English Chatcorner II

OMG, that's so evil...
I was always pretty lucky with my gym teachers, and I still am.
Until i was 14 I have had some kind of heart defect too and I simply couldn't do some things in gym... My teachers knew about that and they were pretty nice and allowed me to sit down when I just couldn't go on...


Oh, I'm sure there are good gym teachers out there. My gym teacher in 5th and 6th grade was pretty awesome. He didn't give good grades for being able to do a lot, he actually gave good grades to those who made an actual effort, no matter if they were any good or not. So if at the beginning of the year you could run 10 kilometers straight and at the end of the year you could still do the same, that was good, but in his eyes it was even better if at the beginning of the year you ran away when you saw a basketball and at the end of the year you at least *tried* to catch it. That was really cool.

We saved the world. I say we party.

You had a male gym teacher?

I don't know how it is handled in Germany, but in Austria, male teachers are not allowed to instruct girls in gym, and otherwise, female teachers are not allowed to instruct boys...
It's because of eventual sexual annoyance....

But my evil gym teacher, was lesbian....It wasn't official, but there was a pupil who was lesbian too and she talked with the evil about it..because she knew she was lesbian... complicated story...and the evil had an affair (or has?) with another female married! teacher who hadn't taught in our school anymore.

Every time we changed clothes I felt uncomfortable when she was watching us. If I hadn't known that she was lesbian I wouldn't felt that uncomfortable. To know that the evil is lesbian is an awkward feeling. Normally I don't care about somebody's sexuality, but related to the evil I had to care...



You have separate gym classes for boys and girls? That's gotta be awesome. We just have one 'gym class' for all kinds of people with all kinds of body parts.

We saved the world. I say we party.

Yes^^ we had separated gym classes. And I was very happy about it...I think it's something austrian...

The girls have to do the gym, floor exercises, high bar and so on (I hate that soooooooooo much) and the boys always played soccer or basketball. I wanted to play that too, but we never just played basketball. Before we had to do floor exercises or gym and then for about half an hour we played basketball. It's another reason why I disliked sport lessons, we never did something fun Sad
Oh and we always had cardio training and endurance run, I was fine with endurance runs, cause' I was able to concentrate on something else and running for long distances is something I am good at. So I wasn't too disappointed when we went outside to run.



At the moment I prepare myself for the acceptance test at the University of Salzburg for KoWi.

The test consists of 4 different parts.

One is testing knowledge about media and politics.

and another is testing your language skills in english by giving a text.

I wrote the "Studienvertretung" and asked them, what this two parts exactly mean.
For instance: Am I asked questions after reading the english text or am I supposed to write a summary...?

I hope they are allowed to answer my questions...:o



So, got an answer yet? At the universities I've studied at, I always found the "Studienvertretung" to be pretty unbureaucratic and cooperative. Except in those cases when they were to lazy doing something at all. ^^ But those were mostly exceptions.

We saved the world. I say we party.

Yes a got an answer, it helped a little.

The questions about media and politics should be easy to answer (like who is the austrian president or who is the president of the european comission)

Someone mentioned that he (2 years ago) got questions about math. Something with statistics to interpret or so. I hope it isn't to difficult, I was pretty untalented^^ in math.

Another one said that everything was easy but not the english text and the questions about it. I don't know how good he/she is at english, but I hop not so good^^ then it should be easy for me, and it was just difficult for him/her because his/her english is bad.

I'm so nervous. I don't know what to do if I fail.

I hope the questions are easy.

By the way, mc means multiple choice, but what does sc mean? Does anyone know?



I dont know the answer to your question, I just wanted to say, that I´m so happy, because my new english teacher is so cool and it is very funny now in our english classes. Smile
And so I hope that my english will be better after this school year...but I think so, because when something makes fun it is easier to learn...

I like my new english teacher, too. but it's a little bit difficult because I have two english classes, the normal lesson and an extra class for making the first cambridge certificate.
have you heard of this? I think it is really good to have but to get it you have to pay 140 € to make the test.
my normal english teacher speaks english like a ...(I don't no, there's no comparison to that Big Grin). she makes so much mistakes and repeats everything in german as if she thinks we don't understand her at all. but my cambridge teacher is totally different. she speaks english like she is british and I love to listen to british english. I think this year will be the first year since 8th grade in which I will learn something. I had an english teacher who was from spain and couldn't speak german and she spoke english worse than we did...Unsure


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