Back where I belong

Also, hab natürlich wieder alle gelesen und kann nur sagen, dass die zwei sooo süß sind. Muha. Ich wieß nicht, wann ich das letzte Mal FB gebgeben hab xD, aber die Reise nach australien. Huuuii <3
Der Flashback & der Shopping-Dialog waren toll <3
Wobei ich die ganze Geschichte super finde & deinen Schreibstil auch Big Grin
Und der Teil Wub
Wie Rory über alles nachdenkt. aww.
I love you, Finny <333

oki, das wars schon wieder Big Grin

She's the emerald queen of desaster.

Mein FB kommt ein bisschen verspätet, da mein Ferienflieger aus einem wunderschönen Ägypten-Urlaub erst heute um vier in der Früh gelandet istRolleyes

Das war ein sooooooooo schönes Kapitel!!!!!!Heart

Irgendwie würde es mich glaub ich auch ängstigen, wenn ich jemanden wirklich so nah an mich ran lassen würde, dass er/sie wirklich alles über mich weiß. (Nicht weil ich schlechte Erfahrungen habe, sondern einfach weil mein Vertrauen in Freundschaft nie so groß geworden is...)

Ich finde es ist gut, dass Rory sich solche Fragen stellt. Zweifel gehören einfach dazu. Und wenn Finn ihr diese Zweifel dann auch noch nehmen kann, is wieder noch mehr Vetrauen da und das is ja auch nicht so schlecht oda... (Ok, irgendwie schreib ich Blödsinn, bin wohl noch ein bisschen übernachtig...:pfeifSmile
Auf alle Fälle bin ich mir auch sicher, dass Finn sie nicht im Stich lassen wird!

und dieses kleine "I love you" war doch schon mal ein sehr schöner Anfang! Bitte weiter in diese Richtung!!

Ich warte gespannt auf weitere kapitel!!!!

Schönen Abend noch!
LG eve94

Nutze den Tag, sonst tut es ein anderer!Wink

Hallo meine Süßen!

Da bin ich wieder. Nachdem ich schon vor ein paar Tagen endlich den 20. Chapter fertig hatte, kriegt ihr natürlich auch wieder einen neuen.

@ Steffi - So viele Umwege sind es gar nicht mehr. Der Umweg beträgt um genau zu sein noch zwei Chapter. Freu dich schonmal! Smile Danke für dein Fb!

@ Kiwi-Power - Ja ja, ich glaub man kann ihn nur lieben! Big Grin Freut mich, dass dir mein Schreibstil und die FF so gut gefallen!

@ eve94 - War der Urlaub denn schön? Na ja, ich denke auch, dass es für Rory erstmal schwierig war jemanden so nah an sich ran zu lassen - aber mit der Zeit ist es einfach passiert. Und das ist ihr im letzten Chappy einfach klar geworden. Ich bin deiner Meinung, aber da ich nach Laune schreibe, wer weiß was ich den armen beiden noch alles aufbrumme *fiesesGrinsen* Danke für das FB!

So und weiter gehts - Chapter 13:

Uncle Finn

The next morning Rory woke up from a knock on the door and the delicious smell of coffee, which filled the room moments later. She kept her eyes closed till Finn sat down on the bed and held a cup in front of her.
“Morning!” she said cheery and snagged the coffee out of his hands.
“In my world it could be considered morning, yeah” he smiled.
“What time is it?” she asked surprised. It had to be late, when he said something like that.
“Two in the afternoon, love!” he grinned, but was serious again a moment later, “How are you feeling?”
“I’m fine. I told you it was stupid!”
“And I told you it wasn’t. But let’s move on, now. What do you want to do with the rest of the day?” he asked. Rory knew he was still thinking about last night, though. She was about to answer, when his phone rang.
“Hello?” he answered it. Seconds later a smile spread across his face.
“You’re here? … Of course! … No, Rory is here with me … Sure, I would love that. Just let me ask, okay?” He looked back at his best friend.
“My sister’s in town, love. She would love to meet us, especially you. Do you want to go?”
“Of course I want to go! We can meet her after we ate breakfast – or lunch actually.” She agreed happily. Rory had never met Finn’s little sister personally, but she knew everything about her. Trisha was five years younger than him and had a daughter named Rosalie. Everyone just called the little girl Rosie. Rory had seen pictures of them, but they never met, because Trish lived in Paris with her husband. Meeting her now was an offer she happily agreed on.
Finn smiled at her and then turned back to the phone conversation to confirm the meeting. At the same time Rory got up and headed for the bathroom to shower. Finn watched her go. She was dressed in his shirt. It was way too big for her, but strangely it seemed to fit perfectly. He had always liked seeing her in his shirts. It had only been on rare occasions, that he saw her like that before her divorce. Since she moved out, she wore them nearly every night. A fact his selfish side was overjoyed with. Plus they might be way too big for her, they barely reached her knees. It was a very tempting sight. Groaning he put the now shut phone away and let himself fall back on the bed. He needed to stop thinking about her like that!

“Uncle Finn!” the little girl called and ran towards them. He bent down and caught his three-year-old niece smiling.
“Hey there, little girl! I missed you, do you know that?” Rosie nodded and hugged her uncle happily.
“Missed you too!” she agreed. Rory stood next to them and watched the scene smiling. She had never thought about Finn as a fatherly type, but now it seemed just natural. A smiling woman came to stand in front of them. She had blond hair and her eyes had the same deep green Finn’s had. Rory recognized her immediately, despite the fact that she had seen her only on the pictures in Finn’s bedroom. As Finn and Rosie seemed to be in their own little world, the two women smiled at each other.
“I’m Trisha” Finn’s sister finally said, rolling her eyes at her daughter and brother. Rory smiled at that.
“I figured. I’m Rory, it’s nice to meet you!” They shook hands when Finn and Rosie finally snapped out of their daze. Finn turned towards the two women and watched them for a moment, before he asked impatiently: “So, what do we want to do now?” Both girls looked at him and then burst out laughing as they saw his expression.

Trisha smiled at her big brother as they watched Rosie play with Rory. The little girl, not known for being shy, had liked Rory immediately. After a while, Trish turned around and looked at Finn.
“So, since when do you sleep with her?” she asked. Finn looked at her surprised.
“I don’t. She’s my friend, nothing more.” Trisha rolled her eyes at that.
“I understand, if you don’t want to tell mom and dad, Finn. But you can tell me, you know?”
“Trish, I do not sleep with her. We never did! And I don’t think that will change in the future.” His sister looked away again, a smile gracing her lips.
“But you want to, Finn. I can see it.”
“Her feelings are more important than mine.” He shrugged. He had always handled it that way, and he wouldn’t change it. He looked at his little sister surprised, when she began to laugh.
“You’re in love. And she isn’t even a redhead! I always thought you would marry when you’re seventy and she would be a twenty-year-old, who only wants your money.”
“What does it matter, that she isn’t a redhead?” he asked, not quite understanding.
“You haven’t looked at a girl without red hair and with a brain since you were fifteen Finn! It’s funny!”
“What’s funny?” Rory asked, while she sat down at Finn’s lap. His arms came around her waist and she leaned back at his chest. Finn ignored the knowing look his sister shot him and answered: “Nothing, kitten, nothing!”

Freu mich auf eure Meinungen!
LG, Susu Smile


"The truth is rarely pure and never simple."
Oscar Wilde


Danke, der Urlaub war toll!! Ich war zum ersten mal tauchen! und dort war auch noch ein super schönes Korallenriff... TRAUMHAFT!!!

Aber jetzt zum neuen Chapter:
Es war wiedermal super!!!
Rory in Finn's shirts. ich kann mir durchaus vorstellen, dass ihm das gefällt...Big Grin
Und aufwachen um zwei Nachmittag. Das ist doch eher Finn's Zeit oder...? (Aber ich kanns voll und ganz verstehen! Das ist auch ungefähr meine Zeit wenn ich fix und fertig bin/war!)

Und Finn's Schwester ist ja voll lieb! Und sie hat, - genau wie alle anderen auch - natürlich sofort kapiert was Sache ist...

Naja, ich bin Optimistin, gehe meistens vom guten im Menschen aus. Darum hoffe ich, du lässt uns nicht mehr all zu lange zappeln und öffnest Rory die Augen!:pfeif:

Na dann. Ich gehe mein restliches Gewand wegräumen, sonst verliert meine Mutter noch ihre gute Urlaubslaune, und das will ich am Wochenende vielleicht doch nicht...Big Grin

Schönen Tag noch!
LG eve94

Nutze den Tag, sonst tut es ein anderer!Wink

Mensch da is man mal kurz für 10 Tage in einem Sprachcamp mit unbequemen Betten und schon verpasst man zwei Teile Big Grin
Und beide waren wirklich, wirklich klasse!
Ich warte nur auf den Teil wo Rory endlich mal ihre Augen aufmacht xD
Also bis zum nächsten Teil!
Glg RoGirl

07.08.08- Endlich <3 Meine Gilmore Girls-Sammlung
ist komplett :groove:

So dann kommen wir mal zu meinem längst überfälligen FB Big Grin
sorry, sorry, aber jetzt kommt es ja und ich hoffe es ist genauso wie du es dir vorstelllst. Wink
Juhu, hier sind also meine Drogen *freu* und jetzt gibt es ne volle Dröhnung. xD gleich zwei Teile Big Grin ach, du weißt sicher, dass deine FF, mich vollkommen gefesselt hat und ich sie sehr gern hab oder?!
so nun zu dem 12. Kapitel!
Why am i afraid?
gute Frage! aber ich kann verstehen! am besten ich zitere das, was Finn gesagt habe:
Zitat:“It’s not stupid, love, don’t think that. I understand, really. There were many guys in your life, who let you down. Your father, who had never really been in your life; Jess, who just disappeared; Logan and even Dean somehow. They were all close to you and they all let you down. But you need to believe me something. I promise, no I swear not to ever let you down. I won’t hurt you, Rory. Rather I’d jump from one of those crazy high skyscrapers they have in China or Japan, than ever hurt you. I’ve seen you hurt and I just couldn’t live with it.”
oih mann er sagt das so lieb und dann mit dem "vom-hochhaus-springen" :herz: das ist ja schon ein richtiger Liebesbeweis. Wann gesteht er ihr endlich seine LIebe?! das muss doch bald sein *schmoll* wenigstens ist überhaupt ein "i-love-u" drinnen *hehe*
du machst mich neugierig auf mehr und so ein WUnder da ist noch ein teil Big Grin
Kapitel 13:
Onkel Finn :p

Sie treffen also seine Schwester und deren Tochter.
Ahh die kliene mag ja Finn wirklich sehr gerne und sie versteht sich auch mit Rory super *heeh*
Und dann sagt die SChwester das, was sie denkt. OH mann, echt alle glauben das, aber wann ist es so?! *liebschau*
Rothaarig? xD
Zitat:“You’re in love. And she isn’t even a redhead! I always thought you would marry when you’re seventy and she would be a twenty-year-old, who only wants your money.”
lol, die Vorstellung xD xD
Zitat:“You haven’t looked at a girl without red hair and with a brain since you were fifteen Finn! It’s funny!”
interessant, was wir da so über Finn erfahren xD xD
ich hoffe, dass sich Rory und Finn endlich eingestehen, dass sie doch mehr für einander empfinden. bitte.
also bis zum nächsten kapitel, susu.
bussi anja


Omg <3
Wie schön. Ich find's total schön, wie die beiden mit einander umgehen : )
Mach weiter so meine Liebe.
Liebe Grüße <3

Hallo meine Süßen!
Hach ja, endlich wieder ne Internetverbindung, die keine fünf Stunden braucht um eine Seite zu öffnen *freu*.

@ eve94 - Na dann werde ich wenigstens deinem Optimismus gerecht. Bin eine ganz Liebe ... nur manchmal übernimmt der kleine Teufel in mir das Kommando *grins* Sie wirds jedenfalls schon kapieren. Freut mich, dass der Teil dir gefallen hat.

@ RoGirl - Sprachcamp mit unbequemen Betten? Hört sich ja toll an. Wink Und bald ist es soweit!

@ Anja - Es macht nix, dass dein Fb "überfällig" war. Ich muss ja schließlich nur fertige Teile on stellen - im Gegensatz zu dir. Und ja, ich habs gemerkt Big Grin Tja ja, bald eben ... Bin mal gespannt was du zum nächsten Teil zu sagen hast

@ Steffi - Danke fürs Fb und freut mich, dass es dir so gut gefällt.

So, jetzt halt ich es nicht mehr aus - auf zum nächsten Chappy!

Sunsets are for couples

Later that day Trish finally caught Rory alone. She had waited for an opportunity to talk to her brother’s “best friend” without having him around for a while now, but it nearly seemed impossible to catch one of them not glued to the other.
“Hey” she said and sat down next to Rory. The other woman looked up from her book and smiled.
“So, where did you leave my brother?” Rory’s smile grew.
“With your daughter. I think he needed a nap, too. When I left him, he was asleep in our room next to Rosie.”
“So there’s no chance that he’s coming down here soon?” Trish asked. She rather had it confirmed, than risk the possibility that Finn found out about her concerns.
“I don’t think so. It was a very sweet picture. I never took Finn as the fatherly type.”
“Yeah well, there’s a lot more about him than what meets the eye.” Rory looked down for a moment.
“I know. I don’t think I would be where I am in my life without him.” Trish looked at her questioning. Finn had never told her Rory’s full story.
“What do you mean?”
“I didn’t grow up in society. But when I met Logan in college I changed. By the end of my second year I dropped out of Yale, moved in with my grandparents and joined the DAR. Luckily an old friend of mine helped me out of that after a while and I went back to school. But Logan and I were together until my graduation, even though I knew he had cheated on me. When he proposed I said yes without thinking twice; it was just the right thing to do for me. My mom didn’t think he was right for me and tried to talk me out of it, so I broke contact to her and moved to Boston with Logan. We married and I was happy, but about one year after our wedding I found out, that he was cheating on me – not just with one woman, but with a lot. Well, that was basically the day, that Finn and I started our friendship. He was the only one, who knew about Logan’s cheating besides me and he helped me through all this. I probably would have gone crazy without him. In the end I got the strength to move out and go back to my mom. Finn and Colin helped me, where they could. I know for sure, that I would still be with Logan, if it wasn’t for Finn.” A deep thankfulness could be heard out of Rory’s words. But thankfulness wasn’t always enough.
“Wow. I don’t really know what else to say to this story!” They sat in silence for a few minutes till Trish began to speak again.
“Rory … After what you just told me, it might sound stupid, but … could you be careful around Finn?” Rory looked at her surprised.
“What? Why?”
“Well, your whole behaviour around each other … I think you might be a little more than a friend for him.” To her surprise the other girl laughed.
“That’s not true! If it seems like that, I’m sorry, but we’re just friends. And since I know Finn he never looked at a girl unless she was a redhead!”
“I know, maybe you’re right. I just don’t want him to get hurt.” With a look in Trish’s eyes Rory was serious again.
“I won’t hurt him, I promise.” Trish nodded and stood up.
“I’ll let you get back to your book.” With that she disappeared.

“I want to see the sunset at the beach!” Rory decided, after they had said goodbye to Trish and Rosie.
“No” was Finn’s simple answer.
“Why not?”
“Sunsets are for couples! And since we aren’t a couple, we shouldn’t watch a sunset at a beach.”
“That’s not true! Come on!”
“Finn …” Rory looked up at him with her best puppy dog eyes. He held her gaze for a moment, then his walls caved in.
“Thank you! I promise I’ll be your best friend for that!” He just shook his head smiling and silently asked himself, what he might have gotten himself in.

True to his opinion, Finn saw a lot of couples at the beach. He sighed. This kind of scenarios weren’t really his type. He wasn’t the romantic guy, but what could he do? When Rory finally had found a place to her liking they sat down and looked at the setting sun above the ocean.
She leaned a little bit more into him, as his arm came around her shoulders.
“It’s beautiful” Rory sighed.
“Hmm …” he agreed, not really looking at the sunset. He had seen a lot of those in his life. They were pretty, but nothing against the girl leaning against his shoulder. You need to stop this, he thought, now … one … two … three … and look away … you’re still looking!
In this moment Rory looked up and smiled at him. The smile in her eyes was suddenly replaced by surprise as he couldn’t fight the urge anymore and leaned down. Her lips were soft against his. After a few seconds she responded to his kiss – it felt like nothing he ever experienced. Sadly the happiness didn’t last long, because she pulled away abruptly and held her fingers to her lips on shock.
“You … You kissed me!”

So, damit knuddel ich euch alle ganz doll!


"The truth is rarely pure and never simple."
Oscar Wilde


Da ich die FF in einem anderem Forum lese wollte ich dir hier jetzt mal schreiben das ich die Geschichte echt klasse finde. Smile

Mach weiter so.

Gruss Vanessa


Ohhh <3
Finn küsst Rory!!!! YAY!
Ich mag Trish Big Grin Sie will das beste für Finn <3 (&das ist Rory.)
Aber das Rory ihn dann wegstößt.. bzw den Kuss abrupt beendet ist nicht gut ._. Vor allem, weil sie ja meint, sie will hn nicht verletzten. Tsaa xD
Aber dieses "Wir sind nur Freunde, da ist nicht mehr" war ja auch bei Lore & Luke... und wir wissen alle, was daraus geworden ist. Haha.

Ukay, das wars auch schon wieder <3

She's the emerald queen of desaster.

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