English Chatcorner II

melitta schrieb:I know this problem^^

My english teacher was the only teacher of my class who was able to show us her "authority", she was respected by everyone (other teachers weren't). I think it was because she showed us that she is nothing better than us and just trying to learn us something we can use for life..I like her so much thanks to her I love english Smile

The teacher I had before her (from 1th to 4th grade, grammar school) was horrible, she hated me and I always got a 4 or 5 (5 is the worst mark in Austria), and I didn't make more mistakes than others or so, she just hated me for no reason....and nobody liked her...Until 5th grade, when I got my new teacher Ms.Krauss, I hated english and really was afraid of the lessons, cause' my teacher was so unfair and rude...she even hated my Mum for no reason..no idea what her problem was.Sad

We all love Ms. Krauss Big Grin
but she sometimes can be very rude too Big Grin but in a funny way.^^
who was your first teacher?

Insalata Mista,Baby.

melitta schrieb:But we got an original version, it wasn't easy to read, and it was the first time for me to see and read Old English...and afterwards we had to learn anything about Shakespeare...
actually Old English looks like this:
Zitat:Hwæt! Wē Gār-Dena in geārdagum, þēodcyninga, þrym gefrūnon, hū ðā æþelingas ellen fremedon.
(aus Beowulf)

Shakespeare's English is an early form of Modern English (afaIk Wink)

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The venerable Ms. KraussBig Grin
She said her only love were her brother's dogs...
and that she liked tartare liver (eeeeeeeewwww)...I never understood why^^

My first teacher was Ms. (or Mrs. I don't know if she's married so far) Hufstadt..she was the evil in person^^

Once a boy, we all didn't know (at least most of us...I think he was a friend of one of our classmates..) hid under the teachers desk. Ms. Hufstadt came in, sat down and didn't notice him. After a while, he made some funny noises like grunting, but I think she had hearing hardness...and so she didn't notice that too. It was the moment we pupils discovered that something is in the classroom, but we didn't know there was the boy under her desk, and no one dared to say something, so the lesson proceeded.
Suddenly she stood up and began to scream (later she said the boy had touched her feet-ew) and the boy got out and immediately ran away, she tried to follow him, but was too lame, so she screamed after him :"Du Blödmann du". We hardly tried not to laugh, it was too funny, but afterwards she informed the headmaster and told him that she nearly had had a heartattack (she definitely exaggerated). She has never trusted us again and always complained that we were very bad kids...and the lessons with her were even more unbearable than before.

I don't think it was our fault, I mean, we didn't know that he was under her desk (well, I can say with assurance, that I didn't know he was there), someone could have said something about the noise, but what were we supposed to say? "Ms. Hufstadt, there is a strange noise, can't you hear it?" She would have been extremly mad because someone dared to interrupt AND said she couldn't hear it...^^

The time with her was a lesson for life.....avoid mean people as good as you

Kristina schrieb:Shakespeare's English is an early form of Modern English (afaIk Wink)

Ah^^ I didn't know that! My teacher never assertively said that it was Old English, she just said it was English like it was spoken and written these times, so I guessed it was Old English^^...



I'm sorry I'm such a smart ass Inko, but as a student of English I kinda had to tell you Wink

No problem, now I don't have to live with a lie^^



melitta schrieb:I'm curious^^ why did you drop out and what was spectacular about it? I'm so curious I know, You needn't to answer my question....^^

Dropped out because I realised I didn't really want to go where I was going w/the studying. Well and spectacular is probably not really the right word... it was just that everyone was really surprised when I got up one morning and decided not to go back, more or less. Because I was doing pretty well until then. And of course they couldn't know I had thought about it for the better part of a year already and it wasn't as spontaneous as it might have looked.

As for teachers... teachers and I never got along all that well. *g* I guess the best teacher I've ever known was my history teacher in grades 12 and 13. He really knew how to motivate people, and he made history sound interesting.
I think a lot of people become teachers because they don't know what else to become. Met a lot of those in uni. That history teacher was different. He actually cared about his students. He knew everyone in the whole school, and I mean really EVERYONE. By name. He used to stand at the entrance before first period and greet everyone that came in. Which is pretty cool, I think. Everyone always knew where to find him and he actually talked to people. There should be more teachers like that.

We saved the world. I say we party.

If you think it doesn't fit you, it's not "wrong" to drop out - I can understand your decision very good Smile

I think your history teacher was a very nice person Smile And it isn't easy to remember ALL pupil's names.

One teacher always called me "Kathrin", but my name is "Katharina", once I didn't react and after 5 cries for "Kathrin" to come out I asked if she meant me, she said yes, and I answered, that my name was "Katharina" and she said that she didn't care what my name was!!!!!

And I had one teacher who insisted on taking pictures of us, just to easily remember who we are...
I didn't want him to take a picture of me, but I was nearly forced to stop refusing...and he got the stupid pic.
When our form master told us who we gonna get as physics teacher (he was the one with the pics), we didn't know him at all, and then she told us, that we had had to tell her if something was happening...And later we get informed that he already immoral touched some older girls...eeeeeeeeewwww...that was the moment we understood why we shall tell our form master if something had happened.

And my gym teacher, she was horrible she put so much mental pressure on us, I always had stomach ache before gym lessons...although I like exercising, but with her it was as horrible as one day in hell (like I imagine it)... I'm so glad that I needn't see her again...She's the one person I've ever met I only feel hate for, even my former english teacher was better than her...

*enough complaint about my horrible teachers^^*



hahah.there are so many bad stories about your gym teacher,kathrin Wink haha .Sorry my Dear.
I'm glad 'cause she's not my teacher ^^ although I've many bad teachers too.
I'm sure you know Misses "White-Chicken"? :lach:
She always talks about beeing a good teacher etc but she WASN'T a good teacher at all 'cause we had to do everything on our own..she just sit there,relaxing and sometimes she was mad at us because we were too loud ^^. She sometimes sad "Oh my god. I'm looking forward to my next lesson because today,I won't see you anymore!" or "Don't look at my like PIK7!" Big Grin
Okay, sometimes she was funny :lach:

and at our last school day (before break) she came to us and said,that she would leave school (pension)...oh, glad we get to know that so early Big Grin

(omg, my english's so bad, I'm sorry ^^)

Insalata Mista,Baby.

@milo+alexis-fan: your English isn't bad at all.

OMG I remember gym as the most horrible of all classes. There was this teacher who always made us do gymnastics and aerobic and stuff and she was so totally convinced that students were all made of evil. There was one girl in the class who had a congenital heart defect and she couldn't really run or anything cos her heart couldn't take it, and that teacher made her run about ten laps around the gym until she threw up. And the teacher KNEW about her heart defect. That sucked.

We saved the world. I say we party.

milo+alexis-fan schrieb:I'm sure you know Misses "White-Chicken"? :lach:

She was the one who constantly called me "Kathrin"Big Grin
and your english isn't bad, don't excoriate yourself, I think it's pretty good!

OMG Sparrow, poor girl, sounds like my teacher, we had one girl with some respiratory syndrom, I don't know what exactly, but she was unable to do arduous challenges. And one day we had to do a "Zirkeltraining" (no idea what it means in english^^), and that was extremely arduous, even the "healthy ones" had their problems, and then the girl with the respiratory syndrom suddenly collapsed and couldn't breath anymore. We were so afraid, some even cried, but our teacher just stood there and said she should breath easy (haha) and stop acting...
There are many stories like that..
ah one of my stories...
We were playing basketball and I tried to catch the ball, I managed to do it, but my middle finger got hurt. I first didn't notice it, but when I wanted to catch the ball again I couldn't grab it...so I went to the evil teacher and told her about it, but she didn't believe me! She wanted me to play again, I tried again to convince her that it really hurt, but no- I had to play. So I tried to play but I couldn't manage it, I was unable to catch a ball, it hurt too much. So I just sat down at a corner were 5 girls, from the group wwhich wasn't playing at the moment sat, I told them what happened and showed them my finger. After about 5 min. it was blue all over and two times bigger than normally...Afterwards I was in hospital to hear what exactly happened with my finger and the bone(s?) were severely slivered, so I had to wear a splint for the finger^^ and I got an affirmation from the doctor that I'm unable to play or run( haha) for five weeks.
It was a triumphant moment when I showed the evil the affirmation. She tried to act like she did nothing wrong, but I could see it in her eyes, I swear I saw the mistake glimmering in her eyes and I hope she felt bad. I deeply hope she felt very very bad.

Now she had a herniated disc. I'm not sorry for her.

Wow I wanted to stop with my teachers but I couldn't-sorry sorry sorry^^

edit: I just throw out all my school papers I kept, in order if I need them someday, but now I convinced myself I never ever will need them again. It was a great feeling to throw them away, but to see all the stuff I once had to learn reminded me how hard school was. I saw "Extremwertaufgaben", "Chemische Eigenschaften von Metallen" and many more, also an "article" I had to write about plastic surgery for english..Ah I loved to write articles for english, it was the only homework I did with pleasure^^

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