English Chatcorner II

Wow, you guys read a lot of english books in school. We just read "Of mice and men" by Steinbeck and the shortstories for my high school diploma.I wished we would have read more, I think it would have helped a lot for some students who couldn't speak English that good.

I read a lot of english books by myself. Actually, I enjoy reading books in English more than reading books in German. I started when I was 15 so I can't really list all the books I read so far. Smile

Just to tell some "Twelve" by Nick McDonnel, all books by Cecilia Ahern and J.K. Rowling, right now "The Shadow of the wind" by Carlos Ruiz Zafon (very good book!! and wonderful story)


Karo schrieb:I've never seen an edition where Shakespeare's work has been translated to "modern" english, so I think it's not that special if you had to read the old version Smile

Normally the Shakespeare books used at school have their left page in the older version and their right page with the "translated" version, that's what my english teacher told me.

But we got an original version, it wasn't easy to read, and it was the first time for me to see and read Old English...and afterwards we had to learn anything about Shakespeare...

Nevertheless, english has been my favourite subjectSmile



I've never seen such a book Smile we always used the original ones in our advanced english course.

I loved english at school but now, at university, I learned to hate certain aspects of studying a language ^^

Karo schrieb:I loved english at school but now, at university, I learned to hate certain aspects of studying a language ^^

What do you study exactly and were?


I study history and english at the University of Erfurt.

Karo schrieb:I study history and english at the University of Erfurt.

Do you want to become a teacher or do you just study those subjects?


Just for fun you could say Smile I don't want to become a teacher 'cause I see all those weird teenagers and I don't think I'm a person of authority ^^

I know this problem^^

My english teacher was the only teacher of my class who was able to show us her "authority", she was respected by everyone (other teachers weren't). I think it was because she showed us that she is nothing better than us and just trying to learn us something we can use for life..I like her so much thanks to her I love english Smile

The teacher I had before her (from 1th to 4th grade, grammar school) was horrible, she hated me and I always got a 4 or 5 (5 is the worst mark in Austria), and I didn't make more mistakes than others or so, she just hated me for no reason....and nobody liked her...Until 5th grade, when I got my new teacher Ms.Krauss, I hated english and really was afraid of the lessons, cause' my teacher was so unfair and rude...she even hated my Mum for no reason..no idea what her problem was.Sad



Karo schrieb:I study history and english at the University of Erfurt.

Hey, that's what I studied (before I spectacularly dropped out). Only it was ancient history which I studied.

We saved the world. I say we party.

Sparrow schrieb:Hey, that's what I studied (before I spectacularly dropped out).

I'm curious^^ why did you drop out and what was spectacular about it? I'm so curious I know, You needn't to answer my question....^^



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