milo+alexis-fan schrieb:I'm sure you know Misses "White-Chicken"? :lach:
She was the one who constantly called me "Kathrin"

and your english isn't bad, don't excoriate yourself, I think it's pretty good!
OMG Sparrow, poor girl, sounds like my teacher, we had one girl with some respiratory syndrom, I don't know what exactly, but she was unable to do arduous challenges. And one day we had to do a "Zirkeltraining" (no idea what it means in english^^), and that was extremely arduous, even the "healthy ones" had their problems, and then the girl with the respiratory syndrom suddenly collapsed and couldn't breath anymore. We were so afraid, some even cried, but our teacher just stood there and said she should breath easy (haha) and stop acting...
There are many stories like that..
ah one of my stories...
We were playing basketball and I tried to catch the ball, I managed to do it, but my middle finger got hurt. I first didn't notice it, but when I wanted to catch the ball again I couldn't grab I went to the evil teacher and told her about it, but she didn't believe me! She wanted me to play again, I tried again to convince her that it really hurt, but no- I had to play. So I tried to play but I couldn't manage it, I was unable to catch a ball, it hurt too much. So I just sat down at a corner were 5 girls, from the group wwhich wasn't playing at the moment sat, I told them what happened and showed them my finger. After about 5 min. it was blue all over and two times bigger than normally...Afterwards I was in hospital to hear what exactly happened with my finger and the bone(s?) were severely slivered, so I had to wear a splint for the finger^^ and I got an affirmation from the doctor that I'm unable to play or run( haha) for five weeks.
It was a triumphant moment when I showed the evil the affirmation. She tried to act like she did nothing wrong, but I could see it in her eyes, I swear I saw the mistake glimmering in her eyes and I hope she felt bad. I deeply hope she felt very very bad.
Now she had a herniated disc. I'm not sorry for her.
Wow I wanted to stop with my teachers but I couldn't-sorry sorry sorry^^
edit: I just throw out all my school papers I kept, in order if I need them someday, but now I convinced myself I never ever will need them again. It was a great feeling to throw them away, but to see all the stuff I once had to learn reminded me how hard school was. I saw "Extremwertaufgaben", "Chemische Eigenschaften von Metallen" and many more, also an "article" I had to write about plastic surgery for english..Ah I loved to write articles for english, it was the only homework I did with pleasure^^