wink

Und da bin ich schon wieder. Meine Muse hat mich gestern Abend so lange gequält, bis ich schließlich weiter geschrieben hab und daher will ich auch euch einen weiteren Chappy nicht vorenthalten!


@katalin - Da hab ich noch gar nicht drüber nachgedacht ... Möglich wäre vielleicht "Unbelievable" von EMF (?) Mal sehen, vielleicht kann ich ja noch nen Song für sie mit reinbringen. Freut mich, dass es dir gefallen hat.

@JUHUI - Jap, Finn wohnt mit dort - daher auch die zwei Schlafzimmer (obwohl die Zimmeraufteilung sich in den späteren Chaptern ändern wird, die sind aber bis jetzt nur grob in meinem Kopf). schön, dass du es magst.

@contigo - Immer wieder gerne. Das schreiben macht mir ja auch Spaß. Ich freu mich, dass es dir so gefällt.

@eve94 - Na, schon zerlaufen? *g* Immer wieder gerne, wenn der Junkie immer wieder brav liest, hab ich ja schließlich auch was davon Big Grin Freut mich, dass es dir gefällt und ich hoff du überlebst! Wink

Ich hab übrigens auf der ersten Seite nen Banner hochgeladen. Nichts besonderes, aber ich wollt mal drauf aufmerksam machen. Wusstet ihr, dass Tanc ein Fanlisting hat?! Habs gestern entdeckt.

Anyway, on with Chapter 7:

She got us

To say Colin was exhausted was a great understatement. He had spent the last three days arguing with Logan about whether or not he would be Rory’s lawyer. Of course Logan thought it was against friendship rules to be on the side of his soon-to-be-ex-wife, but he didn’t care. Logan was one of his best friends, but the way he had treated the woman he claimed to love was just unacceptable. Sighing he sat down on his desk. Logan had behaved like a child and he wasn’t sure what to do about it. He wouldn’t change his decision, no matter what happened. He took out his phone and began to dial Rory’s number.

“Hey Colin” Rory happily greeted into the phone as soon as she was outside the bedroom she and Finn just stood in.
“Hey, how are you?”
“You sound exhausted” she stated.
“I am. I spent the last days arguing with Logan. Obviously Finn and I are really bad friends who just used his reputation over all the years.” He once again sighed.
“Oh Colin, I’m so sorry about that. You two shouldn’t loose friends because of me!” She heard him chuckle through the phone.
“I bet you told Finn the same.”
“I did” she agreed.
“And what did he answer you?”
“That I was being ridicules and that he does it out of his own free will. He wouldn’t want to loose me just because of my divorce with Logan.”
“I’m not going to say it again, but I would have said the same now. Ror we love you! You can always count on us. But now to the important things. We need to talk about the divorce. Do you have time to drive up here some time this week?”
“Sure, how about Thursday. But now I have to go. Finn and I are buying an apartment!”
“So you really got him to stay!” she heard before she ended the call.

“Please, please! God, if you really love me, then let’s take a break!” Rory begged. Buying furniture with Finn was really bad. He was worse than any woman on earth. She had known it would be exhausting, but not that it would be that bad! Finn on the other hand didn’t look back. He wanted to have the rooms ready to move in by the time Rory got divorced. But he knew, if he looked at her now he would be confronted with her begging blue eyes and would give in. And he didn’t want that to happen.
When they finally had the stuff for Rory’s bedroom plus a guy, who would deliver it to the apartment, he smiled at her. They would use the furniture from his apartment for the living room (including a really large plasma TV).
“Now we’re going to get you coffee.”

Before Thursday arrived Finn got to know a complete new chapter of the small town named Stars Hollow. This weekend would be the Stars Hollow dance marathon!


“What’s this?” he asked when he saw the poster. Rory, who was standing next to him, looked up and smiled.
“It’s for the dance marathon. We do it every year. It goes twenty-four hours, from 6 at Saturday morning and the last pair standing wins. Since I can think Kirk has won the trophy. But it’s really fun to watch.”
“Well, maybe the whole trophy-thing will change this year.” She looked at him surprised.
“You’re not going to change it, Finn! It was always Kirk, who won! And you don’t even have a partner, so –“ She cut of herself when she saw his grin.
“No! I’m not going to take part with you! Forget it!”
“Oh come on, kitten! You can’t do that!” he said pouting and looked at her with his best puppy-dog eyes. Unfortunately for her, her strength didn’t survive this look and she gave in.
“Okay, I’m gonna dance with you, but we will stop the moment I want to!” A moment later she was caught up in his arms, when he hugged her happily. Maybe this wasn’t such a bad idea …

End Flashback

But first they needed to drive to Boston to meet Colin. Rory was really nervous when they got into the car and drove off. For her it somehow felt like she was going back to Logan and she definitely didn’t want that. Finn glanced at her from time to time. He knew exactly how she felt and was afraid that she couldn’t survive the whole divorce. It was going to be very complicated.

When they arrived at Colin’s house they were greeted by Stephanie waddling down the steps and greeting them happily. Colin followed short after, smirking. After the greetings they went in. It was nice to sit there and talk to their best friends and Finn felt Rory relax more and more next to him. But at some point the subject couldn’t be avoided anymore and so Colin started about it.
“The divorce shouldn’t be so complicated. Technically you two have nothing that was under both your names. The apartment, the car – it’s all his. The only question would be, if you want him to pay.” Rory looked at him a little shocked and frightened.
“Why would I want that? It would just make everything worse!” she answered, while she crawled further into Finn’s embrace. Colin sighed.
“Yeah it would, but it would leave you at least with something. Otherwise you will go out with nothing.” The lawyer in him had gotten the upper hand. Rory just smiled weakly.
“I just want to get over with it, Colin. Nothing big, I don’t need his money. I have my mom and Stars Hollow and you three. That’s enough for me.” Colin wanted to say something, but Finn cut him of.
“Let it go, mate. She’s right, she got us, and we’re going to be there for her. Just let’s get over with it, so we can get past the real ugly things.”
His friend thought about it a moment and then nodded. Finn was right; it would be the best thing. And Rory got something from Logan, that he wouldn’t give away in any divorce – her best friends.
“Let’s get over with it!” he decided.

Viel Spaß beim Lesen, und freu mich auf eure Meinungen!
Susu Heart


"The truth is rarely pure and never simple."
Oscar Wilde

Logan bekommt das Haus, das Auto usw.
Rory bekommt Colin und Finn Big Grin
Rory und Finn werden gemeinsam am Tanzmarathon teilnehmen Wink

Danke, ich lebe noch (ein bisschen). Komm gerade vom Schwimmen, wo ich meine Körpertemperatur wieder auf normal herunter gekühlt habe...

Also: Schon wieder ein neuer Teil! Ich bin begeistert von deiner Muse!Big Grin

Ich freu mich schon total auf den Tanz marathon!! Das kann ja nur super werden!!! Coooool! und Finn und Rory treten gemeinsam an. Wenn da nicht was passiert...

Und wie bei Colin der Anwalt durchkommt. Muss ja fad ein, wenn er "nur" die Scheidung machen muss und nicht noch um irgendwas "kämpfen" kann...Wink Aber Rory bekommt eh das wichtigste: Die besten Freunde! die kann man sowieso durch nichts ersetzten!!

Also, ich bin gespannt wies weitergeht! Freu mich schon auf den Tanzmarathon!!!!

Schönen Abend noch!
LG eve94

Nutze den Tag, sonst tut es ein anderer!Wink

Hi Susu!
Bis ich mal zum FB komme *mich selber hau* Aber es macht so Spaß die FF zu lesen. Ich finde die sooooo klasse :herz: echt schön geschrieben.
Der Tanzmarathon Big Grin da werden bei mir Erinnerungen wach. ^^ Ein tolle Situation, die du da geschrieben hast. Kirk hat immer gewonne und ich hoffe es ändert sich dann. ^^ hab auch schon ne kleine Vorstellung was da vlt passieren könnte. Und Finn, der sagt er macht mit. und dann Rory überredet :herz: ach - die zwei sind so genial.
Dann auch noch Colin. Er kümmert sich echt toll um die Scheidung. Und die drei(Steph, Colin und Finn) stehen wirklich total hinter Rory. Ich mag das. Rory hat Recht, warum soll sie die Scheidung komplizert machen?! Sie will wirklich nichts von ihm.
ach ja danke, dass du mcih aufgeklärt hast - hab mir das schon gedacht, aber hab gerade nicht richtig gedacht. ^^ haha
Den Banner finde ich schön Smile
Ich fiebere den nächsten Teil schon entgegen und hoffe er kommt schon bald.
kiss anja


Sorry, ich hab mich hier lange nich mehr blicken lassen und hab auch einiges verpasst!
Ich könnte jetzt noch lang und breit auf einzelne Punkte eingehen, aber es würde am Ende eh das gleiche rauskommen! Also mache ich es kurz:
Einfach klasse!!!
Das liest sich flüssig und ist einfach toll!
Und es gibt mir das Gefühl Englisch zu können Smile Dein Englisch is aber auch gut, meine Güte Big Grin
Also ich freu mich schon auf den nächsten Teil!
Lg RoGirl

07.08.08- Endlich <3 Meine Gilmore Girls-Sammlung
ist komplett :groove:

Ui. lovely part <3
der tanzmarathon-flashback war toll <33
insgesamt mag ich deine schreibweise. jaja. schon tausend mal gesagt, aber ist wirklich so <3
mach weiter so, liebe grüße Steffi Heart

finn + rory beim Tanzmarathon, das wird ja bestimmt lustig

Vielleicht ist das Lachen eine der größten Erfindungen Gottes!

Hey sweethearts! Wink

Da bin ich wieder. Es gibt zwar keinen Neu-neuen Chapter, aber für euch hab ich ja trotzdem einen. Aber erstmal mein Re-Fb:

@katalin - Schätze mal, dir hat es gefallen. Freut mich. Ich hätte an Rory's Stelle aber auch lieber Colin und Finn gekriegt, als ein Haus.

@eve94 - Schön, dass es dir gefällen hat. Sooo viel passiert beim Tanzmarathon eigtl nicht ... da müsst ihr noch ein paar Teile warten *fieses Grinsen* Viel Spaß beim lesen!

@JUHUI - genug gefiebert! Freut mich, dass du den Teil so gemocht hast. Kein Problem mit dem aufklären, mach ich doch gern. Wirst ja sehen, ob nicht in diesem Jahr noch jemand anderes Kirks Thronfolge antritt. Wer weiß ...

@RoGirl - *Rotwerd* Danke für das Kompliment. Wenn man größtenteils auf englisch liest (was ich ja bei FFs grundsätzlich tue), kommt das irgendwann von selbst. Víel Spaß mit dem neuen Teil.

@contigo - why thank you! Wink Ich freu mich doch immer, wenn jemandem meine Schreibweise gefällt. Dir auch viel Spaß beim lesen.

@pratschkuh - Ach ja, ich hab den Tanzmarathon einfach geliebt - er musste mit rein. Viel Spaß beim herausfinden!

So, fertig. Nun ... Ladies and gentleman ... It's showtime!
Chapter 8:

He's my rock

Saturday morning Rory was woken up by a grinning Finn. Looking at the clock she groaned. It was five in the morning. But he brought her coffee, at least something. And he looked incredibly sexy in his outfit.
“Thirty minutes kitten, come on! Get up and dressed, I want to dance!”

Thirty minutes later Rory was dressed and ready to go, but still couldn’t really stand. She leaned into Finn the whole time, trying not to fall asleep standing. When they were there, Babette smiled at them.
“Still not much of an early bird, sugar?” She asked sympathetically.
“How can anyone be up? How can you be up, Finn? It’s an ungodly hour!” Rory groaned her eyes still closed. After that Finn burst out laughing.
“You really have been around me for too long, kitten!” She only smiled at that and leaned a little bit more into him. “Never” was the reply he got, and he truly liked that thought.

“Alright people! Every dancer on the dance floor please! And remember, in case of emergency you may use your yellow card and won’t be disqualified as long as your partner remains on the floor and moves all the time! Now get ready everyone! We have only two minutes left until we start!” Taylor shouted over everyone in the dance studio. Finn took Rory’s hand and smirked as he saw, where she put her yellow card.
“Nice place” he commented. She hit his arm laughing.
“Don’t even think about something dirty, Finn! And it’s the same place my mom put it every time.” His smirk only grew.
“Thinking something pretty dirty right now, what are you gonna do about it love?”
“Ignoring you, but that is impossible. Let’s just dance.” Right at that moment Taylor started the countdown.
“Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one! And it’s Showtime!” With that everyone began to dance.

The first hours were just big fun. Everyone was dancing fast, there wasn’t any slow song in between. And, of course, Finn was an amazing dancer. Babette even stayed longer on the floor just to watch him. But as always, hours passed and the songs became slower. The first real slow song came to an abrupt end as Taylor blew the horn and the run around began.
“I really hate Taylor, when he does that – he gets too much pleasure out of it!” Rory pointed out. Finn just grinned; he really had fun so far. It was great to participate with all those crazy people. Andrew had already rushed out and Kirk danced around them, as if he wanted to prove that he was the best. Plus dancing with Rory was fun, too. She had been in a good mood for the whole time. And her mood got only better when Luke made them coffee in the break.
“So my lovely daughter, are you having fun?” Lorelai asked Rory when Finn went away to get them food.
“Yeah, it’s really cool and Finn is a good dancer.” She smiled happily.
Lorelai smiled too. She had watched her daughter the whole time and she liked what she saw. Rory seemed to glow. She had laughed and joked around with Finn over the last fourteen hours, just a little bit exhausted.
“If I wouldn’t know better, I would say you two are in love.” Lorelai stated. Her daughter agreed.
“I know, we’re pretty close. He was there for my every time when I needed him in the last years. He took care of me, he let me cry on his shoulder when I needed to, he cheered me up, he brought me coffee and every possible food in entire Boston. I don’t know how to describe it. He is my rock, the yin to my yang. When we got closer it just fit, you know? It clicked, like in a puzzle. I don’t know what I’d do without him.” During her speech Rory gestured with her hands and something on her right wrist caught Lorelai’s eye. She took the arm and looked at it. It was a silver bracelet with three little pendants on it, a heart, a coffee cup and a kangaroo. The heart was in the middle.
“What’s this?” she asked curious.
“It’s a birthday present. I got it from Finn for my last birthday. He said he searched for two months before he found a jeweller that could make a coffee cup and a kangaroo.”
In this moment Finn came back and Taylor called the dancers on the floor again. Lorelai watched her daughter and her best friend go back. Finn had laid an arm around Rory’s waist. It wasn’t a possessive gesture or anything, but just this little fact showed the elder Gilmore Girl how much the Australian really cared about her daughter. ‘Just like Dean so long ago’ she thought and then went back to her husband.

The twenty third hour of the marathon had arrived and Rory was really tired. The only reason why she hadn’t passed out by now was the man she leaned on. Finn surely needed to hold nearly her whole weight, but he didn’t seem uncomfortable. She had played with the thought of stopping not two hours ago, but Finn seemed to enjoy himself and she didn’t want to stop that. She was glad that he liked her hometown that much … and she was quite comfortable with their position (her arms around his neck, her head on his chest and his arms around her waist). Finn felt about the same. He really liked being that close to Rory.
In that moment Kirks partner (he didn’t dance with Lulu because she wanted to watch him) went down. Patty woke up and blew the horn. The pair now stood still and Rory looked up at him with sleepy eyes. He smiled down at her and then twirled her around.
“We won, kitten!” he laughed as everyone began to clap.
“We won … We won?!” she finally seemed to register his words. Patty came up to them with the trophy.
“Congratulations! You two did that really good, it’s a first that Kirk didn’t win!” Suddenly Rory wasn’t sleepy anymore. She hugged Finn and then rose herself to give him a kiss. It was nothing, just a little peck on the lips, but that and her cheerful smile were enough for him. She was happy and he was part of the reason. It made him feel even better. Now Lorelai came up to them.
“I’m so proud of you! You got the trophy! I’m happy!” she said, while she jumped up and down like a little kid on Christmas. Finn took the trophy from Patty and watched the women smiling. He was really lucky to be here.

Freu mich auf eure Meinungen!
Liebe Grüße, Susu :knuddel:


"The truth is rarely pure and never simple."
Oscar Wilde

Hihi.. der Teil war toll :laugh:
It really made me laugh lol
Am besten war die Stelle mit der Beschreibung von Rory, wie Finn und sie zueinander stehen. <3
Haha, uuuund was ich eigentlich noch viel besser fand, war die Idee mit dem Armband. Versteckte Liebeszeichen, was?! Der Kaffee liebt das Känguru, Rory liebt Finn Heart oder halt andersrum ^^ tolle Idee <3
Liebe Grüße, Steffi Heart

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